S4C10: Bang's POV

Before The Sunset

It was Bang's favorite time of the year...track season. What made this year even more spectacular was that Diego, last year's senior captain, made him captain of this year's team, making him the first ever Junior captain of the varsity team. Now that he was captain, he had a say in the relay teams. Knowing his teams strength, Bang went himself, Himchan, and two seniors name Roland and Abram to make up the relay team. As figured, his team was crushing all the other school's. Right now he was waiting for Himchan to pass him the baton for the final stretch of the race. He wasn't worried, Himchan gained them a great lead. Himchan reached him and handed him the stick, and Bang was off. Before anyone could realize what was happening, he had already overlapped the last two runners and crossed the finish line. When he got back to his coach, the man was grinning.

"Another record broken, Bang," He told him. "Keep this up and you'll have schools all over the country offering you a free ride." Bang nodded at the compliment and went to collect his medal.

"Great run man," Himchan said, patting him on the back. It was the last race so they both headed for the showers in the locker room. While he cleaned up, his mind thought about how the rest of his day would play out. Later tonight Himchan was supposed to throw another party in celebration of their win, so he should probably go home and get something to eat. He headed to the parking lot, where he spotted Danny walked from the bleachers with Daehyun. Although it bothered him that Daehyun was there, Bang smiled at the thought of Danny coming to support him. After Danny let him crash at his place during the storm, Bang figured that he shouldn't be a complete jerk to the boy. He tried to pick up the old habits they used to have, but Daehyun was always in the way. Suddenly an idea popped in his head and he pulled out his phone to dial Danny's mom.

"Hello?" She asked after a couple of rings.

"Hey, Mrs. Wilson! It's Bang," he said into the phone

"Oh hey sweetie! How have you been, I haven't heard from you in awhile?"

"Good, just busy with school. Listen," He said, checking to see that he was alone. "I have Daehyun for Asian Pride Club, and he has a small problem."

"Oh, is everything ok?"

"Oh yeah, everything's fine. It's just that he's starting to struggle with his allowance, which mostly goes to gas from taking Danny everywhere."

"I told Danny that he was being a burden!" She sighed into the phone. Bang laughed.

"Yeah, and Danny feels really bad because he doesn't know how to tell him. So he was wondering if you could like, force him to go with me?"

"Oh I understand," she said. "I can do that! I'll call him right now."

"Thank you, Mrs. Wilson." He hung up the phone and headed towards the pair. Danny was the first to notice him approach, and stiffened at the sight of him. "Hey!" Bang said, his gummy smile showing briefly. Danny and Daehyun looked at each other confused.

"Uh....hi?" Danny replied.

"What do you want?" Daehyun demanded. Bang had the urge to punch him, but contained himself. Instead, he acted surprised.

"Oh, what? Your mom didn't tell you? She asked me to give you a ride," He said.

"But she knows Daehyun takes me home," Danny said, suspicion on his face as well as Daehyun. Suddenly Danny's phone went off. "Hello? Yeah, he's right here. He said he doesn't care. But- yes. Ok. Love you too. Bye." He looked at Daehyun. "He's taking me home."

"Are you sure?" Daehyun asked, glaring at Bang. Again, he wanted to punch him but remained rooted at his place. Danny nodded and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll be fine." He tried to walk away, but Daehyun didn't let go of his hand. He pulled him into a deep kiss, quickly glancing at Bang before pulling apart. Bang felt his body try to lunge himself at him, but he restrained himself once again

"Call me when you're home?" He asked. Danny nodded, his face fully relaxed after the kiss. Daehyun nodded also as he finally let go. Danny started walking with Bang and got in the passenger seat of his car. When he pulled out of the driveway, Daehyun was still watching them. When Bang met his gaze, he grinned at the boy before driving off.

"So...." He said, wanting to break the silence in the car. "How awesome was I today?"

"What?" Danny asked.

"My race? Isn't that why you were here?"

"No," Danny replied. "Daehyun wanted to support this girl he tutors so we came." His answer was simple and he continued to stare at the road in front of him.

"Oh." Bang said, a bit disappointed that Danny didn't see him race. "So this Daehyun guy...are things getting serious?"

"I guess," Danny said.

"Have you guys....you know," Bang asked, when Danny still looked confused he sighed. "Have you ed?"

"Ugh gross, Bang!" Danny yelled, bringing his knees into his chest. "Do you have to say it like that?"

"What?" Bang asked, laughing.

"Never mind," he muttered. "And no, we haven't." Bang didn't know why, but he was relieved to here that. "We tried but as soon as he took off my pants I got too nervous and we stopped." Bang swerved across the road after hearing that. "What is your problem?"

"Sorry!" He yelled back, a worried feeling replacing his relieved one. "Maybe you shouldn't get too serious with this dude, he's barely your first relationship."

"Yeah, well we can't all be Casanovas' like you, Bang," Danny told him, laughing a little. Hearing his laugh made Bang smile as he pulled up in front of his own house. Danny undid his seatbelt. "Hey do you wanna play video games?" Bang asked. Danny stared at his suspiciously again, before shaking his head.

"I have homework, and Brooke's coming over so we can go over the new handbook the nurse gave us."

"Oh," Bang said, not bothering to hide the disappointment in his face.

"Another time?" Danny asked. Bang smiled and nodded. Danny smiled too and started walking up the front lawn to his house. Bang turned off his car, but stayed inside for a little bit before going inside to get ready for Himchan's party.




Hey everyone! I just want to take the time to thank every single one of you for reading this. Please vote, subscribe, and comment your thoughts!

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Chapter 47: So sad, i remember when this story has like 2 subscribers and you still updated, i really love this story :3 hope to see more of your writing here.
Chapter 47: It's sad to see this go, but all good things must come to an end. You did so well authornim and frankly this story is going on my list of favorites, and that list is a big list. (: Thank you for a wonderful story, and I hope there's more to come!
Chapter 47: I'm so sad now but this is such a good story, good job and thanks for your hardwork authornim, hope to see you soon :D
Chapter 46: They love is so strong, i wish i meet someone like that ;)
afiercesong #6
I like this so much!
Chapter 28: Oh Danny I understand your pain with Yonggukkie, but you'll have to forgive him one day. I think Yongguk has learned his lesson and shouldn't give up on winning Danny's heart. They are meant to be together, but I can see it'll take both of them a long time before they even end up together <3 Author-nim Hwaiting :D
Chapter 27: lol, that was pretty funny that the only way Yongguk could enjoy that BJ was imagining Danny xD I guess it makes us see that Yongguk really want Danny. hehe I can't wait for your next update~ Fighting! ^^ <3