A Sign Of Evil Coming

Can You Feel My Heartbeat Girl?


As soon as Taec’s ears could no longer hear Taren’s footsteps, he turned to Nick. “What is wrong? Is it the Sun Sect?” Jay came up behind Nick and began to knead life into his shoulders as Nick took deep breaths. “Yes…..and no. It’s as if Our Lady The Moon wants to reveal something to me, but something is blocking our connection. I can feel people nearby…..people like us, but I cannot read their intentions.” Chan’s hand suddenly came to life with fire, and everyone looked at him as Woo jokingly said, “Okay Chan-shi, I know you like your powers but how will heat help out Nick?”

The maknae shook his head, “Guys, I’m not doing this….it’s like someone else is….conducting my power for me!!” Taec took a step forward, “What-!!” The flame traveled up and around Chan’s arm, swirling like some cobra on the hunt, glowing a rich green and looping itself round and round. “Guys,” was all Chansung could choke out as he dropped to his knees, and Junho quickly went over to him, grabbing a couple of water bottles in his gait and pouring them onto his younger vocalist, but to no avail. “- they’re not going out on their own!!”

Junsu knelt next to him, “Are you in pain, Chansung?” The fire wielder shook his head wearily, “ No- but I’m tired, really tired. It’s like someone is playing puppeteer with my body…” Anthony walked into the room on cue, grinning all the while, “Then that means that my plan is coming together nicely-M will be so pleased…”


As Big Bang started to rock out onstage with a lively rendition of ‘Tonight!!’, I looked for the others in the other waiting sections. “Hey guys~ have you seen 2PM anywhere?” I asked some sound technicians, and everyone shook their heads apologetically at me. That’s weird…what could be wrong? Someone came up behind me, and I turned to see a pair of twins, one man one woman, in all black looking directly into my face. “Um hi, can I help you with something?” The woman, who had a large ‘Y’ tattoo on her neck, jumped excitedly, “Ooh~ you must be the one Anthony talks about all the time!! He sent us to come and get you!!”

Immediately, I felt a chill crawl up my spine, but I swallowed my fear as I said firmly, “Thanks, but no thanks- I belong here, and he belongs to his own business.” I began to turn around, when the unsheathing of a knife caught my attentions, and I looked at the woman, who raised one hand now lined with claws. “What the hell?” was all I could manage as the man, with a large ‘X’ held up a sniper’s rifle and lined it up just over my shoulder. “Come with us now, or all of the sound technicians standing behind you die.” I glanced over my shoulder to see Mink and the others dancing and laughing, completely oblivious to the impeding situation, and I held up a hand, “I’ll come, just don’t shoot anyone, please.” The woman grinned, and poked me in the side with one of her inhuman claws. “Glad you could see our reason- follow me please, and no funny business~!!” She sang out as the man poked me with his scope, signaling me to walk to my destiny…..

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Elishaje #1
Thanks for the faith my friends!!Working on Part 2 as I speak!!!:)
Soooo good....can't wait for the next part
This sounds intresting : ) im subscribing to this : ) and I can't believe you went to korea. Im going in two years to learn korean and their culture and all that. How was it there???