Summer Again.

Summer Love.


Myungsoo had asked her out for a date. Again. 
How many dates have they been into? 
Honestly, Ji Min couldn't count anymore. 
But what surprised her though, that even though they've been on countless of dates, Myungsoo never made a move on her. 
He didn't even try and hold her hand. 
He also didn't assume that they were more than just friends. 
Ji Min had forgiven Myungsoo. Long forgiven. 
Even before he told her his side of the story about their break up. 
Ji Min wanted to hug him when he relayed his story, but stopped herself. 
She knew he always thought so low of himself. That was one of Myungsoo's negative traits. 
She had promised back then to change that thing about Myungsoo. But she never had the chance because they had broken up before they could say 'Happy anniversary!'. 
Myungsoo had finally earned Ji Min's number after the seventh date. Seventh date!
But it didn't matter. He was glad he could go on dinner dates with her. Also lunch dates, casual walk in the park dates, amusement park dates. 
He didn't realize it though, but he was slowly falling for the girl who was slowly returning to who she once was. 
He just thought he liked her. And whenever that little thought about being in love with her enters his mind, he shoves it out. 
He was afraid to be the only one in love between the two of them. 
He wanted Ji Min to love him back too. It wasn't impossible because she had done that before. It wasn't impossible because they went out days. 
But it was impossible because she must have been traumatized. Traumatized over how badly their relationship ended. 
They didn't even have a proper closure back then. And three years later, they see each other. 
But they didn't have a closure. 
They were starting all over again. 
It would be better though if they had forgotten about the past. But it just seems impossible. To Ji Min that is. 
She was still stuck on the past. 
Yes, Myungsoo was gaining back whatever affection they used to feel with each other, and possibly more. 
But she was afraid. 
What if he does it again?
Summer has come again. 
Ji Min had just finished her summer classes for the day and decided to visit the hospital. 
But before she could even step out of the school gates, someone appeared in front of her. Or more like jumped in front of her. 
"Myungsoo!" she shrieked while holding her chest. 
"Heya," he said with a playful smile. 
"What are you doing here?" Ji Min asked. 
"Wanted to surprise her and take you somewhere. Come on!"
Myungsoo excitedly took her stuff and tugged on her wrist. 
He dragged her to his car and opened the door for her. 
He set her stuff on the backseat and climbed on the driver's seat after. 
"Where are we going?" Ji Min asked when she finished with her seatbelt. 
By now, she was used to Myungsoo appearing all of a sudden at her school and dragging her for a date. 
"You'll see," he simply replied and started the gears. 
"Your house?" Ji Min raised a brow when they stopped and stood outside Myungsoo's old house at Dongbong-gu. 
"Old house," he corrected. 
"Why are we here?" Ji Min asked warily. 
"Hmm, of course, you won't remember. This is where first met. Today was the day, four years ago, that I went home after my first year at Oedae," he said. 
"Oh! I remember now! Haha! That was funny..."
Myungsoo chuckled. 
"Wanna reenact?" 
"I don't really remember what I said. But I was mean to you," Ji Min said. 
She stood inside the deserted house, the front door half open while Myungsoo was standing outside on the steps. 
"I don't remember what I said either. But I know I was mean to you, too," Myungsoo added. 
They both laughed. 
A while after, when the laughter died down, Ji Min began to playfully glare at Myungsoo. 
She let him in and Myungsoo began to pretend grumbling. 
"I don't remember what happened next, really," Ji Min said once the two entered the living room. 
The living room was empty except them and the worn out couch that used to be the Kim's. 
"But do you remember this couch?"
Ji Min seemed to have been in a trance as memories passed through her mind. 
"Mm..." Ji Min said. "We used to cuddle and lie down here. Whenever someone would call me, you wouldn't let me go. And when you do, you'd sulk. And then, we stopped using it for a while that one time when we thought Jihoo peed on it—"
Ji Min stopped talking and covered . 
"I'm talking too much again..." she said. 
Myungsoo chuckled. He was glad she had talked. The new Ji Min didn't talk very much. The old one, even though she had this annoying side of talking a lot and somewhat drifting off topic, he liked that Ji Min. 
"It's okay. Go on," Myungsoo urged. 
"I missed the old days..." she found herself saying. 
"Do you remember that time when Sungyeol stayed over?" he asked. 
He was hoping to get her talking. 
It might have done the trick as Ji Min nodded excitedly. 
"He tried to play matchmaker! And he was really noisy. And he said he liked me as a sister. Eh. Pabo, Yeol. I thought he really liked Eunhee. Eunhee or Eun Mi...? Ah, I don't remember. Anyway, Sungyeol was really weird back then. Eh, he's much weirder now. But he's a bit mature now. But he had a mature mind back then. Although mixed with childish jokes and stuff. Ah, those days...I miss them...I had all the freedom."
Myungsoo found himself smiling at Ji Min's talkativeness. Even though she was mostly talking about Sungyeol, it didn't matter. He liked seeing her talk. He liked her voice. He missed it. 
"Sorry I talk too much..." Ji Min said after finally realizing that Myungsoo wasn't talking. 
"It's okay. It's good to have you back..." he said quietly. 
Ji Min looked at him with a curious expression. 
"What do you mean?"
"You changed a lot. And I missed the old you. The witty, talkative, frank Ji Min... I fell in love with that girl," Myungsoo said. "You used to shut me up when we argue. You always have the last word..."
"Right," Ji Min mumbled. "I missed the old you, too. But, I don't really think you changed at all. You're still the same, dorky, doubtful self."
"Ya," he said, pretending to be insulted. 
But Myungsoo had a grin on his face. 
She didn't know what drove her to do it. Maybe it was his grin. Maybe it was him. She really didn't know. But there was a force that made her do it. 
She kissed him.
It felt good. 
Myungsoo was too shocked to respond. But as Ji Min was about to pull away, he found himself pulling her face closer and deepening the kiss. 
And at that moment, old and new feelings came to them. And they showed it through the kiss. 
They wanted each other. And they weren't letting go just yet. 
[And at that moment, they were infinite. (I just had to ruin it by putting on this useless note and a Perks of a Wallflower reference. Where is my originality... But the infinite thing there sorta worked. Hihi. See what I did there?)]
I guess that's it. Wait. I'ma put on an epilogue. 
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Chapter 30: Omonaaaa! This is freaaakingg amazing author nim! Likeee it so cuttteee and funny and fluffyy and sweettt! Danngg author nim u made me feel all the emotions on this storyy!!! Even they broke up three years ago fate lead them again together! I looooovvveddd itt!!!❤️Lovee the ending tho,they made "IT" already on the beaten couch..x) hahaha.. Just great job author nim!!!! Daebakk! I would love to read this all over again..:)))
Chapter 30: Good story (^-^)
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 30: This story was soooo cute!!!! I loved it!!!!! o(^▽^)o
Chapter 11: they had their first kiss!
Chapter 9: what the heck is the cashier on?!?!?!
"Would you like a free ?" *jaw drop*
i think thats one of the funnies things i've ever read before
Chapter 7: AHHHHHHHH!!!!! she kissed him!!!!!!!!!!! they're dating!!!!!!!!
lol. it was funny how they both confessed to each other.
ItsElaine11 #7
Ohmygahd the beat up couch part. xD
Danieea #8
Done reading ! I'm in love with myungsoo in this story !! This story is so sweeet and cute. I love ji min's character hihi, the talkative, same like me ^__^
I read this before! :D
kay. ^^
and LOL-ed at thsi part:
"Mm. I wonder what she'll say when she grows up and finds out she was conceived on a beat up couch," XD