It was too late..

Dreams can come true

I arrived to home at 4AM.I went to my bed and just lied down. 

Mary Lee woke up at 5.30 or so and went straight to work. Soo Hyun went to his work at 7AM.

I took my luggage out of my wardrope and dragged it to the entry way and walked back to the kitchen and wrote a note to Mary Lee.

I then looked at the appartment one more time and sighed.I then walked out the appartment and called a taxi.While I was waiting for it,I saw Anyu coming out of the hotel.She looked so mature as she was talking on her phone.Probably business talk.

She noticed me and waved.I waved back and she crossed the street and ended the phone call.

"Where are you going?To work?" I asked and she nodded.She leaned back and noticed my luggage.

"Where are you going?" Anyu asked and raised her eyebrow. I looked away and sighed.

"I'm going home." I answered and Anyu sighed. 

"Already?Are you sure?" She asked and I looked at my feet. I didn't know the answer either.

"I---I think so." I said and noticed that my taxi arrived.

"Are going to come back anymore?" Anyu said as she helped me to get my luggage to the trunck.I sighed.

"I don't think I will." I said and closed the trunck.

"How come you can leave so quietly without anyone telling you goodbye...Wait...You didn't---" Anyu said and sighed an angry sigh.

"I would have cried anyway...This is for the best.Well,if you'll come back to the States,you know where I live." I said as I opened the door.Anyu sighed and nodded.

"When can I tell them?" Anyu said and sighed.

"I'm sure they'll notice soon..."I said and seated in the taxi and closed the door.I then waved ant Anyu and the car drove away.


Anyu's POV*

I can't believe that idiot.I know she wants to stay.It obvious.

I sighed and decided to walk,cause I had a plenty of time.

Maybe for once,I should go to the SM building. It was already getting 10AM.  

I finally arrived there and I had no idea where to go.Why was I here anyway?

Oh yeah,I got a job to do some clothes for the idols here.Next would be JYP Entertainment.

"Excuse me?May I help you?" The receptionist said in poor english.

"Yes.Is Shiny here or what ever it's called---And Mary Lee" I said and the woman nodded.

"Yes.Them are in room two floor." The woman said and I nodded and walked away.What the hell did she say?


I went to the second second floor.That's what I understood from what the woman said.

I heard kpop music everywhere.I just need to find Mary Lee.She needs to tell me where the CEO's office is.

I have heard some of the Shiny's songs,so I knew which door to knock on.

I waited for a while,when the...The um...chicken guy...opened the door and looked at me surprised.

"Oh.Hello."He said in english and I nodded and entered the room.When Mary Lee noticed me,her eyes sparkled.

"Ah!Anyu!You came!" She said and waved and motioned me to come next to her.

"You guys remember Anyu,right?"Mary Lee said in english,but the guys seemed to understand,since they nodded.

"Do you remember their names?" Mary Lee said and they guys looked at me,waiting.

"Um...Chicken guy..The short one...The naggy one..The tallest one and the banana milk guy..."I said in all seriousness,but they all laughed,except the naggy one.Probably mad cause I called him naggy.

"So,you're designing clothes for them,huh?"Mary Lee said and I nodded.

Someone knocked on the door and the short one opened. Some guy I haven't seen yet came in.He looked...Sick somehow.

"Aish...Lee Joon oppa..." Mary Lee said.Oh,so that's the Lee Joon.

The short one said something to Lee Joon and Lee Joon responded.

He had a hoodie on,and he had huge dark circles.He also had a purple mark on his cheek.Like he had gotten in to a fight. I wonder what happened?

They spoke korean,so I didn't understand a word.


Lee Joon's POV*

My head hurted like hell,my cheek hurted like hell,I slept only for two hours and my members avoided me.

I ditched work again.I hate my life.


Who's that short girl who keeps squinting her eyes at me?Looks foreigner.

Oh well,I don't care.

"What's wrong,hyung?You look...horrible.." Jonghyun said.

"Yeah...I have a hangover..."I said and SHINee plus Pinky raised their eyebrows at me.

"Did you get so drunk yesterday?" Key asked.I nodded and rubbed my forehead.It felt like my head was going to explode.

"Why?" Taemin asked.I sighed.What should I tell them? I got heart broken,so I got drunk? Yeah,sure,why not.

"I was in need of comfort I guess..." I said and they nodded.

"So Anyu,have you heard about Hana talking to GD?" Mary Lee said in english to that shorty.Anyu was a weird name,japanese kinda,but she wasn't asian at all...

"Yeah,I was there when Hana took the dog,and GD agreed to let me see Gaho again sometime soon." Anyu said and Pinky smiled. 

It kinda hurt me to hear Hana's name.

"I didn't see Hana after she went out to talk to you,oppa."Pinky said and I sighed.

"I don't care." I said and rubbed my head again.

"What did you talk to her about?" Pinky asked,I rolled my eyes.It was a bad idea to come to this naggy girl and to these judging eyes...

"Nothing really...Oh,you guys might want to change the party date..."I said and SHINee and Pinky looked confused.

"Why hyung?" Onew asked.I closed my eyes because of the pain in my head.

"She said she's going back home this week..." I said and I heard shocked voices in the room.

"Bwo?!" Pinky yelled.I opened my eyes again.Pinky turned to Anyu.

"Anyu,did you know about this?" Pinky said in english. Anyu looked confused,probably cause she didn't understand us.

"About what?" She answered. Pinky took a deep breath and closed her eyes.She then opened them again.

"About Hana leaving earlier?"Pinky said and Anyu sighed and looked away.Something wasn't right here.It's like she knew something we didn't.


"I guess she really didn't tell you guys." Anyu said and everyone looked at each other,confused.

"About what?" Key said.Anyu sighed.

"She already left."She replied. 



My english is good enough for me to understand that.

She already left.

And I'm sure everyone of SHINee understood that as well,since they were just as shocked.

"W--what?" Taemin said and everyone looked at the floor,not knowing how to react.

"When's her flight?"Pinky asked,she was standing up now,ready to run out the door.

"At 12,I believe." Anyu answered.

"We won't make it.The airport is in Incheon.We're at Seoul.We won't make it." Minho said and everyone was standing now.

"Aniya---We will make it."Pinky said and runned out the door,others following her. Anyu was still in the room with me.I was too shocked to move.

"You better go too." She said and went to the stairs that lead upstairs.

I did what I was told.I started to run.


Hana's POV*

It was already past eleven.I already cheked-in and now I just had to wait at the gate.

It was already 11.30.Time sure goes by fast.

I kept looking around me.

I guess I was hoping for somehting to happen.

I sure am foolish.

I looked at my phone and started to look a the pictures.

Pictures with the magazine idols,SM bands,Boa-unnie,Mary Lee,SHINee.

I deleted them.

It was already 11.45.

"Last call for flight LA419 from Seoul to Los Angeles.All passengers,please come to the gate number 209." Some woman said and as I stood up,I kept looking around.I guess I was hoping for them to show up.

I'm really foolish.

I walked to the lady who checks the tickets.

"Are you boarding miss?" She asked and I nodded as I gave her my ticket and my passport.

"Thank you and have a safe flight!" The woman said and I nodded and smiled.I looked around again,but then I smiled a weak smile and walked through the gates to the plane.

Bye bye Seoul.



Lee Joon's POV*

We walked to the front door,where my car was.

"We can't all go.Two of you has to stay." I said and everyone panicked,except for Minho.

"I'll stay and Jonghyun hyung too." Minho said and Jonghyun looked at him surprised,but then quickly nodded.

"Go quickly!Call us when you get there!" Jonghyun said.

Me,Pinky,Onew,Key and Taemin entered the car and I drove as fast as I could.

I looked at the time. 11.30.

Can we make it from Seoul to Incheon in less than 30 minutes?

"Oppa,balle!" Pinky told me to hurry up.

"I don't want any speeding tickets,or kill anyone on the way!" I yelled and there was a really nervous atmosphere in the car.

"Oppa,go trough Goyang to Gimpo and then to the airport!"Pinky yelled.

"I'm already going to Bucheon!I don't have time to turn anymore!" I yelled back.Pinky sighed annoyedly.

"But Bucheon is busy at this time!We're going to be stuck in the traffic for a long time!" Pinky yelled and Key sighed really loudly.

"Do you guys mind and shut up for the way there?!" He yelled and glared at us.

We were quiet for the rest of the trip.When we arrived at the parking,it was already 11.55.

We ran out the car,and now we had to find the right flight.

"What airport is she going to?!" Key yelled.

"I beleive she's going to the LA one.Gate 209!Let's run!" Pinky yelled and we ran after her.

It felt like a drama.Running after someone and telling them not to go.


We finally arrived and the doors to the plane was already closed.

Pinky ran to the passport checker lady or what ever they're called and asked her to let us pass.

"I'm sorry,but the gate is closed,it closed 10 minutes ago." She answered.

"You don't understand!Did a brunette pretty girl walk from here a while ago?"Pinky asked and the woman nodded.

"About less than 10 minutes ago.She was the last passenger.The plane is already backing up to the runway.I'm sorry." The woman said and walked away and took her belongings.

It felt like the world stopped.

We were too late?

Pinky ran next to the window,and the rest of us just stared at the plane from the distance.

It was 11.58.The plane would depart soon. Onew was the first one to walk next to Pinky to watch the plane followed by Key and then Taemin.

I was last one.

Nobody said anything.

I was teary eyed.I was afraid to blink,so that my tears wouldn't fall.

I looked next to me.Pinky's tears were already running down her cheek.She was poker faced and just looked at the plane. Taemin was also teary eyed,as well as Key.Key also started to cry,but he hid it by covering his face with his hands.

Onew didn't cry nor was he teary eyed.He was just staring at the plane.Not even blinking.

"We came too late." He said and at that moment,Pinky and Taemin started crying like little kids.

"Let's go." Onew said and took Taemin and Pinky's hands and started to walk away.

Key walked after them,still crying.

I looked at the plane one last time.It flied away.

I could feel a tear running on my cheek now too.

I wiped it off quickly and followed the others.


In the car,Onew was now sitting next to me,while the others were sleeping and leaning on each other.They were too tired of crying.

"Hyung." Onew said as he looked at the now rainy sky.

"Yeah?" I asked and Onew looked at me now.

"You fell for her,didn't you?" He said and I was so surprised,that I almost lost the control of the car,but luckily,I didn't.

Am I that obvious?

I didn't answer.

"I guess that's a yes." Onew said and looked out the window again.

I dropped them at the SM and drove back to the empty dorm.

I lied down on my bed.Just thinking about how stupid I was to get heart broken.

I stood up and headed out of the dorm.

I'll go to a bar again.Even though it's only little past noon.


Onew's POV*

When hyung dropped us off at the SM,the other 3 started crying again.

Truthfully,I wanted to cry too.I didn't know why.

Probably because I lost a friend,that I know,who will never come back. 

I dragged Mary Lee and Taemin inside,Key following us.

We went to our practice room,where Jonghyun and Minho were waiting for us.They stood up,but they were quickly disappointed at the crying trio.

"Guess you guys didn't make it,huh?"Jonghyun said and nodded sadly.Minho sighed.

"I think we should all just go home and take this day off.We had just practising anyway..."Minho said and I nodded in agreement.

Mary Lee walked to her house and we walked to our dorm.

After we arrived,everyone went to their beds and no one talked.

I could still hear Key and Taemin sobbing.

I took my phone out and tweeted:

'Telling people you're tired,when in reality,your just sad.'

I threw my phone on my bed and lied down on it.

I sighed and sat up.

I need some cheer up food.

I walked to the fridge,and found some chicken left over from yesterday.

The day passed by me eating chicken in the kitchen,watching when it rained.




Anyway,update tomorrow again,I hope... -___-

I have a small test,but I don't know if I need to read that much.

I'll try to update! :D






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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone