Telling Her.

Love or Showbiz

"What happened?" Eli asked.

"Did you do something wrong?" Kibum asked.

"Wait, did the manager knew about SungYeon?" Soohyun asked.

"No.." DongHo simpy responded.

"Then, what is it?" Kiseop persisted.

"Tell us maknae!" Alexander shouted. They were worried.

"Manager-hyung set me on a fake relationship with Sheri." DongHo said.

"What? Wait, Lee Sheri?! The one always paired with you in polls?!"Kibum exclaimed.

"Yeah.." DongHo said disappointed.

"Why did you accept?" Kevin asked.

"Manager said if i didnt accept, he'll stop promoting me." DongHo became sad.

"You dont need that, you're already famous, Aegyo Prince." Soohyun tried to make DOngHo happy.

"But hyung, it can also lead me to the end of my career.." DongHo whined.

"Yeah, when they report it, it will be an embarassment to you." Alexander said. Soohyun said what manager told him.

"I dont think it's that." Soohyun said.

"What?" DongHo asked.

"Because the manager was with me in the elevator earlier..." Soohyun said.

"Then?" They all asked. They were very curious.

"He said he encountered a girl and she's our visitor, and by that, the only visitor that the manager doesnt know is SungYeon." Soohyun predicted. They all looked at each other.

"Do you think he already know?" DongHo asked.

"Uhm guys.." Kiseop called the other guys. He was pointing to  CCTV cameras on every corner of their room.

" I think yes." Soohyun answered.

"But what should i do hyung?? I dont want to lose SungYeon." DongHo said.

"Don't worry, just explain it to SungYeon . She's an intelligent girl,I know she'll understand." Kevin told him.

"Yeah, the manager thinks she's my cousin, so let's pretend we're cousins, so the manager wont find us lying still." Soohyun said. DongHo still looks sad. They all comforted him. They hate it when their maknae is lonely.

"Just talk to her." Alexander gave him an advice.

So in the afternoon, DongHo invited SungYeon to meet up with him at their favorite place, Baskin Robbins. At the ice cream shop, Dongho was already there, covered with scarf and cap. And finally, SungYeon arrived, still with her school uniform, Dongho waved his hand and SungYeon saw him. So she went straight to him.

"SungYeon." He called.

"Annyeong Oppa." SungYeon also greeted. She was surprised because of the quick action of DongHo. He hugged her, and the hug becomes even tighter, and DongHo burying his face on SungYeon's shoulder.

"S-something wrong?" SungYeon couldnt even speak.

But DongHo didnt answer, he just continued to hug her. But then he finally let go.

"I have to tell you something." DongHo confessed.

"What is it?" SungYeon asked.

"Manager hyung.." He paused for a while. He doesnt knwo how to tell it to her. " He wanted me to be on a fake relationship with an artist."He told SungYeon.

"So?" SungYeon asked.

" I agreed for the sake of my career and of course to protect you too." DongHo said. "Soohyun said that the manager knew about you already" He told her. SungYeon was still speechless.

:It's okay." She now agreed.

"Jinjja?!" DongHo was shocked. He was expecting a slap or a shout or something that hurts.

" Yes, as long as I dont find it wrong" She said. " As long as im the only one there." She pointed to DongHo's heart with her spoon.

"Dont worry, you'll be the only one, and forever will  be. besides this is just for showbiz and so that they wont find you out.Or else i dont want you to be in danger because of those girls who want to pull your hair or even black mail you." DongHo was overprotective. SungYeon just smiled.

"Nae, nae." She laughed and joked around too. SungYeon was okay with DongHo's work but only as long as there is really nothing between them.

"You can still visit us, but also you have to pretend as Soohyun's cousin so the manager wont think we're lying." DongHo explained.

"It's okay with me." SungYeon also agreed.

"So that you can visit me everyday too!" DongHo said happily.

"But i'm the one who always visits!" SungYeon joked,

"I'll make it up to you then!" DongHo promised. So they continued to joke around. They went to the mall and bought so many stuff but didnt let SungYeon pay, not even once. So the day finally ended they returned to their homes. DongHo returned to his dorm with the UKISS members with a huge smile. He opened the door and the bright Kevin welcomed him.

"Maknae, how was your day?" Kevin was too curious. DongHo sat down at the couch still with a smile and seems out of the world,.

"What did she say maknae?" Kibum asked.

"DongHO!!!" Eli shouted.

"she's very understanding hyung." DongHo sighed.

"SO that means, she's  okay with everything?" Kevin asked.

"She said its okay as long as nothing if between me and Sheri. That everything is just for showbiz. As long as everything is stil lcorrect."  All of them were happy for the resuslts.

"I told you she's very understanding." KEvin said.



Finally SungYeon agreed!!

Thanks for reading <3

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Chapter 36: finally, i ended up reading da whole chapter :'>
even if im still awake@midnight xD
the story was so great ^^i really like it much:D
job well done author^^

Chapter 24: aww.. soo cute moment . ;')
ukisskevinlover #3
Chapter 36: bwahahaha nice finale
yay sequel!!
ukisskevinlover #4
Chapter 34: Bwahaha i love kevin gifs too
Wahhh im so curious;)
molly38690 #5
Chapter 33: OMG! Ican't wait for the next Update!!! :)
ukisskevinlover #6
Chapter 33: ?....dongho oppa....ahem well you should try to make yourself better instead of drinking..ah well good luck!
Wahhhh finale~♡
Chapter 32: Ughhh, Dongho stop yelling! Dongho has such a short temper....... Can't wait for next chapter!!! I wonder what the fan's reactions would be.........