Proboscis Monkey

My Mind's Eye
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Thursday, April 7th 2022


Stacie was on a date.


And not a very good one.


The guy was some big shot broker on Wall Street and he clearly thought that that was grounds for being the biggest douchebag on the planet. From the moment he had sat down all he was concerned with was flaunting how much he made and how much money passes through his hands a day. And truth be told, Stacie had absolutely no interest. Really, she was just looking for a good night. Some minimal conversation and then a lot more action between the sheets. She had had a stressful week with her stupid interns doing stupid things and having to clean up after them. She was under the pretense that being a surgical resident meant you didn’t have you wipe someone’s anymore after they the bed, figuratively. But clearly that was not the case. Goddamn stupid over-confident interns.


Ugh! This guy didn’t even look good. His nose was absolutely massive.


Maybe if she squinted harder his nose would not be so distractingly huge…


“And I was like, Buddy! Who the hell do you think you are revving your little Audi R8 here on my street? My…”


Stacie rolled her eyes and tuned out again. At the rate this was going, she wasn’t even sure she could stomach sleeping with the guy. And that was not good, she needed to let off steam somehow and was usually how she did it. She was gorgeous with an amazing body to boot and she knew it. She knew a lot of guys out there would be willing to just sleep with her with no strings attached. And that was fine by her standards. She didn’t want any strings anywhere near her.


Jessica was damaged in her own way, but then so was Stacie herself.


She knew a lot of people would dee

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Chapter 46: Waiting for a new update 🫡😊
1203 streak #2
Chapter 1: I wonder how this is gonna go
Chapter 44: Hot jeti XD i love it
Chapter 39: They might tease each other a lot, but they surely care a lot about each other. This kind of friendship is just too— cute and rare? They support each other in every steps is something that I have to mention, because it is a very heartwarming.

I don’t think I believe something like soul mates too, but I do believe that there will be someone for each of us. Soul mates is like— whatever you do, wherever you are, you will always get the chance to meet this person, hence I think it’s kind of impossible, in a way.

Anyway, thank you for the update, author-nim!
Chapter 38: This chapter makes my heart flutter! Every single gesture, even the most simple one makes me smile! The development of their relationship is not rushed, that’s what I like— it’s going steadily yet sweeter. Surely my new favorite chapter now, though I do love all the chapters! Hehe.
Chapter 38: this chapter warms my heart... the simple interactions between them are so moving.
as much as possible they don't seem to want to rush their relationship, but it's impossible huh☺️
Thanks for ur update☺️
Soneisa #7
Chapter 3: This is interesting 🤔
nancyuti #8
Chapter 37: I'm waiting for ur next update thornim...thanks
Chapter 33: There u go sica.... That's all what tiff needed from u☺️