Sick and a surprise

Dreams can come true

When I woke up,I felt cold and hot at the same time. I think I caught a cold... Oh just great...

I seated on the corner of the bed and rubbed my eyes. I then looked around the room....

This wasn't Mary Lee's house...

Where the hell am I? I stood up,but seated back down,because I was feeling dizzy. I tried to look for a clock. I didn't find one. I rolled to the other side of the bed and walked to the window. I opened the curtains.

It was already morning. I sighed and banged my head on the wall next to the window. Did I knock on the wrong door last night? And the person was nice enough to let me sleep here...How am I going to face this person?

And Mary Lee later on..?


I was too scared to go outside this room. I heard noises coming from behind the door. I panicked and jumped on the bed. I covered myself,and pretended to sleep.

"Oh,she's still sleeping..."A voice said.

"Should we wake her up?" Another voice said.

"No,hyung,let her sleep still..." The first one said...Wait..Hyung? So they're both..guys...Oh no...

"But we gotta go...The others are gonna be pissed." The second one said.

"Yeah,but she has a fever,she needs to sleep..."The other one said. 

"Yeah,but do you want us to be late because of this girl? We really gotta go..." The other one replied." I don't care what you think,I'm gonna wake her up..." The other one continued. Oh no..Oh no..What am I gonna do? Should I pretend to be asleep? I don't know! Argh...Just kill me here...

"Hey...Girl,wake up!" One of them said while shaking me from my shoulder. Oh no!What now? What should I do? Wake up? Or not?

"Hey...Yah..."He continued as he patted my head. Ok,ok,no panic...Just..Um..Roll over to the other side of the bed. And so I did. The room had an awkward silence.

"See,hyung,she's too sleepy. Maybe we should call the others,and say that we can't come? And take care of her." The other one said. 

"Are you crazy? No. I'm not gonna take care of a random girl..." The other one said.

"Ok..Well,how about leaving her a note and food?" The other one suggested.

"Tsk...No. What if this girl will steal our stuff,and then dissapear? I mean,she's a foreigner..."The other one said.

"Well,she won't wake up..."The other one said. Oh no,maybe I should wake up..I'm causing them too much trouble. I mean I'm already sleeping in either one's bed..I rolled back to were they were. But I rolled too much,and fell of the bed. Another awkward silence---

"Ow..." I said and placed my hands behind my head. My eyes were still shut.

"Oh no..Are you okay?" One of them said and helped me get up. 

"You ok? Open up your eyes..Do you even speak korean?" The other on asked me. I nodded,but I still kept my eyes shut. I was too afraid to see,who they were. 

You know,when your eyes are closed,your balance isn't that great? Yeah well,plus the fact,that I was dizzy because of a high fever,it was worse. I must have looked like a drunk person. One of them stopped me from almost falling on the ground.

"Komawo..." I said. The person letted go of me.

"You should really open your eyes..." The other one said.

"Thank you for taking care of me.I should really go now...I'm sorry for all the trouble!"I said and bowed. After I bowed,I opened my eyes. I just stared at the two guys,my mouth fully open. 

"Am I still dreaming...?"I said and rubbed my forehead. They laughed.

"Nope,you're not dreaming..." They said. I sitted back on the bed. I hid my face in my hands. Just kill me now...

"Are you feeling any better?" The other one said and sitted next to me.. I just kept quiet.

"Hey,are you that shocked to see us?" The second one said. I nodded.

"So you know us?" He continued. I nodded again.

"Oh really? What's my name then?" The other one asked now. I sighed and placed my hands on my lap,and looked at the guy sitting next to me.

"Kevin. And you are Eli..." I said and I felt so super embarrased. Kevin smiled and laughed after. Eli seated on an armchair,opposite to the bed. 

"So,where do you live?" Eli asked.

"Depends on which floor are we..." I said. Eli showed 20 with his fingers. Well,at least I was able to hit the right button on the elevator. 

"When you get off the elevator,it's the 2nd to the last down the hall." I said and did some awkward hand movements.

"Oh,this is the 3rd to the last." Kevin said and chuckled. I felt like a moron.

"So,where are you from?" Eli asked. I told them where I was from and who I was. I also told them why I had accidentally knocked on their door.

"It's ok,as long as you are little better now!" Kevin said and motioned me and Eli to the kitchen.

"I thought all of U-KISS lived together?" I said as Kevin gave me a glass of orange juice.

"We do,but this only temporary. They are renovating our dorm,so me and Kevin had to move here." Eli said as he was putting on his sneakers. 

I nodded slowly and realized that Mary Lee was probably dead worried. I rubbed the back of my neck,in worry.

"You ok? Is your fever going up?"Kevin asked me. I shook my head.

"I should probably leave.Thank you again,oppas!" I said and bowed. They smiled and nodded back. Kevin waved and I closed the door behind me. I had my broken phone in my hand and keys...Wait..I don't have any keys...Oh,this is just perfect. I banged my head on the door. Kevin and Eli's door opened and they walked to the elevator. I hid behind a tree,that was in the corner of the hallway.Gladly,they didn't notice me.

What am I supposed to do now? I banged my head on the door again. I had a high fever,no keys to my house and my phone was broken. Ugh...

I decided to go to Kyung Soon's cafe. After I excited the appartment building,I just stood there,trying to hold my balance. I crouched and holded my head in my hands. This was not my day. I can't even walk to the cafe.

Maybe I should go to Anyu's hotel...But she said she was sight seeing today. Why today? I stood up again,trying to walk to the cafe. I was now near the cafe. I was feeling super dizzy and leaned on the bulding's wall. My sight was getting worse. I slided down the wall and was now sitting on the ground. People were staring at me,as they walked by.

I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the dizzyness. I slapped my face couple of times. I stood up again. It was a bad idea to come here... What if I faint again? I don't want to cause anyone anymore trouble... And what if I'm taken to the hospital? I don't have any money for that,and I don't want anyone to pay it for me either. I started to walk back to the house. As I was walking up the stairs to the automatic doors of our bulding,everything looked like a mess in my eyes. I went to the elevator and pressed number 20. When the elevator arrived at the 20th floor,I was feeling really sick. I walked to our door and leaned on in. I was getting really tired,so I sitted on the ground. Then I fell asleep.


Mary Lee's POV*

I was so worried about Hana. She didn't come back yesterday. I didn't know what to do... It was already 7.30 AM.

I was supposed to leave already,but I was too worried to.

My phone was ringing. I looked at the caller,it was Jjong-oppa. I answered it.

"Yoboseo?" I said and tried to sound happy.

"Where are you? You are supposed to be here already! We are airing at 8!" Jjong-oppa said. I sighed.

"I'm sorry oppa! I'm already on my way! If I won't make it on time,just style your own hair with hairspray and hairgel!" I said an hung up. I took my purse and keys. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and left.

I took a taxi and I arrived just in time. I had about 10 minutes to style their hair.

I was watching the show from the audience. I was sitting at the front row. But I couldn't focus at all. That idiot had her phone broken,so I had no idea what so ever about her whereabouts. I kept looking at my phone,that was in my hands. They gave the idols a 30 minute lunch break. 


Me and SHINee were sitting in their dressing room. They were stuffing ramyun in their mouths. I couldn't eat mine,I was too worried.I was just staring at the food.What if someone really kidnapped her this time? She looked pretty and cute,so God knows if some 50 year old guy took her to his house and.... No! That is not possible...


"Noona...Are you ok?" Taeminnie said and waved his hand before my eyes. I looked up and noticed all of SHINee were looking at me. 

"You're not eating your food..Is it not good?" Taeminnie asked me. I shook my head and smiled a weak smile. I've got to stop worrying! Maybe she's with Anyu! Yeah! That's it! She's got to be with her! Good thing I had Anyu's number.

"Why aren't you eating then?" Key oppa asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and stood up to call Anyu.

"Hello?" Anyu said.

"Hi Anyu! I hope I didn't interrupt you!" I said. I know she was a daughter of a famous group,so she must be very busy.

"Well,kinda,I'm sight seeing right now. Oh,and I found these amazing heels,black of course." Anyu said and chuckled. Wait,she's sight seeing? Then where's Hana?

"You have to show me those heels later! But..Um,have you seen Hana? She was with you last night,right? She came to your hotel,right?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

".....No....I haven't seen nor heard about her...Why? Is she ok?" Anyu asked. I felt my heart stopping. Then where in the hell is Hana? At MBLAQ's dorm? Why don't I have their numbers?!

"Um,Mary Lee? You still there?" Anyu asked me. I hummed and hung up. I stared at my phone,trying to think of all the options,that where Hana could be. 

"Noona...Are you really ok?" Taeminnie said. He was now next to me,tilting his head,so he could see my face,that was turned away from them. I looked at him and smiled. I nodded multiple times super fast. I dialed Kyung Soon's number and called her.

"Yoboseo! KS Cafe,at your service! " Kyung Soon said. 

"Unnie! Have you seen Hana?" I asked her. She was very quiet for a while. I could feel SHINee's worried eyes on me.

"Aniya...I haven't seen her today.Why,is she ok?" Kyung Soon said. I hung up the phone panicking,searching for possible numbers to call. BAP! I called Bang-oppa. He didn't answer.

"Noona...What's wrong? What are you talking about Hana?" Taeminnie said. I ignored him and called the others from BAP. Last one was Daehyun,who's number Hana gave me,because I forgot to ask his.

"Yoboseo? Noona,what's up?" Daehyun said.

"Dae-ah...Have you seen Hana? Or heard about her?" I said and was looking for my bag in the dressing room. SHINee were looking at each other,they didn't know what to do or say.

"No...Why,is she ok? Did she dissapear again?" Daehyun said.

"Yeah..." I said. I was still looking for my bag.

"What?! Where did you see her last---" I hung up.I didn't want to worry Dae. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"SHINee,5 minutes!" Someone yelled behind the door.I stood up and took my bag. Onew oppa blocked me from going out the door.

"Oppa,please let me go..." I said trying to open the door,but he was too strong.

"Not until you tell us what is going on.." He said and the others helped him from letting me pass.

"Yah...Chincha..." I said and sighed. My phone rang. It was my landlord. 

"Yoboseo?" I said and seated down.

"Yoboseo,Kim Mary Lee? There is some girl in front of your door. Should I chase her away?" She asked me. A glimpse of hope went trough me.

"What does she look like?"I was so excited and started to shake my legs up and down.

"Brown hair,a foreigner..." She said. I jumped up and started jumping all over the place. SHINee were looking at me like I had lost my mind.

"Please give her the phone!" I said,still jumping around. She told me to hold up for a while.

"She is not waking up. I think she has a high fever..." She answered me. I stopped jumping. 

"....Oh no...Ahjumma,could you somehow take her inside and place her in her bed?" I asked her. She sighed and started complaining about how I didn't tell her that I had a roommate.I forgot...

"Bianhe ahjumma...But just place her on the bed,please." I said. 

"Kim Mary Lee..This girl has a high fever..She needs to go to a hospital.." She said.She sounded very serious. I took deep breath.

"No,it's ok ahjumma.I'll take care of her,I'm on my way!" I said. 

"Kim Mary Lee...Did you not just listen to what I just said? She needs a hospital.." She answered. I started stuttering.

"N-no,just um..." My phone battery died. Oh,this is just great..

"Noona...What is going on?" Taeminnie asked. Someone knocked on the door,and told SHINee,that it was time to go back to record. I quickly ran out the door.

"YAH!" Key oppa yelled behind me.

"I'm sorry,I'll come back later!" I said and continued running. I hope she's ok...


Hana's POV*

I woke up again. I blinked my eyes few times. I was in my room now. How did I get here...? Am I still sleeping?


I found a note next to me.

Hello,this is from the landlord. I found you lying around the door with a high fever. I called Kim Mary Lee,and asked if I should call an ambulance to you,but she refused. I'm sure she's on her way.

Hope you get better soon. I had to go,because of an urgent business.

How embarrasing... I walked to the kitchen to get some water to drink. I was feeling dizzy again. What's wrong with me?It's just a fever...

"Hana ah!!" Mary Lee came yelling in to the appartment. I was so shocked,I didn't even hear her opening the door. She noticed me and looked relieved.

"Aish,chincha...I thought you were taken to the hospital..." She said and leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Why are you standing there? Go back to your bed!" Mary Lee said and pushed me back to my room and on my bed. She covered me with the blanket and brought me a glass of water and some medicine.

"Take this when you wake up. When you start to feel hungry,go to the fridge. I brought you something to eat."Mary Lee said as she was sitting on the bed. She then patted my head and stood up.

"Unnie...Didn't you have work?" I asked her. She turned back slowly and nodded.

"Don't worry,I told them that I would come back quickly!" She said. Shen then told me to go back to sleep and that she would come back home as soon as possible. I nodded and she left. When she left,I closed my eyes and fell asleep.



It was now 9 PM. I woke up and walked to the kitchen. Mary Lee hadn't come home yet. I opened the fridge and found bibimbap to eat. I smiled and heated it. I then sitted on the kitchen table,and ate the food. After I ate,I took my medicine and sitted on the couch. I looked outside the window,it was raining again.I stretched and turned the TV on. I was feeling much better.The door opened and Mary Lee came in. She smiled at me. She palced her bag and a pink umbrella on the kitchen counter and seated next to me.

"Annyeong! How are you feeling?" She asked me. I nodded and said I was feeling much better.

"Good to hear! We should buy you a new phone tomorrow." Mary Lee said and leaned on the sofa,her legs waving up and down.

"Did you have a hard day?" I asked her. She nodded and sighed.

"Key oppa didn't let me hear the end of his nagging..." Mary Lee said and chuckled. I also chuckled a bit. I can imagine Key oppa nagging and nagging,on and on.

"Because of you,I had to call all over the place!Anyu,BAP,Kyung Soon unnie and...I didn't have any other numbers though...Hey,just in case,give the MBLAQ members numbers.

"I don't have them anymore,remember?" I said and raised my eyebrow. Mary Lee facepalmed herself.

"I forgot! But If I was you,I would have remembered idols numbers."She said and smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh really,have you learned Kris-oppas number yet?" I said and Mary Lee punched my arm lightly.

"Yah..." She said and she started to tickle me. I almost fell of the couch. Someone knocked on the door. Mary Lee looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. She stood up and went to the door. She opened and closed it immediately.


Mary Lee's POV* 

Someone knocked on our door. I looked at Hana,if it was someone shewas expecting. She shurugged her shoulders. I wasn't expecting anyone either. I stood up and walked to the door. When I opened,I immediately closed it.

I think I was too tired...I saw Eli and Kevin from U-KISS. I looked at Hana,that was now standing next to me,leaning on the wall.

"Who was it?" She asked me. I looked at her and squinted my eyes. She looked at me,confused.

"...." I opened the door again. Eli and Kevin were still there,bit confused,about why I slammed the door to their face. Hana peeked behind my shoulder,to see who it was.

"Oh...Hi oppas--" She said. Wait,what? She knows them?

"Can we come in? We don't want anyone to spot us here..." Eli asked. I backed up and they came in. Still confused,I closed the door and followed them to the living room.


"Are you feeling any better?" Kevin asked Hana. Hana nodded and smiled. They then looked at me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kevin and this Eli. We're from U-KISS." Kevin said and they both bowed. I did the same and looked at Hana,tilting my head in confusion.

"I woke up at their place,because last night I knocked on the wrong door and fainted." Hana said and smiled awkwardly. She thanked the boys again. I was just standing there awkward,not because they were idols,but because I haven't seen them,ever in this bulding. How could I not notice them?

"We would appreciate,if you wouldn't tell anyone about us living here. We don't want the fangirls to stalk us behind our door." Kevin said and laughed. Hana nodded and they looked at me.

"Oh...Y-yeah,of course...."I said and walked backwards to the kitchen.


Moments later,I came back to the living room with snacks and drinks. We had a fun night. We ate and drank and talked about ourselves and told funny things to each other.

"Well,we better get to our appartment now. Come and hang with us sometime,neighbours!" Kevin said in english. Me and Hana both nodded and smiled. They went out the door and I went to the sofa and jumped on it.

"Unnie,what are you doing?" Hana asked me.

"We now more idols now! Yay!" I jumped up and down. Hana laughed and rolled her eyes. I landed on the couch my face first.

"Unnie! Are you ok?" Hana asked me. 

"It was a punishment for myself,for not noticing,that they lived here." I said. We both laughed.


Hana's POV*

Someone knocked on the door.

"Maybe they forgot something?" Mary Lee said. I walked to the door. 

I opened it.


It was my ex-boyfriend from the 2nd grade of high school.


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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone