Best of Both Worlds


Sulli couldn’t hide her smile, she’s with her mom, dad and grandma. She’s almost on her 9th month of pregnancy and she just came home from her OB for her final checkup before her labor. Minho wanted to go with her for her last checkup but he needed to attend a SMEnt event. Sulli told him to attend and even chose the clothes and styled him for the event.

“Sulli you’re smile never left you since we left your doctor.” Grandma said as she patted Sulli’s arm.

“I don’t know grandma, I’m just so happy that I can’t hide it.” Sulli replied as she caresses her belly. Her mom and dad exchanged looks and smile. At first, they weren’t really comfortable with the wedding but decided to accept it since they think that Sulli wouldn’t do such thing if she’s not sure with it and thinking that the couple was ‘so inlove’ before the wedding, they’ve accepted the fact that there daughter is now a married woman.



Sulli was sitting on the sofa bed inside the nursery when she heard the door creaked revealing her oh-so-handsome husband. He immediately walked towards her and planted a kiss on her lips.

“How was it?” Sulli asked.

“It was fun… but I needed to go ahead since I wanted to see you too soon.” Minho replied as he sat beside Sulli and kissed her cheeks.

“You’re getting cheesier Mr. Choi.” Sulli replied with a giggle.

“So how was it?” Minho asked as he hugged Suli’s side caressed her belly by his fingers.

“How was what?” Sulli asked innocently.

“Don’t play with me Mrs. Choi.. how’s baby?” Minho asked.

“Baby?” Sulli asked as she got an envelope beside her and handed it to Minho. Minho immediately sat straight and got hold of the envelope.

“What’s this?” Minho asked.

“Some papers you might want to see.” Sulli replied with a giggle.

Minho first took a glance at Suli before opening the envelope, got the paper inside and started reading it.

Sulli was just staring at Minho while he was reading the text, a smile formed on her lips upon seeing the change of Minho’s expression.

“Babies.” She corrected him as she felt her tears forming in her eyes upon having an eye contact to her husband.

“Oh Ssul..” Minho didn’t know what to say, he just immediately hugged her. They were having twins!



Minho was resting his head on the headboard while Sulli was leaning on his chest, they were inside there temporary master’s room. Minho was playing with Sulli’s belly by drawing figures in it as the ‘babies’ started kicking since Sulli entered her 5th month of pregnancy, there would be simple moments when the babies would start kicking which would make the couple, especially Minho ecstatic.

“Don’t you find it ironic?” Sulli broke the silence.

“What?” Minho asked.

“This… I mean, you and me… it seemed ironic for me… remembering the story… I mean the real one, we’ve already met for a couple of time for some of your concerts, yet we haven’t known each other much, I mean, even a ‘hi’… but because of your stupid act just to divert the media’s attention to you, you got me into one of the most hideous nightmare I ever had… but… who would have thought that we’ll end up like this? In each other’s arms.” Sulli explained as she lifted her head to meet Minho’s gaze, she was surprised to see him pouting.

“Why?” Sulli asked.

“So you think my act was stupid and the marriage was a hideous nightmare?” Minho asked.

“Hey… I mean-“ Sulli didn’t know how to explain but she was surprised to see Minho smile and chuckle which made her slap his chest.

“Yaah!” She pouted.

“You should have seen your face Mrs. Choi.” Minho said as he chuckles.

“Whatever Mr. Choi.” Sulli replied.

There was silence until Minho spoke.

“Sulli Choi, I love you.” Minho said as he adjusted his position to slightly tighten his hug.

“I love you too Minho Choi.” Sulli replied as she looked up to Minho and shared a kiss that signifies the words unsaid.





“Oh Jin can’t we go faster? Are there other way from here?!” Minho is excited, no nervous; no… let’s just say both. He just came from a show when he received a call from his grandma saying that Sulli is in labor. He didn’t wait for the show to end, instead he went directly to the PD and told him about Sulli’s condition and immediately left the show with Jin.

“Calm down Minho, I texted Sean, he said Sulli is still in labor, the babies are not out yet.” Jin tried to calm him but he knows that he can’t do anything for him. His expression can clearly say that he was nervous, he was even sweating despite of the fully air conditioned van.


As soon as they arrived in the hospital, Minho ran towards the delivery room since Sulli was already transferred there. He immediately saw Sulli’s parents, his dad, Sean and grandma.

“Oh Minho good thing that you’re here! Sulli is a strong girl, she’s been injuring it for the past 13 hours…” Grandma couldn’t hide it anymore, everyone was actually nervous about Sulli’s condition since she was giving birth for 2 babies.

“13 hours?!” Minho couldn’t believe what they said; it means that since this morning, Sulli was actually in labor? Since the time he left the house?!

“What do you mean 13 hours grandma?!” Minho wanted to clarify it.

“Minutes since you left the house, Sulli experienced pain until we saw her water broke, we immediately brought her here, I wanted to call you but Sulli forbid me, she didn’t want me to call you since she said that she didn’t want to bother your work…. The babies have been a little naughty on her though… good thing that she didn’t ran out of water, 13 hours of labor is too long for a woman with twins… I decided to call you upon learning from Sean that you just ended your stage.” Grandma explained as she held Minho’s hands and gripped it. She could feel his hand sweating and shaking. As she looked into his eyes, she saw tears forming.

“Oh grandson don’t worry… everything’s going to be okay.” Grandma said as she hugged Minho who started to cry.

“Son don’t worry, Sulli is a tough girl, she and the babies are going to be fine… just trust her.” His dad said as he patted Minho’s back.


It’s been an hour since Sulli was staying inside the delivery room yet they haven’t heard anything from inside yet.

Minho couldn’t explain his feeling; he could feel his heart throbbing hard. His wife…. His babies.


Few moments later a doctor came out from the delivery room asking Minho to come with them inside. He took a glance at his dad and Sulli’s dad, he was surprise to see them smiling. He wanted to ask why but the doctor told him that he should enter already.

As soon as he entered the delivery room, he was asked to wear some of the paraphernalia for the room and he was assisted to go where Sulli was. He was surprised to see her sweating hard, she looks tired, he could see but he could feel something from her saying that she was okay. He immediately walked towards her and kissed her temple.

“How are you?” Minho asked almost in a whisper, he couldn’t find his voice to speak louder.

“They’re coming… they’re coming…” Sulli replied almost out of breath due to too much pain.

Minho didn’t know what to do so he just held her hand trying to give her support.

The doctor asked Sulli to push hard to let the baby out. Minho wanted to protest, he couldn’t believe that his wife really pushed through with a normal delivery since they’ve been battling over normal and cesarean delivery. Minho wanted Sulli to go with cesarean since he knew that it would be too painful for her… but here she is… pushing her life out for a normal delivery.

If ‘sub’ could only happen during the time of giving birth, Minho would be willing to sub over his wife. She looks so fragile and helpless as he could see her.

Moments later they  heard a baby’s cry which made Sulli take a deep breath. Minho couldn’t believe it, was he actually hearing his baby?!

“Mr. Choi, would you want to cut your son’s cord?” Minho could have never been surprise, he was having a son! Sulli told him that she didn’t ask for the babies’ gender since she wanted it to be surprise for the both of them.

Minho took a glance at Sulli, Sulli smiled and nodded. He let go of her hand and walked towards the baby. He’s still filled with blood but Minho just couldn’t contain his happiness. The nurse gave him the signal to do what he needed to do. As he cut the cord he could feel tears fill his eyes but he tried to prevent it from falling, they’re still waiting for the next one, he can’t look like a weakling here if his wife has been fighting over pain in the past 14 hours.

As soon as the baby was brought to the cleaning area, Minho went back to Sulli and held his hand.

“He looks handsome… you did a great job there, we’re going to the next one, you can do it, I love you.” Minho whispered words of encouragement to Sulli as she prepares for the next push.

Moments later, another cry was heard, this time the doctor announced that it was a healthy baby girl. Minho couldn’t contain his tears anymore, it started to fall as he gripped Sulli’s hand.

“You did it Ssul… you’re a great mommy… I love you.” Minho whispered to his wife.

“No Minho… we did it… you’re a great daddy for staying beside me… I love you.” Sulli replied as she closed her eyes as the injected chemical started to bring her to sleep.

“Rest well my love.” Minho whispered as he kissed Sulli’s forehead for the last time before proceeding in cutting his daughter’s cord and took a quick peek on her.






“Everyone, Choi Minho!” Onew, Jonghyun, Key and Taemin shouted in unison as they called Minho for his solo, it was his birthday concert together with SHINee. The four has just finished their act and now returning the spotlight to the birthday boy.

Minho walked charismatically from the backstage. Everyone was clapping and howling for the birthday boy. Minho couldn’t believe it, SHINee has shined for 10 years now and would still continue to shine in the coming years.

“Thank you to everyone who came in this concert, I don’t know how to thank all of you for coming… thank you so much.” Minho said as he bowed infront of the aqua blue ocean of light infront of him.

Minho was actually waiting for his song to play when he heard his boys singing.

Seng-il Chook-ha Ham-ni-da
Seng-il Chook-ha Ham-ni-da
Sa-rang-ha-nun Oori Minho-sshi
Seng-il Chook-ha Ham-ni-da


Key was the one holding the cake. They immediately approached Minho and let him blow the cake telling him to make a wish.

“What’s your wish?” Taemin asked.

“I had a lot of wishes since before.. but maybe for this specific candle… I wished for more Shining years of SHINee.” Minho replied which made the fans howl and cheer.

“Minho, since it’s your birthday, I guess it’s time for us to give you something that you deserve.”  Onew said as Jonghyun pulled a chair and let Minho sit at the side.

“Minho… this is for you.” Taemin said as he patted Minho’s back and they ran towards the center stage. The crowd started to howl and cheer again.

The boys performed different Shinee songs mash-up which consist Minho’s rap. Minho was surprised to hear even Onew and Jonghyun rap his part. The fans were chanting hard, even Minho was howling at the side.

As the boys stepped out of the stage the led TV started to view something. It was a video presentation about Minho. How he was as an idol, as a person, as a son, as a husband and most especially, as a dad.

Minho couldn’t suppress himself from crying, the video was too touching for him. He didn’t expect to see video clips and pictures of him when he was just starting as an idol, to how he was now…. Especially as a husband and dad.

“Hi daddy! Happy-happy birthday! I wish you all the best!” said his baby boy.

“I love you daddy, we love you!” shouted her baby girl as they waved and made a flying kiss to the screen. Minho has been wiping his tears for some time now, his babies… his angels.

He was surprised when a song started to play in the background; it was a familiar song since he hears it playing inside his children’s room. Best of both worlds… he could still remember why his kids got fund of that song.


“Mommy, if you were to dedicate a upbeat song for daddy, what would it be?” his baby boy asked.

“Hmmm… it would be…. An English song… Best of both worlds.” Sulli replied as she cuddled her baby.

“Why mommy?” her baby girl asked.

“Because daddy is the best of both worlds.” Sulli didn’t elaborate more… yet Minho who was standing at the doorstep while watching the love of his life knew what she meant which really touched his heart… his wife has never stopped making him feel how much she loves him.



Oh yea Come on
You get the limo out front
Hottest styles, every shoe, every color


Minho was surprised to see the person who was singing… it was no other than his baby boy! Yoogeun!

“Happy Birthday daddy!” He said in the mic as he glanced at his dad which made Minho smile yet tears were still there.

Yea when your famous it can be kinda fun

It's really you but no one ever discovers

This time it was his baby girl, Jin Ri was the one singing, she looked so adorable the way she moves. If Yoogeun got almost everything of him, charm, looks, even talent. Well Jin Ri got everything from her mom, from the tip of the hair down to her toes, her beauty, purity as a youth and even talent, she got everything from Sulli.


“Happy birthday daddy! I love you!” Jin Ri said as she made a flying kiss to Minho where Minho acted as if he caught it as he chuckles. The kids giggled.


In some ways you're just like all your friends

But on stage you're a star



Minho couldn’t believe it, it’s been six years since his angels were born… and he could see them following his footsteps… he could feel it, they’re like born to be onstage.


As he was staring at his kids, he saw them both wearing a necklace with a ring pendant, a smile formed in his lips. Jin Ri was wearing the ring pendant that Sulli gave her as an exchange with his ring pendant that was now being worn by Yoogeun during their so-called ‘deal’. Sulli told her that the ring came from her dad during her 16th birthday, she didn’t expect him to give her the ring that was important to him since before, she thinks that her dad doesn’t really give much importance to her. With his ring, he told Sulli that it was a ring from her mom. It was one of her accessory that she worn before she died… he keeps it dearly since it was one of his most precious memory from his mom…. And now… their children are the one responsible to keep their treasures.


You get the best of both worlds

Chillin' out, take it slow

Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds

Mix it all together and you know that

It's the best of both worlds

The best of both worlds


Minho was surprised to see Sulli looking so pretty singing infront of his fans! In the 7 years of their marriage, it was the first time that he actually saw him sing infront of a lot of people. She never told him that she could sing but Minho heard her singing once when the kids asked Sulli to sing. He even heard her say to keep it as a secret from him.


“Happy Birthday Mr. Choi.” Sulli greeted. Minho couldn’t take it anymore, he left his seat and ran towards the center stage to share a hug with his family.


The fans were howling, cheering, clapping, they gone wild with the scene infront of them. A happy family with a person that they dearly love. Some fans even started crying because of what was happening.


As soon as Minho broke the hug, he immediately carried his baby girl in his arms as he got hold of Yoogeun’s hand.


“What’s with the tears Mr. Choi?” Sulli asked as she giggled and wiped away Minho’s tears.


“Daddy why are you crying?” Jin Ri asked as she helped her mom wipe away his dad’s tears.


Nothing baby… daddy is just happy… very happy” Minho replied.


“Pleasant day shawols!” Sulli greeted the fans as she gave them a wave.

“First of all…. Thank you… thank you for taking care of Minho if I’m not around… thank you for letting me barrow him from you… thank you for accepting me and the kids in your family… I’m having a loose of words while thinking about the things that I’m going to say… but then let me just share to you a story…. There was this girl who loves someone so much… a girl who would do anything for that someone… a girl who is willing to give way everything just to make that someone happy… that girl is so lucky, she’s just so lucky to have someone who would always be with her no matter what. That girl is so thankful to have that someone with her, he was the most caring, most loving and Mr. Everything for her, that girl doesn’t know what her life would be if she haven’t met him… that girl doesn’t really believe in fantasies… but that someone just proved to her that it really exists, he was her fairytale, he was her happy ending and she knows…. She would spend her happily ever after with him.”


Sulli’s words were like melody to Minho’s tears which made him cry more. Sulli also shed some tears as she was speaking, she didn’t know how did she came up to say those words, it just came out. She then faced him and smiled.


“That someone… Is actually celebrating his birthday right now… happy-happy birthday Mr. Choi… you don’t know how much I’m thankful for having you beside me...with this two kids.” Sulli said.


“I love you.” She said, almost in a whisper as she wiped away Minho’s tears.


There was silence in the arena, sniffs can be heard and some murmurs but you can clearly say that everyone was touched by the scene that they’re seeing now.


“Mrs. Choi… I… I just don’t know what to say…. You’re simply the best, the best stylist, the best wife, the best friend, the best mother and the best girl who that someone would be willing to spend his happily ever after with.” Minho replied.


“I love you so much Mrs. Choi… you and this two angels beside me.” Minho said as he kissed Jin Ri and Yoogeun… as soon as he placed Jin Ri beside Yoogeun, he faced Sulli.


“I love you Mrs. Choi… thank you so much.”


Minho felt like the world stopped around them, it was only him and Sulli… he couldn’t barely hear the people around them… all he know is that, the love of his life as standing infront of him.


“You’re really the best of both worlds Mrs. Choi.” Minho whispered as he cupped Sulli’s face.


“And so are you Mr. Choi… you’re the best of both worlds.” Sulli replied as she closed her eyes, waiting for the lips that captured her for 7 years.




Starting with a not so good start, people should not think that it’ll end bad, we should be positive and think that it’s just the start, you’ve not yet reached the middle nor the end… always remember that sometimes, you just have to observe and learn the things that you should do in order to get used to whatever is happening to you, you might not know, the start was the only thing that rough, for the middle and end is your true fairyland.


Sulli and Minho may have started in a wrong side. Both were not expecting for anything good that would happen in such deal that they have created… yet here they are now, living a happy life with their angels. No one knows between the deal between them, only Jin… a person that they could trust… even the story that was just created… no one knows that it was a lie… all are buried in the past. It may be tackled in the future, but what’s important is… the present… and that is, they are inlove and willing to spend a happily ever after with each other.







oh my God! This is it! We've reached the end of this story's journey. I... I don't know what to say. This is my first ever MinSul story and I'm just so happy to recieve your response. You don't know how much I appreciate it guys... and how much I try my best to make a good update for everyone. Thank you so much to the 7K+ reads, 92 subscribers and thank you for leaving comments about the chapter.... I don't know if I have given my best in this story.... well actually I think I haven't.... but what's important is I've shared it to you. Thank you so much for staying with me through out this chapter... I'm sorry for the lame scenes and all...

For the last time.... I'll ask this for this story....




oh and by the way.... see you in my next story! I hope to see you all in that story, I promise it's REALLY different from this one... and I just hope I can give constant updates once I publish it here in AFF....


and again, THANK YOU SO MUCH! :)


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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!