I'm sorry I wasn't here...

Dreams can come true

Mary Lee's POV*

When I walked home,I cried the whole way.People stared at me,but I didn't care.I wanted my best friend back.

I need something to cool me down.

I decided to go to Kyung Soon's cafe.


When I opened the door,a happy,smiley and cheerful Kyung Soon was greeting me,but quickly,that smile faded.

"Mary Lee-ah...What's wrong?"She said and took me to the bar stool.

"Give me a drink or something." I said and Kyung Soon sighed.

"Do you mean alcohol?" She asked and I shook my head.I don't want to drink alcohol right now.

"No.Give me some ice coffee..." I said and wiped my eyes.Kyung Soon gave me a napkin so I could wipe my tears off.

I probably looked like a zombie.


Moments later Kyung Soon gave me the ice coffee and leaned on the counter. 

"So what happened?Oh!And you never guess what happened to me!" Kyung Soon said in a cheery voice. I looked at her,and her smile faded again.

"Oh,I'm sorry...So...Why are you crying?" She asked and I took a sip of my ice coffee.

"Hana went back to the States without even saying goodbye." I said and I cried again.Kyung Soon looked shocked and she looked sad too.

"I'm sorry to hear that...I'm sure she'll come back..."Kyung Soon said.It seemed like she doubted her own words.

"Who will drink all of my colas now?" Kyung Soon said and sighed. That made me chuckle.

"True.Nobody drinks that much cola as Hana does."I said and Kyung Soon smiled again.

"Don't be sad.You can always call her." Kyung Soon said. She was right.I had her phone number and skype too,so I could still talk to her,even if we won't meet again.

"Thank's for the ice coffee!"I yelled as I exited the cafe and walked home.


I stopped smiling after I read the note Hana left me. It only had three words on it.

Thank you.Goodbye.

I started crying again.

No.I'll go and see her,if that's what it takes.This isn't the last time we meet.No.I won't let it be.

I wiped my tears and trashed the note.I won't give up.

I will drag SHINee along with me.Yep.Definetly.

And I'll kill Anyu later for not telling us earlier.

Now,I have to sleep,I'm too tired to stay awake and be depressed.


Jonghyun's POV*

It was so quiet around the house.I had fallen asleep. I walked out the room and saw Minho watching football and Onew hyung on the massage chair,listening to music while staring out.Nobody said anything.

Well,they sure get over things quickly.

"Oh,hyung.You woke up?" Minho as and I nodded.

It was raining.

I seated next to Minho and watched the football with him.

I got bored quickly,so I took my phone and started to surf the net.

An article about some woman gotten beat up at her home in America,where she and the the beater,who was her boyfriend,lived with a girl about Taemin's age.

"America scares me sometimes..." I said and Minho looked at me.

"Why?" He asked.It was the half time,so he payed attention to other things now.

"Some woman got beaten so badly by her boyfriend,that she got rushed to the hospital." I answered and Minho nodded,wanting to know more.

"Wow.Does it say why he beated her up?" Minho said and he leaned closer to my phone,so he could read the article.

"The guy has not yet been caught..." Minho read out loud.

"The woman's daughter is about Tae's age." I said and Minho nodded and walked to the kitchen,to get something to eat during the match.

Onew hyung stopped listening to music and turned his head to us now.

"Oh,Jong,I didn't notice you..." He said and I decided to crack a joke.

"How could you not see someone as handsome as me?" I said as Minho tsked while he seated next to me.

"Lame hyung.Leave the lame jokes to Onew hyung..." Minho said and I pouted and leaned back on the couch.

It was already evening,but Key and the maknae were still in their rooms...Sigh.


Minho made me and Onew hyung watch the match and cheer on his team. It was so boring,I thought I could die.

After a while,Key with puffed eyes came to the living room,looked at us,tsked,and walked to the kitchen.He drank some water.

"What's his problem?" Minho said and Onew motioned him to be quiet,as Key came to sit with us.He was eyeing us,with judging eyes.

"What is it?" I asked and Key rolled his eyes.

"You sure don't look like you care..." He said and I couldn't help but sigh.

"So,I'm supposed to cry my eyes out like you did?" I said and Key squinted his eyes at me,angrily.

"What?!" He said and stood up. "Am I supposed to be happy and watch some stupid guys running after a ball?" Key said and Minho sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Hyung,keep me out of this..." Minho said and Key tsked.

"Stop fighting!" Onew hyung yelled and everyone went quiet.

"Kibum-ah..Relax,you don't have to take your anger out on us." He continued and Key tsked again.

"Wow,hyung.You never talked to her,not once,so you don't even know how I feel like right now!" Key yelled and kicked the couch.

"I have talked to her,but that doesn't have anything to do with you acting like a little kid." 

Key crossed his arms and squinted his eyes at Onew hyung.

"Oh,so are you saying,that me being sad because a friend who will never come back left,I shouldn't show my emotions? I'm supposed to be like you guys,and not care?" Key said and the tension in the room was so high,you could feel it.

"Stop fighting already!" I yelled and interviened between Key and Onew hyung.

"Go shopping or something,you're too angry." I said and Key squinted his eyes at me.

"No.My friend left.I thought she is your friend too..."Key said in a disappointed voice.I sighed.

"She was." I said and Key tsked.

"Was?" He said and I closed my eyes in frustration.

"Is.Sorry..." I said and Key walked past us.

"Whatever.Don't bother talking to me."He said and slammed the door of his room. Minho sighed loudly and shook his head.He then turned the TV off and started to walk to the front door,to get his shoes on and get out the dorm.

"I'm going.I'll come late---" He said and slammed the front door.

I sighed and looked at Onew hyung,who looked really mad.I haven't seen him like that.

"I'll go out too." He said and putted his shoes on and walked out the front door too.


I was just standing in the living room,awkward and my mouth open. What the hell happened,honestly?

The maknae came to the living room,still looking sleepy.

"Why are you guys yelling?" He asked and I smiled a bit.

"Sorry...But I wasn't yelling though...It was the other three..." I said and rubbed the back of my neck.

Taemin kept eyeing the room.

"Where's everyone?" He asked and I looked at the floor while sticking my tongue out.

"They went to cool down---" I said and Taemin nodded.

"You can go back to sleep..." I said,but he shook his head.

"I won't sleep at night if I do,so I'll just stay awake." He said and I nodded.An awkward silence.

"Want some banana milk?We have some in the fridge..." I said.Taemin looked at me,disgusted.

"I HATE banana milk." He replied.Wait...What?! He rolled his eyes and went to his room.


What's wrong with everyone taking their anger on me?!

Fine! See if I care!

I'm really lonely...Watching some stupid girly romance drama isn't the best thing to do as a man...Sigh.



Hana's POV*


I finally arrived to LA and it was evening time.

I took a taxi home.I was so happy to see mom after so long.Even though that guy might be there,I don't care.

I opened the door to our house.

"Mom!Guess who's ba---" I stepped on broken pieces of glass.I saw some bloody footsteps on the ground.

I started to breathe heavily.I dropped my bags and luggage and runned to the living room.

"MOM?!" She wasn't home.Neither was he.

Everything shattered in to pieces.Everything destroyed.Everything,bloody.

"Mom!!!" I screamed,no answer.

"You're mom's at the hospital,sweetheart." I looked behind me and saw our neighbor,mrs. Collins.She was a 60 year old grandma.

What...?At a hospital...?

"Wha---What happened?" I asked and she looked like she felt sorry for me.

"Johanna,I'm sorry,we couldn't make it in time to save your mom from taking so much damage." She always called me by my first name.My real name.Like that jerk boyfriend of mom's and Jack.

I hated my name.

"What happened...?" I asked,my eyes already getting teary.

"He...He did this." She replied and I dropped on my knees.

"That b*****d...." I said and I couldn't breathe well anymore.

"Johanna,sweety,my husband and I'll drive you to her,don't worry!Get up and let's go!" mrs. Collins said as she was trying to get me to stand up.


The whole way there,I only thought about why is this always happening to me?

Why am I being punished...Why is my family getting punished...?

I cried the whole way there,silently.


I ran to my mother's hospital room and saw,how pale she was,and how her always pretty and smiley face,was in bruises and cuts.

I walked slowly next to her and dropped on my knees and holded her hand.She was sleeping.

"I'm sorry mom...I'm sorry I wasn't here early enough..." I said and felt the tears running on my cheeks again.

I will find that piece of s*** myself.I will get him,I don't care what happens to me along the way.


I seated on the chair next to mom's bed and just watched how she slept peacefully.

"Here sweety.Some water for you." mrs. Collins said and I nodded and thanked her.

"The doctor will come here soon." mr. Collins said. I nodded and smiled a weak smile.


"She has a concussion and many bones of her face are broken. She will have to stay here for a while.And because of her concussion,we have to monitore her all night." The doctor said and as he read some paper file.But I couldn't focus.

I just wished I hadn't gone to Seoul in the first place,so this wouldn't have happened.

"And also many of her ribs are broken..." The doctor said and closed his paper file.

"Miss Dawson...If you need any support,there is a psychol---" I stood up and looked at the doctor.

"Firstly,I'm not miss Dawson,I'm Hana.Secondly,I don't need any psychologist,I just want to make sure,that my mom will get better and that they catch that...JERK,who did this to my mom." I said.They looked at me,like I had lost my mind.The doctor nodded and excused himself.The Collins duo also left and I was left alone with my mom.


I took my phone out and looked at the time.It was already midnight. The nurses kept coming and going,cause they were cheking on mom.She wasn't still waking up.

I accidentally pressed 'phonebook' on my phone and all the idols and friends numbers from Seoul popped up.

I kept staring at them angrily and deleted them.

"Sweety?" I looked at my mom,who was looking at me with one eye,that she could still open.I stood up and holded her hand.

"Yes mom...I'm sorry I'm late..." I said as the tears came to my eyes again.

"No...Shh...It's ok....Why did you come back?" Mom asked me and smiled a weak smile.

"I...I got bored over there...So,I came back...And also becuse I broke my phone and lost your number,I had to come and check up on you..." I answered and mom my cheek.

"You have become prettier..." Mom said and I was fighting to hold back my tears,so I just tried to laugh.

"I told him it was over." Mom said and my eyes widened.

"I guess I shouldn't have told him alone.And I should have listened to you,and done it earlier." Mom said as she closed her eye.

"Mom..." I said and I started to cry.She opened her eye again.

"Crying girls aren't pretty,sweety..." Mom said and smiled. I wiped my tears.

"Mom.Let's move away from LA.Let's go to New York and get a fresh start." I said and mom smiled.

"Sounds good..." She then yawned and her pulse was getting smaller and smaller.

"Mom...MOM!Don't fall asleep!MOM!" Mom smiled and closed her eye.I pressed the button to call a nurse.A doctor and nurses came rushing in.

"We need surgery!NOW!" The doctor yelled and they took my mom away to a surgery.

Only thing I could do is pray.

I wish my dad or at least someone was here...I don't want to lose mom...

I waited at the hallway and a nurse came and sat next to me.

"It might take a while.I think you should go and sleep somewhere,at a relative or a friend."She said.I felt like laughing,but not really.

"My dad lives in Florida and my friend lives at Seoul South-Korea.I don't have anywhere to go." I said and she hugged me.

"It will get better..." She said as she patted my head.I started to cry again.


At the end I decided to go to a 24 h cafe and drink a coke,to give me some energy.

I couldn't focus at all.What if mom dies...?

What will I do then---?


I walked back to the hospital and the same nurse walked to me.

"You may go and see your mother.The surgery was successful." She said and smiled.

The first time that day,I felt like smiling too.


Mom looked a lot more relaxed and I swear she was smiling when she was sleeping.


"Hana,sweety.." Mom said and smiled at me. Mom was actually the one who invented my nickname.

"Mom,you feel any better?" I asked and mom nodded.

"Sweety...Go back to Korea." My eyes widened.

"What?" I said and mom sat up.

"I know you really want to be there.I'll be fine." Mom said and smiled.

"Mom.Clearly you can't be fine by yourself.Look what happened to you." I said and mom smiled a weak smile.

"I still have the Collins family close to me,and they promised me,before I passed out,that they'd let me stay at their place until I find another home." Mom said and and pointed next to me.

"You have your luggage too...Go.I'll give you the money.." Mom said as she ponted to a drawer next to her.I opened the drawer and it had her wallet in it.

"I got a raise.I'm now the vice president." Mom said and I looked at her,shocked. 

"Take the money you need,and don't come back..."Mom said and smiled her sweet smile again.


I looked at the money,then at my luggage.

"I don't think I can go after leaving like that.They probably hate me so much right now,that they don't want me back.." I said and stood up. Mom was about to say something,but I cut her off.

"I'll go to the Collins,and ask if I can stay there until you get better again." I said and took my luggage and left the money on the drawer.

"See you again later mom..." I said and walked from the room and out of the hospital.

I wonder if I really should go back to Seoul.


I don't belong there.

This is my place,between all these problems.

And I still have to find that jerk.



Depressing again,huh?

Hana's life is hard... 

Anyway,I'll update again tomorrow!


Btw...It's like 2AM now...I'm so sleepy...


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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone