S2C4: Danny's POV

Before The Sunset


Danny was in the middle of some long anticipated sleep when he heard a knock on his cabin door. He stirred, but he didn't move. The knocking continued until one of his cabin roommates went to answer it. Thinking he could go back to sleep now, Danny pulled the covers over his head. The kid who answered the door nudged him. He wanted to cry.

"What?" He whined.

"Youngjae's at the door. He says it's really important," He said.

"Unless he's dying, it's not important," Danny told him, before thinking back on a certain incident where Youngjae really was close to dying. Still wanting to cry, Danny hoped off bed and dragged his feet to the door. He looked at Youngjae, then the clock, then at Younjae again. "It's two in the morning," he groaned.

"Bang hasn't come back to the cabin yet!" Youngjae blurted out. Danny's face grew serious and he stood up straighter.

"Well when's the last time you saw him?" he asked.

"At the campfire with Ted and the other counselors," Youngjae answered. Danny shook his head.

"Figures," He said under his breath. Danny knew something bad was going to happen the moment he saw Bang with those idiots. Despite what Bang likes to think, not EVERYONE in the camp credits Danny for saving Youngjae's life. No, the counselors knew that they were both involved. Danny grabbed his jacket and stepped outside. "Let's go find Camper Joe," Danny suggested. Youngjae nodded and the two boys jogged over to Camper Joe's cabin and knocked on the door loudly.

"What's all that noise I hear?!?" Camper Joe yelled as he walked to the door. "Now list-Danny?" He asked when he opened it. "What are you doing with the puffy cheek kid."

"Bang's missing," Danny told him. He turned to Youngjae so he could explain, but he was too busy rubbing his cheeks after Camper Joe's comment. Danny nudged him and Youngjae cleared his throat before he explained how Bang never returned to the cabin.

"This is serious," Camper Joe said in a firm voice. In seconds he was outside with the boys. "Here take this." He handed them each a flashlight. Danny quickly turned his on and flashed the light in the distance.

"Let's start over there, Bang was headed in that direction with Ted and the others," he suggested. Camper Joe agreed and led the way as they headed towards the limits of the camp grounds. It was a cold night and Danny couldn't help but worry about Bang being out unprotected against the chilly wind. Even though Bang has been nothing but cruel to him, Danny knew if anything happened to Bang, his mother would be crushed. They kept on walking until the sound of the counselors voices became audible. The closer they got the louder they spoke. It sounded like they were arguing about something and by the time Camper Joe reached them, Ted was talking.

"Listen! We need to find that little or-"

"What's going on here, Ted?" Camper Joe asked, appearing with Youngjae and Danny right behind him. Danny noticed the other councelors looking back at Ted with a terrified look on their faces. Danny looked Ted up and down.

"And why are you wearing the same outfit as the killer in Camper Joe's story?" Ted looked at Danny, but ignored his question.

"Nothing sir," Ted mumbled. "Just enjoying the forest on the last night."

"I see." Camper Joe looked at all of them. "We're trying to find that kid, Bang-"

"So are we!" One of the counselors blurted out. Ted nudged him before he turned back to Camper Joe.

"What he meant to say was that we'll be glad to help you sir," He said. Danny rolled his eyes.

"No what he said was that you guys were already looking for him, which means he got lost on your watch since Youngjae and I saw you with him last." Ted's eyes got darker the more Danny talked.

"Explain yourself Ted," Camper Joe told him. Ted looked back at the others.

"Well, sir, we caught Bang drinking alcohol on the camp grounds. When we tried to bring him to you he ran off. Been looking for him since," Ted explained.

"I thought you were enjoying the forest?" Danny reminded. Ted's glare dug deep into Danny, but he didn't back down.

"What's your proof, Ted?" Camper Joe asked. Ted grabbed a cooler and handed it to Camper Joe.

"That's where he's been storing the beer, we think he brought it with him from the start," Ted told him.

"I've never seen that cooler in the cabin!" Youngjae whispered. Danny nodded and walked up to Camper Joe and Ted and before they could do anything, he grabbed the cooler. He examined it for a moment before he arched his eyebrow and looked at the teenage boy.

"You said this was Bang's?" Danny asked.

"Yup," Ted said firmly. Danny cleared his throat.

"Then why does it say 'Ted's cooler' in black ink on the inside?" Danny asked, showing Camper Joe the cooler. Camper Joe looked at Ted with so much anger that it didn't surprise Danny at all when Ted and the others took off in a sprint. Camper Joe chased after them but Danny grabbed Youngjae's collar before the other one followed the chase. He smacked his flashlight until it finally and started walking in the opposite direction of the group.

"Where are we going?" Youngjae asked.

"To find Bang," Danny answered, stepping over the camp bounds.

"But that's against camp rules," Youngjae told him, a bit of worry in his voice.

"Did you see how Ted was dressed? I know for a fact those guys did something to Bang in that old cabin," Danny thought aloud. Youngjae nodded and they kept on walking until they reached the old cabin. The ground beneath them started to crack so they looked down to see shattered glass and then up to see a broken window.

"What do you think happened?" Youngjae asked.

"Well if I know Bang, he did the most irrational decision he could think of and jumped out the window," Danny summed up. He started to worry that Bang got hurt really bad due to the fall.

"So how are we supposed to find him?" Youngjae asked. Danny looked around with his flashlight.

"We could follow those," Danny suggested, flashing the light on footprints heading deeper in the forest.

"Oh," Youngjae mumbled. They followed the footsteps and soon they could hear a very soft whimper behind a tree. They looked at each other and then Danny looked over the tree to see Bang huddled on the ground, his bottom lip shivering from the cold.

"Bang?" Danny said softly. Slowly, Bang's eyes opened.

"D-Danny?" Bang whispered. Danny nodded his head and motioned for Youngjae to come. Bang quickly jumped up from the ground, before yelling in pain and sitting back down. "Ah, I think I dislocated my shoulder when I jumped through that window." Danny looked at Youngjae, who laughed a bit.

"Come on, we're here to rescue you," Danny said, helping Bang get up. When Danny looked up he saw Bang staring at him, almost admiring him. "Are you ok?"

"You came looking for me?" Bang asked. Danny nodded then turned to Youngjae.

"We should probably head back-"

"Danny," Bang whispered.

"-And get him to Camper Joe-"


"-but he's probably still chasing Ted-"

"Danny!" Danny stopped talking and faced Bang. Bang laughed then grabbed the other boy's shoulders before pressing his lips against his. Danny stood frozen as Bang kept his lips firmly against his, then pulled away slowly. "Thank you," He said softly. Danny still stared at him, then looked at Youngjae, who was smiling at the two of them. Danny then looked passed Youngjae, at the figure in the distance. Danny's eyes grew as he grabbed the other two boys and shoved them against the tree, covering Bang's mouth with his hand to muffle his painful scream. Youngjae and Bang finally looked over to see what Danny saw, a large black wolf walking nearby.

"Take off...your shoe," Danny whispered to Youngjae slowly. Youngjae did as he was told and handed Danny his shoe. With all his strength, Danny tossed the shoe to the opposite trail of the camp. The wolf looked up, sniffed the air, then went in that direction to investigate. They waited there, then Danny motioned for them to run back down the trail. They kept on running until the lights of the camp appeared and soon they saw Camper Joe with Ted and the others caught and tied up. Camper Joe looked at the three boys as they appeared, laughing at the miracle.

"You three are going to remember this summer for the rest of your lives," Camper Joe told them. "Y'all go on to bed now. I have to wait for authorities to pick up these delinquents." The boys nodded and headed back to their cabin.

"Well," Danny said when he saw his cabin. " I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

"What are you doing?" Bang asked. Danny looked at him.

"Going to bed?" Danny said, looking confused. Bang looked at Youngjae, then laughed.

"You're cabin's this way, Danny," He said, pointing at their own cabin. Danny smiled and followed the other boys back to the cabin, too tired to think about Bang's kiss, but not to forget how amazing it felt.

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Chapter 47: So sad, i remember when this story has like 2 subscribers and you still updated, i really love this story :3 hope to see more of your writing here.
Chapter 47: It's sad to see this go, but all good things must come to an end. You did so well authornim and frankly this story is going on my list of favorites, and that list is a big list. (: Thank you for a wonderful story, and I hope there's more to come!
Chapter 47: I'm so sad now but this is such a good story, good job and thanks for your hardwork authornim, hope to see you soon :D
Chapter 46: They love is so strong, i wish i meet someone like that ;)
afiercesong #6
I like this so much!
Chapter 28: Oh Danny I understand your pain with Yonggukkie, but you'll have to forgive him one day. I think Yongguk has learned his lesson and shouldn't give up on winning Danny's heart. They are meant to be together, but I can see it'll take both of them a long time before they even end up together <3 Author-nim Hwaiting :D
Chapter 27: lol, that was pretty funny that the only way Yongguk could enjoy that BJ was imagining Danny xD I guess it makes us see that Yongguk really want Danny. hehe I can't wait for your next update~ Fighting! ^^ <3