Weirdo's for life

Shes Mine

Yoona P.O.V

BEEP BEEP BEEP I could hear the alarm going off in our room. As loud as ever. "Yuri-ah, can you turn that off?" I asked not wanting to get off of my bed. "Mhhm" I heard her mumble. I lay there still hearing the sound BEEP BEEP BEEP but it finally shut off. "Thank you Yuri" 

Once i got off of my bed, i stood up and looked across the room. I found Yuri sleeping soundly. With her tounge stuck out. It was a cute expression on her.


Yoona grinned as she walked into the bathroom getting ready for school. Then she heard her phone ringing. Suddenly, she could hear the ringing becoming louder. Then the door flew open to a Yuri that had her hair messed up and looked very annoyed. "Your phone is going off Yoona" but even with her weird looks at the moment, Yuri was still able to grin as she handed it over to Yoona and started to laugh. Yuri even fell to the ground while laughing.

Yoona was confused. Why was Yuri laughing so much? Then she finally took a look at herself... and her make-up was smushed all over her face. Then Yoona herself, even started to laugh. She sat down crossed-legged on the floor laughing as hard as she ever had in the past 5 years.

Then SeoHyun walked into the picture. Staring at Yoona and Yuri. Why couldntn we ever be like that? SeoHyun had questioned herself. Yoona and SeoHyun, when they were together, they would laugh at times but not as much as Yuri and Yoona would be right now. And so early in the morning.

Yoona and Yuri both saw SeoHyun out of the corner of their eyes and immediately shut up as much as they can with their laughter. But still stifling a sound once and a while.

Both girls got off of the floor and walked in different directions. Yoona quickly washed the make-up off her face and Yuri changed, then they switched spots and really tried to get ready without bursting in laughter again. 

But then again, the forgetful Yoona forgot about her phone. She hurridly picked up her cell phone and re called the caller that called her last time. "Yah! Who do you think you are? Not coming here yesterday and when i called you not picking up the phone!?" She knew exactly is. Her mom.

"Mom, I have things to do! I have school and id rather do other things than sit in the shop for over 5 hours attracting customers to come!" Yoona yelled in the phone, not caring at the moment if anyone came in yelling at her. But she didnt hear anyone yelling at her, except her mom. But she did feel hands on her back. It was Yuri. she was trying to relax Yoona a bit. She couldnt have her coming to school with a pissed off additude. But Yoona, herself, though a different way.

"If you dont come here today, you will not have a tuition for the rest of the year. I hope you have good friends to help you Yoona" her mom said with anger surging through her. But with that, she hung up and took Yuri's hands off of her.

"Yuri i cant go to school today, i have to help around the shop" Yoona said stomping her way back to the bedroom to change out of her clothes and into new ones. "Ill come with you" Yuri smiled without hesitation. Yoona just nodded as they made their way out.

~~~~~With Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun

SeoHyun bursted through the doors of Jessicia and Tiifany's room with tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. "YAH! Yoona and Yuri!" SeoHyun dropped to the floor. She curled up into a ball and cryed even harder than she ever has. 

Alarmed, Jessica and Tiffany jumped out of their beds and rushed to the young SeoHyun crying deeply on the floor. "What happened SeoHyun-ah?" They both questioned at the same time. They also had time to stare at eachother amazed at how they said it so in sync. "I knew this would happen Sica" Tiffany stood up ruffling that red hair of hers. "Yoona and Yuri, remember what i told you? Its happening right now" Tiffany ran out of the door trying to find Yoona and Yuri. But only to find nothing. Except the keys of the black car gone.

Tiffany sighed as she wakled back into the room. "Yuri and Yoona left." she sat back down on the floor staring at SeoHyun. "They must have gone to school early. Come on, get ready so we can get to school faster." Tiffany pulled both girls up and they all got ready for what was going to happen next.

~~~~~At the shop

"Mom im here!" Yoona yelled as she walked in. Looking around, the place hadnt changed much in the past few months considering how much it usually changed. A middle aged woman and man walked down the stairs smiling brightly. "Well who is this here Yoona?" The woman walked up to Yuri and smiled. Yuri bowed politely as she felt someone eyeing her. And the person that was eyeing her was Yoona's father.

Yuri P.O.V

​"So you two girls can sit over there, do whatever you want. Just dont leave that spot okay?" Yoona's mom smiled. She looked pretty. But, i knew that she was like a witch! A very nice looking witch... who will burn you down and kill you! Hah.. i may be exaggerating a bit =.=

Me and Yoona sat down on the window side. I just stared at her. And she stared at me. It was so silent until someone had walked in. It was a boy that looked like her was about 18 years old. The boy, or should i say guy or whatever, he sat down beside Yoona. I glared at him as he did. 

"Can i get one large please?" He asked Yoona's dad. And then i watched as Yoona's dad dissapeared around the corner to cook the food. And this was obviously a regular. But he is not getting to my girl!

"Yoona, Im just going to check your room okay? Which room is it?" I stood up and I asked her. She didnt reply. She just gave me a desperate look, just not to leave. She knew this guy was weird. I knew that too. I just wanted to see if she cared if i was going to leav or not. But aparantly, she did. I  sat back down staring out of the window. Getting a glance of a person who was staring at me... well 3 people who were staring at me. Odd...

Suddenly, 5 people, 10 people, 17 people! All rushed in the shop and pushed their way to me. Yoona had started to laugh. "I guess your popular Yuri-ah" Yoona managed to spit out. I just glared at her. She knew that i was annoyed. There were too many people around me! Even back in the USA i was never this crowded by people! "Yah, Im Yoona, shut your mouth" I spat back at her. I suddenly felt sorry to her. "Sorry Yoona!" I said to her. I saw a tear slip out of her eye. I ran around the table and wiped it away.

"Dont you dare cry Yoona. You're a strong girl. And no stupid girl like me could hurt you. You are strong Im Yoona!" I shouted throwing my fist up. Just before i knew it, the whole entire store was full with people. "Yoona, you and your friend can go upstairs for now. I dont need your help" Yoona's mom popped her head up from the cash register.

Yoona nodded as she took me up to her room. We both sat there, me on her bed and her on a chair. "Hey Yoona, do you have any brother or sisters?" 

"Yeah i have a brother" she replied.

"I have an idea, is he here?" 

"Yup, he should be in his room right now"

I got the greatest idea. I ran down to the shop and grabbed a few supplies and put it in a bucket and run up the stairs. I had some whip cream, chopsticks, a chocolate bar, some tape, and a hockey stick that i found by where i think is her brothers bedroom door. I ran back into Yoona's room and disscussed what we were going to do. She nodded as we both understood the plan.

"One, Two, Three"

We swung the door open of Yoona's brothers room. He stared as me as a approached him with my hands behind my back." Happy birthday!" I screamed as i sprayed whipped cream all over his face and all over the floor. Soon, Yoona ran in with the chopsticks and a bucket, placeing the bucket from earlier on top of her brothers head and using the chopsticks to bang on it like a drum. "Yalalalalalala!" Yoona yelled. Then, i took out the hockey stick and taped his legs to it. And Yoona, place the chocolate bar wrapper into his mouth. Yes! The wrapper! Not the chocolate! THE WRAPPER! Me and Yoona split the chocolate and stuffed it in our mouths as we walked out grinning happily not caring what the consequences were later.



I will make another chapter of what happened at school tommorrow if i have time. Night night everyone ^-^

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klienchoung #1
Chapter 35: Unexpected ending good story
Chapter 35: I'm glad thet they are safe and SeoKyu suffered..
I want a sequel author.. I didn't expect that it was the end already..
Thanks for the update.
Chuckles #3
Chapter 35: A sequel is a must!! It HAS to happen!!! I need to be prepared for the cuteness of baby chodings, baby alligator laughs, baby Kkabness, pranking babies (etc.) o.o lol sorry, I was just... In a state of shock. Ermm..please make a sequel to this story, heck, make any other story, I'll be glad to read it ^~^ author HWAITING ! <3 I enjoyed the story to a maximum extent ^~^ I hope this isn't the last of you :c
Chuckles #4
Chapter 34: Nope, my thoughts haven't changed. I hate them still!! Grrrr!! SEOHYUN AND KYUHYUN SHOULD GO DIE IN A HOLE! (characters not them in real life o.o) Poor Yuri baby getting beat, her beautiful face has to stay beautiful! And YOONGIE!!! Oh my glob, I hope her wonds heal! I can't stand her baring all of that pain ;c I will be waiting patiently for your updates but I gotta say, I'm really liking the drama, it's building up the suspense o.o
Chapter 33: What happen to Yuri?
So Seohyun still inlove with Yoona aish SeoKyu so bad.
Update soon author :)
Chuckles #6
Chapter 33: GAH?!? WTF?!? I hate you both... Darn you Seohyun and Kyuhyun!! Are they planning to hurt Yuli?!? OH MY FREAKING GLOBBBB!!! Watch, Yoona is going to hate Seohyun even more and she's going to kick both of their butts! >.< update soon please! I'm already dying to know what's the plan! In the end... True love awaits!!! <3 HWAITING !!!
Chapter 32: update soon~~ haha
Chuckles #8
Chapter 32: Wait.. Are they officially together? ^~^ they're so cute together, I absolutely love them being so protective of each other!!! KYAAA!! <3 my heart skips a beat sometimes with these cute yoonyul moments ! "No you can't get her phone number. She's my girlfriend. Now bye" hehe Yoong! So who's the dominant one here? Just wondering, it looks like it can go back and forth o.o ^~^ well yeah, I really enjoyed this chapter update, so... UPDATE SOON!! Before I die of YoonYul deprivation! XD <3 bye~
VanessaH2012 #9
Chapter 30: I love this chapter so much <3 yoonyul is awesome
yanshi #10
Chapter 30: yoonyul so cute...