Chapter 32

Shes Mine

~~Nothing big happened at school. So im just going to skip that and the rest of the week =.= I want to get to the YoonYul and JeTi moments <3

It was finally summer. Everyone had decided to go to the carnival today. SeoHyun and Yoona were friends again. They werent thte greatest, but SeoHyun was feeling better and was rarely mad at her anymore. She hung out alot with YoonYul infact. SeoHyun had even found a boyfriend now! His name was Choi Kyuhyun. But everyone had called him Kyu. And 'Kyu' was comming along with them too. 


Yoona P.O.V

BEEP BEEP BEEP Didnt i turn off this stupid alarm? I swung my arm trying to hit the clock so that it would just shut up, but instad, i hit it on the corner of the table thingy. "AHHH!" I screamed as i pulled my arm back in, hugging it to my chest.

"Princess are you alright?" I could hear her voice. It was so cute in so many levels. But when i didnt reply, i could hear her getting off of her bed and comming near me. "Are you okay" she kneeled down so that she could see me "Do you need anything princess? Ill get you a glass of water" She was about to get up when i grabbed her arm. 

"Just missing you" I smiled at her. She climbed in bed with me and slept with me for a while longer. I could hear her snoring, i must have woken her up really early.

1 hour... 2 hours... 3 hours... I heard her yawn and get up from the bed. "Princess you awake?" "Yeah im up" I smiled at her. "Lets go downstairs. I dont think they're up yet. Its only 10am.

I pulled her up from the bed. Then, hand in hand, we made our way downstairs to the living room. We both stood there for a while. No one was going to wake up soon, so we could go hang out for a bit right?

"Baby, can we go for a walk?" I asked her. I knew she was going to say yes. We've been taking walks together every day now after school. And now that school is out, we can take as much as walks as we like.

"Yeah sure. Lets go. But you have to change and so do I" We both raced eachother upstairs and being as careess as possible about the loudness that we made going up. I think i even heard Himchan oppa yelling at us. Oh well! He better get used to it ^^

After I had gotten changed, i walked down to Yuri to find her in shorts. I pointed at her. "You cant wear that" I told her. "Why not Princess?" I looked at her. Really? She can wear all the shorts that she wants but i cant? "Because, guys are going to look at you. Thats why" I . "Please? I will let you wear your shorts then" she whined. I wasnt going to let her walk out sweating in long pants, so i gave in. "Fine" I walked back n to get changed.

We were finally out of the house. We walked to the nearest park. We saw a whole bunch of people holding hands and walking around. It was so sweet. Like we were holding hands too, but it just seemed so sweet seeing all of the couples here so early in the morning too.

We sat on one of the empty benches, just enjoying the fresh air. When 2 guys walk up to us. It was the same guys from the beach too! "So you girls came here? Do you wanna hang out?" I looked at him as if her was crazy... too bad there was no icecream cart that we could lose them behind again. We both shrugged. "Well what are you guys doing out here so early?" We shrugged again. "Can i borrow your friend for a bit?" He asked Yuri. 

This time, Yuri spoke. "No you cant borrow her. Infact, stay away from her." She pulled me off of the bench leading me away from the guy. But he grabbed my arm pulling me back. "C'mon, tell your friend you wanna hang out with me for a while. " He said. I knew Yuri didnt trust him. "Yuri, 5 minutes, dont worry. Ill be okay" Yuri sighed. "Fine, 2 minutes!" She slumped back down on to the bench as i slowly walked away with this guy who i didnt even know.

"So im Micky, Choi Micky. And you are??" He said.

"Im Yoona" I told him. Showing that i was totally un intrested.

We started talking for a bit. When i noticed it was past 2 minutes. "Sorry i have to go now. My girlfriend is waiting." I said as i was about to run away back to Yuri. "Bye Yoona!" He waved and i waved back.

As i was walking back, i saw Yuri sleeping on the bench and she was surrounded by a whole bunch of guys. "I think shes dead..." "What is she doing here?" "Shes so pretty" 

"Yah! Get away from her!" I screamed at all of them. Pushing my way through, i was able to get to Yuri. I snapped my fingers beside one of her ears nd she shot straight up. So fast that i fell backwards on to the floor!

"Yah! You look like you were dead" I told her. "We need to get home, so you can sleep. Everyone is going out to the Carnival. And we are going c'mon!" I pulled her up from the bench. 

"Where are we Princess?" She asked me.

"We are still at the park. Its almost 2, we need to get back for lunch then we'll be going out with the rest of them too." I grabbed her hand. Right before we were going to walk away, someone had grabbed Yuri's arm. "Can i get your phone number?" The guy asked. 

"No you cant get her phone number. Shes my girlfriend. Now bye" I smiled at him, dragging Yuri off with me.

~~~Back at home with YoonYul

"We're home!" I yelled. I saw Kyuhyun oppa on the couch with SeoHyun cuddling. "Aiyaaa! The SeoKyu couple!" Me and Yuri both yelled at them from both sides of their ears. "Kyu oppa, you're coming to the carnival with us right?" I asked him. "Yep im coming with you guys."

Just then, Himchan and Zelo came down. Well really, Himchan oppa came down. My Zelo oppa was ontop of Himchan oppa. "Yah! Are you lovers now too!?" Yuri ran up to them. "Time to go to the carnival!" They yelled ignoring Yuri's comment. 

And off we were to the carnival.


Hallo everyone! I know many of you enjoyed chapter 30: My princess. Thank you for all of the positive comments. Im sorry i couldnt give you a good quality chapter.  Im making a JiSica story on my google docs acc right now. And it seems to be taking up more of my time than this story. So i am sorry if you are dissapointed. But please keep reading. Hopefully, i will update a better chapter tommorrow. Bye everyone ^^

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klienchoung #1
Chapter 35: Unexpected ending good story
Chapter 35: I'm glad thet they are safe and SeoKyu suffered..
I want a sequel author.. I didn't expect that it was the end already..
Thanks for the update.
Chuckles #3
Chapter 35: A sequel is a must!! It HAS to happen!!! I need to be prepared for the cuteness of baby chodings, baby alligator laughs, baby Kkabness, pranking babies (etc.) o.o lol sorry, I was just... In a state of shock. Ermm..please make a sequel to this story, heck, make any other story, I'll be glad to read it ^~^ author HWAITING ! <3 I enjoyed the story to a maximum extent ^~^ I hope this isn't the last of you :c
Chuckles #4
Chapter 34: Nope, my thoughts haven't changed. I hate them still!! Grrrr!! SEOHYUN AND KYUHYUN SHOULD GO DIE IN A HOLE! (characters not them in real life o.o) Poor Yuri baby getting beat, her beautiful face has to stay beautiful! And YOONGIE!!! Oh my glob, I hope her wonds heal! I can't stand her baring all of that pain ;c I will be waiting patiently for your updates but I gotta say, I'm really liking the drama, it's building up the suspense o.o
Chapter 33: What happen to Yuri?
So Seohyun still inlove with Yoona aish SeoKyu so bad.
Update soon author :)
Chuckles #6
Chapter 33: GAH?!? WTF?!? I hate you both... Darn you Seohyun and Kyuhyun!! Are they planning to hurt Yuli?!? OH MY FREAKING GLOBBBB!!! Watch, Yoona is going to hate Seohyun even more and she's going to kick both of their butts! >.< update soon please! I'm already dying to know what's the plan! In the end... True love awaits!!! <3 HWAITING !!!
Chapter 32: update soon~~ haha
Chuckles #8
Chapter 32: Wait.. Are they officially together? ^~^ they're so cute together, I absolutely love them being so protective of each other!!! KYAAA!! <3 my heart skips a beat sometimes with these cute yoonyul moments ! "No you can't get her phone number. She's my girlfriend. Now bye" hehe Yoong! So who's the dominant one here? Just wondering, it looks like it can go back and forth o.o ^~^ well yeah, I really enjoyed this chapter update, so... UPDATE SOON!! Before I die of YoonYul deprivation! XD <3 bye~
VanessaH2012 #9
Chapter 30: I love this chapter so much <3 yoonyul is awesome
yanshi #10
Chapter 30: yoonyul so cute...