Shopping with SHINee

Dreams can come true

As SHINee were hosting a radio show,me and Mary Lee kept playing on our phones,sending each other kpop macros. We laughed so much. We were sittingon a couch.

Then I got a message from Zico again.


From: Ji Ho-the man


Ayo! Wassup? I found this cute Hello Kitty store near the huge mall in downtown Seoul. It's so cute in here! I didn't find any shoes,but they have Hello Kitty heels in here! You should buy one! And I talked to them,asking if they could make me some shoes,they said that they know a designer,who can design some for me. Score~~

Anyways,I also bought you and me matching Hello Kitty phone charms! They're so cute! Tell me later which day you are free,and I'll bring your's to you. 


I smiled at my phone and chuckled. Mary Lee looked at me and raised her eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Mary Lee said as she was playing with her phone.

"Nothing. I just found a funny macro,that's all--"I said. It's probably for the best not to tell Mary Lee about Zico...


From: Hana-bunny-gurl

To:Ji Ho-the man

Oh cool! Please send me the address later! I'm pretty much free this week,so I'll tell you when we can meet up later! :D

Hope you can design the shoes soon!


"Who are you texting to?" I raised my head and saw smiling Taemin in front of me.

"Oh--Um...To--No--I was just looking for pictures..." I said. I was caught in the spiral of lies now.

"Really? Can I see?" Taemin said. I quickly exited from the messages and went back to the internet.

"Sure oppa." I said and he seated next to me. I showed him pictures of him. He looked confused,probably not understanding what the captions said. 

"What does that say?" He said and pointed at the screen. I tried to translate it,but I failed miserably.

"It says 'I finally got some banana milk!'" Key translated it.He was now seating next to me. 

"Show me some pictures of me too!" Key said and took my phone away. Then my phone rang. I took it quickly from Key and stood up. It was a number that I didn't know.

"Yah...Who is it that you're hiding it?" Key said. 

"I don't know either..." I said and kept looking at my phone,and tried to decide,if I should answer or not.

"Give me that!" Mary Lee said and aswered my phone.

"Yoboseo?Who's this?" She said. After a while her eyes opened.

"Yeah...Yeah this is her phone number....Right,don't worry!! Ok..Yes,absolutely! Ok,bye!" She said and gave me the phone back. She smiled and seated back on the couch. Me and SHINee kept staring at her.

"Yah...Who was it?" Key asked. But Mary Lee pretented not to listen. I decided to call the person again.


 "Yoboseo?" A man's voice said.

"Yo-yoboseo? Um,you called me while ago...May I ask you who this is?" I said and Key leaned on my ear to listen who it was.

"Oh,so this is Hana Jung herself?"  The man replied. 

"Yes...?" I said. Key said something about that this guy sounds like a ,but I decided to ignore him.

"I'm the producer of South-Korea's Elle-magazine. I heard from my producer friend about you. He said you were really pretty,and that your friend gave him your number,so that I would call you. We have a photoshoot tomorrow,and we would like you to come." He said and my eyes widened and my mouth opened wide. Oh.My.God.

NO.I'm not going to model.I'm not a model.No.Noooo.

Mary Lee took my phone from me again.

"Like I said already,she agreed. And please,if she calls you again or sends you messages,don't answer her or read the messages! Thank you,bye!" She said and hung up. I was in a huge shock. Jjong-oppa was holding me,so I wouldn't fall back.

"Yah...Mary Lee...You know your friend is shy...Why did you do that?" Key said. Mary Lee smirked. 

"Oh come on.." She said and took me from Jjong-oppa and placed her hands on my cheeks and patted them. 

"This face will sell. Or are you guys saying,that she's ugly?" Mary Lee said and patted my cheeks. The SHINee members had mixed reactions. Minho and Jjong-oppa agreed with Mary Lee,while Key,Taemin and Onew were just quiet and poker faced.

"Good. Minho-oppa and Jjong-oppa agree. And I assume that the three of you agree as well." Mary Lee said and smiled at me. I shook my head,but she nodded.

"The photoshoot is tomorrow~~ We need to get you some idol like clothes!" Mary Lee said and Key's eyes shined.

"We don't have any schedules after this,so let's go and find something amazing for you!" Key said and took my hand and lead me to their van.



Key and Mary Lee kept arguing what clothes would be the prettiest on me. Minho and Jjong-oppa tried to guess what kind of photoshoot it was,while me,Taemin and Onew were quiet. I still didn't understand the situation. I just sipped from my coke that Mary Lee got me.

"You know,I heard some male idols would be in the photoshoot." Mary Lee said. The coke bursted out of my mouth and I coughed,almost choking.  

"What? Who?" Taemin said. Mary Lee smirked.

"Oh,I don't know...And I can't wait to know either!" She answered. Dear God,please let me be extremely sick tomorrow and let it rain.Thank you.



We arrived at the Seoul's mall. SHINee were in disguises,of course.

"Definetely long shirt,leggings and a cardigan..."Mary Lee said.

"Are you stupid? It's summer! A t-shirt and jeans along with some fake glasses." Key said.

"No! That's too boring..."Mary Lee said.

"Oh...So your's wasn't?"Key said. 

"Guys...You're too loud! We don't need any attention!" Onew said and Key and Mary Lee pouted.

"Let's split..Team Key and Team Jonghyun." Jjong-oppa said and smiled. "Hana,you stay here,ok?" Jjong-oppa said and made me sit on a chair,that was in the middle of the mall,where everyone walked by. They split in two two teams. Key's team had Mary Lee and Onew,and Jjong-oppa had Taemin and Minho.

I just had to wait and sit,staring awkwadly at my feet.


Key's POV*

"Ok...First,the theme...Cute,y,casual or professional? Plus the colors...She likes blue right? But too much blue doesn't look good...Any ideas?" I said. Mary Lee and Onew huyng looked at me,like I had lost it. 

I take fashion seriously...Ok?

"Well,how about..y?" Mary Lee said.

"No." Onew hyung said. Me and Mary Lee looked at him confused. He looked serious.

"Wouldn't that give her some kind of a cocky attitude?" He continued. Me and Mary Lee looked at each other,then at hyung again.

"You're right oppa!...Then..Do you have any ideas?" Mary Lee said as she was looking for some shoes.

"How about casual? It'll make her seem relaxed..." Hyung replied. I nodded.

"Good idea... So..How about a knee high dress?" I suggested. Mary Lee showed us some shoes,pink,with high heels,that were grey. The shoes were wedge heels.

"Aren't those a little high?" I said. Mary Lee raised her eyebrow. 

"Nope,you can walk easily in these.." Mary Lee said,but seemed like she doubted her own words and putted the shoes back.

"How about jeans?" Onew hyung said. Mary Lee crossed her arms in X motion,meaning no.

"Well,we gotta get some denim for her clothes!" I said and Mary Lee looked around the store.Then she started running somewhere and we followed her. 

When we arrived where she was,she had a denim vest on her hands. I nodded. It was pretty good.

"That's the blue piece. Now...Something else.." I said while looking around. 

"How about grey?" Onew hyung said. Mary Lee went to look for a bag.

"Grey?" I said. Hyung nodded.

"I think grey suits her." He said while looking around. 

Not a bad idea,actually...

"I found a bag!"Mary Lee said and showed us a beige colored bag. I nodded and agreed with it.

"Now something grey...A knee-high dress maybe?" I said. Mary Lee went to look for shoes.


"How about this?" Onew hyung said. He had a grey dress on his hands. It was simple,but pretty.

"Good job,hyung! We just need shoes now..." I said and that's when Mary Lee appeared with blue ballerinas. 

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They were really pretty. Our outfit was ready!

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Jonghyun's POV*


"OK guys...Um..Do you have any ideas?" I asked. Minho shrugged his shoulders. We were in a different store than the others. Actually,we were looking for a store to shop in.

"That would suit her!" Taemin yelled and ran next to a showcase window. I raised my eyebrows. Minho hitted the back of Taemin's head.

"Yah,maknae...We're not looking for a wedding dress..." I said and Taemin pouted. Gosh..What was running through his mind...?

"Ok,so what's our concept? y? Hot? Cool?" I said and Minho glared at me.

"Hyung...We now you're a 'ladies man',but keep your imagination to yourself..." Minho said and I punched his arm.

"Let's decide the outfit first...Like...If it is a dress or jeans and a shirt,ok?" I said and the other two nodded. Then there was a moment of silence,that seemed to last for a gazillion years.

"Ok...This isn't working...Why are you guys so quiet?" I asked Minho and Taemin.

"Oh sorry hyung...Did you say something? I was watching the football match that was on that TV..." Minho said and I rolled my eyes.

"I want that banana milk shirt..." Taemin said and I swear,on that moment,I could have jumped off the rail to Hana,who was on the 1st floor,and tell her,how the mission failed miserably...

"Ok...Let's split up. Everyone get something. Minho,what will you get her?" I asked.

"A jacket.." Minho answered and I nodded. I then looked at Taemin,waiting for his response.

"The shirt!" He said and I nodded again.

"Ok.Then I'll get a skirt and the shoes." I said and the others nodded and we split up.


I found this cute white skirt and brown heels.

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I then found Minho,who had bought a pink jacket,with zippers on the sleeves. It looked pretty good,and it matched my skirt and heels.

We found Taemin with a flower shirt.

"Her name is Hana,which means flower,so I bought this!" Taemin said and smiled a wide smile. Our outfit was ready!

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Hana's POV*

I was just awkwadly staring at my shoes,when a crying girl,about 5 years old,sitted next to me.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" I asked her and she suddenly hugged me,still crying.

"Mommy....I lost my mommy..." She said and she cried even more. This mall was huge. What should I do?

"We'll find your mommy! Don't worry!" I said and she lifted her head and wiped her tears.

"You promise?" She asked me. I nodded and she smiled in response. I sure hope I can find her mother...I carried her all around the mall,asking her what her mother looked like,what was wearing and how long her hair was,but she didn't answer me. 

Honestly...What should I do?


Mary Lee's POV*


Me,Key-oppa and Onew-oppa arrived where Hana was supposed to be,but she...Well,she had dissapeared...Not this again... Jjong-oppa,along with Minho-oppa and Taeminnie arrived. They looked just as puzzeled,as we were.

"Where is she?" Jjong-oppa asked. Everybody shrugged their shoulders. 

"Aish...Why does that girl always dissapear?" Key-oppa asked.He sounded fustrated,yet worried. I noticed,that she left her phone on the chair. Oh,great.

We have to play hide and seek with her...Sigh...




Loooong chapter!


I want to go shopping with SHINee too! :D

But that'll never happen! XD

Hope you liked it!



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sharr18 #1
Chapter 24: Where is nu'est anyway author-nim?? ^^
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 34: It's fine~ I hope your grandma is better soon though! She'll be in my prayers :)
Chapter 34: Yay~~ finally (I was waiting for too long .-.)
Anyways, the chapter is interesting, the girls are fighting even before they debut!!! That's not so good and I wonder how will suhee do to her boyfriend.. or should I say EX-boyfriend!! In both ways, he's dead kkkk

Update soon ^^
Good luck ♥
Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
poppyk #5
Chapter 33: dear author nim awesome story im hooked :) hehe get it but seriously please update soon. pretty please. and can you please include more female groups in your story all the males are making it a little dull even with the ton of drama that's happening.
I have been reading this story even before making an account here.. you haven't updated in a really long time, months :( you disappeared for a while and didn't update both your stories but now you're back
I hope you update this story too :)
Chapter 32: Update soooooon! :)
Pamela71410 #8
Chapter 1: i really love your fanfic!! cant wait for the next update!!
KimmyBear #9
Chapter 30: Waaahhh I thought you left or was taken by a village of bunnies so they can make you there queen..... Sorry I just happen a LOT of superyummy~ SUGAR~!!! But why is everyone against Lee Joon? He hasn't done anything wrong at all. And G.O. is being a scrooge! >.<
KimmyBear #10
Chapter 27: Why Hana! Why do you have to be like this >XO Eeeepppp she knows so many idols~ And Lee Joon is coming~~~~~! I hope he gets out of his sad mood sone