Best of Both Worlds


Grandma immediately left the 'couple' after dinner since she said that she wanted to give the two some private time for she thinks that she have disturbed some lovey-dovey moment of the two.

Sulli went upstairs as soon as they bid goodbye to grandma.

"Yah Ssul where are you going?!" Minho shouted as he followed her.

"To my room, I'll take a shower, why?" Sulli asked.

"Let's go together." Minho teased as he even batted his eyebrows.

"!!" Sulli exclaimed, rolled her eyes and ran to her room.

Minho couldn't help but smile to Sulli's action.


The last show has just ended and all are exhausted inside the dressing room. But then, all were concerned, even Jin with what was happening with Minho. Almost all the mistakes that happened earlier came from him. He dropped his mic, he forgot his placement, he forgot some dance steps and he even forgot his rap good thing that other members have covered him up…. it's the first time that he did this in one show and they all know that he doesn't like it. The first time he experienced this, he ended up crying inside the dressing room after the show… but this time…. he was just sitting on the couch and in deep thoughts.

"Hyung, any problem?" Taemin was the first one to approach him as he sat beside him.

"Eh? None… nothing…" Minho stammered.

Taemin glanced at Onew, Jonghyun and Key who was looking at them asking for some back up. Jonghyun was about to get near when Jin entered the dressing room.

"That was a good show, time for some prepping up since it's still early…" Jin announced, everyone thanked Jin.

"But Minho, we need to talk." Jin said as he eyed the four boys then to Minho. Minho just took a deep breath and nodded.


Jin and Minho proceeded to the holding area where there is no one around.

"Is there a problem?" Jin asked.

"None." Minho answered blankly.

"Dropping the mic, forgetting your placement, dancesteps and lines… and your telling me you don't have a problem?!" Jin's voice was now a little louder than the usual since he was sure that no one can hear them for the holding area was soundproof.

Minho just took a deep sigh and said "sorry."

"Apology not accepted… is it about Sulli?" Jin asked. Minho just look at him.

"And Yoona.." Jin added.. Minho bit his lower lips which confirmed Jin's thoughts.

"You like Sulli don't you?" Jin asked. Minho was just staring at him.

"And you're still having that anxiety feeling over Yoona?" Minho just looked down.

"So I can conclude that you're confused with your feelings for the two?" Jin said, he knew that he was only the one who's going to speak in this conversation, but knowing Minho for more than 5 years he already knows his answer to his questions through his expressions.

Minho sighed.

"I knew it." Jin said with a smile, Minho stared at him.

"That you'll fall for her… Sulli is such a sweet girl that someone like would eventually fall for her." Jin said, Minho looked down.

"Minho listen, Yoona… she's just a part of your past, she maybe here in the present and maybe part of the future… but she will never be back just the way the two of you were, let's accept and embrace reality here, Sulli is in your presence and you have fallen for her… Yoona, she would always remain special to you, that's what I know… but now, I think you should settle down things with your wife rather than act lost and problematic, your members are concern…" Jin said as he patted Minho's shoulder.

"Think about what I said." he said as he went out of the holding area leaving Minho behind.


Minho had settled everything about the issue the next day, he was advice to show some sweet moments with Sulli in the public since the management know how 'private' there relationship was. But then, Minho didn't told Sulli about it since he didn't want her to feel awkward around him especially that they are just formally starting out to give their marriage a try.


Sulli has just finished her morning rituals and was ready for work. She noticed that Minho wasn't around anymore, she didn't bother to check on his room for she still feels awkward with what happened the other night but one good thing is that Sulli knew that Minho has settled the issue to his management and she even saw some positive articles regarding them after that.

As soon as she stepped inside the kitchen to get some water she was surprised to see a cooking Minho in his apron. She immediately checked her watch, she thought that he was supposed to be in the building already.

"Why are you still here?" she immediately asked.

"Good morning too Ssul." Minho sarcastically replied as he smiled.

"Ugh, well good morning..." Sulli felt shy upon meeting Minho's gaze.

"Let's just go there together, SHINee got a contract signing for a fashion line and magazine later, coming with us?" Minho asked as he brought his dish to the dining room, Sulli was following her bringing the other side dishes that Minho left in the kitchen counter.

"Yes since Ms. Kim said that I was even requested by the photographer." Sulli replied as she settled on her seat. Minho removed his apron and sat infront of Sulli. They then started eating.

"Umm.. do you know the person behind this?" Minho asked.

"Actually I don’t, but we'll still get to meet them later." Sulli replied.

"But this tastes good, thank you." Sulli said as she complimented Minho's cooking.

"Where's the babe?" Minho asked as he pouted which made Sulli giggle. She finds it strange when Minho acts that way, but on the other hand, it's making her fall even more.

"Aaahh… too early to be cheesy Mr. Choi." Sulli replied as she continued eating.

"Aish, how could you still act that way Mrs. Choi?" Minho acted annoyed.

Sulli checked on his expression and she finds it cute which made her giggle.

"Yaaah! you're happy huh?!" this time he was really annoyed.

"Awwwww…. the baby is angry, here have some bite." Sulli playfully fed Minho which he eventually ate.

"Yyieeee… he's gonna smile already… yiiieee.." Sulli playfully said which made Minho smile.

"Yes!" Sulli exclaimed and laugh.

"You act like a kid Mrs. Choi." Minho commented as he continued eating.

"And you like what you're seeing Mr. Choi." Sulli replied as she even raised an eyebrow.


They continued eating and left the house together.


They both wend directly to the conference room since Onew texted them that they were also on their way there.

As soon as they entered they were surprised to see who were inside the room.

The 4 boys with Jin was already there, 2 of the big bosses was present, Sean was also there and Sulli couldn't believe who was she seeing.

"Carrie, Emma, Jason, John you're all here!" Sulli exclaimed as she run towards them and hugged each of the one by one.

"You're looking great Ssul." said Carrie as she smiled.

"And you must be Choi Minho?" asked Emma. Minho bowed at them and introduced himself.

"Great catch Ssul." Jason whispered which made Sulli slap his arm gently.

"I seems like you are having a reunion here." Ms. Kim commented.

"Sorry for the commotion earlier Ms. Kim, I just couldn't believe that I'm actually seeing them here." Sulli replied and even bowed infront of the big bosses.

"Don't worry Ssul we understand, so are well going to start?" Ms. Kim asked.

Sean was the one who facilitated the meeting and the contract signing. He discussed to them about the purpose of 'C & E' to them. Carrie and Emma owns that clothing line which eventually ventured to publishing fashion magazines. It has been a success throughout North America and now they've decided to venture in Asia and they wanted to start it in Korea since K-Idols are known for their great fashion ethics. Carrie and Emma thinks that SHINee would perfectly feat what they want since they have seen how they could really appeal to the public. For the girls clothes, they've decided to just select some female K-idols to have a special part in the magazine. Having Sulli as one of the top billed stylist in America, as well as she was one of their colleague, they've decided to still get her as there official stylist.

After the meeting and the contract signing everyone enjoyed a lunch feast sponsored by the big bosses.



The day of the first set of photoshoot came. They were already in the location and Sulli was fascinated with the location. Surely her friends can really turn something into more than what she expects.

"Yaaah John stop that!" Sulli exclaimed as John was actually busy taking her pictures while she was busy checking on the accessories.

"Billy misses your face so much so I'm just pampering him up." John playfully replied as he continued to take Sulli's pictures.

"Tell him I miss him too so I'm gonna use him later." Sulli replied with a giggle.

"He said he doesn't want you to touch him for you might not return him to me anymore." John replied.

"Aayaay! Being so playful again." Sulli stopped what she was doing and pouted. John stopped taking Sulli's photo and faced her.

"I just missed you Ssul." Sulli could feel that John was sincere with what he was saying. Sulli tried to look into John's eyes and she was surprised to see hurt and sadness, she immediately looked away.

"Ugh, I missed you too John, we all missed each other don't we?" Sulli tried to lighten up the mood since she's starting to feel if where were their conversation was heading to.

"If on-"

"I'm a married girl now John." Sulli cut of his statement for she was afraid to hear what is he about to say.

"I know." John replied with a sigh.


"What's in here?" the awkwardness of their surrounding was gone after Sean spoke.

"Nothing, just catching up." Sulli replied with a smile.

"Owww… wow John you brought Billy with you!" Sean exclaimed as he pointed at the camera that John was holding.

"Well yeah, Billy misses her owner a lot." John replied with a fake smile.

Sulli just flashed an awkward smile.

Sean being so observant could feel the aura between the two.

"Know what? Ssul just leave the accessories here, come help me with the clothes, Emma and Carrie needs us." Sean said happily trying to break the gloomy aura.


On the other hand, Minho was secretly glancing at Sulli and John who was talking earlier. He wanted to approach them but he didn't know what to reason out when asked if why was he there but then, he just feels something strange about John and his actions towards Sulli.

Even during the meeting, he could clearly see him glancing at 'his wife', being a man, he could easily point out that there is something with the way he looks at Sulli. During lunch he was even the one who cut out Sulli's dish although she didn't ask for it. From then he wanted to punch the guy straight to the face but being an idol, he didn't want to create a scene.

"They seemed close." he was brought back to reality upon hearing Jin's words.

"Ugh, what do you mean?" Minho innocently asked as he sat straight.

"Your wife and John, they seemed close." Jin repeated.

"Well they are, I mean they were colleagues right? Even with Sean." Minho tried to sound casual though his eyes can't even leave the sight of the two.

"Hhmmm… playing innocent Mr. Choi, okay it's up to you, but let me just remind you, just don't get jealous, remember, she's yours." Jin playfully tapped Minho's shoulder and walked off. Minho just sighed.


"I'll do that." Minho opened his eyes upon hearing Sulli's voice. He then saw his makeup artist walk away and took over in prepping Taemin's hair as Sulli took over his makeup.

"Missed me?" Minho playfully said as he placed his hand around Sulli's waist while she was busy with his makeup.

"Whatever Mr. Choi." Sulli replied as she continued her work.

"aaah really Mrs. Choi?" Minho playfully tickles Sulli's waist which caused her to giggle.

"Yaaaah…" Sulli was giggling as Minho continued what he was doing, Sulli was even trying to get away from his arm's embrace around her waist and yes, they are having a world of their own.

The staffs and even the boys couldn't help not to laugh and giggle upon seeing the two.

Even Sean and Jason who was talking stopped and took a glance at the lovey-dovey couple. Carrie and Emma even giggled while looking at them. John just took a glance, took a deep breath and continued to do check on the lights.

"Lights are ready, we'll start in 5." he suddenly announced in the megaphone.

"Yaaah stop it I have to finish your makeup." Sulli said, Minho just made a face and went back to his seat without minding his surroundings.

Sean, Jason, Emma and Carrie exchanged meaningful looks.


The photoshoot started. Everyone was busy with their work while Sulli was standing beside John who was busy taking pictures. It's the usual thing she o when they have a photoshoot. Carrie and Emma would observe from the back, Jason is in-charged with the video camera which get the footage of the shoot while Sean is also standing beside Sulli.

"5 minutes retouch!" John announced. The makeup artists and other stylists immediately approached the idols.

Sulli was about to approach the idols when John called her.

"Ssul check this out." he said, Sulli, being interested immediately walked towards John as he let her watch the images he have captured. Sean was just simply looking at them while holding his phone acting as if he was busy texting.

"That's great, I like this angle." Sulli commented as she continued to browse through the pictures.

"Yeah, this one too.." John replied.

Minho on the other hand couldn't take his eyes away from the two since they were actually staying in the middle where the main camera was located. Sulli was very close to John to get a nice view with his camera screen.

"Cool down Minho, they're just friends." Onew commented as he patted Minho's shoulder since he was sitting beside Minho for the shoot.

"Friends." Minho repeated then smirked.

"Okay 5 minutes is over, we're starting." John announced. The makeup artists and stylists left the idols as they started to get back to the act.

"Ssul want to try?" John asked as he pointed at the main camera.

"Me? Are you kidding?" Sulli felt giddy upon hearing what John said. He always does that when she's the stylist of the shoot.

"Go Ssul I know you miss that." Jason agreed. Carrie and Emma even showed her thumbs up.

Sulli smiled and went to the main camera as John stepped back, Sulli first took a glance at Minho who managed to give her a sweet smile.

"Okay everyone, remember the illusion, show me the smile… I need the real one…." Sulli kept on talking while taking over the camera. She was really enjoying it since she rarely experience those… and to add on that, her 'husband' is one of her models.

"Enjoying too much huh." John commented while standing behind Sulli.

"Ofcourse." Sulli replied.

"Okay change set!" John announced. Idols then went to their chairs for makeup changes as the next batch of clothes were being prepared.

Since Sulli have already checked on those, she decided to stay and check on the images she got.

"You really capture good angles Ssul, just like before." John commented.

"Ofcourse and I learned all those because of Billy." Sulli replied.

"and that's why I got interested in this field of work." John added.

Sulli smiled and continued browsing through the images.



They arrived home both feeling tired. The first leg of the photoshoot consumed the whole day and yet they're still not finish. SHINee didn't know that photoshoots in America is way too different from what they're experiencing now.

On the other hand, Sulli noticed Minho's silence eversince there dinner ended. She asked her if what's wrong but he just said that he was tired.

"I'll go upstairs, goodnight." He bluntly said and went up without hearing Sulli's reply. She followed his figure until he had entered his room.

Sulli bit her lips and went up to her room.

As soon as she was finished with her night rituals she sat at the edge of the bed, fighting over her thought if she would go to Minho's room or not.

 She figured out what's wrong… he might be jealous. Sean had playfully told her about that earlier, about Minho's look at her and John, about Minho being jealous but Sulli just laugh at it… but now, she thinks Sean was right… which actually makes her giggles since she could feel that Minho was really sincere when he told her that he loves her.

She first took a deep breath to gather her courage and went towards Minho's room.

As she was standing infront of his room, she was fighting over her thoughts if she would knock or just go in immediately if it's open since it's his usual habit when it comes to her room.

"Fine!" Sulli whispered and got hold of the knob while biting her lower lips.

The door was open so she went in immediately, there she saw him lying down while facing the other side of the room.

She walked slowly towards the bed, she didn't know why but the bed seemed inviting as she remembered the first time she lied down that bed… that moment when 'it' almost happened.

She first sat on the bed waiting for Minho to move but he didn't. She took a deep breath to gather her courage to actually lay down beside him, she faced his back.

"Babe." she called, he wasn't moving.

"If you're still awake atleast just listen to me." she said, but again, he wasn't responding.

"I'm sorry." she stated.

"I know it's my fault here, I didn't watch my actions, I was too caught up with reuniting with my friends that I almost forgot that I got my husband who actually needs me." Sulli continued as she pouts.

It's true, for the rest of the shoot, Sulli haven't personally checked on him. She have checked Jonghyun and Key for their assigned stylist asked for Sulli's help about some details. The only time she got near him again was during dinner already that's why she was feeling so guilty.

"Guilty as charged, I'm really sorry." she said.

She wanted to touch his back as if it was inviting her to hug him when Minho moved. He turned to face her.

"You're awake." she said.

But Minho did not speak, rather he just adjusted his position and hugged Sulli.

"I love you." he whispered which made Sulli teary eyed but she tried not to let it out.

"I love you too.." she whispered back.

They just stayed in that position for a couple of minutes as they could feel the warmth of each other's body.


Moments later they've adjusted their position as Sulli's head was now resting on Minho's chest who was resting his head on the headboard.

"You guys are really close?" Minho started the conversation since they were having a complete silence inside the room.

"Yes we are, we grew up together except for John that we met during middle school." Sulli replied as she played with Minho's chest by running her fingers to it which makes Minho flinch.

"But you are the closest to him?" Minho again asked.

"You know what, at first I didn't agree to what Sean said but now, I could clearly say that he's right." Sulli said as she tried to divert the topic.

"huh? And that is?" Minho's forehead creased.

"And that is… the man beside me right now is actually jealous over John earlier." Sulli even giggled while she was talking.

"too confident huh." Minho commented.

"I am… very.." Sulli replied as she stick out her tongue.

"Then… yes I am jealous." Minho replied which surprised Sulli. She again, didn't expect him to admit it that easily.

His answer made her look up to him.

"because you are too close to him." Minho added as he pointed at Sulli's nose.

"Sorry, what should I do then?" Sulli asked.

"Kiss." Minho simply answered. Sulli was about to answer when Minho suddenly moved down his face and kissed Sulli's lips, a smack.

"YAH!" Sulli pouted which made Minho laugh.

"You're so cute Mrs. Choi." Minho said as he adjusted his position to lay down on the bed.

"Let's sleep, I'm sleepy… I need to be early tomorrow." Minho said for he was fighting over sleep since Sulli entered his room.

"Oooo.. you look sleepy, okay then, goodnight Mr. Choi." Sulli said as she was about to stand up but Minho held her tight.

"And where are you going?" Minho asked.

"To my room." Sulli innocently replied.

"No, you stay here… beside me." Minho replied as he tightened up his embrace.


"Goodnight Mrs. Choi, have a good sleep, I love you." Minho cut her off and closed his eyes.

Sulli couldn't help but smile, she never expected that Minho could be this sweet and vocal with his feelings.

"Goodnight… I love you too." she whispered and closed her eyes for slumber.


She may have a lot of questions inside her mind but having him beside her is more than enough to even know the answer to her questions.





Waaaah! I knew it! I knew it! I couldn't give justice over this chapter.. waaaah! So anyways.. ahahahahaha! I haven't proofread this chapter.... well it's because I read the chapter after I post it :p ehehehehe... time check: 2:45 am. laahahahaha!

But let's go back to the previous chapter... oh my God! THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading and giving your comments over the previous chapter. You don't know how I smiled while reading over your comments.. thank you so much!:D

And now, since I said that I think I haven't gave justice over this chapter... I'll give you a hanging question that even I couldn't answer. ahahahaha!

a) Who is John? (well aside from being the photographer and all. ehehehehe)

and the most important questions is....


oh gosh. AHAHHAHAHAHA! Comments? :D I'd like to hear it from you....

and again, thank you so much! :D

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!