Taking Care Of Him

Love or Showbiz

Another chappie is here!!~~ This is the 2nd to the last chappie !! <3 ~~~ Hope you like it!! Tomorrow is the day!! The day of the FINALE!!~~ Who do you guys bet SungYeon will end up with?



DongHo ?

I guess this chappie will help you know~~ Enjoy~~


UKISS went out to the photoshoot for their next mini album. Kevin forgot to tell SungYeon to bring the CD another day because they wont be there. So SungYeon went to the UKISS dorm bringing Kevin the CD he wants and some fruits for them. She knocked onnce, then twice, no one was answering.

“Kev?” She called out. She checked the door knob and it was open, she took a few steps forward to see if they were in the dorm.

“Guess, nobody’s home.” She said and was about to leave when she hears someone running and then vomiting at the restroom.

“Omona!” She dropped the fruits and the CD, it was DongHo he was vomiting. SungYeon rushed to him and checked him.

“Ya! Are you alright?!” SungYeon asked. She grabbed some tissues and handed them to DongHo. She patted his back so he can let all out.

“*cough* H-huh? S-sungYeo—“ He vomits again.

“SHHH! Wait, I’m gonna get you water!” SungYeon rushed to their kitechen and grabbed a glass of water.

“What happened to you DongHo?!” SungYeon asked.

“I…I don’t know..” DongHo said. He was sitting on the floor.

“Come, I’ll take you to your room.” SungYeon put DongHo’s arm around her neck and tried to DongHo to his room. When they reached the room, she laid DongHo down to his bed. DongHo grabbed his blanket and covered his entire body.

“ I-it’s freezing…” DongHo mumbled. SungYeon turned off the air conditioner and an electric fan.

“S-sungYeon why are you here?” DongHo asked.

“ I was supposed to give Kevin a CD he wanted, but I guess they’re not here, wait, why are you here anyways?” SungYeon asked.

“I…I got drunk last night… also… a fight with Soohyun hyung..” DongHo lowered his head. SungYeon just let out a heavy sigh. She already knew why.

“A-are you still mad at me?” DongHo asked.

“Mad? Why?” SungYeon asked.

“For the other day, what I said..” DongHo said.

“No, not anymore..” SungYeon answered.

“SungYeon..” DongHo called.

“Hmm?” SungYeon answered.

“Did… did you mean what you said last time?” DongHo asked. SungYeon lowered her head.

“A-ani.. Aniyo. I didn’t mean those words, Mianhe” She apologized.

“Arasso…” DongHo said. Suddenly, he got up and ran towards the sink again, he started to vomit again. SungYeon ran behind him.

“Ya! DongHo ya!” SungYeon said, supporting DongHo.

“I hate this..” DongHo mumbled.

“You shloudve refused to drink!” SungYeon said.

“I’m getting dizzy, my head hurts..” DongHo groaned.

“Come, let’s go to your bedroom” SungYeon said. She escorted DongHo to the bedroom and laid him down to his bed again. DongHo curled up, he was freezing. SungYeon put her hand to DongHo’s forehead and her other hand to her own forehead. Dongho’s temperature was high. SungYeon looked around the dorm, searching for the Medic Kit. She found it, above the refrigerator. SungYeon went back to DongHo’s room and checked DongHo’s temperature.

“41.3… Aishh Shin DongHo what have you done to yourself” She mumbled.

“Ya! DongHo-ya, go and take a bath, I ‘ll prepare your clothes for you” She said. DongHo sat up and went to his bathroom. SungYeon took some clothes for DongHo, some sweat pants and simple T-Shirt, while getting some clothes, she found something. A picture. It was a picture of him and her, it was their times at KIAS. She smiled and put it where it was. She went to the bathroom door and slid the clothes under the door.

“There’s your clothes DongHo! Hurry Up! You might catch a cold as well!” SungYeon said. SungYeon took off her heavy coat and decided to take care of DongHo. She was setting up the temperature of the air conditioner in DongHo’s room. When DongHo went out of the room, without his T-Shirt on, just only his sweatpants and a towel around him. He was freezing.

“DongHo! Why didn’t you have your T-Shirt on!” SungYeon rushed to him. DongHo refused to give her his T-Shirt.

“Can you do it?” SungYeon asked.

“Nae..” Dongho answered. He tried to wear his T-Shirt but he was freezing.

“You cant?” SungYeon asked. She smiled and took the T-Shirt. She put the T-Shirt to DongHo.

“There you go.” SungYeon said. “Now lay down there and rest arasso? I set up the temperature of the air conditioner so you wont get cold. I’ll get some medicine.” SungYeon said and left the room. She went to the kitchen and prepared the ice cold water with towel for DongHo’s fever.  She also prepared the medicine. She went inside DongHo’s room and put the towel on DongHo’s forehead.

“Mmmm, it’s so cold! YA!” DongHo demanded.

“It’s your fault you drank so much… Don’t do that again…” SungYeon said.

“N-nae..” DongHo answered.

“Drink these” SungYeon gave some pills to DongHo. DongHo refused.

“I’m not trying to poison you, so drink these” SungYeon said. But DongHo still refused.

“Omona a rat!” SungYeon shouted.

“Mwoh?!” DongHo sat up with his mouth open and there SungYeon put the pills inside DongHo’s mouth.

“Hehe, got ya! Here now drink” SungYeon gave DongHo some tea. After a few minutes, dongHo fell asleep. SungYeon got her coat and went somewhere. She went to NH Media’s building. She went straight to the president’s office. She was shocked because Soohyun and the manager was there too.

“Oh, SungYeon what do you need?” NH Media president asked. Soohyun was looking at her.

“I’m sorry sir, but you need to stop this fake relationship thing” SungYeon said.

“I guess you and Soohyun have the same purpose” the Manager sat back.

“Have a seat SungYeon” The president invited.

“Now sir, As I was saying, you need to stop this! It affects other people too!” Soohyun demanded.

“the 2 of us are refusing now, you have to stop this.” SungYeon followed.

“I’ll phone YG Entertainment sir” the manager said. After a few moments, YG president came over.

“Now, what is this about?” YG took a seat.

“I want to end this fake relationship !! Now!” SungYeon demanded.

“But why? This is hel—“
“No! This is not helping!” Soohyun said.

“It’s ruining  the relationship between us and KissMes!” Soohyun said.

“This is not a good idea” SungYeon reasoned out.

“But this is going great” The manager said.

“The 2 of us doesn’t want it, how can we do this of both of us doesn’t even want this?!” Soohyun said.

“That’s not the point” YG said

“Pull this off, or I quit my career.” SungYeon said.


Hmmmmm...... A little hint ,HEHEHE xDD

I just found this picture...

DongHo and Soohyun were in  the hospital ?? I wonder why? Awww..~~ Poor 2SHIN <3 <3 Don't panic KissMes this was during Neverland era. I just saw it now too ^^ No need to panic <3

Hope you enjoy~~ And next chappie is the FINALE~~ I hope i can post it tomorrow <3

Thank for reading.

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Images not mine. CREDITS to owners.


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Chapter 36: finally, i ended up reading da whole chapter :'>
even if im still awake@midnight xD
the story was so great ^^i really like it much:D
job well done author^^

Chapter 24: aww.. soo cute moment . ;')
ukisskevinlover #3
Chapter 36: bwahahaha nice finale
yay sequel!!
ukisskevinlover #4
Chapter 34: Bwahaha i love kevin gifs too
Wahhh im so curious;)
molly38690 #5
Chapter 33: OMG! Ican't wait for the next Update!!! :)
ukisskevinlover #6
Chapter 33: ?....dongho oppa....ahem well you should try to make yourself better instead of drinking..ah well good luck!
Wahhhh finale~♡
Chapter 32: Ughhh, Dongho stop yelling! Dongho has such a short temper....... Can't wait for next chapter!!! I wonder what the fan's reactions would be.........