Phone buddies~

Dreams can come true

BoA's POV*

As us idols were waiting for the filming crue to do finishing touches on the set and last make up touches on us idols,I looked at SHINee and MBLAQ. They looked pissed. I sighed.

I was trying to look through the audience,to spot Hana and Mary Lee,which wasn't hard,beacuse of Mary Lee's pink hair. I waved at them and they nodded back. The fangirls thought I waved at them,which made them scream. I smiled at them and took my seat.

The filming started. They asked us questions,and made us eat 'delicious' food and we played funny competitions. The subject moved to languages. 

"So,BoA-ssi,you are good in english. Would you like to say something in english?" The MC asked. I nodded and talked about my up coming album. I don't think the MC understood much,which made me laugh.

"My cousins friend,who is actually friend of mine now too,learned korean on her way here,on the plane." I said and that made everyone 'wow'. I looked at Hana and Mary Lee. Mary Lee said something to Hana. Hana looked at Mary Lee shocked and then at me,smiling shyly.

"Really? What's her name?" The MC asked me. I was quite surprised,usually they wouldn't ask for names...

"...." I was quiet and biting my lips. I then decided to translate Hana's name.

" Affection flower,or affection number one." I said and everyone laughed at my mysterious friend's name.


We had a short brake,about 15 minutes. To drink,or to go to the restroom,or just sit and talk to the other idols.

I stood up and walked next to Mir. He looked at me,tired.

"Mir-ssi...Um...Is that story we talked about...True?" I asked him and he pouted.

"Noona herself told us to forget about it." Mir said. Oh yeah,I totally forgot... Oops.

"Oh yeah,I apologize.." I said and walked backstage,awkwardly. Mary Lee and Hana were waiting for me in my dressing room.

"Unnie...Why did you mention Hana and not me?" Mary Lee asked. I ruffled her hair. Hana looked at me.

"One question Boa-noona...How did you know about it?" She said and I pointed at Mary Lee. Mary Lee shrugged her shoulders and smiled while blinking and biting her lip.

"Well,it's amazing how quickly you learned to talk korean...Almost impossible!" Mary Lee said as she was digging something from her bag. I powdered my face and looked through the mirror,to see what Mary Lee took out from her bag. I sighed.

Rice crackers....

"Want some?" She said while trying to give us some. Me and Hana both said no,and she smiled.

"Good.More for me~~"She said and stuffed more in . I rolled my eyes. We started walking back to the set. Mary Lee greeted everyone,in a loud voice,but Hana just nodded shyly.

Mary Lee seated but Hana was stopped by one of the producers. I'm really curious about what the producer had to say. Mary Lee looked curious too. Hana was just staring at the producer, little open and shaking her hands back and worth,trying to say no,I assume. The producer kept nodding his head and smiling. Mary Lee came to stand next to Hana. opened and she looked at Hana nodding. Hana shook her head furiously. I wanted to know what was happening so badly..

Hana bowed to the producer and walked back to their seat. The producer handed a card to Mary Lee. She bowed and nodded to the producer. She then went to sit next to Hana,who was just pouting and ignoring Mary Lee's excitement.


We still had about 5 minutes left,so I decided to ask the producer what he had said to them.

"Excuse me...? Producer-ssi...What did you say to those two girls...?" I asked and the producer chuckled.

"It's confidential..." He said and asked me to get seated. I sighed and listened to him,and took my seat. I really wanted to know... I looked at MBLAQ. Lee joon and Mir seemed interested too. I then looked at my other side,to SHINee. They all seemed curious as well..

After recording for 4 hours,I was dead tired... I went to my dressing room and I found that I had a message from Mary Lee.


From:Mary Lee

Hi unnie~~ We already left,we had to buy Hana a new phone,since I broke her's,well...It was kinda both of our fault... Anyways...See ya later at the company!! Tell SHINee I had to go... 


She sure does her work well...I sighed.. As I was walking on the hallway,on my way to the SM for our meeting,I saw SHINee standing next to the back door.

"Oh,everybody...You're still here?" I asked them as I was sending a message to Mary Lee.

"Yeah,we thought about going together with noona." Taemin said. I ruffled his hair,which made him pout.

"So,your or my van?" I asked and they suggested mine.


On our way to the SM,it was dead silence in the car... Until Key spoke.

"Why did that producer talk to Hana? Aish...Probably some .." He said and I slapped his arm lightly.

"Yah,Kibum-ah...Don't speak like that..." I said and he pouted and looked out the window while leaning on his hand.

"Boa-noona...You talked to him about it,right? What did he say..?" Taemin asked. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"It was 'confidental',apparently..." I said and Key tsked.

"See? He must be a ...That poor girl can't say 'no'. She's too shy." Key said and shook his head. 

"I don't think it's like that...I mean...Mary Lee looked happy about it...And she's protective about her friend,so I don't think she would have been so happy,if the guy would have been a ..." Minho said.

Me and Jonghyun nodded in agreement. The other three looked very doubtful though.. The rest ofthe car trip was silent again.


Hana's POV*


We arrived at a phone shop in Seoul. It had many beautiful phones,as well as expensive.. 2PM's Taecyeon's picture was everywhere in the store. I guess he was the 'face' of this company.

"What color do you want?" Mary Lee asked me. I noticed that the shop assistant was staring at me. How long was I in my dream land this time?

"U-um...Blue.."I said and Mary Lee nodded. She and the shop assistant went somewhere leaving me behind.

I was just awkwardly staring at the wall again.. I looked outside the window. Raining again. It had rained a lot during my stay here,huh?

I couldn't believe my eyes,when I saw Block B's Zico walking in. I was just staring at him,my eyes and mouth compeletly open. Good thing he didn't notice me. I hope Mary Lee won't come here soon,so she won't directly go to Zico and try to make friends with him.

He was looking at the same kind of phone that I was. He then looked around,probably for a shop assistant. But they were all serving someone else.  

Our eyes met. He was just staring,but then looked away again. I was frozen. His eyes were so intense while staring... I turned around slowly and leaned on a counter,with phones placed on it. I looked at Zico again. He was playing on one of the phones.

"Yah,Hana---" I turned around and saw Mary Lee standing next to me. 

"Oh---What is it?" I said and tried to act normal. She raised her eyebrow at me.

"You're phone is ready!" She said. I squinted my eyes.

"Ready?What does that mean?" I asked and Mary Lee handed me a blue phone,with blue bunny ear case on it and on the back of the phone it said 'Hana' in light blue rihinestones.  My mouth opened and I bliked rapidly,in disbelief.

"Unnie...How much did this cost?" I asked and she smiled. 

"Don't worry about it,my friend owns this company." She said and shrugged her shoulders. How many rich friends and famous idols friends and relatives does she have?

"Oh...Ok..Thank you!"I said and hugged her.

"You're welcome! But you have to treat my some galbi!"She said as she dragged me out the store,but she quickly stopped and looked out the door. I looked where she was looking and saw Jack,smiling at us--

He walked in to the store,and stopped in front of us.

"Hi..We meet again--" He said. Mary Lee's grip tightened around my arm. I was just staring at Jack. His smile suddenly dissapeared. He came close to me,leaning his forehead to mine and said: 

"You know...You look very ugly actually...And you're such a b****." He yelled and leaned back,smiling.Everyone was looking at us now. I was in shock.

I then realized,that I never liked him at all..It was just because no one was there for me when my parents divorced,but him,that his cheating hurted me. Anyu wasn't in the same middle school,so she couldn't be there for me yet. Anyu never liked Jack,and she always said,that he was no good for me..Why didn't I believe her?

"Jack! Please stop!" Mary Lee yelled.

"Or what? I can say what ever,to who I want,where ever I want to!"Jack said with a cocky tone.

"I never liked this girl at all... I just had a bet with my friends,that if I could get some from her..."He said loudly while pointing at me. My eyes were starting to get teary.

"Stop it!" Mary Lee yelled and pushed him. Jack didn't move one bit. Why am I this weak?

"Well,she didn't...Tsk..How boring..." Jack said and Mary Lee slapped him in the face. He was mad and was about to hit Mary Lee,but I interviened. A burning feeling was running on my cheek as I was on the shop floor. Customers were surprised and were saying 'omo' and 'omona'.

Some guy punched Jack in face. I noticed it was Zico. Jack was now lying on the ground,almost knocked out.

"You got some nerve to go hit girls and call them ugly and b****.Tsk..You're nothing else but a loser..." Zico said in english,so Jack could understand. Jack was in shock and tried to get up,but the store security came to arrest him.

"Please make sure you will take him back to America!" Mary Lee said while helping me to get up with Zico. The guards nodded and left with Jack. I looked at Mary Lee,who just noticed,that Zico was right next to him. She was just squinting his eyes at him and pouting at the same time.

"Are you guys ok?" Zico asked. We nodded and Mary Lee tilted her head and kept staring at Zico. 

"What's wrong? Why are you staring?" Zico said and raised his eyebrow. 

"Nothing...Thanks for helping..Oppa..." Mary Lee said and while she was dragging me out the store,I bowed my head at Zico.


We were walking in the rain with just one umbrella,Mary Lee's. Mary Lee's phone kept ringing. 

"Aish,chincha...Key-oppa won't stop calling me.."Mary Lee said and tried to wipe rain drops off her phone's screen. Her phone had kitty ears and it was,well,pink of course...

"You should go back to your work..." I said while holding the umbrella.

"But...I'm afraid that Jack will come back and get you..."Mary Lee said. I sighed and smiled a weak smile.

"He won't! They sended him back to U.S,remember?" I said and Mary Lee stopped walking. I had to run to where she was standing,so she wouldn't get so wet.

"All right... I will go. Here's some money. Oh,and I already installed SHINee's and BAP's and Anyu's number and...Kyung Soon's number there,so you can call or message them if you want. And I also,of course,installed my number the too." She said and smiled.  I gave her the umbrella and she started running to her work. I went inside the korean restaurant that me,Mary Lee and B.A.P met at.


It was very cozy and luckily,I didn't get so wet. I ordered some buldak and seated near the window. The rain had stopped,and the sun was already shining. Good.

"Can I sit here?" I looked to see who it was. Zico. I just kept staring at him. Then I nodded multiple times. He smiled and seated opposite to me.

"The other tables were full and so was the bar,so...Besides we already met anyway." Zico said and laughed. I just smiled and nodded furiously. I still can't speak to new people without getting awkward...Especially idols...

"So,I'm curious...Did you know that guy?" Zico asked. I was just blinking my eyes at him,not knowing what to respond.

"Um...Ne..He was my ex...Unfortunately..." I said and chuckled a little. Zico was just nodding. He took his phone out,the same kind that I had.

"Hey I noticed you have the same phone...Do you know how to use this?" Zico asked while looking puzzeled at his phone. I smiled and shook my head.

"I also got it today,so I don't know yet..." I said and he smiled back. The waiter brought out food and we chatted.


"Hey,I forgot to ask for your name..." Zico said while we walked out the restaurant. 

"Oh,It's Hana. Jung Hana." I said and he smiled back.

"I'm Zico,but you can call me Ji Ho."He said and I nodded.

"We should exchange phone numbers!" He continued and took his phone out,and I noticed,it had a Hello Kitty on it...Hahaha..

After we exchanged our numbers,I walked back home. 


As I was opening my door to my appartment,Kevin and Eli were walking along with AJ,Dongho and Kiseop from the elevator. I immediately hided behind the hallway's mini-tree. Gladly they didn't notice me,but they went in to their appartment. I sighed in relief. No more new idols,please...Too much for today...

As I tried to open the door,Kevin and Eli's door opened. Kevin peeked out,smiling.

"Did you think we didn't notice you?" He said while motioning me to come inside. I shook my head and he pouted. He then practically dragged me in to their appartment...

"Guys,this is our neighbour,that we told you about." Kevin said and I bowed at the guys. They nodded and smiled.

"Nice to meet ya!" AJ said in english and the others laughed. I just smiled awkwardly.

"We were recording for our upcoming album. We'll give you a copy later!" Kevin said.

"Ok,can't wait!" I said and Aj laughed again.

"Hey,you can talk too,huh?" He said and made the other laugh again. I just smiled and blushed.

"Noona is very pretty..."Dongho said making everyone poker faced and awkwadly quiet.


"Uhm...Dongho...Haha..You're weird today..." Kevin said and the others,except Dongho,were laughing awkwardly. I was just staring at Dongho,who was staring back at me. I closed my eyes and tilted my head,still not sure if I heard right...Well,this was awkward....How was I supposed to respond? 'Thank you'? ,'I'm so happy'? ,Glad you like what you see~~'---Scratch that last one...


Gladly my phone rang and I excused myself to answer it. Just before I answered it,I heard the guys complain to Dongho about what he said to me.


"Yoboseo?" I said.

"Yah,Hana-ah!!" Mary Lee's high pitched voice said.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked,worried.

"Key-oppa is bullying me about me coming late and about why I didn't tell them about MBLAQ!!" Mary Lee said.

"Uhm...Tell them sorry...?" I said. Mary Lee sighed.

"Listen here missy! You walk your over here and explain them,ok?!" Mary Lee said and hung up. I guess she was tired from the work,so she was pissed.


I sighed and walked back to the U-KISS guys. 

"Who called you?" Eli asked.

"Mary Lee--" I said and he nodded.

"Oh,you have a new phone!" Kevin said and asked me if he could look at it,in which I agreed to.

"It's so you!" He said and laughed. I explained them,why I had a new phone. 

"Do you have our numbers?" Eli asked. I shook my head and Eli suggested us to exchange our numbers. When the other members gave me their numbers,and I gave them mine,it was Dongho's turn.

He was alrady standing,ready to give me his number,but AJ pulled him back down.

"Maybe not,kid...Maybe it's for the best not to...You can contact her trough me.." AJ said and Dongho pouted.

"Well,I gotta go...See you guys around and 'fighting' with the new album!" I said to the members they smiled and thanked me. I left the house and headed over to SM. 


On my way to the bus stop,I got a message from Zico.


From: Ji Ho-the man


Yo! Wassup? Thanks for the food by the way! Good thing your friend's friend owned the place! 

I was just asking,(since you are a fellow Hello Kitty lover) what item should I buy? How about a ring? But I already have those like a gazillion...Any ideas?

From the man himself~~

Why did he name himself Ji Ho-the man, and me the bunny gurl? Anyways...

From: Hana-bunny-gurl

To: Ji Ho-the man

How about shoes? :D Like Hello Kitty shoes! Those would be amazing!

Good luck finding one! If you won't find any,then how about designing some?


The bus came and it was a scary experience,like always...


I finally arrived at SM,but I was too nervous to go in...Sigh..I kept walking in front of the building's door,back and forth. 

"You can do it! You can go in!" I told myself. I placed my hands on my face and shook my head..

"I can't do this..." I said. I felt a hand on my shoulder,which startled me. I turned around and saw Luhan,form EXO-M.

"You ok? Hana,right?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled his sweet smile. 

"Are you going in? Want me to take you?" He asked. I just blinked. This is the first time talking to him. 

"You ok?" Luhan asked while tilting his head cutely.

"What are you doing?" 

I peeked behind Luhan and Luhan turned around. Kris was there,raising his eyebrow.

"What do you mean,Kris?" Luhan said. Kris looked awkward.

"Well,from my angle,it looked like Luhan hyung and Hana were...kissing..." Kris said and me and Luhan blinked our eyes furiously. Then our mouths opened in shock.

"No? It didn't happen?" Kris asked. Me and Luhan shook our head and Luhan yelled 'No!'.

"Or maybe you're just saying no,to deny it..." Kris said.

"Denying what?" We turned around and saw SHINee and Mary Lee. Oh,this is just great.

"Answer me,denying what?" Mary Lee said.

"Oh,hi. I just saw Hana and hyung here ki---" Luhan covered Kris's mouth by his hand. Me and Luhan looked at each other and laughed like morons,except,Luhan didn't look like a moron,but like an angel. I was the one who looked like a moron.

"What's going on here?" Key asked. Kris bited Luhan's hand,and Kris rolled his eyes. Luhan was crouching and holding his hand,in pain.I didn't know what to do. 

Run away or help Luhan treat his hand somehow? Run away sounded really good...

"Yah! Hana-ah...." I woke up from my dream land and noticed that Key was yelling at me. So I decided to help Luhan,because I don't want Key-oppa to kill me...


"Oppa,are you ok?" I asked Luhan. He shook his head.

"Oh please,hyung...I doesn't hurt that much..." Kris said.

"Yes it does! It hurts a lot! I'm bleeding here!" Luhan yelled and Kris raised his arms while backing down. 

"What are you doing here?" We noticed Boa-unnie walking to us. She looked confused.

"We don't know either,really---" Minho said.

"Kris bited my hand and now it's bleeding..." Luhan said. Boa-unnie closed her eyes and sighed.

"That's not important here...What were you going to say,Kris hyung?" Key said.

Luhan pouted. Poor Luhan...


"I was saying that,I saw those two--" Boa unnie pushed Kris away and took Luhan to the SM building. 

"Tsk...Sigh...I was saying---" Kris tried to continue but I interviened. I don't need anymore drama here...

"So you wanted me to come here?" I said to Mary Lee and she totally forgot about,what Kris was trying to say.

"Ye-yeah! We were about to go to SHINee's radio show,so come with us and explain..."Mary Lee said and dragged me away. SHINee followed us to their van. 



"So...Start talking..." Key said and crossed his arms. I sighed and couldn't get any words out of my mouth---

"Yah---Hana-ah..."Key said and waved his hand in front of me.

"Oh um...Well..." I sighed and told them the whole story. I looked at Mary Lee who was smirking at SHINee's reaction.

Taemin looked like he wasn't in this world anymore,Key looked suuuuper shocked.Minho was just blinking his eyes slowly,Jjong-oppa was squinting his eyes,while smiling in disbelief and Onew had a poker face.

"So...Um...Well,we arrived..."Mary Lee said and got out of the van first and me after. SHINee came out after us,but they all were laughing,but then they were just squinting their eyes,and then they were poker faced...

Sigh.. I wonder how the radio show will go...?













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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone