Best of Both Worlds


Sulli has been sighing for the nth time now, she has been wide awake since her pillow fell on the floor. She can't think straight.

'This is it, this is the day!' Sulli kept on repeating to herself.

She checked her bedside, it was almost 7 am, the crew are on their way now, she was sure of that so she decided to lay down again and pretended to be sleeping.

15 minutes later the Sulli's door opened, her mom with the crew entered.

"Sulli dear, wake up, it's your special day!" her mom said as she patted her shoulder, Sulli slowly opened her eyes to confirm that the crew was already there, the show for the the starts now.

Sulli faked a smile and waved at the crew as they greeted her 'good morning'.

"Our baby is getting married today!" Sulli's mom squealed as she hugged Sulli. Sulli felt safe with her mom's tight embrace.

"It seems like the women of life are having a blast." they both turned to look at the door revealing Sulli's dad who was holding two bouquet of flowers.

"For the woman of my life." Her said as he handed the bouquet to his wife.

"And to my princess." and he handed the other bouquet to Sulli which made her immediately hug her dad.

"Oh princess you're getting married already, time flies by so fast." her dad said while they were still in the hug. Sulli didn't know why but her tears started to fall as she hug her dad tight.

'I hope this ends soon.' she thought.

Some of the crew even became teary eyed as they were witnessing a sweet family moment… they even assumed that Sulli was crying because she's now leaving her parents to live a new life with her 'husband'.



Minho opened his eyes, this is the day. He didn't know what was the right thing to feel, all he knows was they just need to survive whatever will happen that day.

He was surprised to see his door open revealing his other group member and they were even holding a cake.

"Dude this is it!" Onew said as he showed the cake to Minho, it says 'Status: Married'. Minho immediately smacked his group mates shoulder, he didn't bother to look at the crew who was watching them.

"When you get married, you're leaving this room and I'm taking over it!" Taemin shouted as he jumped on Minho's bed gaining another smack from him.

"You're really-"

"Oh don't be too harsh, it's your special day!" Taemin stopped him as he covers himself with a pillow.

"Yeah, we're all excited!" Key shouted as he threw a punch in the air, Minho just laughed as he remembered Sulli.

'Will she backout?' he suddenly thought as he grabbed his phone from the side table.

"Calling someone this early?" Jonghyun asked as he took a peek at Minho's phone only to see that he was about to call Sulli so he immediately grabbed his phone.

"Yaah!" Minho reached for it but he passed it to Taemin who ran out of the bed.

"You'll see her later, don't be too eager to see her." Jonghyun said.

"But I was just going to call her." Minho replied as he tried to stand up to catch Taemin but Onew stopped him.

"You look like a chicken trying to fly-"

"You're the chicken!" Minho answered back.

"Yah! Let me finish will you?! As what I was saying, you're like a chicken who barks early in the morning! So annoying!" Onew said which made the crew laugh.

"Does the chicken bark?!" Key asked as he laughs.

"Psssh… that's still the same, it's still a chicken." Onew countered.

Minho just smiled as he realized that he wouldn't be able to witness this everyday routine of short morning 'fights' when he wakes up for three years.



"You are so beautiful Ms. Sulli!" The makeup artist has been saying that for the nth time since they started getting ready.

"Indeed, so pretty." added the hair stylist.

"You guys really know how to make me feel at ease." Sulli replied as she giggles.

"Don't worry Ms. Sulli, everything's going to be fine, I can't wait for you and Mr. Minho to exchange vows!" the makeup artist replied, Sulli just smiled.

"The woman of the hour is getting prepped!" Sulli heard Sean's voice as she turned around to see him with a box on his hand.

"!" Sulli squealed in delight with the presence of her best friend.

"Excited to see me huh?"

"Ofcourse! You didn't visit me last night!" Sulli replied.

"I was just busy looking for my gift, here." Sean handed Sulli the box.

"Should I open this now?" Sulli asked as she stared at the box.

"Yes you can." Sulli immediately untied the ribbon and opened the box and was surprised to see Sean's gift, it was a set of fashionable accessories that can only be bought in London. She has been ranting about wanting to fly to London just to get those accessories and now Sean is actually giving it to her.

"Oh My! Thank you so much !" Sulli said as she hugged Sean tight.

"You are so welcome ! I had that ship last week, I thought it wasn't going to arrive yesterday!" Sean replied as he broke the hug.

"Oh I can't wait to use those!" Sulli said as she closed the box and placed it at the corner.

"Yeah right, but for now, you must get ready, your groom might wait for you." Sean said as he let Sulli sit down and let the makeup artist and stylist resume their work.

'As if he's really waiting… yeah we're both waiting for this to end.' Sulli thought.



Minho was already wearing his attire for the wedding, the suit was only one left, he was already sitting on the couch of the hotel, thinking deep.

"Yow man! You seemed nervous." said Key who was his only company inside the room that they've checked in earlier for the wedding.

"A little." Minho replied, still the crew was around while some were taking cover with the preparation in the garden.

Yes, instead of some chapels, they've decided to have the wedding in the garden of the specific hotel. It was all Jessie's idea and they just agreed on it.

"Don't be, I'm sure this is going to be a new chapter of your life." Key replied.

"Yeah, that's right." Minho answered as he took a deep breath.

The door opened revealing Taemin, what surprised them was he was actually with someone, it was Minho's dad.

Key immediately excused himself thinking that they needed some time alone.

Minho then asked the crew for some privacy but agreed for them to take some cover. He then led his father to the terrace of the room.

The crew was still taking a cover but had it mute as they stayed far from the father-son conversation.


"What brought you here?" Minho asked his dad as he placed his hands on his pocket. He didn't expect him to show up that day.

"I received the invitation which made me make my way here, it's my son's wedding after all." his dad replied as he showed him the wedding invitation.

"Ah Jessie." Minho muttered.

"Who's the lucky girl?" his dad ask as he also placed his hand on his pocket.

"Is it really that hard for you to watch television? Or are you skipping the headline of the newspaper if you're seeing me in the cover?" Minho sarcastically asked which made his father let out a small laugh.

"You seemed cold, but yes I know her, I was just hoping that you're going to tell me now…. it was hard for me to know that my son is getting married through other people, you should have told me first." his dad confessed.

"As if you'll care." Minho was still cold.

"Why are you still acting this way? Aren't we okay yet?" His dad asked. Yes, he knows that there is really a thin line between him and his son because of his work and all, but he thought that it was all gone after they reconciled through his mom(Minho's grandma)'s help.

"The last time I checked, I thought we were, but I was wrong." Minho coldly replied.

"Tell me what happened? Have I done something wrong? Come on, tell me." his dad was persistent. First his son is getting married that very day without him meeting the girl. Second, Minho was acting strange again, this time, he didn't know the reason.

"I…. I waited for you to come….. that day you promised, I waited but you didn't come." Minho said, this time with emotion, hurt and disappointed was seen on his face. Good thing that they were in side view infront of the camera which was covering their talk.

Minho's dad on the other hand kept on thinking about what Minho meant.

"I don't think you'll remember that, I'm going, thanks for coming." Minho said as he was about to face the entrance of the terrace to return inside the room when his dad spoke.

"I was there, I watched you, you and your group…. I was there." that surprised Minho. He didn't expect him to say those.

"Really huh?" Minho then looked at his father, it was the first time he stared at his father's eyes that day and he can sense that he was telling the truth.

"Yes, I came immediately after a meeting, I didn't know where to stay since the fans were wild, I just stayed at the side... it was the first time I watched you perform live, I couldn't have been happier… but something came up, remember, I told you once that I was sensing someone is stealing from our company? They've caught him, I didn't want to go, I wanted to finish your concert, congratulate you for a job well done and even treat you… but I needed to go, more than 5000 lives was at stake there, I couldn't bear to see my employees loose a job because I couldn't attend my duties as their boss… I needed to leave earlier before the concert end… that's why you didn't see me, but I did see you…doing the thing that you love the most." his dad explained.

Minho was out of words to say, he just felt his tears stream down his face, it wasn't the first time that he cried because of his dad, but it was the first time that his dad explained something to him. He couldn't even bare to look into his eyes now, he was so ashamed… ashamed of how he acted, thinking that his dad forgot about his promise to him.


5 months ago, they were set to have a concert in US. Minho has been waiting for that day to come, to finally have a concert on the exact place where his father stays for their business was based there. He immediately informed his dad about it.

"I'll definitely come, I promise!" his dad told him over the phone.

"I'll hold on to that promise dad, you'll come, I'll send you the ticket immediately!" Minho excitedly replied. It was the first time that his dad was going to see him perform live!

"You should because I will do it and don't bother to send me a ticket, I'll just buy one, it'll help increase ticket sales." his dad joked.

"Okay-okay, if that's what you want, I'll wait for you to come!" Minho said.


The day of their concert came, he wanted to see his dad first but he was too caught up with the rehearsals making him wait for the concert proper to see his dad.

He was so excited for the concert to start, hoping to see his dad in the front row VIP seat since his dad told him that he bought specific ticket for that.

"What's with the smile?" Onew asked him.

"Nothing, I'm just excited." Minho replied, still grinning.

The concert started and he didn't see his dad.

The concert ended and he never saw him. He was so frustrated, disappointed, sad…

"Is there a problem?" Taemin asked him. They were all concerned with his sudden change of mood but he just shrug his shoulder saying that he was just tired and wanted to go back to their hotel first.

After that, he didn't contact his dad anymore. His dad would send him messages, voice mails asking him to call back but he didn't respond to any, he acted cold again.


His dad suddenly hugged him. He didn't see that coming but he responded to the hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't finish the concert… I wouldn't promise again, but I'm telling you, I'll try my best to finish the next one soon." his dad whispered on his ear.

"I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry." Minho repeatedly said as he tightened up the hug. He didn't expect to have this reconciliation with his dad on that very day… on his 'wedding day'.


The crew on the other hand can't hear their conversation, but watching their movements, they can say that something good was happening in their…. which even made him pause the camera for awhile.


'This wedding day had brought something good though.' Minho thought.




"Honey this is it, we're here!" Sulli's dad said as he took a peak at the window. The car has just stopped infront of the garden's entrance, you call actually see that there was really a wedding happening in there with the sight of white roses and red carpet. Sulli can see the crew was around and a lot of camera was actually flashing. She then took a deep breath.

"Honey just act cool, don't be nervous, this is your most special day!" Her mom said as she kissed her on the cheeks, she just nodded.

"Are we ready?" her dad asked, she just nodded. The driver then opened the door as her parents went out of the car, Jessie then appeared at the window.

"Wow Ms. Sulli, you look elegant!" Jessie commented.

"Thanks." Sulli replied with a smile.

"I just would like to inform you that you'll be walking in the aisle alone because it's what your parents requested." Jessie informed her which surprised Sulli. She thought that she'll be walking with her parents beside her as she enters her so called 'new life'.

She immediately glanced at her dad who was standing outside the car. He seemed get the look which made him give her thumbs up. Sulli just then sighed.


The entourage has already started and she couldn't believe the people she was seeing. A lot of them were artists, not just Korean but also foreign ones that she has worked with before… she didn't expect Jessie to actually send them those invitation that Minho let her made… but then what saddened her was she didn't saw Minho, she just know that he was there since he heard them call him out but they were too crowded.


Her time came, Jessie opened the door of the car and let her out.

"You're really gorgeous Ms. Sulli." Jessie again said, Sulli just smiled. She didn't know what to do or how to feel.

'Am I really entering this?' she thought again.






waaaaaaaaaaaahh! I know I'm bad to actually cut it off here. Hehehe... no moments I know....but hey it's their wedding day! :D Yeeyy! ahahahaha! Okay stop the childish act:p Anyways, the wedding proper is going to be on the next chapter (since honestly, I can't surpress myself from giggling while typing it:p ehehehe) Honestly this was supposed to be on one chapter, but I suddenly thought that I might not be able to post an update tomorrow so I decided to cut it into two.. hope you wouldn't mind....

since I'll leave you hanging for awhile.... I'll just ask you...

What do you think will happen on the wedding?

Will Sulli ditch away?

Will the ceremony start and end with the bride and the groom?

hmmmm.. let's see:p


comments anyone?:D


and again, thank you very much! :D

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: Sweetness overload!!
sekaiyeolli #2
Chapter 7: This chapter left my heart fluttering.
Chapter 25: WOW! what a great story,and to think I just accidentally just came across this.keep up the good work :)
melodyrich99 #4
Chapter 25: I cant believe that I read your story for the third time already
hinagiku_11 #5
Chapter 25: Oh Gosh Authornim! Your so GREAT.. 1st story but it so DAEBAK!! I LOVE IT.. thank you for this wonderful story of MINSUL❤ forever ❤
MiracleMinSul #6
Chapter 25: Never tired read your story authornim . This was the best story i ever read .
This my nth time read this story . Thanks to you authornim for this great story .
Nicole299 #7
Chapter 25: This story was just great,it makes me feel that minsul is real..^_^
mstm13 #8
Chapter 25: Read this story for the nth time but i just could not stop reading this over and over. Simply beautiful. Thank you again author-nim...
angelbaylan #9
Chapter 18: i hope sulli and minho will be together again
shinjeah #10
Chapter 25: yeay~~~~~~!