
Change of Heart
Taemin's POV
I sat on my bed and stared at my pokemon plushies. "Ahh Pikachu what do I do?! Noona still has feelings, but she's going out with Jongie Hyung and Minho Hyung likes Noona still. Should I tell the others?" I asked. Pikachu just stared at me. I sighed. "What am I doing talking to a stuff animal.." I muttered. "Hmph for being the youngest you know a lot." said a certain voice at the door. I looked up and saw Key and Onew. I sighed with relief, at least it wasn’t Jonghyun.
"Hmm this is some juicy stuff." Key smirked. "I know right! The chicken is filled with juicy goodness!" Onew said with awe. Key and I just stared at him. "Hyung! We are discussing about the love triangle!" I exclaimed. "Calm little one. Anyway we need to figure out what’s gonna happen if Hunny finds out." Key said. I nodded as Onew enjoyed his chicken.
_____'s POV
I pulled away for air. My arms were wrapped around Minho's neck and his arms were around my waist. "Why did I give up on you?" asked Minho. "Eh? You gave up of me?" I asked. Minho looked down in shame. I pulled him closer to me and hugged him tightly. "You're forgiven." I whispered in his ear. I could tell he was smiling. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.
Key's POV
I threw Pikachu across the room when no plan came up in my mind. "AH! HYUNG!" Taemin screamed and ran over to his beloved stuff toy. "Aish, why is this so hard!" I muttered in frustration. "Why don't you just let them handle this on their own? I mean this is their problem anyway." Onew said with a mouth full of chicken. "What kind of family are we if we don't do anything?" I exclaimed. "A terrible one!" Taemin said as he caressed his toy. "Exactly! So we need to think of something!" I said. Onew shrugged and ate his chicken.
Jonghyun's POV
I overheard the whole conversation. I leaned my back against the wall as a tear slid down my face. "I guess it was a mistake for me to ask her out then..." I thought. I turned up my iPod and let Jo Jo blast in my ears.
Two updates for you guys :))
comment and no silent readers! :D
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pleaseman #1
Chapter 10: i still not done but it so good
So CUTE! Poor Jjongie. Hope he finds someone soon :D
I loved it! Such a GREAT ending! Especially the very last scentence of the story, BESIDES 'THEEE ENDDD!!!'. I LOVE IT!
Awesome! :) Min Ho won in the end, but poor Jong Hyun ;( Great job and you write very well. :D
Alzina #4
i really loved reading this story...i read it one go...<br />
I love Minho...but i still feel sorry jongie!!<br />
<br />
good job ^__^
carmelabiancx #5
omg i cried T.T haha i was really happy and feel sorry for jongie oppa :) but i like this :)
bluecheese #6
I cried. ;_________; <br />
SJASKLJFKHS THIS WAS THE BEST THING EVER. ^^ I really love this, I think i was a silent reader. of SHIZZ I'M SORRY. :[ I'm such a bad person, I'm always a silent reader. gahh, I really loved this though. :D
yuki92 #7
awww. sweet ending=DD
TT^TT it was such a beautiful ending<br />
I acutally had tears coming out when i saw it say completed<br />
Yes you need to update your big bang one