Best of Both Worlds


It's been three weeks since SHINee left to Japan and it's been three weeks since grandma stayed with Sulli in their house. At night they would have some movie and talk about various things. They would usually exchange text messages during free time, sometimes Minho would call Sulli at night, making sure that grandma is already asleep or else he'll get reprimanded saying that he's intruding her moment with Sulli.


Sulli just came from a photoshoot with EXO and she was called to the office of Ms. Kim.

As soon as she entered her office, she immediately greeted her.

"Sulli have a seat." Ms. Kim said which Sulli obeyed.

"How's work?" Ms. Kim started.

"It was great, I'm enjoying working with the EXO's stylists, they're all good." Sulli replied since she's now concentrating more to EXO for f(x) is taping something outside of the country.

"Uhmm… I'm just asking this since I'm curious, you have the choice if you'll answer it or not." Sulli was surprised with what Ms. Kim has said, she sounded a bit awkward.

"What is it Ms. Kim?" Sulli casually asked.

"How are you and Minho?" She asked which made Sulli raise both of her eyebrows.

"I mean, he's not here in Korea, how's your relationship? As far as I know, the two of you are used of being away from each other, considering your 'relationship' before, but now, after the wedding, this might be the longest time that you're separated right?" Ms. Kim expanded.

"Ooohhh… well we're doing good, we just make sure to keep in touch… I mean it's just like thinking about the past… the difference is that we're married now." Sulli replied with a smile as she remembered Jin's 'story' for them.

"Well then, I guess you're not going to be separated for a month or more…" Ms. Kim said with a smile which confused Sulli.


"EXO is having a Japan show day after tomorrow, flight is scheduled tomorrow… and I'm assigning you to become there head stylist for that show." Ms. Kim explained which caused Sulli's eyes to widen.

"Is… is that true?" Sulli wanted to make sure which made Ms. Kim to smile.

"Yes Sulli, it's true… and not only that, EXO will return to Korea the next day after the show, but you'll get to stay since Shinee's shows were extended and an emergency happened in Mira's family so she went home yesterday..." Ms. Kim added which made Sulli smile. She's actually seeing Minho!

"Oh my… ugh.. thank you… thank you so much Ms. Kim." Sulli couldn't express her gratitude so she just bowed a couple of times.

"So happy Ssul… it's good to know, I know you miss your husband so much… same as with Minho." Ms. Kim smiled.

Before Sulli leave the room Ms. Kim blurted something.

"I didn't inform them that you're coming with EXO… well, just incase you might want to have some element of surprise."

Ms. Kim's words which Sulli grin, she just couldn't prevent herself from smiling, she's just too eager to see Minho again. 3 weeks seemed to be 3 months for her already, phonecalls and exchange of sms wasn't really enough for her but she couldn't complain.



"Another show done, you can take some rest then we'll have some dinner later." Sean said as he was checking his organizer.

"oh and few fans that had some special gate passes wanted to give you those gifts, you can check them out later." Jin added as he pointed at the gifts on top of the table. The boys just nodded. Tiredness was written all over there face.

Minho checked his phone hoping to see a text message from Sulli since he never expected a call from her for she said that she was more comfortable in texting.

25 new messages.

None of them came from Sulli which made Minho's forehead crease.

"Why isn't she texting?" he mumbled.

"Minho you should take some rest, I'm sure Sulli will contact you later." Sean said as he noticed Minho who was staring at his phone. Minho just sighed and placed his phone on top of the cabinet.

Sean and Jin exchanged look then smiled.


"You enjoy your stay there and be sure to look after your husband more okay?" grandma has been reminding Sulli for a couple of times already. They're now on their way to the airport, grandma came with Sulli and the driver since she said that she wanted to send off Sulli.

"Ofcourse grandma, and you take good care of yourself." Sulli replied.

"Ofcourse I would, don't worry about me, I promise to stay in your house until you arrive, Ms. Annie and her family would always be there." grandma assured her.



EXO show just ended, Sulli felt proud of the boys since a lot of fans were present.

"Ms. Sulli here's the VIP ticket, good thing I got that yesterday after you called." said Shirley, one of the SMEnt staff.

"Thank you Shirley!" Sulli replied as she got hold of the ticket.

"I'll stay with you tomorrow, don't worry." Shirley assured her as she showed her the ticket.

"Ohhhhh… that's great! I was afraid that I would be all alone!" Sulli blurted as she giggled.

She got hold of the ticket and stared at the photo.

VIP Ticket, SHINee Japan tour.



Key was checking out the clothes that they are going to wear for the entire show.

"Aaahh… I miss Sulli's styling by seeing this." he blurted as he lifted a pink clothing.

"Yes, when she said that pink suits us." Jonghyun added as they took a glance at Minho who was still staring at his phone. Since yesterday, he never received a text message from Sulli. When he tried to call and text her, he got no reply.

"Hyung maybe your wife is just busy." Taemin tried to console him.

"Arrggh.. I don't know." Minho replied as he shut his eyes close.

''You should concentrate later, few weeks more." Jin said.

Jin then exchanged glances to the four then let out a sly smile.



The show started, everyone was giddy and enjoying the show. As expected, the boys showed off well making fans go crazy.

Sulli on the other hand was also holding a glow stick that indicates the color of SHINee, she was really enjoying the show. Yes, she has watched the boys, especially Minho perform since before but she didn't expect that being a wife would make her more giddy while watching her husband perform on stage.

"Fans taking the wife's picture huh.." Sean whispered since he decided to sit beside her with Shirley to make sure that she's safe.

"Let them, I'm enjoying myself here." Sulli replied then continued 'fangirling' over her husband.

Sulli was the one who chose the boys' outfits for the specific show but she made sure to arrive earlier than them so Minho wouldn't see her.

The show's interview portion started. Everyone were enjoying the interview since the boys were game with answering each questions.

MC: Anyone or anything you miss back in Korea?

"I miss Korea's chicken." Onew blurted which made everyone laugh.

"I miss my bed." Jonghyun said.

"I miss my dog." Key said.

"I miss… hmm… I miss my bed, my pillow.. oh I miss our dorm!" Taemin said.

MC: How about Minho-sshi, do you miss anything or anyone?

Minho smiled as he cleared his throat, he was about to answer when people started cheering and howling. Even the boys cheered as they were looking at the LED TV at the back, Minho was confused as he turned his back to see the LED tv and he was shocked to see Sulli's face smiling while holding a glow stick.

"Is this real?" Minho asked Taemin without his mic. Taemin smiled and patted his shoulder.

MC: Ooooohh.. it seems like Minho-sshi is speechless with what he saw in the LED TV, can we ask for a wave from Ms. Sulli?

Sulli laughed and waved at the camera which can be seen in the LED TV. Minho's face was still in shock, he couldn't believe that he was actually seeing his wife… and she's in Japan!

"Hyung it's okay to blink and close your eyes." Taemin joked as the rest laughed at Minho's expression, you can clearly see his wide smile.



The show ended with a blast…. but Minho felt like he was in cloud 9. He finally saw Sulli during the end part of the show. He saw her waving at him with a sweet smile on her face. That moment, he wanted to go down the stage but he knows it'll make a commotion since fans were everywhere, good thing that Sulli was sitting with Shirley and Sean so he was sure that she was in safe hands.


As soon as they've entered there dressing room…

"Jin where is she now?!" Minho immediately asked which made the boys laugh.

"She left already." Jin simply answered.

"Left? What do you mean?" Minho asked, confused.

"She left after the concert, I don't know where, maybe back to Korea since she was here with the EXO yesterday." Jin replied.

Minho's forehead creased, Sulli was with EXO yesterday for their show? And she didn't even bother to tell him?

Minho was about to speak when pair of hands covered his eyes, with the scent that he smelled, he exactly knew if who owns it.

"Babe." hi uttered which made Sulli giggle. She took her hands from his eyes as he turned around to face her. Without any words, Minho immediately hugged Sulli.

"I miss you, I miss you soooo much." Minho whispered.

Sulli felt tears filled her eyes, she didn't expect to cry after Minho's words escape from his mouth.

"I miss you too.. big time." Sulli replied as tears escaped her eyes.

"Ehem, get a room." Jonghyun said which made the people in the room laugh and caused the couple to break the hug, Sulli immediately buried her face on Minho's chest as she felt her face turned red.

"Yah! You should really get a room." Key agreed as he threw a towel to Minho.

"Aish !" Minho made face which made them laugh.

"Ooohh.. Sulli is shy, we're leaving now, the dinner is served, we can now head back and have some feast so all of you can take some rest." Jin cut in as the boys followed him out while Minho and Sulli stayed.

"Hey are you okay?" Minho asked as he could feel something wet on his chest, he immediately lifted Sulli's face and was surprised to see her crying.

"Hey why are you crying?" He was concerned as he wiped away her tears.

"I… I don't know… I miss you… a lot." Sulli replied as she buried her face on his chest again, he hugged her tight.

"I didn't know that this distance will make me go crazy over you." Minho whispered as he kissed Sulli's temple.

"Maybe I wasn't used of not seeing you around… thought grandma was a good company." Sulli replied as she calmed herself from crying.

"So, you want to have some dinner?" Minho asked.

"I don't think so… I'm sleepy, I went ahead to fix your outfits earlier… and I just had some snacks before the concert." Sulli replied, now smiling.

"Owww… okay then let's just go back to the hotel, I'll just order some room service." Minho replied. Sulli nodded as Minho intertwine their fingers together.

"Let's go?" he asked, smiling, Sulli nodded.



As they arrived in the hotel, Minho remembered about the room arrangement, he was sharing a room with Key.

"Uhm… Ssul, about the room-"

"I got my own room, don't worry." Sulli replied and winked. Minho smiled and nodded.

As they arrived inside Sulli's room, Minho was surprised to see his luggage and stuffs on the couch which made Sulli giggle.

"Seems like Key doesn't want you to stay in your room anymore." Sulli commented as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Aish that man." Minho murmured.

"Why? Don't you like to stay with me?" Sulli teased as she pouted.

"Ofcourse not Mrs. Choi, I would really love to stay and sleep with you tonight." Minho replied as she ran and jumped on the bed as one of his arm circled Sulli's waist.

"Hmm… want to have the room service now?" Sulli asked.

"No… I don't think my appetite is up for some dinner." Minho replied with a seducing smile and flaming look which didn't escape Sulli's eyes. It made her bit her lips.

"Do you know how much I miss you Mrs. Choi?" Minho asked as he kneeled on the bed and gently let Sulli lay down and put himself ontop of her, Sulli giggled.

"Hmm… I think so." Sulli replied as she lifted her head and took a smack on Minho's lips which surprised him.

"Yah! Stealing a kiss from your husband Mrs. Choi?" Minho asked as he slowly neared his face to Sulli's and had his lips land on hers. The kiss went front a simple kiss to a passionate one. They both know that they might cross the line that night… but no one cares… all they know is that, they miss each other so much.

"I love you so much Mrs. Choi." Minho whispered between his kissed.

"I… love you more Mr. Choi." Sulli replied as he responded on Minho's kiss.





omo! First of all, I would like to say SORRY for not updating... I'm really-really sorry... It's just that school is up and I'm up for a whole new life as a student so I needed to adjust and everything that's why I couldn't concentrate in making a chapter... but I hope I still have my readers with me :D

So... uhmm... what do you think happened? :p

Well.. I'll leave it up to your imagination :D


So... comments? :D


PS: I can't promise if when is my next update... I'm sorry... but then I hope it's soon :p ehehehehe.. enjoy everyone! Mwaah! :D

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!