Awkward Talk.

Love or Showbiz

Everyone left the meeting room except for SungYeon. She still cant believe of what happened. What would DongHo think? And why would this happen now? After Soohyun's confession, now that she's still hurt, now that Dongho and her are broken. This must be a twist of faith.

She stood up and walked to the door. She was walking alone along the hallway. Until she noticed a figure standing infront of her. It was DongHo. She couldnt look at him staright in the eyes.

"SungYeon..." DongHo whispered. She can feel the pain and sadness at DongHo's voice.

"DongHo.." She also whispered.

"SungYeon.. I knwo this is late, but i'm sorry. I know i hurt you and i know i didnt apologize early, but please forgive me" DongHo said softly. His vocie was crackling.

"DongHo.. I-it's okay.. I forgive you..I'm sorry..for our break up too." she still cant look into his eyes.

"No, dont be sorry, its my fault. I deserve this, so dont be sorry." DongHo said. SungYeon  didnt say anything. she just kept looking down.

"SungYeon... do.. do you like... Soohyun hyung?" DongHo asked.

"W-what?" SungYeon finally looked at him.

"DO YOU LIKE HIM?" DongHo saidm word by word.

"I like him as my older brother. That's all nothing more." SungYeon said.

"But, how? How did this happen?" DongHo was referring to the fake relationship.

"I dont know, he was comforting me that time, i needed fresh air so he took me out i didnt know.." She was cut off by DongHo.

"Did he confess that time?" DongHo asked.

"Y-yes." SungYeon answered. "Y-you knew?" She asked.

"I heard Kevin and Soohyun's conversation the other night, he's inlove with you." DongHo looked away.

"Well, he confessed to me that time." SungYeon said.

"HECK! Why now? WHY Freaking now?!" DongHo was angry.

" What?" SungYeon was confused.

"SUngyeon, i cant get over you okay?! But now this issue comes over!!" DongHo growled.

"It's not my fault that paparazzis are everywhere!" SungYeon said.

"You should at leats consider my feelings." DongHo said.

"Now i'm getting blamed?!" SungYeon's voice rose up.

"It's not that i'm blaming you, but what about me?" DongHo said. " YOu should at least said something earlier." DongHo blamed.

" I tried! But they didnt listen!" SungYeon said.

" I still cant get over you SungYeon please come back to me" DongHo pleaded.

" DongHo you know that we cant right now, we'll just hurt ourselves more now that almost all eyes are on us, and now look what's on my back. Fake Relationship, you dont want to end up like me!" SungYeon said.

" So you want me to feel how you felt before?" DongHo asked.

"I didnt say that. We just.. cant right now.. You should understand!" SungYeon said.

"I do! But please SungYeon..! " DongHo said.

"DongHo you need to understand!" SungYeon shouted.

"I bet you love Soohyun more than me thats why you dont freaking want!" DongHo yelled. He was out of his mind.

"WHAT?! SHIN DONGHO?!" SungYeon couldnt belive that she was getting blamed.

" You really wanted this relationship!" DongHo yelled. " That's why you dont want to go back to me! Soohyun poisoned your mind! You love him more!" SungYeon felt angry at DongHo's words. She cant belive he doesnt understand her. DongHo earned a slap from her.

"What if I do love Soohyun huh? What if i love him more than you?!" SungYeon cried and ran away. DongHo couldnt believe what she said. And he didnt realize what he said either.

SungYeon was hurt. She didnt mean to say that. It just came out. It was her anger. She loves DongHo no matter what.




Thanks for reading guys!!

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I'll edit this alright? I just dont have much time :)


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Chapter 36: finally, i ended up reading da whole chapter :'>
even if im still awake@midnight xD
the story was so great ^^i really like it much:D
job well done author^^

Chapter 24: aww.. soo cute moment . ;')
ukisskevinlover #3
Chapter 36: bwahahaha nice finale
yay sequel!!
ukisskevinlover #4
Chapter 34: Bwahaha i love kevin gifs too
Wahhh im so curious;)
molly38690 #5
Chapter 33: OMG! Ican't wait for the next Update!!! :)
ukisskevinlover #6
Chapter 33: ?....dongho oppa....ahem well you should try to make yourself better instead of drinking..ah well good luck!
Wahhhh finale~♡
Chapter 32: Ughhh, Dongho stop yelling! Dongho has such a short temper....... Can't wait for next chapter!!! I wonder what the fan's reactions would be.........