Overcoming Jealously Pt. 2

Change of Heart
"Ugh Jonghyun what is this meeting about?!" Key exclaimed. He was angrily disturbed by Jonghyun from his beauty sleep. "Its about _____-ah." Jonghyun said. "Anything wrong with her?" Minho asked concern. "No, but she has a date..." Jonghyun said in a hush tone. "NOONA HAS A DATE?!" Taemin exclaimed. Key covered his mouth quickly. "Is this true? asked Onew. Jonghyun nodded his head sadly. "With who?" Minho asked curiously. "....It's Joon..."
Next Day- _____'s POV
It was almost 3 and work was soon over for me! I wiped down the tables and swept the floor. "Ah! I'm done!" I said proudly. The doors opened and it was Joon. "Joonie Oppa!" I said happily. He smiled at me and we were off to our date.
We arrived at the ice ring. "_____ do you know how to ice skate?" Joon asked me as we walked towards the ice with our skates on. I shook my head as I wobbled down the hall. Joon chuckled and grabbed my hand. "You'll be fine. I'll teach you." he grinned.
"Yeah I like how you said you'll teach me, but in the end you need to teaching." I laughed as Joon fell for the 543th time. "Hey it’s been awhile!" Joon defended himself. He got up, but ended on the ground again. "Yeah, it has been too long." I giggled. Joon finally got off and manage to keep his balance. I skated away since I got the hang of it. I turned my head around and saw Joon sped down towards. My eyes widen and I skated as fast as I could.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" asked a worried Taemin. "Yes its a perfect idea!" exclaimed Jonghyun. Key covered his mouth. "I feel bad spying on _____ and Joon's date." Onew said innocently. "What! I thought you like her too?!" asked Minho. "Well the more and more I think about it, I only love her as a little sister. I'm her Oppa and I don't want to ruin anything with her." Onew explained happily. "Yeah me too! I like Noona just like a Noona! Nothing more!" Taemin grinned. "Anyone else wants to give a confession?" asked Jonghyun. Key slightly raised his hand up. "YOU TOO!" Minho exclaimed. "Even though I am the montherly one out of this group I feel like she's my little sister even though she's my Noona." Key said boringly. "So this leaves Jongie and Minho." Onew said. They stared at each other then back at _____.
_____'s POV
Joon finally caught up to me and grabbed me by my waist. "Ah! Joon!" I squealed. Joon suddenly lost his balance and fell on top of me. "Oww. That hurt." I grumbled. I looked up and saw my reflection in Joon eyes. "You have pretty eyes." Joon muttered. I blushed. "A-...Umm...t--t-thanks." I stuttered. I shut my eyes and waited for him to kiss me. I heard Joon chuckled and his breathe hit my cheek towards me ear. "This isn't those types of drama." Joon whispered in my ear. A chill went down my spine. I opened my eyes and looked at him confusingly. "But I thought-" "_____. I do like you and I do want to kiss you, but you have someone waiting for you longer than me." Joon smiled and pulled me up. I just stare at him. "Someone waiting for me?" I questioned.
"Oh..." (Minho) "My..." (Jonghyun) "...gosh..." (Minho&Jonghyun)  "They kissed..." gasped Key. Jonghyun and Minho's heart sunken. Key, Taemin, and Onew were in a shock. "Have I waited too long?" Jonghyun thought. "Is it over for me?" Minho asked himself.
Two updates for my loves :D
Oh noo what's gonna happen next?!?
Comments are loved, no silent readers :)
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pleaseman #1
Chapter 10: i still not done but it so good
So CUTE! Poor Jjongie. Hope he finds someone soon :D
I loved it! Such a GREAT ending! Especially the very last scentence of the story, BESIDES 'THEEE ENDDD!!!'. I LOVE IT!
Awesome! :) Min Ho won in the end, but poor Jong Hyun ;( Great job and you write very well. :D
Alzina #4
i really loved reading this story...i read it one go...<br />
I love Minho...but i still feel sorry jongie!!<br />
<br />
good job ^__^
carmelabiancx #5
omg i cried T.T haha i was really happy and feel sorry for jongie oppa :) but i like this :)
bluecheese #6
I cried. ;_________; <br />
SJASKLJFKHS THIS WAS THE BEST THING EVER. ^^ I really love this, I think i was a silent reader. of SHIZZ I'M SORRY. :[ I'm such a bad person, I'm always a silent reader. gahh, I really loved this though. :D
yuki92 #7
awww. sweet ending=DD
TT^TT it was such a beautiful ending<br />
I acutally had tears coming out when i saw it say completed<br />
Yes you need to update your big bang one