Getting kidnapped or robbed?!

Dreams can come true

I slept really long.Mary Lee didn't wake me up.Weird. I went to the the living room,and noticed,that Mary Lee had left me a note.

It's my first work day.Wish me luck! >3< When you wake up,could you bring me a coffee? That would be great! The breakfast is in the fridge,just heat it first! See ya then! <3

I smiled and changed my clothes and ate the breakfast. I took my phone and my wallet and went to the coffee house.

"Oh,hi Hana ah!"Kyung Soon greeted me. "You're alone,where is Mary Lee?"She asked me.

"At her work. She's Super Junior stylist now."I told her and eyed the coffee options.

"Oh really? How surprising!"She said shaped like 'o'. I nodded in agreement and ordered an caramel macchiato to go. As Kyung Soon was making the coffee,she looked at me,well,it was more like staring...

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She sighed and looked at me again.

"Well...It's that idol guy..Who was it again?..Oh yeah,Lee Joon. He came here,and asked me if I had seen you.Apparently you don't answer his messages..."She sighed and gave me the coffee. I just stared at her. And then I closed my eyes slowly,sitted on the bar stool and sighed.

"This is just great..."I said and banged my head on the counter.

"Yah,Hana ah. You'll leave a mark on my counter."Kyung Soon said.That's what she's worried about? I apologised and left. If I'll ever meet Lee Joon,how would I explain this to him?

Then someone robbed my wallet and my phone.
"Yah! Give it back!" I yelled at a hooded man. I ran after him for about 15 minutes,then he stopped near an appartment building and waited for me to catch him. When I did,he went in and ran the stairs up. I lost the sight of him. I was walking down the hallway,then suddenly the door next to me opened and the hooded man pulled me in and knocked me out.


Moments later I woke up and rubbed my head.It really hurt. I sitted and looked around. It was really messy. 

"Sorry,I didn't mean to knock you out!" A guys voice said. I turned to look who it was,and I was super surprised. Mir from MBLAQ. My eyes widened so open,that they actually started to hurt.
"Wh---What...Why...How..?"I tried to say something,but I failed.

"You are Hana,right? Please say you are..."Mir said looking really worried.I nodded and he smiled.

"I'm Mir,nice to meet you!Sorry that I knocked you out..."He said and gave me a glass of water. I drank little to calm my mind. Then I sighed. I then looked at Mir.
"Why did you bring me here...?"I asked him and he smiled.
"I wanted to see how you looked like."He answered and stood up quickly,because the door opened. G.O,Thunder and Seungho came in. When they noticed me,their eyes widened.Then they looked at Mir,who was looking away,to avoid their eyes.


"Who are you...?" G.O asked me. I stood up and introduced myself. G.O then sighed.
"Did Mir drag you here?"G.O asked.I looked at Mir who was still avoiding s eyes. 

"Well..Uhm..He..Uhm...Robbed me and knocked me out..."I said and looked away.

"Mir ah! Did you really do that?!" Seungho said. Mir scoffed.
"Pshhh...Haha...N-no."He said and s were really pissed.
"Mir ah...If Lee Joon knew,he would kill you."G.O said.Mir pouted.
"But I wanted to see her!"Mir said.
"Joon hyung told us to give her some time.."Thunder said. Um..Did they know,that I'm right here,or...?
"I-It's ok,really!"I said and went between the members to calm them down. G.O looked at me.
"Please don't defend that idiot..."G.O said and told us all to sit down. The members scolded Mir for a long time. I felt really bad for Mir and awkward at the same time so I just stared at the wall.

"Hana,would you like something to drink? You're probably shocked."Thunder asked me. I shook my head and smiled.
"You should probably go,before Joon comes home. We should meet some other time."Seungho said.I nodded in agreement.The others stood up and Thunder helped me to get up too. But then the door unlocked. Mir Took my hand and shoved me into their closet.Oh,just great..

Lee Joon's POV*

As I opened our dorms door,all of my members were standing really awkward next to the closet,and Mir was leaning on it. I raised my eyebrow and looked at them,one by one.

"What..are you guys doing?"I asked. They all laughed nervously.
"Nothing really.."Mir said and the others laughed nervously again.

"Why are you guys standing next to the closet? And why are you leaning on it,Mir?"I asked. He immediately stopped leaning on it and sitted down. The other did the same. I looked at them,confused. But then decided to ignore them. I sitted next to Mir.

"Who's phone and wallet are those?"I asked and pointed at a phone and a wallet,that wasn't anyone of us,because they were really girly. Seungho hyung took them and hided them.
"What are you talking about...?"He said,all serious. I shook my head and decided to ignore that one as well. 

"Nothing..Nevermind..."I said and stood up. I walked to the closet,but I was quickly blocked by Mir.
"Um...What are you doing...?"I asked him,I was getting annoyed. I was recording for a show for at least 3 hours,I was dead tired,and wanted to hit the shower,but my members were acting way too weird. It wasn't my birthday either,it was back in February..
"Nothing..What are you doing hyung?"Mir asked me.
"I'm trying to get some clean clothes for after the shower."I answered him. He looked really uneasy.
"It's ok,hyung. You just go sit there and wait.I'll get them for you."He said and pushed me down to make me sit. He then went to the closet.

Hana's POV*

Mir's hand came in to the closet. He tried to make me give him something quickly. I grabbed the first thing I could get,and gave it to him.Then I noticed...I gave him a--

Lee Joon's POV*

Mir pulled out a sweater...I looked at him,really pissed.He was just smiling at me,when he gave me the sweater.
"Mir ah...Are you kidding me? A sweater? It's summer,not winter.
I told him.
"Hyung,you should try something new sometime,like sweater during summer!I mean,come on!It's brilliant!"Mir said and clapped his hand together.I stood up and walked to the closet. I'm not in the mood for Mir's stupid childlike attitude. Mir tried to get in my way but I pushed him away. And then I opened the door of the closet...

Hana's POV*

I could hear someone walking to the closet. I tried to lean on the door and have a peak,when the door suddenly opened,and I fell on my face. 
"Ow..."I said and holded my nose,that was now bleeding.

Lee Joon's POV*

A girl came out of the closet.It took me a while to realise who it was. The girl turned around,and I saw her face.It was Hana.
"Ah...Oppa...Annyeong!"She said while holding her bleeding nose. I kept staring at her,my mouth shaped like an 'o'. Thunder gave her a clinex and went to stand next to the others,who were now standing as well. I looked at them one by one.They all backed away from Mir and coughed nervously. I looked at Mir really confused. At first he was avoiding my eyes,but then he looked at me and said:
"Surprise!" I squinted my eyes at Mir still confused.
"He robbed and knocked her out..."G.O hyung said. My eyes widened with anger and I looked back at Mir,who was now hiding behind Hana.
"Hyung...I---I can explain..I...Um..I wanted to see how she looked like...She seemed really cute,when you described her...So I.."Mir said but was cut by Hana.
"It's ok,really...He didn't mean it."She said. She saw how angry I was,and she was trying to calm me down.
"Hana,please,just please,stop defending Mir.He deserves to be scolded by Joon."G.O hyung said.

"Let go of her,and come here..."I told Mir who was now hugging Hana.
"No...You're just gonna hit me..Hana ah...I'm scared.."Mir said and hugged her tighter.
"Mir..Stop it.."Thunder said trying to get Mir off of her. G.O hyung suggested,that we should all calm down and sit.

"So...Let me get this right...You robbed her and KNOCKED her out,just to see her? I thought we talked about this already...?"I said while gritting my teeth together. Mir avoided my eyes again.I sighed and tried to calm myself down..G.O hyung came to the living room with some Dak Galbi and water,and made us eat. I decided to let this go,until Hana's not here anymore. While we were eating I looked at her. Her expressions changed a lot when eating.Seemed like she enjoyed the food. Her expressions changed a lot while talking to the others as well..She should be an actress..

"So,I should probably go now."She said and we stood up.
"I can take you back"I suggested but then G.O hyung spoke.
"Mir should take her."He said. We all looked at him surprised. Me angry-surprised,Hana confused-surprised and Mir happy-surprised. Thunder and Seungho hyung just plain are-you-serious-surprised.
"What?" I said. G.O hyung looked serious.
"N--No..It's ok."Hana said.
"What? You don't like me,is that it?" Mir said,pretending to cry.
"A--aniyo! I  can go by myself too,I don't want to trouble you guys!"Hana said.
"Really?"G.O hyung said."Do you know your way from here to where ever your going?" He continued. We all looked at Hana who went to the window and looked out. She the turned around,and shook her head and pouted.
"I don't...I have a really bad sense of direction..."She said and sighed.
"I thought so...So Mir will take you."G.O hyung said. Mir was already at the door,waiting for Hana. Oh,hell no.I will not let him touch her again...
"Hyung,why can't I take her?"I asked G.O hyung.
"Because Mir caused all these trouble for her,he will pay it back by at least walking her to where ever she has to go."G.O hyung said. I sighed but agreed.

"Be careful..."I told her at the door and she smiled her sweet smile and nodded.
"Don't worry,oppa."She said and thanked G.O hyung for the food and went out of the door with Mir.
I sighed again..I hope she makes it alive...


Thank you for reading and hope you liked it!
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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone