Best of Both Worlds


It's been a week since there vacation. They were already back to work… with Minho being so busy together with the boys for preparing for the second leg of their album comebck. They wanted to give the fans what they wanted and the boys were known to give there all for everything they do. Sulli on the other hand had a little free time since f(x) was granted a vacation for having a feedback from their international show. EXO also has a few listed scheduled shows that needed Sulli around so she had more free time. She would usually stay at home if she's free and would enjoy to pamper herself by watching movies that she missed doing since grandma left for another leg of vacation.

Sulli was watching a movie inside the entertainment room when she felt something and she knows it's something not right… she immediately ran towards the comfort room and had herself vomit infront of the sink. She spent some time infront of the sink until she felt at ease again.

She knows something was happening to her… and she thinks she knows it. After washing her face she immediately turned off the movie and went down to their bedroom since they've been sharing the master's bedroom for quite some time now.

She stared at her figure infront of her full length mirror. She was actually wearing a tank top and shorts… and she remembered that it was few of her remaining shorts that fits her.

She stared at her bust, she knows something was different with it, it looked molded and bigger than it was before. She held her waist and look at her figure, she surely gained weight… she turned to her right and look at her figure again… she knows it… she was having a bump in her belly. She got hold of it as tears started to form in her eyes. How could she be so ignorant?

She has been throwing up every morning for quite some time now, the thing is, Minho is not around when she wakes up and do her thing. It would either be: he already left or he's already eating his breakfast downstairs since he told her that he didn't want to bother her sleep since he said that he noticed that she became too sleepy the past few days, even during their vacation. Truth to be told, Sulli must admit that she sleeps more than her usual sleep before, even during work, when she's free, she would find some comfy place and would fall into a slumber. She also became picky with foods, Minho also noticed it but she told him that was just full instead of refusing the food. What adds more to her changes was that, her dizziness, good thing that she often experience it at home which would result her to just sleep instead of minding it, when she's at work and would feel it, she would sit around and pretend to get herself busy into something… she also know that she has been delayed for two months now… two months since they first did 'it'.

Sulli cried as she sat on her couch. She has been noticing this changes and things for months, she knows those symptoms since she also noticed it in her married friends and even listened to their stories… but she was just in denial with it… she doesn't know why… maybe because she thinks that she wasn't ready… or maybe she 's questioning herself of being a…. mom.


She was crying while her hand was on her belly… she just couldn't believe it… she may not have it checked… but she could feel it… and it sends shiver to her body.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, good thing that she was inside her walk in closet.

"Ms. Sulli, you have a visitor downstairs." it was Ms. Annie.

"Okay Ms. Annie, I'll follow, thank you." Sulli replied as she tried not to have her voice crack.

She immediately gathered herself up and washed her face again. She checked herself first before going out.

As soon as she arrived downstairs, she was surprised to see who her visitor was.

"Mom!" She shouted as she ran and hugged her mom tightly. She couldn't believe if how could her mom be there in the right timing that she needs her.

"I miss you mom… so much!" Sulli said in the hug.

"Oh I miss you too darling… sorry for not visiting you since after the wedding." her mom replied. True, they haven't visited the couple eversince the wedding ended since they were again hooked up with work.

After they broke the hug, Sulli noticed something.

"Mom where's dad?" Sulli asked.

"Oh your dad needed to stay for a meeting but he'll follow the day after tomorrow… I just went ahead since I was feeling something strange and I couldn't figure out what is it… your dad told me that I was becoming paranoid over you… but how can't I? I just miss our princess too much." her mom replied as she cupped Sulli's face which made her pout.

She raised her eyebrow when she noticed her mom's forehead creased.

"Is there any problem mom?" Sulli asked.

"There's really something wrong with you… your eyes… did you cry? Are you okay dear? Is something wrong? Come on tell mommy…" her mom said which made Sulli's eyes filled with tears. Her mom immediately helped her to sit.

"Hey darling.. . tell me.. is there something wrong? Your marriage? How is it? Ssul… don't just stare at me that way… speak.." her mom was in panic as soon as Sulli's tears escaped her eyes.

"Mom… I have to tell you something……"



"Don't worry darling… everything's going to be fine.. mom is here." Sulli's mom assured her as she gripped her hand for assurance. Sulli nodded as she took a deep sigh.

"Sulli, follow me."

"Okay doc…" Sulli replied as her mom let go of her hand and motioned her to follow the doctor as she followed behind.

They were now inside a clinic of a trusted doctor of her mom.


Few tests were made on Sulli, the whole time, her mom was with her.


"I don't think anything is wrong Sulli… you're in a good condition… and the baby…" the doctor paused and took a glance at Sulli, she immediately noticed her eyes having tears. Her mom immediately reached for Sulli's hand and got hold of it.

"Yes Ssul, you're having a baby… and she's exactly 2 months a week living inside you." the doctor added as she gave Sulli a smile… this caused Sulli's tears to escape her eyes but also made her smile. She's really having a baby!

"Oh my… my baby not a baby anymore… she's now having her own one." her mom blurted as she also got teary eyed.

"I'm so happy for you Ssul… the baby is in a good condition too… here are some dos and don'ts for first time moms like you, here is also a list of vitamins to take to ensure the baby's safety.. this first trimester is a crucial one… always remember to take good care of yourself… though I know you always do that." the doctor reminded. Sulli nodded, she just couldn't utter any word.. she just feel… happy.




As soon as they arrived home, Sulli decided the surprise Minho since he called and told her that he's eating dinner at home for they are ending earlier that night since Onew and Key needed to fulfill a commitment. Sulli asked for her mom's help in the kitchen, she wanted to cook dishes with Korean touch.

She had a good time with her mom in the kitchen, she wanted her to stay but her mom told her that she should be the one to tell her husband about the good news for if she'll stay, Minho might just be on the door but she'll start to blabber things about Sulli's pregnancy.


Sulli was now waiting for Minho in the living room, she had everything prepared.

Few minutes later, she heard the car arrive, moments later, Minho dashingly entered the house. He may look tired but still handsome.

"Hey there handsome!" Sulli greeted as she walked towards Minho and gave him a smack on the lips.

"that tasted good beautiful." Minho replied which made Sulli giggle.

"So… let's eat?" Sulli asked. Minho nodded as he left his bag on the living room and escorted Sulli towards the dining room.

They enjoyed eating while exchanging some talks. Minho was surprised to see the food, Sulli told him that his mom was there earlier but she decided to go and would just pay another visit the next time.

Minho noticed something was different with Sulli, her eyes were sparkling and she looks so happy... but Minho didn't bother to ask Sulli and just enjoyed the dinner that his wife served.

After dinner Minho told Sulli that he'll wash the dishes but Sulli told her that she'll just let the servants do that and just told him to freshen up upstairs while she finish something in the kitchen. Minho didn't bother to refuse and just brought his bag upstairs.


As soon as he entered the bedroom, he was about to enter his walk in closet when something caught his eyes, an envelope on top of the bedroom. He immediately got as soon as he saw the name written on the envelope 'Sulli Choi'.

He gulped before opening the envelop, he immediately got the paper inside and started to read it… and he just couldn't believe what he was reading…

His wife is pregnant….

He felt tears was actually filling his eyes as he couldn't clearly read the remaining text, he felt his knees weaken which made him sit on the bed… when a photo fell from the envelop. He immediately picked it… upon the sight of the picture, his tears started to flow… it was an ultrasound picture of the baby inside Sulli's womb.

He heard footsteps walking towards him, he couldn't remember if when did she entered the room… but as soon as he lifted his head to look at her, she was smiling. He could see tears were forming in her eyes… he immediately stood up and hugged her.

"Thank you… thank you so much… this is one of the best news I've ever received in my entire life." Minho said as his tears were falling from his eyes, none stop. He just couldn't suppress himself from crying because of happiness. He's going to be a dad!

As soon as Sulli broke the hug she sniffed and got hold of Minho's face, she then wiped away his tears.

"I love you Mr. Choi." Sulli said in almost a whisper voice, she couldn't contain her happiness that even her tears goes along with it.

"I love you more Mrs. Choi… so much." Minho replied as he cupped Sulli's face and sealed their distance with a kiss.

After Minho broke the kiss, Sulli noticed that Minho's hands were shaking.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she held it.

"I… can… can I touch it?" he asked as he stares at Sulli's belly. It wasn't huge but you can certainly see the small bump since her dress was bit hugging her body.

Sulli smiled as soon as she realized why Minho was shaking.

"Come daddy, I'm sure baby would love to feel your touch." Sulli said playfully as she moved Minho's hand towards her belly.

Minho could feel it… he was actually holding the bump on his wife's belly… tears were again falling from his face… this is really true… it was never a dream… he's going to be dad of a child that's being conceived by the woman he dearly love.

Sulli was staring at her with a smile. Minho then turned his gaze and met Sulli's eyes, he immediately gave her a peck on the lips.

"You just don't know how happy I am…" Minho whispered.




Ayayaay! A new chapter! Soooooo.. how was it? I hope I gave justice to this chapter... :D

Honestly, I don't know how to end this story... it's just so... oh gosh I can't explain it. ahahahahah!

so anyways.. comments?:D

thank you so much! :D

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!