Best of Both Worlds




Minho has been waiting for some time at the living room. He has already wore his clothes for the press con and had even thought of things to answer later but then, Sulli wasn't out yet...and he's getting impatient already.


He then heard the door open, he immediately stood up and took a glance at the door..... which made his jaw drop.


Yes, he knows that Sulli has always been one of the best dress woman of the world as what a blog has said.... which he eventually read while he was surfing the net while waiting for her to come out.



Yes he also know that Sulli is pretty... no one can deny it....



But he can't believe what he was actually seeing right now.



From head to toe... he must say... she's a living doll.



Her white complexion surely compliments her peach dress that was cut above her knee. She surely has a nice and y legs... she has a light make up on, Minho can tell since he could easily identify heavy make-up from a light one... and her hair was on braid which adds up to the beauty of her face.


"Minho, we know you're finace is pretty, you don't have to be smitten like that." Pam joked as they saw Minho's reaction. Minho just then chuckled and went beside Sulli as he again, s her waist.


"You guys surely made this girl the most beautiful woman during the presscon." Minho joked as he kissed Sulli's temple. Sulli wanted to roll her eyes but she caught Val looking at her so she just flashed a sweet smile.


"And this man beside me will surely be the most handsome man later...and forever." Sulli ride in as she faced Minho and fixed the fold on his polo.


"I guess you guys should keep going.. you don't want to be late!" Val suggested.



After few minutes they both left the hotel with hands intertwined.


As they were both walking out the hotel's entrance while they approach the valet who has just brought Minho's car... Sulli could feel cameras and eyes around them.... she just decided to shrug it off since she knows that they can't come near her.


As Minho started driving, there was an awkward silence.


"Ugh.... later, during the presscon.... answer questions concerning you... but as much as possible... you can just shut your mouth to lessen the additional chaos that those press are planning to do later." Sulli could feel that Minho was actually nervous about the press conference later. That made her smile. Afterall, this man beside her also knows how to feel nervous.





As they arrived infront of the venue, a valet got hold of Minho's car. They both walked towards the entrance with some security since the press was actually waiting outside, waiting for them to arrive.



They went directly to a room.


"You stay here first, uhmm... after I get out of this room just on the television for you to see what is happening outside... there would be someone who would call you if its time for you to get out." Minho instructed... again, Sulli could see that he was nervous.


"Okay." Sulli simply answered.


"And before I forget, wear this." Minho said as he handed Sulli a velvet box.


With the sight of the box, Sulli knew that it was their engagement ring. She was about to open the box when Jin entered the room.


"Minho its time to go out." he said. Minho nodded and took a deep sigh.


"Sulli, remember what I said." he reminded before going out.


Sulli sighed and opened the box, she was surprised to see a diamond cut ring... she couldn't help but feel sad since she knew that the ring wasn't really for her... it was actually for the one that Minho love... and that's not her.... but then she didn't have any choice. She wore the ring and stared at it... it fitted perfectly as if it was really meant for her.


She then the television to watch.


There she saw him confidently answering each question given by the press.


"Minho, can you please tell us about the girls the you have seen with the past weeks?" asked the press.


Minho chuckled first before answering. "Those girls are my friends and we just found some time to bond since it has been a long time since I had a free schedule."


"But the time you entered the LV shop, did you buy that bag for the certain girl?" -Press


"matter of fact, I just asked that girl to help me choose a bag since I must admit, I was never good in choosing stuffs for girls." Minho answered and even flashed a shy smile which made Sulli roll her eyes inside the room.


"Was the LV bag for Yoona?" -Press


"It was for the girl who's very important to my heart." Minho answered with a sweet smile.... again Sulli rolled her eyes.


"The time that you attended Ms. Kim's party, that was the time you announced that you are already engaged... but some people said that they saw you and Yoona fighting?" -Press.


"Ugh, regarding that, first I would like to say sorry to Ms. Kim about what happened to party.... and yes I announced that I am already engaged... and about Yoona... I'm asking for our privacy regarding what conversed between me and Yoona that night." Minho answered calmly.




Sulli on the other hand was listening carefully to whatever Minho was saying.... and she occasionally rolls her eyes.


Until she heard a knock from the door. She immediately opened it to see two body guards saying that she need to go out.... she first took a deep breath and went out of the room, not hearing the other things that Minho said in the interview.




She was brought to the hall that was actually just behind the room where she stayed. She could see Minho standing up and walking towards her. Sulli could feel the camera flashing everywhere, Minho walked towards her and offered his hand, Sulli immediately took it as he guided her up the mini stage.


Sulli flashed a sweet smile to the press as Minho assisted her to take a seat.

Sulli feels like she was on cloud nine, she can't even hear people talking due to the blinding flashes of lights.


Sulli followed what they agreed about, she would just answer questions concerning her... good thing that Minho even announced of having an exclusive interview after the wedding to answer the questions of the people... especially the press.




They were down for one with one question since Jin announced that the couple needed to go.


"Minho, we just would like to know, since you and Sulli is in relationship, then what's with all the sweetness that's happening between you and Yoona? Is that just for publicity?"


Sulli noticed that Minho gripped a little harder on her fingers... yes, Minho didn't let go of her hand the moment she sat down beside him.


"uhm... can I answer that question?" Sulli asked since there was a mic infront of her... Minho then took a glance at him, Sulli just gave him an assuring smile as she slightly gripped his hand as if saying 'I can handle this'.


The press people just nodded giving Sulli the cue to answer.


"Whatever happens infront of the camera between Minho and Yoona, they're all real... none of those are for publicity purposes.... From the start, I told Minho that what we have was an open relationship, he can go on dates and be sweet to whoever he wants since I am not that kind of girl who wants something just for myself... I was never a jealous type... and.... as I can see, there is nothing wrong between Minho and Yoona's actions... they're just being real based on my own prospective... when it comes to style... I guess we can call that issue an old-fashioned one... what's important is the present... right?" everyone was silent as Sulli was explaining her side.... Minho couldn't even take his eyes from Sulli as he wasn't expecting the girl beside him to say such thing.


"I guess the couple had answer all your questions... lets just reserve the remaining ones next time..." it was time for Jin to cut off the press conference since he think that Minho is already tired.


"then can we have our last request before the couple leave?" asked one of the press. Jin then looked at Minho as if asking for his permission, he just nodded since he was feeling tired already.


"okay, just one last request." Jin announced.


"Kiss! Kiss! kiss!" Sulli was shocked with the last request but she tried her best to hide it since camera was everywhere.


"Sulli." Minho whispered as he let her face him. Slowly..... he got his face near Sulli... Sulli on the other hand didn't know what to do which made her close her eyes.


Sulli felt it... she felt something inside her that she couldn't understand. It wasn't her first kiss but she just felt unusual that she craved for more after Minho pulled away from the kiss.


"Let's go?" she just nodded as Minho assisted her to stand and they left.




"waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" Sulli shouted on top of her lungs. It's been a day since the press con ended.... Minho brought her home and they didn't see each other after that.... but still, Sulli couldn't get over of the kiss that happened in the presscon.


"waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!" she shouted again. She's in their house so she could do whatever she wants until she felt something hit her head, a pillow perhaps. She immediately looked at the door to see Sean standing with his arms crossed infront of his chest.


"!" Sulli shouted as she ran and hugged Sean.


"You've got alot of things to tell!" Sean said as soon as they let go from the hug.


"I know.. I know... how about let's have some talk in the kitchen? I baked some cupcakes." Sulli suggested.


"Okay, I'll just wait for you downstairs... fix your room ." Sean replied and went out of the room.





"Now, talk!" Sean commanded. Sulli took a deep breath, she never wanted to lie to her best friend but she didn't have a choice, she needed to do it. So she narrated the story to Sean, the story that Jin made up for them.... at first, Sean wasn't convinced but as Sulli continued talking and even made some giggle and flashed a sweet smile for her to be more convincing... Sean started to believe her story.


"...... and here I am... engaged to one of the most well known Idol." Sulli ended her story as she showed her finger with the ring. Sean couldn't help but get teary eyed as he thought, his best friend has finally found someone to take good care of her.


"awwww... my is no longer a baby... she'll soon become a housewife." Sean stated as he playfully wiped invisible tears from his eyes which made Sulli throw a tissue on him.


"crazy! Wait I'll just get the next batch of cupcakes." Sulli said as she stood up and went to the oven.


Sean was surprised when someone entered the kitchen and it was none other than, Choi Minho. Sean's jaw dropped, he didn't expect to see him right in that moment since he knows him because they work under the same unit in the company and he knows that Minho came from an event that day. Minho signaled him to keep quiet as he tip toed towards Sulli and hugged her from behind.


Sulli was surprised with the hug.


"Sean-" she was cut off when she smelled the scent.... she knew it wasn't owned by Sean..... and she knows who owns it.


"Minho." she blankly said as she turned around and saw Minho smiling playfully infront of her.... they were inches apart... she could see Sean on her peripheral version so she immediately kissed Minho on his cheeks.


"You didn't tell me that you're coming for a visit." she said with a pout.


"I came from a fan event and I decided to drop by... I miss you." Minho replied as he put his hand around Sulli's shoulder and kissed her forehead.


'miss me huh...' Sulli thought.


"Missed me? We just saw each other yesterday... you're getting spoiled of my presence Mr. Choi." Sulli joked as she hugged Minho at the side.


"Ofcourse... and I couldn't wait for us to get married." Minho replied.



While Sean... well he felt like he needed to give the couple some 'lone' time so he told Sulli that he needed to leave since he still needed to go back to work.


'oh please Sean don't gooooo!' Sulli wanted to shout but she knows she can't so she just escorted Sean to the front door.


"You could stay." Sulli said.


"No, you and Minho should have some lone time together, you know how busy your husband-to-be is... so go inside... I'm fine here.. bye !" Sean replied and kissed Sulli as he pushed him to go inside... Sulli just weaved a sigh.


As Sulli entered the kitchen, she was surprised to see Minho eating one of her cupcake while seating infront of the kitchen table.


"What are you doing here and who told you to eat that cupcake?" She asked in a calm voice since her maids were staying at the maids' quarter, she didn't want them to hear anything from them.


"I told you I came from an event.... so I decided to drop by.... but hmmm... this taste good." Minho replied while busy eating the cupcake.


"whatever! I'll pack some for you and you may go." Sulli said as she got some cupcakes and placed it inside a disposable box.


"Why are you in a hurry to let me leave? Is your man coming over?" Minho asked as he finished eating his cupcake.


"Yes my man is coming over so you better leave!" Sulli replied as she placed the box of cupcakes infront of Minho which made Minho's eyebrow's meet.


"You have a boyfriend?" Minho couldn't help but ask.


"It's none of your business, you said it, I can enter relationship, you can also enter one... end of story." Sulli replied. She didn't know why but she just hated the Minho's presence that day.


"ooooh.... somebody seemed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed... okay then, I'll get going... just get ready tomorrow, 7 PM." Minho answered as he stood up and was ready to leave.


"What if I won't?" Sulli challenged.


"then you'll not have this back." Minho replied as he brought out the ring that he placed on a chain for him to use it as a necklace, just like what he did to the ring that he had as an exchange with Sulli.


"Ugh... whatever! You can leave now!" Sulli replied as she pushed him outside her house. Minho just chuckled as he went out of the gate and rode his car.




"arrggh!" Sulli couldn't help but curse, now she knows the answer why she hated Minho's presence earlier.... its because of the kiss. Everytime she sees him, she felt like she wanted for more.


"This can't be! It was just a kiss! Oh God! Sulli Choi gather yourself up!" Sulli insisted to herself as she buried her face to her pillow.









Hi! :D:D comments?:D thank you to all those who subscribed:D


and again, English is not my first language so please bear with me:D ehehehe:)

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!