S2C2: Danny's POV

Before The Sunset


"Are you sure this is what you want?" Camper Joe asked. Danny nodded his head.

"Pretty positive, sir. I think it'll be better for me if I just switch rooms," he explained. These last two weeks in camp were starting to take a toll on Danny. After he got beat up on his first day by Bang, which didn't last long since Bang ends up getting frustrated and leaves because Danny refuses to fight back, things just kept getting worse and worse. The first morning Danny woke up with dirt all over him, the second night was dirt and worms. The night after that Bang just tossed his mattress outside. Eventually Danny started to stay outside late enough for him to fall asleep so he could go in and would wake up way earlier than him to leave. This affected his body badly though and eventually Danny just threw in the towel. He didn't even want to go to camp so he wasn't going to be miserable with Bang for the next four weeks. He decided to change rooms and that's what brought him here in front of Camper Joe.

"You know we can bring in Mr. Bang and have you guys talk it out to see what the problem is. It'd be a shame if you guys couldn't just be friends," Camper Joe suggested. Danny shook his head.

"No offense, sir, but we've been neighbors for five years. That ship has sailed," Danny told him. Camper Joe sighed and got up from his seat to walk over to one of the young counselors. They bothered Danny so much. They have no idea what they're doing. Last week a kid had an asthma attack and they suggested that he should swim it off...yeah, exactly.

"Ted," Camper Joe said. "Take Danny to get his stuff from his old cabin so he can move to the cabin next to the campfire." Ted nodded, but rolled his eyes when Camper Joe left.

"I don't know why I have to help some kid move his own ," Ted mumbled to himself.

"Yeah, I don't know why you have to do your job either, that's so unfair," Danny added. Ted shoved him as he climbed up the cabin stairs.

"Smart ," he mumbled. They went inside and Bang sat up from his bed. As soon as Danny entered the room he felt Bang glaring at him.

"Don't worry, I'm moving cabins," Danny assured him. He looked at Bang, who had a confused look on his face.

"Why?" he asked.

"Really?" Danny asked in disbelief. "You're really asking me this?" Danny shook his head as Ted grabbed his luggage.

"Where's the other one?" Ted asked, referring to Youngjae, who for the most part stayed out of Bang's plans to torment Danny. Bang shrugged his shoulders.

"I haven't seen him all day," He said. Ted let out a sigh and pulled out his walkie talkie.

"Has anyone seen the Asian kid with the puffy cheeks?" He asked into the device. Before someone could reply, a whistle was being blown loudly through the whole camp. "!" Ted yelled, taking off towards the commotion. Danny and Bang exchanged a look before they ran out the cabin themselves. Everyone was surrounding one of the camp counselors carrying an unconscious Youngjae in his arms. Danny gasped and Bang ran up to him.

"What happened?!?" he demanded.

"I don't know I found him panicking about something and then all of a sudden he passed out!" the counselor said. Ted pushed everyone back.

"Take him to the nursing wing. He probably just got dehydrated and needs some rest," He said. Danny looked at him like he was mad. They had to notice the swelling in Youngjae's face.

"Ted!!!" Danny yelled. The boy whirled around, anger on his face. "He needs medical attention!" Ted walked up to Danny until he was towering over the small teen.

"He needs rest." Ted turned to the other counselor. "Make sure you block the entrance so no one gets in," He ordered, turning back to Danny. "Everyone else go home." He walked away, along with everyone else. Danny ran up to Bang, who was also walking back to his cabin.

"Bang, we have to help him!" Danny screamed, grabbing his arm.

"Get off me!" He yelled, shrugging his arm free. "You heard Ted he's going to be fine." Danny started to panic. He knew deep down that something was wrong and he had to do something.

"Bang please," Danny begged. Bang stopped walking, barely looking over his shoulder. "If we don't help him, Youngjae can die." Bang turned around completely then. Even though Bang hated Danny, Danny knew he got very close with Youngjae over the past couple of weeks.

"What are we going to do?" Bang said finally. Danny jumped up in rejoice and quickly grabbed Bang's arm as they ran back to the cabin. Danny quickly dropped to the ground and started emptying all his belongings from his luggage until he found what he was looking for: a syringe.

"What's that?" Bang asked.

"No time!" He grabbed Bang again and they ran all the way to the back of the nursery wing. Danny looked into a window a spotted Youngjae by himself in a room. "He's in this one!" Danny whispered, trying his best to open it.

"Move," Bang ordered. Danny did as he was told and Bang threw a large stone threw the window. It was Bang that grabbed Danny this time to help him through the window. Bang jumped in shortly after and blitzed toward the door. He pressed his body against it as the counselors tried to bust in. "Hurry!" Bang yelled. Danny ran towards Youngjae laying down. Just as he predicted, Youngjae was swelling in his face and throat and he was sweating far more than usual. Danny took out the syringe and quickly stabbed Youngjae in the leg. After a couple of moments Youngjae gasped for air and stirred in place.

"It's ok," Danny soothed. "You're going to be ok. What are you allergic to?"

"B-bees," Youngjae stuttered.

"," Bang said through his teeth before the counselors finally kicked their way in. Camper Joe was in front of them.

"What in God's name is going on in here!" He yelled. The counselors quickly grabbed Bang and as Ted reached for Danny he dodged him and ran in front of Camper Joe.

"He got stung by a bee and he's allergic!" Danny told him. Camper Joe pushed him aside and looked down on Youngjae. He whirled around to face the counselors.

"How did this happen!" he barked.

"I-" muttered the counselor that found him.

"Go get an ambulance!" Camper Joe ordered. All the counselors released Bang and ran out of the nursery wing. Ted looked like he wasn't going to move but eventually ran off to do as he was told. Camper Joe touched Youngjae's face. "You're going to be alright, son. Your friends made sure of it." Youngjae, still trying to catch his breath, looked at Danny and Bang and smiled.

"Th-thanks guys," He muttered. Danny mouthed 'you're welcome.' Camper Joe faced them with the syringe.

"How'd you boys get a hold of something like this?" he asked.

"I'm allergic to mushrooms," Danny said. Camper Joe nodded his head before he patted each of them.

"Good work, boys. You saved your friend's life." Danny looked at Bang and smiled, but Bang ignored him and walked out. Danny watched as the other boy walked away, a bit sad that nothing changed between them.

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Chapter 47: So sad, i remember when this story has like 2 subscribers and you still updated, i really love this story :3 hope to see more of your writing here.
Chapter 47: It's sad to see this go, but all good things must come to an end. You did so well authornim and frankly this story is going on my list of favorites, and that list is a big list. (: Thank you for a wonderful story, and I hope there's more to come!
Chapter 47: I'm so sad now but this is such a good story, good job and thanks for your hardwork authornim, hope to see you soon :D
Chapter 46: They love is so strong, i wish i meet someone like that ;)
afiercesong #6
I like this so much!
Chapter 28: Oh Danny I understand your pain with Yonggukkie, but you'll have to forgive him one day. I think Yongguk has learned his lesson and shouldn't give up on winning Danny's heart. They are meant to be together, but I can see it'll take both of them a long time before they even end up together <3 Author-nim Hwaiting :D
Chapter 27: lol, that was pretty funny that the only way Yongguk could enjoy that BJ was imagining Danny xD I guess it makes us see that Yongguk really want Danny. hehe I can't wait for your next update~ Fighting! ^^ <3