Unfortunate Meeting

Best of Both Worlds



Sulli has just finished changing her clothes. She was now  ready for the party, since she didn't want Sean to get mad at her again. Every time Sean's mad at her, she really tries her best to get his attention. This time, she knows it's really her fault since she has been acting like a brat girl to her best friend.



"Look at that! Am I seeing Sulli Choi of Hollywood?" she was surprised to hear Sean's voice from behind. A smile form on her lips as she saw her best friend looking  so dashing with his simple aqua shirt topped with his casual sui, pants and shoes and not to forget is oh-so-awesome accessories. This is one thing that she liked about her best friend, he maybe a gay but he's a descent one.


"What's with the stare?" Sean asked.


"sht you look handsome!" Sulli cussed as she giggled. Sean rolled his eyes, he has been used with Sulli's playfulness.


"Shall we ms. Choi?" Sean asked. Sulli nodded as they went out of the house.






"Hey tell me anything about that party." Sulli opened the conversation since she didn't really have any ideas about the party.


"Its actually a thanksgiving party of one of the units of the company headed by Ms. Kim Sye Ri. She's one of the sweetest boss I ever had... she's so nice and out spoken that's why alot of artist loves her." Sean explained while driving.


", just please don't leave me hanging later..." Sulli stated as she pout.


"You? Hanging? I might be the one hanging, waiting for you to be free from different press people and even idols..." Sean contradict.


"I doubt."


"I bet."




"See? Goodluck later Ms. Sulli Choi." Sean giggled as he say his remark. It has always been the same line that he kept on repeating when Sulli attend events that she's not interested to yet her presence is needed.





As they arrived in the venue, Sulli knew that she would be facing a lot of different idols and persons known in the field of media so she took a deep sigh to motivate herself that this is the start of her return as a stylist in her own country.


"ready ?" Sean asked. Sulli nodded as he escorted her towards the entrance of the venue.






Sulli was right, she was surrounded by different celebrities and almost all recognizes her, she even lost track of Sean who excused himself to meet some colleagues.


Sulli felt like was in, she felt like she was a celebrity herself since a lot has been taking photos with her, even famous idols. Some even asked her if she's willing to work for them and they are willing to pay any price. Sulli, in return just gave out her calling card for them to call her.







Sulli felt like she had enough of them for the night, all she think is that, she needed some fresh air to breath since the venue was a restobar. As she reached outside the restobar she felt at peace, the music inside the bar can be heard but not too loud.


"Alone?" she was surprised to hear someone talk. She took a glance at the person beside her, he's not familiar, but with his looks, Sulli was sure that he was an idol.


"yeah." Sulli simply replied.


"I know you." Sulli was surprised to what the guy has just said.


"Me? Really?!"


"Hahaha, you're funny, ofcourse who wouldn't know a beautiful girl like you Ms. Sulli Choi?" Sulli took a deep breath, how could she not think about that certain reason of how the guy know him?


"aaaah... and you are?"


"Kim Hee Chul." they then offered a handshake.


"Its nice to meet you." -Sulli.


"Hee Chul you're being called inside! Ms. Kim is looking for you!" someone called from behind. Hee Chul then took a glance at Sulli as if asking her if he could excuse himself.


"Go, it's Ms. Kim who's looking for you." Sulli said. Hee Chul nodded then left.


She had the chance to meet Ms. Kim earlier and she thinks that Ms. Kim was really great and nice as well. She even thinks of working under her as an official stylist of the artists under her unit but she didn't told her directly since she haven't made a final decision yet.


Sulli continued to stroll around the 'garden' part of the restobar since it has alot of plants and gazebo around. As she thought of how peaceful the place was, she was surprised to hear someone talking and with the tone of the voice, she was sure that 'that someone' is angry. She feels like her feet has the mind of their own since she just wanted to go back inside yet her feet was dragging her towards the gazebo where the voice came from.


'It wouldn't hurt if I eavesdrop right? They still wouldn't know.' She convinced herself as she hid behind a tall and wide plant near the gazebo. She can perfectly hear the 'argument' that was happening. She took a peek and she saw two persons talking, again, with the looks, she was sure that they were idols.


"Yoona, stop talking as if saying that it's my fault here!" shouted the guy.


"and who do you think should we blame here Minho?! huh?! Tell me!" shouted the Yoona girl.


"Why don't you ask yourself of that question Yoona... who?!"


"This conversation is not going anywhere Mr. Choi, so if you will excuse me."


As soon as Sulli heard what 'Yoona Girl' as she thought has said, she was about to leave her hiding spot when she heard a commotion.  She took a peak and was surprised to see a lot of press people flashing their cameras like crazy as they started to bombard different questions.


"Yoona, Minho are you fighting?!"


"Are the two of you really in a relationship?!"



"are you guys having a problem here?!"



"Actually no, and I'm..... I'm here with my fiancé so if you would excuse me."



Everyone was shocked with what Minho has just said, especially Yoona.



Sulli on the other hand was about to tip toe and leave the gazebo when she felt a hand hold intertwine in her fingers as she felt camera flash over her.


She felt stiffen.... or rather she felt like a paper being pulled by someone.... she wanted to let go but she couldn't, he's too strong.... and a part of her was saying no to let go.


Camera flashes towards her even more, she just bowed low to hide her face since her hair was in a curly pony tail.



'Oh Sean where are you??!' she thought but she couldn't even look up to check if Sean was around since the flashes of camera was blinding her.



"get in." she was surprised to what the person who pulled her said. She wanted to argue but she had no choice since the press was driving her crazy so just followed what the man said and entered the car. As soon as the man entered and closed his door, he started the engine and drove off.





Sulli didn't know what to say. She badly wanted to confront the guy beside her about what was he doing, where were they going and alot more, but she was out of words, she didn't know what to say.



"You are?" the man asked. She was surprised and gave him a look... so the man doesn't know her huh.


"You don't care.... just tell me where are we freakin' going?!" that's it, she finally found her voice.


"hell." Minho simply replied. Sulli just rolled her eyes. She didn't want to argue since she was sure that the man beside her has nothing to say but a piece of sht as of the moment.




"We're here, get out." Sulli then looked at the man beside her as he took of his seatbelt and went out of the car. She didn't have a choice but to get out as well. She then look at the place where they stopped, it was a simple yet cozy apartment.


The man rang the doorbell. Sulli thought that they would wait for some time but she was wrong, a man.... or should she say a gay went out of the house and let them in.


'is this man having an affair with this gay?' Sulli thought but she immediately let it slip her mind... what she need to know now is why did the man said that he was with her fiancé yet pulled her away.



"what have you done now Minho?! Are you out of your mind?!" the gay shouted but Sulli could see that he was still controlling his temper.


'So I heard it right, the guy's name was Minho.' Sulli thought.



"Maybe yes... maybe no... I don't know." Minho replied. Sulli wanted to laugh but it was not the right time, especially that she was with two strangers.



"Look people, I don't know you, you don't know me... this man right here*pointing at Minho* just announced infront of the press people that he was with his fiancé but ended up pulling me instead of pulling that... ugh.... what was her name...ugh wait let me think.... ah! Instead of pulling that Yoona with him.... now I'm right inside this house, not knowing why am I here." they were surprised since they almost forgot about her presence.


There was an awkward silence until the gay finally speak.


"Oh my God Minho! I think you really mess up now!"


Minho raised his eyebrow.


"Oh God! Don't you know her Minho?! She's Ms. Sulli Choi! A renowned stylist in Hollywood! gooosssh!" Sulli wanted to laugh at the gay's remark as she remembers Sean..... Sean which she haven't contacted yet.


"Huh? I..... I think I heard about her name but I don't know her." Minho admitted.


"And I don't know you either." Sulli replied.


"What?! You don't know me??!" Minho almost shouted his statement but he returned to the calm manner again.


"uhm.. hello? Didn't the person right here just told you that I'm from Hollywood.. how would I know any Korean idols huh?!" -Sulli.


"tss... you're really something." Minho just rolled her eyes.


"Ms. Sulli-"


"Just call me Sulli."


"Okay, Sulli, I apologize to what this moron-"


"who's the moron?!" -Minho.


"shut up will you?!..... so as I was saying... I apologize to what this man has done... He's just having alot of problems right now... he's just tired that's why... but anyways... I'm Jin, Minho's manager." Jin then offered his hand for a handshake and Sulli immediately took it.



There was again an awkward silence.


"What's the plan now Jin?" Minho broke the ice.


"Look who's talking.. you're the one who made this decision without even consulting me... and now you're asking me about my plan?!" Jin burst again.


"I don't know." Minho replied and sighed.


"I don't know either.... but there's just one solution to this problem." Jin then got a glimpse of Sulli who was just listening to them.


"And that is?" -Minho.


"stand up for it... make it real."


"WHAT?!" with that, both of them stood up and shouted.


"Easy you guys... Minho... have you thought of any other way?" Jin asked. Minho didn't answer.


"Then that's settle... Ms. Sulli is officially you're fiance!" Jin exclaimed with a clap which made Sulli's eyes widen.



First, she and Sean had an argument.



Second, Sean made her agree to go to the party with him.



Third, she eavesdrop while Yoona and Minho was talking.



And now....








"You're completely ignoring me here, you're having me as this guy's fiancé?! Are you out of your mind?!" Sulli exclaimed in disbelief.


"Yes you're this guy's fiancé... and no I'm not of my mind Ms. Sulli... but now if you will excuse me, I still have a date." Jin replied and pushed her and Minho slightly out of the door.


"enjoy newly engaged couple!" he shouted before shutting the door.





Oh my gosh! I didn't expect to get some response after I posted the forewords.. you guys are amazing! Thank you so much! I'll really try my best to update everyday!


Thanks again!

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!