Best of Both Worlds


Its been three days since Sulli's playful game with Minho yet they haven't talked about it yet. Both were again busy but now they're seeing each other during breakfast but didn't bother to talk about what Sulli did since they're caught up in talking about each other's activities.

Now SHINee is having a music video shoot for one of their songs. Since Sulli wasn't around other SME stylists were in-charged for the boys.

They had a 10 minutes break for the boys to have some retouch.

Since the retouch didn't take long, the boys had some time to take some rest.

"I heard Ms. Sulli is attending SuJu show today…" said one of the stylist which caught Minho's attention but did not bother to get obvious.

"Yeah I heard too, but SuJu is not under Ms. Kim's unit." replied the makeup artist.

"But they said that Ms. Sulli was invited by the members since they wanted to try Ms. Sulli's styling for once." another makeup artist replied.

"Well almost all the SuJu members finds Ms. Sulli attractive after seeing her in an event when they had a show in Cali." added another stylist.


Minho didn't know but he could suddenly clutched his fist as he tried to control his anger… he didn't know how to react.


"Who wouldn't like Ms. Sulli? So pretty, so nice, very down to earth, God! Almost all of the girls wants to be like her." said the stylist.

"That's why Minho-sshi is very lucky to be her husband… they're a perfect match." added another makeup artist.

"That's true..but I saw from another online website that there is this one SuJu member who frankly said that he wanted to woo Ms. Sulli before only to find out that she was dating someone in Hollywood… though Ms. Sulli never confirmed anything." said one of the stylist.


Minho couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and directly went out of the studio which surprised the makeup artists, stylists and the boys.

"Did he hear it? He was with his earphones!" one of the makeup artist reacted.

"Omo! Have you heard about having your earphones on but not plugged into anything… or device is off?!" another makeup artist reacted as they felt blood rush to their head, thinking about how Minho would react if ever he heard there convo.


On the other hand, the four boys exchanged looks.

"Maknae follow him, I'll tell the director to give us another 10 minutes…" Onew commanded as he stood up and went to the director. Taemin immediately followed Minho outside the studio.


"You act weird hyung." Taemin said as soon as he saw Minho leaning on the higher part of the gutter.

"Why?" Minho asked.

"You can always act jealous you know, you don't have to walk out like that." Taemin said with a chuckle.

"I'm not jealous!" Minho said as he look at Taemin.

"Wae? You're not? But you act like you are, but hyung it's natural, you're his husband… but I think Hee- I mean SuJu hyungs are just star struck to you wife… Don't bother thinking about it anymore." Taemin said as he tapped Minho's shoulder.

"I said I'm not jealous." Minho defended.

"Okay you're not if you say so.. but I'll stick to what I believe… you're jealous… let's go hyung, the shoot is not yet half way done." Taemin said as he laughs and put his arm around Minho's shoulder. Minho didn't have a choice but to follow Taemin back to the studio.

'I'm not jealous.' Minho thought.



"Ms. Sulli thank you for all the suggestions, I promise to apply those next time." Said the main stylist of SuJu.

"You're welcome, I'm glad I've helped you." Sulli replied with a smile as she was busy fixing the accessories on the table.

"Sulli?" she turned around to see Heechul standing infront of her.

"Oh Heechul it's nice to meet you again!" Sulli said.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I last saw you." Heechul agreed. As if getting the point, the stylist excused herself.

"I saw you during the wedding but I didn't saw you in the reception." Sulli said.

"Something urgent came so I needed to leave soon." Heechul replied.

"Ooww… but you're looking good." Sulli complimented as she patted Heechul's shoulder.

"Woah thanks! Getting a compliment from a style guru, it's a honor." Heechul joked.

"You're a crazy guy Heechul, crazy." Sulli replied with a giggle.


"I knew I'll find you here." they were surprised to see Jin walking towards them, there were just a few people inside that room since the other members were staying on the other room.

"Hi Jin!" Sulli greeted. Heechul bowed as a sign of respect.

"Can I barrow Sulli for a moment?" Jin asked.

"Sure… not a problem." Heechul replied with a smile.

"Oh and they're looking for you at the other room… they thought you went somewhere and even asked me if I saw you when I looked for Sulli there." Jin said before leaving with Sulli.


"What is it Jin?" Sulli asked.

"I ugh, I was thinking if you would like to have some coffee right now?" Jin asked sounding a bit off.

"Coffee? Right now? Jin I'm still working there." Sulli replied as she pointed at the room where they came from.

"I know but-"

"You're weird Jin, I thought you were up for something." Sulli cut him off.

"I just wanted to hang out with you since I never had a chance ever since… you know… the marriage thing." Jin replied trying to convince Sulli.

"Well that's true, then is it okay if I'll see you after this? I just need to stay until this ends.. I don't want to look unprofessional here." Sulli replied as she understands Jin's sentiments.

"Okay then see you later Sulli!" Jin said.


As soon as Sulli was out of his sight he immediately weaved a deep sigh.

'I really think it's not about the image… Minho you're…. hmmm…' Jin thought as a smile was arced on his face.


Jin was enjoying his free day inside their office, he was just browsing the net since the group has a scheduled MV shoot for that day and he decided to just pay a visit later on.

Jin was so into reading some online blog when his phone rang and Minho's name popped in the screen.

"Why call? You're in a shoot you know." Jin didn't bother to let him speak first since he could sense that he was up into something. Minho doesn't normally call him if he's not in need of big help.

"Are you in the station right now?" Minho asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Can I look for Sulli?"

"And why will I do that? She's your WIFE." jin even emphasized the word 'wife'.

"I know that's why I'm asking you to look for her, she's with the SuJu hyungs right now and they're all vocal about liking her, I don't want to let my WIFE get some negative feedbacks if people will know that she decided to work with other boy groups rather than us." Minho replied using a tone that Jin couldn't distinguish but a silly smile arced on his face as he thought about something.



Minho arrived home feeling so tired. The music video shoot took up there whole day schedule. As he entered the living room he saw Sulli sitting while holding her I-pad.

"You're home." Sulli said with a smile. Since she had a talk with Jin earlier, he told her that today's shoot was going to be a tiring one since they needed a lot of visual effects and angles for the music video.

"So are you." Minho answered coldly as he made his way to the kitchen as he dropped his gym bag on at the side.

"Have you ate your dinner?" Sulli asked but with creased forehead for she sensed coldness over Minho's voice.

"It doesn't matter." Minho replied.

"It would be better if you answer me with a yes or a no." Sulli commented.

"Okay then, no I didn't ate dinner and I'm not planning to eat." Minho replied as he finished gulping his water.

"You're acting weird, is there a problem? I thought we're cool now." Sulli replied but whispered the last part. Yes, she thought that they were all cool with all this marriage thing that'll last for 3 years since they've already improved as comrades but now…

"Really? I thought so… but I guess not." Minho replied as he passed by Sulli, got his gym bag and went upstairs without bothering to look at her.

"What is he up to now huh??! First act cool, sweet infront of the people, doesn't bicker with me a lot for now… but then here he is…acting cold and strange… his attitude is really something." Sulli cursed under her breath as she got her I-pad from the couch and went upstairs to enter her room.


Minho doesn't understand why was he acting that way. All he knows is that he's annoyed with what Sulli did that day… choosing SuJu over them. He couldn't even sleep though he was feeling tired.

'Argh Choi Minho what's your problem?!' he cursed in his thoughts as he shut his eyes.



The next day, Sulli came out from her walk in closet inside the master's bedroom after changing since they've decided to put their stuffs there so that, if grandma pays a surprise visit they wouldn't leave any mark. As she closed the door of her walk in closet, Minho entered the room in his bath throb obviously, he just came from shower as drips of water were dropping from his hair.

"Good morning." Sulli tried to sound casual but Minho didn't even tried to recognize him, instead he just walked passed by her.

Sulli shut her eyes as she tried to control her temper. Last night, she couldn't sleep well as she tries to think about the reason why Minho was acting up again but she felt like she have reached her limit.

Minho was about to enter his walk in closet when Sulli spoke.

"What's wrong with you huh?!" She asked.

"Me? There's nothing wrong with me." Minho replied, simply sounding blank.

"There is! Yah face me!" Sulli was now controlling her voice from shouting since earlier, she heard there maids were already downstairs.

Minho obeyed what Sulli said but faced her with a poker face.

"What's your problem either?! Do you know that you're giving an example of a nag? Take note, one thing I don't like, I don't like a nagging wife." Minho said with a husky voice which made Sulli gulped but she shook it off.

"Well I don't care since I'm not your real-"

"Real wife huh?! You're starting up again aren't you? How many times to I have to-"

"Tell me to stop talking about this arrange thing? Then how many times do I have to ask you if what's wrong?!" Sulli fought back not letting Minho see any reaction rather than anger and annoyance.

"This conversation is going to nowhere, I'm changing." Minho cut off their conversation with his entrance on his own walk in closet.

Sulli bit her lower lips as she tried to suppress her anger and went out of the room, trying her best not to shut it close or else the maids are going to hear them.


Sulli didn't bother to eat breakfast and just told Ms. Annie that she needed to leave right away since she was running late.

Minho on the other hand didn't eat his breakfast too, saying that he needs to catch up with his group and he's running late also.

"There's something wrong with them." Ms. Annie said to one of the servants.

"LQ?" asked the servant.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, let's not talk about it… remember we need to keep everything private." Ms. Annie replied. The servants nodded and proceeded to their work.



"Ms. Sulli the clothes are already in the rack, you can check on them already." said one of the staff. Sulli nodded as she drank her coffee. She was in a clothing line shoot with SHINee and chosen members of f(x) and Girls Generation.

Krystal and Luna were the one present for f(x) while SNSD haven't confirmed yet if who were the members that they are going to send.

"Ms. Sulli your eyebags are visible." Luna joked as she stared at Sulli who was busy checking on the clothes.

"Is it?" Sulli stopped as she faced the mirror. Both Krystal and Luna burst out laughing.

"Funny." Sulli said as she rolled her eyes.

"But seriously Ms. Sulli you look like you haven't slept well last night, is there a problem?" Krystal asked.

"Do I look like one? Actually I had a good sleep last night, but the two of you are the one looking tired." Sulli lied since she didn't even know if what time did she fell asleep.

"Well… actually we really slept late last night since we enjoyed watching some films." Krystal confessed. Sulli chuckled.

"You guys really love to give your makeup artists a hard time don't you?" Sulli joked.

Soon, SHINee boys arrived but seems like Minho and Sulli's cold treatment was felt by everyone. Minho approached Sulli to kiss her cheeks but after that, they went to their separate ways. Minho was getting ready for the shoot while Sulli was busy talking to one of the makeup artist as she tells her what shade to use.

Production staffs were also busy preparing the studio for the shoot when 3 girls came.

"Yoona, Seohyun and Yuri you've arrived!" Said one of the representative of the clothing line.

"Sorry if we're late, we were caught up into some last minute talks." Yuri apologized.

"Accepted, now go and proceed in changing your clothes, were starting in a few." the representative said as she led the 3 girls to where Sulli was.

Sulli gave them a casual smile as she handed them the clothes that they are going to wear, but Sulli didn't let Yoona's sharp look pass her eyes.

Sulli then remembered something that she saw in the net when she searched about Minho since she needed to know information about him.

'Yoona is Minho's girlfriend.. I mean ex… but before, Yuri was also being linked to Minho since they've been paired in a lot of SM activities and Seohyun, I remember to read that she considers Minho as her loyal friend…' Sulli thought as she tried to analyzed some things.

"Don't worry Ms. Sulli, they're just part of the past, you're the present and surely, you're the future." Luna said which startled Sulli.

"Ha? What do you mean?" Sulli acted curious but she clearly knows what she meant.

"You're thinking about those three…" Krystal added.

"Of..ofcourse not! Ah I mean yes, they're beautiful, I wonder if they even go on dates even they're busy." Sulli replied.

'Sht! Wrong move!' Sulli thought as she shut her eyes, hoping that the two girls wouldn't bother her anymore.

"Oooppssiee Ms. Sulli, bit your tongue there, but it seems like you doesn't want to talk about it so we'll just make it past." Luna said with a giggle. Sulli just faked a smile.


The shoot has started, Sulli was staying with the makeup artists as she tries her best to act busy for her not to witness the shoot.

Minho, being Shinee's visual was more prone to the camera. He had posed with Krystal as Onew posed with Luna, he posed with Seohyun as Taemin was with Kyrstal and they had several pair shuffles.

Now is the time for Minho and Yuri to pose infront of the camera.

"A little bit closer Minho, you're too far, Yuri I need the emotion for this set." said the head photographer, as cameras were flashing from different angles.

"You seemed stiff." Yuri commented while the lights were being adjusted since they were required to stay.

"I'm not, I'm just tired." Minho replied.

"That famous 'I'm just tired' line of Mr. Choi Minho." Yuri said as she laughs, Minho just faked a smile.


Sulli presented to give the remaining members a retouch as the other were busy with Minho and Yuri as well as the three girls.

"You seemed serious Ms. Sulli."' Taemin commented as he noticed her blank expression while she was tiding up his attire.

"Do I look so serious?" Sulli asked.

"Whhhyyyy sssoooo seeerriiioouuss…" Key and Jonghyun sang in unison which made Sulli laugh.

"That's the smile that we haven't saw since we've arrived." Onew commented which made Sulli smile awkwardly now.

"You and Minho have a problem?" Onew asked, being the eldest, though he's sometimes playful, he could still understand things around him.

"Huh? Ofcourse not, we're okay." Sulli lied but the 4 boys were still looking at her intently.

"Your stares surely flames." Sulli tried to joke as she felt weird with how the boys are acting.

"Flaming charisma title is owned by your husband, not us." Jonghyun replied.


"Don't worry Ms. Sulli, everything's going to be fine, you and sadly, our boy is just madly inlove with each other that's why you guys easily get's jealous, but I believe that you'll get used to it." Key said as he patted Sulli's shoulder which widened her eyes.

"Who's jealous? I'm not… you know me as what I've said in the presscon, I'm not a selfish jealous girl who wants something or someone for myself." Sulli defended.

"But it's also good to be selfish and think about yourself first." Jonghyun countered.

Sulli was about to answer when they heard the head photographer was shouting again but this time with different name, Yoona. The five of them looked at the center of the studio as they saw Yoona sitting on a highchair while Minho was hugging her from behind.

"We're having no malice here, this is purely work… I sense awkwardness, be natural!" shouted the head photographer. He was a foreigner but managed to live in Korea for 6 months now that's why he knows a few things about Korean entertainment.

Sulli couldn't understand her feeling right now, she feels like something wrong with her heart, it's like being stabbed by thumbtacks.

"Ms. Sulli are you okay? You look pale." Onew commented as the three immediately looked at Sulli and followed her gaze, she was looking intently at Minho and Yoona who has now changed position, this time, Yoona was looking at the camera while Minho as acting like kissing Yoona's cheeks.

"I'm fine, maybe I'm just hungry, I just had coffee for breakfast." Sulli replied with a smile of assurance.

"Is that so? Then let's have some food, I'm starving." Jonghyun said.

"Yes, Taemin call someone for food delivery." Onew ordered as Taemin obediently followed.

"Ms. Sulli have some seat first." Key offered a monoblock chair to Sulli.

"Thank you… why are you acting strange again?" Sulli joked.

"Are we? We're just concerned." Jonghyun replied. Sulli was again silent as she heard the head photographer's shout.

"Don't think about anyone who's in here right now, just think about yourself in the middle of the illusion we're setting… show the emotion we need."


Sulli took a deep sigh as she bit her lips. Right now, the illusion they're setting is a gothic love illusion that's why the two were wearing a heavy makeup and are in a gothic-rock style of clothes as what Sulli chose which eventually fits the two of them perfectly.


"It's my first time to have a work with that photographer." Key commented.

"He seemed a little harsh, his use of words are somewhat…. off." Jonghyun agreed.

"It's given, he's a foreigner so he might not have know about anything." Taemin said.

"But what happened wasn't something small that he wouldn't know if he have stayed here for 6 months… it is really something big that even small kids know about it." Onew countered.


"You've said it, he's a foreigner and a photographer… tell you what, in Hollywood once you're in a photoshoot you have to act professional, what he said was right, forget about anything and anyone around you but concentrate on the illusion." Sulli interrupted them since she gets what the four are talking about… but somewhat she agrees with what they were saying.

"But still he's in our country, he should try to learn our culture." Key countered since he was not liking what the photographer was making Minho and Yoona do with the fact that Minho's wife is actually present in the shoot.

"You guy are cute… talking about things like this." Sulli commented as she tries to change the topic.

"Excuse me Ms. Sulli, we need your help here." called one of the stylist. Sulli nodded and excused herself to the four boys.

As she made her way to the girls, she couldn't help but to take a look at the two who was still having a some shots… they're again in different position, Minho was now looking at the camera fiercely… Sulli must admit.. he was extra looking HOT…. but then on the other hand, Sulli's thoughts were changed as she saw Yoona was actually hugging Minho while also looking fierce at the camera.

"Ms. Sulli?" called the makeup artist.

"Yes?" Sulli returned to her senses.

"You're spacing out, is there anything wrong?" asked Krystal who stood up from her seat and touched Sulli's shoulder, she immediately followed her gaze and saw where she was looking.

"You're drooling over them." Kyrstal giggled as she whispered.

"I'm not!" Sulli defended.

"Okay then, you're 'starring' at them then." Krystal put emphasis to 'starring' which made Sulli laugh and just continued to talk to the stylist.


On the other hand, Minho couldn't understand what he was feeling… he just feels good having some time with Yoona…. It's been a long time since they've been close to each other since the whole engagement and wedding extravagant.

He misses the way she holds him and acts cute infront of him…

But on the other hand, he could see Sulli looking at them… and even saw her talk to his group… whih confuses his thoughts for after he saw Sulli looking at them, he suddenly felt awkward staying beside Yoona… but after a few minutes awkwardness vanishes away as the fight of him and Sulli earlier comes into his mind.







OMG! Sorry for the wait, I haven't updated for what.. 2 days? I'm so sorry, I was just busy fangirling over MinSul over and over again since the 'calling' incident... ehehehehe...

So how was it? What do you think will happen next? Cause honestly, I'm a bit confused myself:p eheheheh...

Comments? I'd like to hear it from you :D

And again.. Sorry and thank you so much! :D

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!