I was hooked...

Dreams can come true

" I hate it.." I said to my friend on our way to high school.

I was a third year student in the States. I'm half american and half finnish.
"Why?" My best friend asked me. "Why do you hate it?"

"It's more popular than Jpop,has better looking guys,and the girls look more mature..."I said pissed.

"Give it a chance! I mean,you could like both,I guess..." My friend said, as we arrived at school. "You're always so grumpy,when we have an early morning..." she continued and sighed.

"I'm not...But,I think you're right..I should give Kpop a chance...'Don't judge book by it's covers',right? I said.

"Right. Did you study for the test?" My friend asked me as we seated.

"What test?" I looked at her confused and surprised.
"The math test...Don't tell me you forgot?" My friend face palmed.
"I--I didn't!! I can do this! " I said. We both knew; I would get an F.

We were both wrong..I got an B+,which for me is a MIRACLE!

I was walking home. Why wasn't it summer vacation already?! 2 more days,I kept telling myself.
As I opened the door,I saw him drunk,again.. My mom's boyfriend. My parents divorced when I was in middle school. I took it really hard. Everytime I come home from school,he's either drunk at home,or at a bar,drinking. I hated him SO much. While my mom was working really hard at a job she hated,he was wasting mom's hard earned money. I felt so disgusted.

"Oh..You're home...Could you be nice enough,and bring me one..no..two beers,sweety?" he said.
"...."I looked at him,with hate and disgust. "Can't you get it yourself?" I said to him,while faking a smile.
"I would,but there's a football match on the TV...So..."He said.
"No.." I said as I walked to my room,he yelled at me.
" I don't see why your mom loves you..You're such a brat,honestly.."He said while gulping his last beer.

I closed my door with a slam,threw my bag on the ground,and jumped on my bed,face first.
I cried for hours. Why did mom choose him? I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I sighed as I thought how much I wanted to move out. Far away.

I opened my laptop and typed YouTube. And just scrolled down the front page. 'Sherlock' SHINee? What's this,I thought while clicking the MV.
Oh..It's Kpop... But suddenly...I fell in love with the song.. And listened to it again and again and again... SHINee,huh? After Sherlock I listened to Lucifer,Hello,Replay,Ring Ding Dong and Amigo..etc.

I was in love with Kpop,and especially this band. Their music made me feel a lot better. Just for fun,I decided to ask who is who. Someone answered me quite quickly. Do their fans keep stalking on the MV,to answer questions? Oh well...

Onew,Jonghyun,Key,Minho and Taemin.They all were handsome,I loved their unique voices and their choreographes,wow!

The next day,on the Sherlock MV (yes,I listen to SHINee all the time now..) A korean girl contacted me,talked to me about random stuff and told me welcome to Kpop-world. She was very funny and sweet. Her english was flawless!

We decided to Skype.

" Hi! I'm Mary Lee!! What's your name?" A girl with pink hair asked me.
" Hi! I'm Hana Jung. Nice to meet you!" I said to her. I was very shy. I only had one friend,Anyu,a smart,rich and short girl. She loved everything goth and black.

"Nice to meet you too! Wait..Jung? I thought you were american?" Mary Lee asked me.
" I don't like my parents last name.." I told her.

We kept talking for hours. We were now,as she liked to say,' Besties with whipped cream on top'...She was unique..
I told her,that tomorrow is the last day of school. She told me,that I should visit her.

"I don't have any money though..." I said to her dissapointed.
"Oh...Hey,your friend is rich,right? Ask her to loan you money!" Mary Lee said cheerfully.This girl must be kidding me... Anyu would never give me money. She loved to help me with school and comfort me,but giving money is a definite NO.

"I'll try asking her..." I said worried. We said bye to each other.

"Last day,huh?" I tried to say casually,as we were waiting for our graduation ceremony to start.
"What do you want...?" She looked at me with suspicious eyes.
"N--Nothing.."I said and looked away like nothing's on my mind.
"Out with it already!" She said
"I need money to go to Seoul..." I said quickly.
"......" She was quiet.. Where's the,'Oh hell no...!' or 'Are you crazy?!'

"Okay." Anyu said... WHAT? OKAY?!
"W--what? Are you serious?!" I jumped out of my seat. Everybody was now looking at us. Anyu pulled me back down.
"Sit down and stop yelling! It's my graduation present..OK?" She said while smiling. I hugged her tight.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!"I said while jumping up and down.

The flight to Korea is today. Mary Lee said she'll be waiting for me at the airport. The flight was long and I didn't sleep at all.. I'm the type,who can sleep almost anywhere,but babys crying and the plane being cold,I couldn't sleep.


"Annyeong! How are you?" Mary Lee said while hugging me tightly.
"Annyeong.. I'm good,you?" I asked shyly
"You're really shy!" She laughed and took my other luggage.

I'll be staying in Korea for a month. I wonder what will happen?



Hope you liked it so far! Another chapter today! :D



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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone