Best of Both Worlds


Sulli woke up feeling so satisfied with her sleep. She didn't know if how did she came up and ended up on her bed, all she knows is that, she had a good sleep.

After her morning rituals, she immediately went downstairs since she was excited to eat breakfast with her parents, it was really seldom for them to eat a feast together in one table.

"Good morning beautiful!" her mom greeted her as she made her way to the dining table.

"Good morning mom, morning dad!" She greeted as she sat down to her usual place.

"How was your sleep?" Her mom asked.

"It was great, I haven't slept that great since we arrived here in Korea." Sulli replied. Truth to be told, yes it became her usual way of living 'sleep-eat-sleep' but then, she always wakes up in the middle of a slumber because of some unknown reason since she's one of those persons who couldn't adopt new environment easily... especially that they had different time frame in California.

"Good, actually last night, we wanted to wake you up for some dinner but Minho told us that it'll be better if he'll just bring you to your room since you're tired." his dad answered which surprised him.

"What?! Minho brought me to my room last night??!" Sulli asked, completely surprised.

"Yes, and he asked one of the servants to change your clothes even though I volunteered since he said that I would just have a hard time, after the servants has changed your clothes he stayed for a while then left after dinner." her mom told her the complete story which surprised her even more.

'Ugh, he so caught up into this whole acting!' Sulli thought but managed to smile infront of her parents.

"Oh dear, was that the first time?" Her mom couldn't help but ask. Sulli just smiled and nodded which made her mom giggle.

"Oh first time to every couple really can really be exciting!" her mom exclaimed which made his dad smile. Again, it was first time for her to see her parents' childish side and it's all because of her 'so-called-marriage'.



Sulli has nothing to do that day, Minho didn't even told her anything about the wedding, all she knows is that he assigned some wedding organizers for them.

She was getting herself busy by playing games in her I-pad, had lunch then played with her I-pad whole afternoon until it was past 4, when her phone suddenly rang, it was Sean.

"Hi , miss me?" She joked.

"Oh I badly need your help!" Sean exclaimed which surprised her.

"What happened? Why?" Sulli was worried, she seldom hears her best friend use that tone, which means he really need help.

"Just come here to the station, we, I mean I need you here.. now." Sean replied.

"Huh? Okay, I'm on my way, call you when I arrive." Sulli replied as she stood up.

"Thanks ! Owe you alot!" Sean answered and ended the call.

Sulli immediately got herself ready and directly went to the station.



As soon as Sulli arrived, she didn't have to call Sean because he was already waiting outside.

"Wow, punctual huh." Sulli managed to joke, but instead of going in, Sean stopped her.

"Why?" Sulli asked.

"We're going." Sean replied and pulled her towards his car.

"Hey wait! How about my car?" Sulli asked.

"I'll just ask your driver to pick it up." Sean replied while he was driving. His speed was a little faster than the usual.

"Hey Sy, tell me what's wrong." Sulli was worried.

"Something came up and I don't know what to do." Sean replied. Sulli just remained silent since she didn't know what to say to comfort her best friend.


Sulli was surprised when they stopped infront of a so-called arena, what surprise her even more was a huge tarpaulin saying that there was going to be a fashion show for a cause and all proceeds was going to an orphanage and all the models were idols from the broadcast station that Sean and even Minho was working at. Just then she remembered that Sean was the head organizer of the event.

"Sy what came wrong?" Sulli asked as they made their way towards the entrance of the arena, the show starts in 2 hours.

"I don't know what to do, the clothes are there, I got 5 designers but there's only two present, I got several make-up artists and stylist but only a few were left." Sean replied, still in a panic tone.

"Why? What happened to the others?" Sulli asked.

"Food poisoning... the designers, makeup artists and stylist came from one company, they attended a party last night only to find out that there was something wrong with the dishes the next day... they were all hospitalized and they just informed me hour ago, who wouldn't panic?!" Sean explained as they entered the arena.

If the situation was different, she would have commend Sean for his great work. The stage was ready, the chairs were ready, the LED screen, the lights... everything just look so perfect... well, maybe except the backstage.

Sean escorted her to the backstage and she was surprised to see what was happening. The idols were pacing back and forth, trying to call their own makeup artists and stylist, some already started putting their makeup, the others were sleeping, some were having last minute adjustment with the clothes that they are going to wear, it was a total chaos.

"." Sean uttered, Sulli patted his arm.

"We can handle this.. trust me." Sulli even gave her an assuring smile.

Sulli was used to this, what's the use of having the title of 'top trendsetter and top stylist' if she haven't experienced some chaotic moments backstage right?

Sulli looked around to see Minho together with his group, having the world of their own at the side since some of the girls were busy with their stuffs, even the other boy groups was also busy, she was staring at them when Key saw her, she smiled at him. Key immediately patted Minho and pointed at her. Minho was at first, surprised but immediately managed to gather his self as he stood up and went towards Sulli.

"What brought you here?" he sweetly asked as he kissed Sulli's cheeks, feeling different pair of eyes looking at them.

"I came to work, same as you." Sulli replied with a giggle since she could also see the people inside, staring at them as if watching a show.

"hmmm... really?" Minho managed to joke.

"Yep, now go back there, I need to work." Sulli replied and gave Minho a little push, Minho first kissed her on her forehead before going back to his group. Some girl idols even giggled because of the scene.

'If this was a movie, I could have won tons of award.' Sulli thought.

When she turned to look at Sean, he was already holding a megaphone which made Sulli smile.

"Okay guys, seems like we've already call your attention with the scene earlier." Sean joked which made Sulli blush.


On the other hand, Minho was actually staring at her, he couldn't believe that he was actually seeing her now.

"What is she doing here?" Onew asked.

"I don't know, she said she came to work... just like me." Minho replied blankly.

"Sean is her bestfriend right? Maybe Sean invited her for help... Sean has been panicking since he learned about the food poison thing." Taemin answered.


"I know that we all having a problem here, but I'm asking for your full cooperation for this event to be successful, we all know that the orphanage needs the money that we are going to raise here, so please give us the help and cooperation we need." Sean said.

With that, Sulli met up with the remaining designers, makeup artists and hair stylists. She had them divide the work as she will be the one to supervise them. They all agreed with what Sulli was saying for what's the use of arguing with someone who's a 'pro' in things like this, especially that she worked in Hollywood.

After a few minutes of meeting, they started their work.


The designers were busy adjusting the clothes that needs adjustment. The makeup artists were divided between the girls and the boys for it would be easier if they start to have make up all together. The hairstylists started to do their work to the girls who were done having their makeup on.

Sulli was busy walking around the backstage dressing room, making sure that everything was under control. She even suggested new trends to the designers for some last minute touch ups to the clothes. She even helped choose the right shade of make up for the idols and proper hair style for the clothes that they are going to wear.


Meanwhile, Minho couldn't stop himself from following Sulli's every move, he was amazed on how dedicated she was with her work.

"Wow man she's really a pro!" Jonghyun commented as he tapped Minho's shoulder.

"Yes she is." he answered out of nowhere.

"But you could act like you're not that smitten." Taemin suddenly said which made the group laugh and made him earn a soft punch.

"Shut up!" Minho even motioned a 'ssshhh' sign and Taemin just stuck his tongue out at Minho.

"Sir, its time for you to have your makeup." said one of the makeup artist. They immediately got ready, they were all professional by heart, they know when to have fun and when to become serious, that's one thing their group is known when it comes to the producers and directors. That maybe the reason why different companies get them as endorsers.


Sulli has just finished making some adjustment to one of the clothes, she then turned her gaze to Minho's group as she saw 3 makeup artists were already putting some make up to them. She then saw two girls, retouching their makeup.

"Janine can you go and check on them?" Sulli asked as she got near them, she then pointed to the two girls.

"Okay Ms. Sulli." Janine replied as she let go of the eyeliner and went directly to the girls.

Minho didn't hear their conversation because he had earphones on since they are going to perform after the fashion show.

Taemin and Jonghyun saw Sulli taking over Janine's place in putting the eyeliner to Minho, Sulli signaled them to keep quiet which made the two chuckle.

Sulli's face was so close to Minho's since she wanted to put the eyeliner perfectly, she suddenly gasp when she saw couple of camera flashes, even Minho got surprise as he opened his eyes and saw Sulli infront of him, he then looked at the side where the flash came from, and it came none other than, Key.

"Yaah! What was that about?!" Minho asked.

"Sorry, can't help it, you two really looks good... ugh.. just continue.. yeah.. continue." Key replied as he hid his camera and faced his makeup artist, Sulli just smiled.

"Why are you doing this? Where's that.. ugh... I forgot her name... anyways, yeah, why?" Minho asked as he stares at Sulli.

"Some girls needs her help, since she was the one who put their makeup, it would be proper if she'll the one to do some retouch.... so I volunteered to take over on yours." Sulli explained as she got the some makeup and made Minho sit properly.

"Or... you just want to stare at my face for a long time? Don't worry babe I'm yours after the wedding, no need to worry." Minho was up in teasing Sulli as he made his voice a little louder for the other hear them which ofcourse made some giggle.

"I told you Minho, I'm here to work, so let's just be professional." Sulli countered since she knows Minho would stop when it comes to things such as professionalism. Minho just rolled his eyes, he was disappointed since Sulli didn't answer back, he was up for some teasing battle with her.


Few minutes before the show, everything was done. All looks great and in with the fashion show's theme. The team that Sulli headed was just making sure that everything was fine with all the idols.

" I'm so nervous!" Sean couldn't help but worry, it was his first big event under smtown, he wanted it to be one of the best. Sulli just hugged her friend and assured him that everything is going to be fine. She was also nervous since she saw alot of people outside, even fans were present for the event.


Few minutes later, the show finally started. A group of idols started the show with a bang. Everyone was up for a good show and was excited to see the creation of fresh and new designers of Korea.

After two production numbers, the fashion show started. Howls and cheers was heard all over the arena as the idols do the catwalk in the runway stage.

Sulli was watching the idols through the flatscreen set up in the backstage. She couldn't help but smile, seeing the hardwork they've done just to continue the show without flaws even thought they had a huge problem earlier.


The time when Minho was the one walking on the runway, Sulli can't take her eyes from the screen. He looks stunning and perfect while walking, with or without makeup, he looks so good.

"Mesmerized by your fiancé?" she was surprised to see Sean beside her when she thought that he was sitting at the front row.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to stay outside." Sulli changed the topic.

"I just wanted to talk to someone here... anyways, you're really inlove with your fiancé." Sean replied walked away from Sulli while giggling. Sulli just rolled her eyes and continued watching the ramp.


In the end of the fashion show, the designers were called up the stage, as well as Sean who was the head organizer of the event. Sean then was asked to give a short speech.

"…………… and ofcourse, this night might not have been a success without the woman who helped me out with the flaws that happened earlier, I just want to call her out onstage, our very own trendsetter, a Korean who's number one stylist in New York ramp activities and Hollywood artist's sweetheart, ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Sulli Choi." As Sean announced Sulli's name, there came a loud of applause, some even howled and cheer for it was their first time to see a Korean who made a big name in Hollywood.


Sulli on the other hand was surprised to hear her name, she didn't want to go up on stage but the idols kept on dragging her to enter the runway.

"Go on Ms. Sulli, the crowd is waiting for you." said one of the makeup artist. Sulli first took a deep breath and looked around, she noticed that Minho wasn't around, just then she remembered that they were up to perform on stage afterwards so she just again, took a deep breath before entering the stage.


As soon as the crowd saw Sulli's figure on stage, everyone started to go wild through applause and howls. Sulli was surprised, she didn't expect the people of Korea to react that way, she never thought that her achievements in Hollywood would be appreciated much in Korea. As she walked with grace in the runway, the flashes of camera was everywhere. As soon as she stopped beside Sean, they hugged each other and smiled infront of the camera.. Until fans, well not only fans but also the VIPs that were invited in the event started howling and giggling…. Sulli didn't know what was happening. Sean glanced at the and the walking figure made him smile.

"Congratulations." Sulli almost jumped because someone suddenly whispered on her ear and even offered a flower infront of her. She immediately turned her back and saw Minho standing, looking so-handsome, ready for their production.

"For the woman of the hour." Minho said as he handed the flower to Sulli. Sulli just gave her a sweet yet shy smile… and as usual, camera flashes was none stop.


Just then, people started shouting 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!'

'ugh, that again.' Sulli thought as she weaved a deep sigh.

"Don't worry, I won't kiss your lips now." Minho whispered as he immediately kissed Sulli's forehead and had a short nose to nose-eye to eye moment with her which made the people in the arena go wild. Even Sean was giggling at the side.


It was indeed a successful night.





ugh, so, how was it? :D Comments? :D Hoping for a long chapter and I ended up with this one, I hope I satisfied you with this :D More to come! :D


thank you:D

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!