Best of Both Worlds



They've been driving for some time now yet no one was speaking until Sulli decided to break the ice.


"Excuse me mister but I really think you picked up the wrong girl..." Sulli started.


"Excuse me miss, as far as I know, I picked up the right girl." Minho countered.


"No, I am not your fiance and would never be!" Sulli took a deep breath to prolong her patience since she know that she'll be in a long discussion here.


"Actually miss, YOU are my FIANCE." Minho even emphasized 'You' and 'fiance'.


"fck! Can't you understand that I don't want to get in trouble here?!!" Sulli lost it, she can't control her anger to the guy beside her.


"Hey miss, chill! You're getting hotter when you do that." Minho even smirked which made Sulli lost her temper more.


"Will you please stop the car??!" Sulli shouted.


"aish! Can you please lower down your voice?! Its annoying!" Minho shouted back.


"Woah! So you even have the guts to get angry at me after the trouble you've put me in huh??!" -Sulli.


The car stopped.


"get out." Minho then glanced at her.


Sulli looked out of the window and was surprised to see that they were infront of a famous hotel.


"What are we doing here?" Sulli asked.


"I'm sure, there's alot of news circulation in the media regarding what happened earlier, to make things more interesting, I've decided to check in a hotel." Minho explained as he took of his seatbelt.


"Are you insane?!" -Sulli.


"The last time I checked, I'm not... so get out of the car now... unless you want to be attacked by press and paparazzi here... I'm going out." Minho chuckled as he saw Sulli's reaction as he got out of the car. Sulli didn't have a choice but get out of the car. Minho immediately went near her and held her hand as he pulled her closer.


"what the-"


"Remember Ms. Sulli, we'll have to make it real." Minho whispered as they continued walking towards the entrance of the hotel. Sulli was aware of the press and paparazzi around so she just looked down and followed where Minho was going.


"sir Minho and ma'am Sulli, you actually make a good couple." The front desk officer greeted them with a wide smile.


"Ugh, thanks.. anyway, my manager reserved a suite, is it okay now?" Minho asked.


"Yes sir, and he have already sent clothes in your suite, do you want us to accompany you to the room sir?" the FDO asked.


"No, we can manage, anyway, thank you!" Minho just flashed a smile which made the FDO's heart melt.

Minho then assisted Sulli as they walked towards the elevator.



"For the showbiz news, famous SMtown idol Choi Minho is on the spotlight. In the past weeks the idol has been seen in public with different girls but what put him more in the spotlight is his declaration about being engaged to the Korean top stylist of New York and Hollywood, miss Sulli Choi. Up to now, idol Minho's side haven't made any statement, even his onscreen partner idol Im Yoona haven't made any statement.-"


"yaaaah! Why did you turned it off?! How rude." Sulli suddenly sat down from lying on the couch while watching the television inside their suite.


"Your TV?" Minho asked. Sulli rolled her eyes.


"Now, are you happy that you've dragged someone innocent into your oh-so-awesome show?!" Sulli changed the topic.


"Why? Tell me, do you have any choice?" Minho countered.


"No! You really love trouble don't you?!" -Sulli.


"Actually, I just started loving it few months ago... and I'm planning to let you enjoy it too!" Minho sarcastically replied which made Sulli roll her eyes.


"What's your plan?" Sulli asked calmly, she knew she didn't have any choice but to ride in.... or her career would also be put into trouble... Being a celebrity stylist doesn't excuse her from being put into spotlight.


"So you're in?" Minho asked.


"As if I have a choice, now tell me about your plan." Sulli replied.


"I'm pushing through the marriage thing... we'll have it... maybe after a week or two.." Minho explained.


"week or two?! Are you insane??!" Sulli couldn't believe it... yes she know Minho was capable of doing it... but she doesn't like the idea at all.


"Then its final.. after three weeks we'll have the wedding... are you okay with it now?!" Minho impatiently asked.


"Fine... whatever, then?"


"We'll be married for three years-"


"WHAAAT?! THREE YEARS?! ARE YOU INSANE?! I can't stand being with you in one room for an hour then you're saying that we'll be married for three years?!" Sulli can't believe what Minho was saying.


"So yeah, as I was saying, we'll be married for three years, after that I think I'm ready to retire... its tiring after all." Minho didn't mind Sulli's reaction... yet Sulli became silent after Minho opened up the 'retirement' thing.


"retirement? You're planning to retire? Then why not do it now instead of having some fuss?" Sulli couldn't help but ask.


"It would be too much for my fans to handle... they need to be ready." Minho simply replied... Sulli AGAIN just rolled her eyes.


"How about your parents? What would they say?" Sulli couldn't help but ask... then she thought of her parents too.


"My mom died when I was young... my dad... well he's not interested about anything that concerns me... if he'll be there then good... if not then it's his choice... how about yours?" Minho replied.


"I.... I actually don't know... they know I'm dating but they never heard anything about me dating a Korean idol." Sulli said.


"We still have 3 weeks... we can always make up our own story." Minho assured her. Sulli just sighed, she wasn't used to lying but she guess, it's the best thing to do.


"By the way." -Minho


"What?" Sulli.


"Let's make our deal.... a contract perhaps." Minho suggested.


"It's 20th century mister Choi... I don't think that's even acceptable." Sulli replied, she doesn't trust contract that much that's why she never had any contract with any artist she's styling.


"Then let's just put some thrill here, we'll just talk about the deal and contract verbally... but we'll exchange an important thing... the contrarian will cannot have his or her thing back after the contract... are well clear with it?" Minho explained.


'hmmm... fair enough...' Sulli thought.


"Fine... then what's the thing that you'll exchange?" Sulli asked.


Minho sighed and got something under his shirt, a necklace... with a ring pendant.


"This one." Minho said as he took of the necklace and placed it on the table, they were currently staying on the living room of the suite.


"Then... I'll have this one." Sulli got a ring from her pocket and placed it on the table. The ring was a big one which doesn't fit any of her finger but since its something important to her, she always put it inside her pocket.


"Why do you have some men's ring?" Minho couldn't help but ask.


"You don't care... just don't lose it... 'cause I won't lose this too." Sulli said as she got hold of the necklace. Minho nodded as he got the ring... it was a simple silver ring, its only design was an engraved heart in the middle.


"Now, let's start." Minho suggested, Sulli nodded.


"You start." -Minho.


"Okay, after three years, we'll have a divorce." -Sulli.


"Fine, next, we'll be living under one roof for it to be more believable." -Minho.


"Acceptable, hmm... we'll have separate rooms." -Sulli.


Minho chuckled.




"You really think I'll have anything against you?" he asked.


"Whatever! Your turn!" -Sulli.


"Okay, we'll not meddle with eachother's private affair... I can have other relationship and you can enter other relationship too... got it?" -Minho.


Just then, Sulli thought about Yoona but she just shrugged it off and nodded.


"mine is going to be simple... I want an extravagant ring... but not too big.... remember... I'm a victim here so atleast here my thoughts." -Sulli.


"pssssh! Do you even want to have a ring like Beyonce?!" Minho asked.


"Not really... but if you want to.... ahahahah! Kidding." Sulli even giggled which made Minho smile a little.


"Okay-okay.... next we have to be sweet infront of the public... remember... not PDA but sweet... it'll look good infront of the press." Sulli just rolled her eyes on what Minho said... she's used to see those in Hollywood.


"Whatever, next... You should grant my one wish." Sulli simply said.


"What wish?" Minho asked.


"I wish you to find me a job." Sulli replied.


"Job?! That's it?! Then you're hired... as my wife." Minho smirked.


"I said a stable job... gosh I can't believe that I'm actually talking to a grown up now!" Sulli cursed.


"Fine.. then you're hired.... as my stylist... is that okay now?!" Minho took a deep breath.


"Ugh.. it's useless! Your turn!"


"In the three years of marriage... we should have a child." Minho chuckled as she saw Sulli's expression.


"Wow! First you had me as an instant fiance... now you want me to become an instant babymaker?! How about a nanny next time?!" Sulli sarcastically remarked.


"I was thinking about that too." Minho ride in to Sulli's sarcasm which made him garner a glare from Sulli.


"are we done here?" Sulli asked. Minho nodded and offer a handshake.


"Nice having a deal with you miss Sulli." Minho smirked... Sulli just accepted the handshake and rolled her eyes.





"Wake up you sleepy head!" Sulli could feel someone poking her. She opened her eyes and saw Minho's back facing her as he was on his way to the mini kitchen. Sulli immediately sat down, she slept on the couch since she had fun watching a fashion show in TV.


"What's for breakfast?" Sulli asked as she followed Minho in the kitchen. She was surprised that he was already done eating and instead of washing the dishes, he just placed it on the trash bin.


"Why?!" Sulli asked.


"If fans would know that I ate on that plate.. they would even have it on auction." Minho confidently answered.


"Jerk!" Sulli commented as she sat on the table and saw the food that Minho prepared.... actually that Minho got from the refrigerator. Sulli know that it cost alot but then it would all be charged to Minho afterall.


Sulli was already eating when they heard a knock. Minho who was on the living room opened the door. Sulli immediately fixed her food and walked to the living room to see if who was there visitor, it was Jin.


"Good morning Sulli!" Jin greeted.


"Good morning!"


"So how was it Jin?" Minho asked impatiently.


"Can't you just let me sit first?!" Jin asked sarcastically as he sat down on the couch. Sulli also sat on the single sitter couch beside Minho.


"So are you guys ready for the press conference later?" Jin asked.


"Mwoh?! Press conference?!" Sulli was shocked, Minho haven't told her about anything.


"You don't know? Well yeah.. that's why I'm here to tell you about the lie... I mean the story that I've made up for your so-called romance." Jin replied as Sulli gritted her teeth while Minho glanced at her.


"Now you know." he simply said and chuckled.


"Great.. just great." Sulli replied.


"Okay so let's start.... look at this and take note of the date." Jin instructed as he passed pictures to Sulli and Minho.


They were surprised to see pictures of them together...obvious not edited.... actually those were group pictures with different dates but with all those dates are the date when Minho had a show US, California and New York.


In each event, Sulli was actually present since the artists that she's styling is having a front act on Minho's successful show.


"How come I can't remember this?" Minho couldn't help but ask.


"But I do...." Sulli countered.


"Minho, you can't remember those since you don't even pay attention to the people you're meeting outside Korea." Jin answered his question.




"Okay so going back... we'll put it this way.... you first met on the show of Minho were one of the artist that Sulli is handling had a front act.... that justifies that photo*pointing at one* then let's just say that you didn't really got close even you're Korean.. it was just an actual meeting... but then.. the next time you guys met, that was the time Minho actually made his move... that started your communication... it wasn't a constant one but still you had something... the next time Minho returned... that was the time that you guys had a deeper relationship and became lovers.... you were lovers without communication... lets just say that it was a mutual decision... and Sulli is not a jealous girlfriend at all.... then came some of Minho's vacation in California... lets say that you guys had some lone time to bond.... then came Sulli's come back here in Korea.... and that made Minho announced to the public about the engagement." Jin explained.


Minho and Sulli nodded as they tried to absorb the story that Jin has just said. Minho was really proud of having Jin as his manager, he never fail to save him from all his problems.... and Sulli was so amazed on Jin could make such a story.... and with the fact that she and Minho had actually met before.


"You guy should actually do good later... Minho I'm telling you.. I had to cut my date just to have some research with this... ugh how could I even meet that guy again?!" Jin cursed as he sighed which made Sulli chuckle.


"Don't worry Jin... I'll just find you some guy soon." Minho replied.


"Just be sure to do it.... ugh you're making me sick... anyways, I just dropped by to say those... I need to check the details about the press con later... I'll get going Minho, Sulli... goodluck later!" With that, Jin left.




"What now?!"


"Why didn't you tell me about the press conference?! Gosh! Can't you understand that I'm also involved here... so that simply mean that you should also inform me about things." Sulli reprimanded him. Minho just smirked and enter his room since the suite has two rooms.


"take a shower... get ready since the make up artist and hair stylist are on their way." Minho reminded her before closing the door. Sulli just stomped her feet and walked towards her room to take a shower.






Sulli heard a knock from the door and she also heard Minho opened it up. She heard two girls talking and she knows that they were the hair and make-up artist. She took a deep breath before going out.


"oh she's here, babe, meet Val and Yumi, your hair and make up aritst." Minho said as she got near them. Minho immediately s Sulli's waist which made the two giggle for they thought that the engaged couple was actually having some sweet moment infront of them.


"do they really have to tire themselves over me? I can manage myself." Sulli replied in a cute voice as she hugged Minho from the side which surprised Minho but he just smiled. Sulli smirked.


'You're not the only one acting here Minho.' Sulli thought.


"But ofcourse you need them... I don't want you to tire yourself... all you have to do is relax as they handle you okay?" Minho replied as he pointed on Sulli's nose. Sulli just pouted and nodded.


"Okay girls, take good care of my baby... I still need to marry her!" Minho joked as he escorted them towards Sulli's room.


"oowww... I never thought that you could be this sweet Minho... but yes, we'll take good care of miss Sulli... she had always been our idol when it comes to fashion and trends so I don't think we're going to have a problem here." Pam replied which an assuring look.


"Yes, and so we'll have to get Sulli from you... don't worry you'll still see her later... so if you would excuse us." Val added as she got hold of Sulli and gently pulled her inside the room. Sulli managed to take a glance at Minho who was just standing infront of her door, chuckling.




woah! That was long! Thank you for all who subscribed to this story! Oh and by the, English is not my first language so please bear with me and my oh-so-awesome grammar! ahahahahaha!


Hope you guys liked it! Thank you! :D

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!