It Still Hurt.

Love or Showbiz

"YA! DongHo ! Wake Up!! You need to go to the press conference It's already 6:21 am!!" Soohyun shouted. DongHo's schedule is 7 am but still DongHo is laying down, dreaming about SungYeon, but it was interrupted whe he felt ice cold water on his face.

"WOAH!! WAE?! HYUNG!!!" he yelled and quickly sat up.

"I told you to wake up! Hello? Press conference?" Soohyun reminded.

"Ah, yes..." He was still worried. Soohyun just helped him fix his bed. So DongHo took a quick bath and dressed up properly. He packed up the things he needed. Of course, he didnt forget to text SungYeon early in the morning. Before leaving, Soohyun gave him something, a box of brownies.

"You made this hyung?" DongHo asked. It was starnge that Soohyun coukd bake those brownies.

"Haha, Aniyo, SungYeon brought them here earlier" Soohyun said. A huge smile grew on DongHo's face. She grabbed the box of brownies still with that smile on his face.

" I admit, she's a good student, I  bet after bringing that here, she went to school, she was wearing her uniform already with her bag." Soohyun said. DongHo just smiled while inspecting te brownies.

"Nae, nae, she's perfect in short." DongHo praised his girlfriend. So he was ready, he put on his shoes and was about to go to their van.

"Ya, DongHo." Soohyun called. DongHo turned around to face him.

"NAe huyng?"

"No matter what happens, just think it's for te sake of SungYeon, arasso?" Soohyun reminded him. DongHo smiled at him. He's happy to have a hyung like Soohyun.

"NAe hyung. Gamsahamnida." DongHo thanked him.

"Dont worry about it, just go! Hwaiting!" Soohyun said.


At the press conference, at DongHo's open up, he felt sick. Sick of lying. He doesnt like Sheri because she's to fangirly and too vain. He doesnt like those kind of girls, but he has to do it for the sake of SungYeon and slo his career.

On the other hand, SungYeon is hiding their relationship to everyone. Even to her bestfriend MinKyu and to her mom. But she sometimes get busted by her mom and she just finds a way to not let her know. So SungYeon was watching the news and now it was DongHo and Sheri walking to the press with their hands locked with each other. They were very sweet and it was like theyre real. Even DongHo is smiling. But when he started to talk about the 2 of them, she felt her heart broke down into pieces even though she knows that she's DongHo's girl, it still hurts. It hurts that they have to hide their relationship. It still hurts for her even thought they talked about it.

"Oh look its DongHo" Her mom from behind noticed it. She supports SungYeon to her fandom over KPOP especially to DOngHo. " And who's that girl?" He mom asked. SungYeon felt her cheeks getting wet. She noticed that she was crying. She stood up and went to her room. Her mother was shocked too. She sat down on her bed, sobbing. She knew it but why does it still hurts?

"Honey?" Her mom was shocked.

"Mom,please go away." She pleaded.

"What's wrong?" Her mom hugged her. "Something bothering you?" Her mom continues to ask,

"Sorry eonma, i've been keeping secrets from you.," SungYeon sobbed.

"Tell me, you can let out everything now." Her mom told her while rubbing her back. SungYeon sat upright.

"Please dont get mad." SungYeon asked her mom.

"Just tell me Yeonnie." She told SungYeon.

"Mom...It's been a while since..." She paused.

"Since what?"

" DongHO became my boyfriend.." SungYeon paused.

"Don't joke like that, I know you really love him but dont make up fantasies honey." Her mom told her.

" Seriously mom!! I'm serious! Since I became his tutor and then after he asked me out. I felt that he wont do anything bad, he was sincere!" She expplained. " He even introduced me to the other members! He's serious to me mom! " She continued. " Here." She showed their converstaions and pictures. " I'm sorry mom." She sat down.

"No, it's ok, baby. It's okay." Her mom was okay with it. What a surprise. " Then why are you crying? Is it because of that girl? On TV? Her mom asked.

"Yes, it hurts but he told me about it. It's fake relationship. To protect us. To protect me." SungYeon said.

"You should  understand okay? Or just talk to him. Hush now." Her mother rubbed her back. That night she just slept to take it off her mind.



Update <3

Aww, SungYeon still got hurt. She didnt knew it will hurt still.

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Chapter 36: finally, i ended up reading da whole chapter :'>
even if im still awake@midnight xD
the story was so great ^^i really like it much:D
job well done author^^

Chapter 24: aww.. soo cute moment . ;')
ukisskevinlover #3
Chapter 36: bwahahaha nice finale
yay sequel!!
ukisskevinlover #4
Chapter 34: Bwahaha i love kevin gifs too
Wahhh im so curious;)
molly38690 #5
Chapter 33: OMG! Ican't wait for the next Update!!! :)
ukisskevinlover #6
Chapter 33: ?....dongho oppa....ahem well you should try to make yourself better instead of drinking..ah well good luck!
Wahhhh finale~♡
Chapter 32: Ughhh, Dongho stop yelling! Dongho has such a short temper....... Can't wait for next chapter!!! I wonder what the fan's reactions would be.........