
My Mind's Eye
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May 15th, 2014






Jessica was happily asleep. Asleep and dreaming.


She was with Tiffany somewhere in some comfy nondescript little coffee shop and the two of them were just sitting there, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. But this time, Jessica could see Tiffany’s beautiful orbs.


She could see swirling hazel, the darker reddish auburn edges, and that slight irregularity in Tiffany’s eyes that made Jessica sigh in content above all else…


…that stunning wire-thin streak of gold that cut through the hazel and russet like a lightning bolt, striking and something entirely Tiffany; something that separating this wonderful girl from the billions of other people on this planet.


Jessica gasped as she felt Tiffany cup her face with one soft hand, her palm pressing gently against her cheeks, thumb tenderly grazing blushing cheekbones.


Another gasp.


Was that Tiffany’s foot travelling up her legs and her inner thighs?


Jessica didn’t think the younger girl could be so bold.


Then Jessica felt the definitely pressure of Tiffany’s foot against her most private depths, the gentle pressure making Jessica moan and involuntarily press her thighs close together, trapping Tiffany’s foot in between silken flesh.


Jessica moaned and ground her hips forwards a little, unabashedly wanting more. More of this. More of that. More of everything.


More of Tiffany.


“Jessica…Jessica…Jessica! Wake up!”


The blonde shook her head as the coffee shop around them seemed to waver and fade like heat lines along a long stretch of hot bitumen.




The photographer groaned and opened her eyes.


The first thing she felt was silk smooth skin pressed against her cheeks. Her thoughts flew to her dream. But this skin felt different. It was even softer than Tiffany’s hand as she remembered it. It was tender and smooth, with the sleek tautness that came with a well-toned and well-cared-for body.


Jessica brought one hand up to explore her makeshift pillow, touching silken skin that glided like butter under her fingertips. There was a sharp gasp from above her head.


Jessica’s hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it travelled further upwards and grazed a mound of supple flesh.


The gasp softened into a moan.


“Jessica…you’re touching my s,” came a husky reply, voice low and thickened with restrained yearning that came with the body reacting involuntarily to another’s touch.


It took a few seconds for the words to sink in.


But when they finally did, Jessica yanked her hand back so fast she tumbled off the side of the bed, only then becoming aware of something sliding out from between her thighs. As the blonde photographer lay groaning on the floor, she was unconsciously missing the warmth of whatever it had been that was clamped between her legs.


“Oh my god! Jessica! Are you alright?!” Tiffany squealed.


Jessica angled her head to where Tiffany’s voice was coming from and nodded slowly.


“I’m all right. Nothing broken. Just a sore behind.”


Tiffany reached down and took Jessica’s hand in hers, pulling the older woman back up onto the bed.


There was a pregnant pause between them, and then they both spoke.


“Hey uh…”


“Jessica I’m...”


“You go first,” Jessica mumbled, feeling completely mortified at what she had just done.


She had felt Tiffany up! Practically cupped her s! And the girl was…just a girl! Freaking nineteen! Not even legal to drink!


Tiffany sensed Jessica’s embarrassment and she didn’t want something as stupid as this to come between them. Not when they had just kind of patched things up. So the younger girl decided to take a chance and break the awkwardness between them.


“How did my s feel?”


“Whu…whu…what?!” Jessica spluttered, completely caught off guard with the girl’s forwardness.


“How did they feel Jessica? Come on, we’re both girls, it’s not like you felt something you’ve never felt before. I always thought my s were slightly lopsided. In fact, I’m pretty sure my left , the one you felt, is a little bigger than the right. Apparently though, that is the case for most women. Did you know that?”


“Nuh…whu…” Jessica’s mouth was incapable of forming humanly understandable words. Did she wake up in the wrong dimension or something?! What in the world is going on?! Why is she having a discussion about s first thing in the morning with Tiffany?!


Tiffany sighed, getting that feeling that perhaps this was the wrong approach.


“Look. Jessica. Forgive my forwardness. I just…I just didn’t want us to go back to how things were between us. Awkward and more discomfited than strangers who see each other randomly on the streets. I realize I may have overstepped my boundaries that night when I yelled at y–”


“No. Stop there. Just stop Tiffany,” Jessica demanded in a gravelly voice.


Tiffany winced, waiting for Jessica to lash out again.


“…That was all me. I was the one in the wrong, and I hope you can forgive me for my horrible behavior that night Tiffany. I am…I uh…I have issues.”


“No you don’t. You are per–”


“Please just let me finish first Tiffany.”


Tiffany nodded. Jessica heard the telltale swish of hair and continued.


“You…you surprised me is all. That night, I guess I have just never really met anyone who is as forward and beguiling as you. You kind of threw me a curveball and left me disoriented. In fact, I still kind of am whenever I get too close to you. And you need to understand that keeping an airtight control over my orientation, whether it be physically, mentally, or even emotionally, is very important to me. It’s what has let me survive as I have for all these years. It’s what lets me see the world as I do, what lets me navigate this world around me, what lets me function in a world filled with sighted people. It’s everything to me. So when you took that away from me that night, you left me blind, really blind. Blind like I haven’t been in many years. Do…do I make sense? Do you understand what I am trying to say?”


“…” Tiffany mulled thoughtfully over what Jessica was telling her.


She hadn’t expected an explanation, much less one of such depth and detail. Jessica didn’t owe her anything. They were but acquaintances before and the fact that Jessica may have offended her should really not matter seeing as they weren’t even really friends when that happened. Tiffany hoped that that ‘acquaintance’ label was now changed to one of ‘pending friend’.


Nevertheless, Tiffany was touched that Jessica was comfortable enough to reveal such personal details. It somehow made the blonde even that much more enigmatic and made Tiffany really realize that she didn’t want to lose any chance of getting to know Jessica more.


“Tiffany…?” Jessica called out softly, a little uncertain and feeling slightly vulnerable now that she had laid things bare between them.


“Yes. I understand. Now will you listen to what I have to say?” Tiffany asked.


Jessica nodded.


Tiffany reached out and took Jessica’s hands in hers. The younger girl felt the blonde jerk a little and try to retract her hand, but she held on tight.


“Jessica. Since you were being so honest with me, I will be honest with you. I like you. Kinda. Maybe. Umm…actually I don’t know really. I…I feel something for you. I just really want to get to know you more. I want you in my life…for a long time. I want to be there for you and I want you to be there for me. I wanna go shopping with you and have coffee with you. I wanna talk to you and maybe even just sit there in silence with you. I am strangely comfortable around you. I don’t know yet if these feelings are those one would have for a good friend or someone they like. I really don’t. But I know for sure that you have somehow become an important person in my life. The fact that we have only really met twice doesn’t seem to matter. Gosh…I sound like such a fool don’t I?”


“No…I would like to get to know you more too…Tiffany. I…I too want you in my life. For a good long time.”




“Friends. Good friends.”


“But…but what if –”


“We’ll deal with that if that comes up. But for now, let’s just let whatever it is take it’s course. Ok?”


“Ok!” Tiffany smiled brightly, her eyes curving downwards into little crescent moons.


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Chapter 46: Waiting for a new update 🫡😊
1207 streak #2
Chapter 1: I wonder how this is gonna go
Chapter 44: Hot jeti XD i love it
Chapter 39: They might tease each other a lot, but they surely care a lot about each other. This kind of friendship is just too— cute and rare? They support each other in every steps is something that I have to mention, because it is a very heartwarming.

I don’t think I believe something like soul mates too, but I do believe that there will be someone for each of us. Soul mates is like— whatever you do, wherever you are, you will always get the chance to meet this person, hence I think it’s kind of impossible, in a way.

Anyway, thank you for the update, author-nim!
Chapter 38: This chapter makes my heart flutter! Every single gesture, even the most simple one makes me smile! The development of their relationship is not rushed, that’s what I like— it’s going steadily yet sweeter. Surely my new favorite chapter now, though I do love all the chapters! Hehe.
Chapter 38: this chapter warms my heart... the simple interactions between them are so moving.
as much as possible they don't seem to want to rush their relationship, but it's impossible huh☺️
Thanks for ur update☺️
Soneisa #7
Chapter 3: This is interesting 🤔
nancyuti #8
Chapter 37: I'm waiting for ur next update thornim...thanks
Chapter 33: There u go sica.... That's all what tiff needed from u☺️