S3C1: Danny's POV

Before The Sunset

At the sound of the school bell Danny collected his things and left the room, unnoticed by the rest of his classmates. His sophomore year was coming to an end and Danny had spent most of his high school career under the radar, but he preferred it that way. He crossed the halls full of people like a ghost until he made it into the nurse's office, Danny's final period. At the beginning of his freshmen year Danny's mother convinced the school principal to allow Danny to work with the nurse for some extra training. He dropped his back pack and was signing in when his best friend, Brooke, walked in.

"I'm not late!" she yelled, once the tardy bell rang. Danny and Brooke met in middle school when they both realized they each wanted to become a doctor. Danny laughed and passed her the sign-in chart.

"She's in a meeting," He told her. "Besides, no one gets hurt during seventh period."

"Yeah, but today's also the track meet for districts," Brooke reminded. "And we all know how careful our little athletes are when it comes to these things."

"True," Danny admitted. "I don't see the point, though. All you do is run."

"All you do is run? I can't believe I just heard that with my own ears."

"Well speak of the running devil himself," Brooke announced. Danny turned to see his neighbor, Bang, walk into the nurse's office, his gummy smile on display for the entire world to see. Everyone knew Bang would thrive in track as soon as he was old enough, but no one suspected he'd be as good as he is now. The only freshman to make the varsity team at his school, Bang had lived up to his self-titled "Race King." He gained popularity fast thanks to his abilities, but luckily he never went back to the Bang he was when they were kids. As a matter of fact, Bang's been nothing but great to Danny. They're not best friends like Danny and Brooke, but whenever their parents meet for their soap operas, the two boys either play video games or study together. In school they don't hang out much because they're both living different lives but they'll sit next to each other if they share a class. Brooke put her hand on her hip, her face giving Bang a confused look.

"Shouldn't you be at the track?" she asked. Bang nodded.

"Yeah, but I need a new rap for my shoulder," He said. At the last track meet, Bang fell and bruised his shoulder pretty badly. Of course it would be the same shoulder he injured at the camp, so it took more damage than it should.

"Here," Danny offered, patting the small bed next to him before he got up to grab a new wrap for his shoulder. Bang walked over to the bed and took off his shirt before he sat down. Danny couldn't help but stare at Bang's perfectly muscled chest, which also had a nice tan from the late hours of practice in the sun. Danny got Bang's body out of his thoughts and started wrapping his shoulder. Although they never talked about their kiss ever again, Danny changed that night. He realized he didn't feel attracted to girls and freshman year came out to Brooke and his parents. They were all supportive, especially Brooke, who thought that it was now ok for them to see each other . He did keep his crush on Bang a secret though, he was just around way too often and felt like his parents might humiliate him. He didn't bother telling Brooke because he KNEW she'd humiliate him. When Danny finished, he looked down to see Bang giving him a look that made Danny's heart sink to his chest every time. It was the look Bang gave him before they kissed.

"You're coming to see my race, right?" He asked, his eyes searching for an answer. Danny looked at him.

"Have I ever missed a race?" he asked back. Bang laughed.

"No, but this ones important so pinky promise!" Bang told him, sticking out his pinky in front of Danny.

"Are you serious?" Danny asked, laughing at Bang's childish expression.

"I'm dead serious!" Bang stated. Danny sighed and locked Bang's pinky with his own.

"I promise," He said. Bang smiled and pulled out his phone.

"I should probably get going, I'll see you there!" He waved goodbye and ran out the door. Danny turned around but stopped when he noticed Brooke looking at him with her arms crossed.

"Don't," he warned, trying to go back to his work.

"You love him!" Brooke accused, running to the seat next to him. "I can't blame you, he's hot!"

"You're ridiculous," Danny said, hoping to end it there.

"Danny!" Brooke whined, punching his arm. "You are not going to go through your four years of high school without having some hot, guy on guy !" Danny slammed his hands on the desk and stared wide eyed at Brooke.

"I am not going to continue this conversation," He told her, getting up and trying to escape. He headed for the door but was blocked by a girl named Sooyoung, President of the Asian Pride Club.

"I need a tampon," She told him.

"I don't exactly carry those on a regular basis," he told her.

"Here," Brooke said, digging into her purse before she grabbed a tampon and tossed it to her. Sooyoung grabbed it and looked at it with disgust.

"This brand !" she complained.

"It's all I have," Brooke said.

"It could be worse. You could've missed your period," Danny said.

"What the are you saying?" Sooyoung demanded.

"He's saying congratulations on not being pregnant," Brooke said, a defensive expression on her face as she got up from her chair. Sooyoung rolled her eyes and left the room. "I hate her so much. You know she tried to take the cafeteria's orange chicken off the menu because it was an insult to her heritage?"

"I like the school's orange chicken," Danny mumbled.

"I know, it's amazing. That's why she's evil personified," Brooke said. The school nurse walked in and sat at her desk.

"I don't think I need you guys today, go home if you want," she said, waving them off. Danny nodded and got his stuff before Brooke slipped her arm through his.

"Let's go watch your baby daddy," she whispered.

"That's not physically possible," Danny pointed out, allowing Brooke to drag him through the hall and towards the track.

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Chapter 47: So sad, i remember when this story has like 2 subscribers and you still updated, i really love this story :3 hope to see more of your writing here.
Chapter 47: It's sad to see this go, but all good things must come to an end. You did so well authornim and frankly this story is going on my list of favorites, and that list is a big list. (: Thank you for a wonderful story, and I hope there's more to come!
Chapter 47: I'm so sad now but this is such a good story, good job and thanks for your hardwork authornim, hope to see you soon :D
Chapter 46: They love is so strong, i wish i meet someone like that ;)
afiercesong #6
I like this so much!
Chapter 28: Oh Danny I understand your pain with Yonggukkie, but you'll have to forgive him one day. I think Yongguk has learned his lesson and shouldn't give up on winning Danny's heart. They are meant to be together, but I can see it'll take both of them a long time before they even end up together <3 Author-nim Hwaiting :D
Chapter 27: lol, that was pretty funny that the only way Yongguk could enjoy that BJ was imagining Danny xD I guess it makes us see that Yongguk really want Danny. hehe I can't wait for your next update~ Fighting! ^^ <3