S5C23: Danny's POV

Before The Sunset

It's been a week since the storm surge hit Rio. A total of forty seven people died, with close to a hundred that were injured and more than that who were now homeless. Thankfully no one else from Danny's school got hurt besides him, but he couldn't help but feel sorry for the city's residents. As soon as he got home he got together with the rest of his senior class to help fundraise money to send to help rebuild the homes that were lost. THey were able to raise a little more than tweleve grand which was immediately donated to the red cross. Still, Danny continued to feel uneasy.Then one night Danny got in the shower. Usually he's very quick but Danny found himself frozen as the shower head continued to pour water on him. He couldn't move and all he could hear was people screaming. So he screamed with them. He screamed and screamed until his dad broke in and pulled him out of the shower. After that he was able to calm down. They sent him to see a doctor who revealed that Danny was suffering from minor PTSD. He said that it would trigger when Danny was near large amounts of water, but that he should be able to recover in a couple of months. The next couple of days were rough for Danny. At night he would have nightmares of being thrashed around in the water, he would start washing himself with a rag, he couldn't even drink water out of a cup without shaking. He felt worse because he knew he was being a burden to Bang, Brooke, and Himchan. This was their last week of senior year and they should be enjoying it, but they couldn't because they were too busy making sure Danny was ok. He didn't want them to miss out on this huge chapter of their lives, so he faked that he was ok but would come up with excuses as to why he couldn't participate in any of the events. One event he couldn't miss out on though was Himchan's house party on the last day of school, the night before their graduation. There was no way he could get out of it without looking suspicious so he it up and went.

"Are you just going to sit there all night?" Brooke asked, handing him a can of soda.

"You know I don't dance," Danny reminded her, looking out into the crowd of people. He took a bite ot of his finger sandwich before bringing the can to his lips. "Where's Himchan?"

"He's with Bang making another beer run," Brooke answered. Since the two were going sober that night, they took the responsibility of providing drinks for everyone else. Brooke sat down on the stool next to his and nudged his arm with hers. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Danny assured her.

"You know," she said. "We could always just ditch this place and go watch re runs of That's So Raven back at my house like we do every year." Danny laughed at the memory but shook his head.

"No really, Brooke," he said. "I'm great. I wouldn't want to spend this night any way else." He knew Brooke still didn't buy it, but she gave up and wrapped her arms around him.

"Ok!" She exasperated. "Just know that I'm always here for you no matter what, alright?"

"Alright," Danny said, smiling. Brooke kissed the top of his head and looked up as Bang and Himchan made their entrance. "Took you guys long enough! I thought I was going to have to make the football team go cold turkey!"

"Brooke, help me put these in ice, yeah?" Himchan asked.

"Anything for you, love!" Brooke said, leaving with the other boy. Danny then felt Bang's arms wrap around his body from behind.

"I want to show you something," his low voice whispered in Danny's ear. "Follow me." Curious, Danny got up and followed the other boy away from all the people and loud music. They went to the back of Himchan's house and stepped outside into the backyard. Danny felt his heartbeat pick up when his eyes rested on the giant pool of water. "Danny, are you sure you ok?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Danny snapped. "I'm fine!"

"Prove it then," Bang said. "Get in the water with me." Danny's eyes widened as he glanced at the dark water.

"I-I can't," He whispered looking down. "You're right. I'm still scared." Bang sighed.

"I know I haven't been your boyfriend for long but I've known you for ten years now. Did you honestly think I couldn't see how bad you were still hurting?" he asked.

"I'm sorry," Danny mumbled. He felt Bang's fingers grab his chin and lift it up to look at him.

"Don't be," He said. "I love you, Danny. Which is why I'm helping you get through this." Bang stood back and started undressing out of his clothes until he was just in his underwear.

"What are you doing?" Danny asked. Bang glanced at the pool.

"We're getting in the water, Danny-"

"No!" Danny screamed. Bang quickly stepped clser and hugged him.

"It'll be ok, I promise," He whispered. "When two people love are in love, they protect each other and help fight the other's fears."

"Easy for you to say, you don't fear anything," Danny told him. Bang sighed.

"Oh no?" He walked over to the wall and shut off the lights, leaving the entire backyard pitch black. Danny gasped and as soon as his eyes adjusted to the darkness he ran to Bang, who was at the edge of the pool. Already he could hear Bang's breathing getting heavy and unsteady.

"Are you stupid?" Danny demanded. "You can have an anxiety attack, Bang!" He tried to pull him away, but Bang just held on to him, not budging at all.

"Danny, listen!" Bang gasped. "Every time the power went out, I would freak out but it was you who snapped me out of it. Your voice would keep me calm. You've helped me fight this fear ever since camp in middle school Danny. It's my turn to return the favor."

"Bang...I don't know-"

"Then let's help each other," he interrupted. "Together." Danny didn't know what to say. The water terrified him, but seeing Bang shake like that terrified him more. It was then he realized that he'd face a hundred storms of rushing water to make sure Bang never felt scared again, and vice versa. Taking a deep breath, Danny stripped out of his clothes until he was in his underwear. He intertwined his hands with Bang and stepped into the pool. "I got you," Bang whispered, pulling their bodies together.

"I know," Danny breathed. "You always did." They swam together around the pool for the rest of the night. In complete darkness with the water up to their necks and neither of them were afraid.



Hey everyone! Just letting you all know that the next chapter is the FINAL CHAPTER of this story. I'm heading home from college next week so I'll probably update it then. :)

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Chapter 47: So sad, i remember when this story has like 2 subscribers and you still updated, i really love this story :3 hope to see more of your writing here.
Chapter 47: It's sad to see this go, but all good things must come to an end. You did so well authornim and frankly this story is going on my list of favorites, and that list is a big list. (: Thank you for a wonderful story, and I hope there's more to come!
Chapter 47: I'm so sad now but this is such a good story, good job and thanks for your hardwork authornim, hope to see you soon :D
Chapter 46: They love is so strong, i wish i meet someone like that ;)
afiercesong #6
I like this so much!
Chapter 28: Oh Danny I understand your pain with Yonggukkie, but you'll have to forgive him one day. I think Yongguk has learned his lesson and shouldn't give up on winning Danny's heart. They are meant to be together, but I can see it'll take both of them a long time before they even end up together <3 Author-nim Hwaiting :D
Chapter 27: lol, that was pretty funny that the only way Yongguk could enjoy that BJ was imagining Danny xD I guess it makes us see that Yongguk really want Danny. hehe I can't wait for your next update~ Fighting! ^^ <3