Best of Both Worlds


Grandma left after breakfast saying that she needed to leave for her Europe vacation but then promised to visit them again.


Sulli is busy checking on the outfit of the boys, she presented herself to be the boys' stylist for their comeback.

"The eyeliner is smudged." Sulli said as she was now checking on Minho. She then let him sit on the chair and got the eyeliner. She carefully retouched Minho's eyeliner.

"Isn't it great having someone to take good care of you?" they heard Jin kidded from the side. Sulli just smiled.

"So Jin, you're allowing us to go on date?" Jonghyun asked as he placed his hand around Jin's shoulder.

"That wouldn't work on me Jonghyun, Minho getting married is enough, do your thing next year." Jin replied as he removed Jonghyun's hand around his shoulder which caused the group to laugh.

"Done." Sulli said as she showed thumbs up to Minho, Minho nodded and smiled.


"From all of you, Minho was the one who was super busy before the comeback." said the MC, they were now having an interview as part of the show.

"Well yeah, but everything is fine now, never been better." Minho replied.

"How's married life Minho?" the MC asked.

Minho smiled before answering. "I never expected married life to be this wonderful, I mean waking up with the sight of a beautiful wife..." Minho paused since the crowd started to howl and giggle, even his group members giggled.

"And ofcourse, there are a lot of things that I needed to get used and adjust to, but as what they say, we learn a lot as days passes by." Minho replied.

People started to giggle and applaud when they saw someone in the screen, it was Sulli who was standing at the backstage while watching the happenings in the stage through the flatscreen.

Sulli was surprised to see herself on the led screen which made her giggle, the crew told her to wave at the camera which she obeyed and even flashed a sweet smile.

While in the stage, Onew, Jonghyun, Key and Taemin started teasing Minho.

"Aaaahhh, wifey alert." the MC said which made the crowd giggle.

"Actually Sulli is our stylist for today's event." Onew said for he saw Minho haven't recovered from all their teasing.

The comeback show continued as SHINee has again showed everyone why people should anticipate their comeback.

Sulli on the other hand became a hands on stylist to the boys, some were even teasing her of stealing time to be with her husband since he became so busy for the comeback show.

But truth to be told, Minho was so busy that they can't even see each other in the house since grandma left and it has been a week. Sulli wakes up in the morning to see ms. Annie and the other servants around the house just to find out that Minho has already left. Sulli would also leave for work styling the idols in different events. When she comes home Minho wouldn't be around yet for he's busy with the group's tight rehearsal schedule.

"You chose to marry an idol, it's a consequence to face." Ms. Kim told her once.

'As if it's a true marriage.' Sulli thought but instead flashed a warm smile to Ms. Kim and thanked her for the time she spent with her to have a short talk.



"Let's go." Minho told her as he saw that everything was on place. He was too tired and all he wanted to do that time was sleep.


As they were walking out the venue, Sulli noticed Minho's silence.

"Tired?" she asked. Minho nodded.

"It's obvious, you guys has been looking forward for this comeback and I must say it's a successful one." Sulli said, trying to ease Minho's tiredness with her words.

"Well,  our efforts paid off." Minho replied.

"You really sound tired huh." Sulli said as they reached the car, good thing that the driver was there so Minho wouldn't bother to drive.

It was going to be  long drive since the venue of the comeback was a bit far from their house.

Sulli was looking at the window as she was being fascinated by the view of Korea at night when she felt something touch her shoulder. She then saw her 'husband' sleeping soundly on her shoulder since they sat close to each other.

'Tiredness is written all over his face.' Sulli thought as she stared at Minho's face for a few seconds.

"Ms. Sulli we're here." the driver said as soon as they entered the carport. Sulli immediately adjusted her position to see that Minho was still sleeping.

"Minho, wake up, we're here." Sulli poked Minho's face. Few more pokes and Minho opened his eyes as he realized their position so he immediately lifted his head from her shoulder.


"You fell asleep and fell on my shoulder, you seemed so tired so I just let you sleep for awhile." Sulli informed him as he went out of the car. Minho then followed.

"Do you still want to eat some dinner?" Sulli asked as she felt Minho following from behind.

"No, I'm tired, I'll just go upstairs." Minho replied. Sulli just nodded and followed Minho's figure go up the grand staircase.



Sulli couldn't sleep that night since she felt like caffeine is already affecting her after drinking two cups of coffee that day. She decided to stay at her balcony and have a good view of the pool.

'It's been a week and I still haven't figured out why Minho wanted this marriage thing, why was he and Yoona fighting that night…' Sulli has been thinking about those things in the past week.

'But why am I bothering thinking about this?' Sulli asked herself as she stared at the pool.

'Maybe because I wanted to know the main reason why I was dragged in this situation aside from thinking about this as a new adventure in my life.' Sulli answered her own question as she remembered the reason why she agreed with Minho aside from the fact that she didn't have a choice right on that moment. She wanted adventure.

Sulli was in deep thoughts when she felt strong arms s around her body as she felt warm breathing on her ears and she knows who it was.

"Minho I thought you're already asleep." Sulli managed to say as she felt awkward with their position.

But Minho didn't respond.

"Yah Choi Minho let me go!" Sulli tried to get out of Minho's tight embrace but she just couldn't for Minho was too strong for her.

"Sssshhh… let's just stay like this for awhile…" Minho whispered on Sulli's ears as he tightened the hug. Sulli didn't respond nor move, she just let Minho do what he wants for she could feel her heart going through something that she couldn't understand.



Minho woke up as he felt something ring beside him. He immediately got it, it was his phone.

"Hello?" he answered the call without checking the caller.

"Hey-o!" it was Jonghyun.

"What's with the call?" he asked, still, half asleep.

"I just called to wake you up." Jonghyun replied.

"And how did you know-"

"That you're still asleep? I just felt it man." Jonghyun replied but Minho could hear giggles on the other line.

"Yah!" Minho shouted as he sat down on the bed.

"Wifey alert dude, now that you're awake, byebye! Don't forget of today's schedule." and before Minho could reply, Jonghyun ended the call.

He faced palm and took a deep sigh. As he removed his hand from his face he noticed something, pink.

He immediately checked his surroundings, he wasn't in his room at all! He was in Sulli's room!

"What the-" he immedaitely checked himself and he saw his clothing own, he took a sigh a relief.


Minho couldn't understand himself, as soon as he finished a quick shower, ready for slumber he just couldn't sleep anymore. He kept on thinking about Sulli.

As he realized his position earlier, he managed to smell her addictive scent again…. even earlier during the show, everytime Sulli get near him, he wanted to control his breathing before he goes crazy over his 'wife's' scent.

He just misses her scent… or even her. It's been a hell week for him and thegroup because of the comeback, they wanted it to be bi, something that their fans would surely love. In that whole week, he must admit, he never saw Sulli, awake. Yes, he don't why but his feet were just dragging him toward's Sulli's room to check on her even just for a few seconds, maybe because he just wanted to make sure that she was home safe.


As he kept on tossing around his bed, he didn't know what to do, all he wanted was to see Sulli… and he didn't know why. So he stood up and was about to go out while thinking about the reason he'll tell Sulli if why was he there but he couldn't think of any.

As soon as he was already standing infront of Sulli's room, he didn't have the courage to knock, instead he felt his body wasn't controlled by him, he just felt himself opening the door of Sulli's room as he saw her figure on the balcony. He made his way towards her as he didn't realized that he hugged her from behind. Upon breathing, he realized how much he misses her presence around him, her scent sooths his nostrils, he was surely satisfied of his position.



Minho immediately stood up and fixed Sulli's bed. He couldn't remember if how did he end up on Sulli's bed if all he could remember was he was hugging Sulli from the back.

'Aish! How could you act like a drunk person not able to remember what happened last night?!' Minho cursed as he got hold of Sulli's knob, he was about to go out when he saw a sticky note on the door.

'You're in a deep slumber that's why I didn't bother to wake you up, I went ahead! Have a good day!' The text was in English which made Minho smile, he felt like Sulli was being playful to him.

He got the sticky note and went to his room. He then saw a note on his door.

'Good morning sleepyhead! Forgot to greet you earlier!' a smile was kept on Minho's face as he got the sticky note. As soon as he entered his room he headed to the bathroom for a shower.


After his shower he faced the mirror of the bathroom and realized that he didn't see the sticky note there.

'Our clothes are already in the masters so don't bother to check on your clothes' hiding place. I realized that grandma might return anytime soon.' he smiled and got the sticky note, he tried to flip the note and saw another note at the back.

'PS: I didn't bother to check on your under garments so don’t forget to move them to the master's before leaving.' he couldn't help not to chuckle on Sulli's playfulness.

Following his wife's order, he got the luggage which contains his undergarments and carried it to their master's bedroom.

He was surprised to see clothes on the bed.

'I asked Jin if you have a schedule today, upon knowing that you're going to be in a show I prepared this for you to wear on your way to the station, the gym bag consists sets of attire for you to choose for the show later.' Minho saw the note on top of the clothes. He also saw the gym bag at the side of the clothes. He then got Sulli's prepared clothes for him and entered the walk in closet to change.

After changing his clothes he went towards the full length mirror to check himself when he saw another note.

'I almost forgot to say sorry for invading your closet today without your permission, I just missed being your stylist :p ' Minho felt like his smile never left his face since the time he went out of Sulli's room.


He got his gym bag and was about to head out when he saw one of the servants busy dusting the living room.

"Good morning sir." she greeted. Minho nodded and recognition when the servant went near him and got something from his pocket and gave it to Minho as she excused herself.

Another note.

'Don't dare to leave the house without eating something, you didn't ate dinner last night.' Minho again, smiled and headed to the kitchen to see Ms. Annie.

"Your breakfast is in the dining room." Ms. Annie said after she greeted him.

He then went to the dining room and saw prepared Korean breakfast.

He then saw Sulli's note beside the chopsticks.

'I wouldn't claim and say that I made this because I didn't, but I'm proud to say that I helped Ms. Annie in preparing this so I should take credit for that :p Have a happy breakfast!'


After eating, Minho then went to the carport to see his driver waiting for him.

"Good morning sir, to the broadcast station?" the driver asked. Minho nodded since they needed to assemble for a short rehearsal before heading to the outdoor show.

Since it was just him, he sits on the passenger's seat, he saw a sticky note on the dashboard.

'Ooopssiee…  seatbelt on mister!' he smiled and wore his seatbelt. He doesn't normally wear his seatbelt when he rides the passenger seat and he was surprised that Sulli knows it… just then he saw on his peripheral vision, his driver was smiling.



As soon as they arrived in the broadcast station, as a respectful citizen of Korea, he normally greets the person he meets on the station.

As he entered the practice room, he saw the four standing infront of the wall mirror, he was facing their back.

"Good morning?" he wasn't sure if he should greet them as he dropped the gym bag on the side and checked his watch, he was 15 minutes early before the assembly time they have agreed.


He was cut off when the four turned around and faced him wearing a poker face with sticky paper on each forehead.

'I've also checked the boys' attire for each to have the same style motif' -Onew's note.

'Heard that there would be a lot of people to watch, don't fail them.' Jonghyun's note.

'Don't bother to call, I'm in Busan, girls had an early call time for their show there, I needed to come.' -Key's note.

'You guys have fun and enjoy the show! SHINee fighting!' -Taemin's note.

Minho smiled as he got the sticky paper one by one from each member's forehead.

"How's the feeling of having a such a caring wife?" Onew asked.

"It's like eating a chicken." Minho replied with a chuckle.

"You mean so heavenly?!" Onew asked with a shocked smile. Minho didn't reply but laugh, he really finds Onew's fascination with chicken funny.

"Your wife surely loves you huh… and us too!" Jonghyun said.


"Sulli came to our condo earlier to prepare our clothes then she brought some food for breakfast." Key explained.

"Waaaah… Your wife is just to caring!" Taemin added.

Minho just smiled as he thinks about how Sulli prepared everything that morning although she needed to leave so early.



"Smiling alone Ssul?" Victoria asked, they were having a break from rehearsal so they stayed with Sulli since they really love talking to her about anything.

"Nothing… I'm just thinking about something." Sulli replied.

"Your husband!" Amber shouted as the girls giggle. Sulli just smiled.


Minutes have passed by but Minho wasn't moving, he was just hugging her from the back.

"Minho it's getting late, let's get inside." Sulli said as she tried to get out of his embrace, she could feel his hug loosen a big, she immediately faced him and saw his eyes were half closed.. she was sure that he was half asleep.

"Let's get inside." Sulli said as she guided him inside her room. She wanted him to sleep on his room but she couldn't bear to make a half-asleep person walk for more so she helped him settle on her bed instead. Upon making sure that he was comfortable with her bed she bid him goodnight and headed to the master's bedroom for she decided to sleep there.


But Sulli can't sleep for she can't forget about what happened earlier.

'Is he teasing me again?!' Sulli thought.

A naughty thing then entered her mind.

'Why not too?' Sulli thought playfully.

Then she stared to plan out on what to do. She wanted to do 'better' than the hug that he did so she really prepared for it. Good thing that f(x) has a show the next day and she decided to come with them so Minho wouldn't do something to her that would ruin her silly plan of being 'oh-so-sweet' to him infront of everyone.





I'm back! Hello! Sorry for not being able to update in the past days since i lost my internet connection.. but now it's okay so yes! Here's an update! I hope you guys will like it!

yay! What will happen next?! :D

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!