No name for this chapter

Shes Mine

I think im losing readers :( Please keep reading my story, i will try and update as much as possible. But please also understand that i also have to do other things like do my homework on the weekends Thank youuu ^^ In this chapter, for any of the BABYs out there, im adding Himchan and Zelo into the story ^^



JeTiSeo had just walked through the door of the music room. They all looked around is Yuri and Yoona were here. But they werent. "SeoHyun-ah, come on, sit down" Tiffany and Jessica tried to get her to sit down. But SeoHyun just stared at them. "Im leaving" SeoHyun stated and walked out.

She knew where she was going to go and she knew where Yoona and Yuri would be. At the shop. So she made her way there by foot.

With the JeTi couple though, since they didnt want to do any work anyway, they had decided to go back to the dorm and just hang out around there. And try and find a house that was bigger for all 5 of the girls. Plus, Tiffany decided that Yoona's brother and Yuri's brother could come and live there too! The it would be better. They were both very strong and funny. But they could be very protective and surious sometimes.

~Back at the dorm with JeTi

The second that Tiffany had opened the door opened, Jessica had sprinted to their room and grabbed up the laptop and running back to the couch and landing in one spot on her . "Come over here Fany-ah!" She yelled while Tiffany herself was still trying to get her shoes off. 

Please act like Zelo is Yoona's brother and hes older than Yoona and Yuri's brother will be Himchan and hes a bit older too! Even though i know, they're alot younger and Yoona's brother was someone else. Plase act like it was Zelo instead ^^ Thank you!

Jessica had already opened up a site that had a picture of a house. And in the description, there were 5 bathrooms, 5 rooms, a big kitchen, an indoor and outdoor pool, and it was only about 100 000 dollars! It wasnt that bad. Plus, Tiffany's family was also very rich. But Tiffany just never had mentioned it. Only Yuri knew but she didnt care. And Yuri could pay for some, and Yoona and SeoHyun could pay about 1000 dollars each. Then the brothers would help out too and they'd all have enough money!

"I want this house Tiffany!" Jessica pointed at it. Tiffany was suprised. She picked such an expensive house. "Okay Sica, we'll buy that one." Tiffany nodded as she agreed. "Let me just call Zelo and Himchan oppa and ask if they would like to live here too. I havent seen them both in a while."

Tiffany called Zelo first. "Hello?" Zelo picked up mumbling. "Oppa! Its me Tiffany, i was wondering if you wanted to live at the new house that we will be buying soon. Would you like that? I know that you dont like living with you mom and dad there too." Tiffany quickly asked. "Mm, sure. " All the sudden, Tiffany could hear screaming and yelling in the backround. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Then the rest was all yelliing and she was pretty sure that she had heard someone yelling "Yalalalalala" and then there was a was a huge bang. Then he hung up. 

Tiffany ignored the thought about it. "Sica, he said yes and lemme call Himchan oppa now." SHe saw Jessica nod at her.

"Fany! I havent heard of you for so long! I thought you were dead!"

"What!? Really!?"

"Nope just kidding" Tiffany could feel the grin comming off of his face.

"Wipe that stupid grin off Himchan oppa!" Tiffany whined.

"Yeah yeah, okay whats up? You never call, why are oyu calling now?"


"What!? How?!"

"Just kidding oppa! Ha ha ha. Stupid as always"

"Shut up Tiffany, okay whats it?"

"Do you want to move in with us? We're all buying a new house and the only 2 guys will be you and Zelo!"

"Us? Whose us? And whose Zelo?"

"Us as in Me, Jessica, Yuri, Yoona and SeoHyun. And Zelo is Yoona's brother. I also might get Sehun and Luhan to come here too"


"Whose Sehun and Luhan?"

"Sehun is SeoHyuns brother and Luhan is Jessica's brother"

"Yeah sure okay"

~Ect untill all of the guys agreed.

"So theres Me, You, Yoona, SeoHyun, Yuri, SeHun, Luhan, Himchan and Zelo... THATS 9 PEOPLE TIFFANY!" Jessica yelled at her.

"Well, 2 people to each room and bathroom which adds up to 4 rooms... so i guess one person gets their own room and bathroom" Tiffany explained. "I think SeoHyun should get that room. She doesnt like sharing very much and she wont get along with any of the guys, even her own brother, or Yuri and Yoona. And me and you are sharing a room. So it works out!"

"Well lets pair them all up! For ourselves we already know. And Sehun and Luhan  can share and Zelo and Himchan got one of their own! Done!" Jessica smiled.

And they bought the house....

~~~~~~Back with SeoHyun

SeoHyun had just entered the Shop and she saw maybe over 30 people inside. She ran up to the cash register and saw Yoona's mom. "Annyeonghaseyo, can i please see Yoona?" SeoHyun politely asked. But she knew she didnt need Yoona's mom permission. They didnt care. SeoHyuns heart dropped. It was so loud down here already, but yet she culd still hear Yuri and Yoona laughing upstairs. 

So she went up to see what was so funny. And saw that they were on the floor again laughing in front of Yoona's brothers door that was shut. "Yoona..." 

Yoona stared at SeoHyun. "Dont ignore me any longer Yoona... please. Im sorry" Yoona stood up from the floor. "Im sorry too baby" Yoona wrapped her arms around SeoHyun making her feel better.

Yuri P.O.V

 "Dont ignore me any longer Yoona... please. Im sorry" Yoona stood up from the floor. "Im sorry too baby" I heard Yoona whisper. Yoona wrapped her arms around SeoHyun. I felt tears coming out of my eyes. I got up from the floor too. Without saying anything i walked downstairs to leave and go back to the dorm. But i couldnt take the car... the keys were upstairs. And im not going back up there. So i guess im walking. 

Like i thought she would ever like me back. Stupid idiot. Like she really noticed why i was acting like that. Stupid idiot. Why would i think that she would ever like me? Stupid idiot. I cant do anything. Stupid idiot.

I ran the rest of the way back. Everything was blurry. When i bumped into someone. "Im sorry, sorry" I bowed twice ntil looking up only to find my brother. "Oppa!? What are you doing here?" I quickly wiped my tears off. "Yuri? WHy are you cryinig?" Oppa asked me. Then he pulled me into a hug that i havent had for such a long time. "Oppa, i want to go home" 

He didnt answer though. I felt myself fall asleep. I wanna be this way for the rest of my life. In a deep sleep.

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klienchoung #1
Chapter 35: Unexpected ending good story
Chapter 35: I'm glad thet they are safe and SeoKyu suffered..
I want a sequel author.. I didn't expect that it was the end already..
Thanks for the update.
Chuckles #3
Chapter 35: A sequel is a must!! It HAS to happen!!! I need to be prepared for the cuteness of baby chodings, baby alligator laughs, baby Kkabness, pranking babies (etc.) o.o lol sorry, I was just... In a state of shock. Ermm..please make a sequel to this story, heck, make any other story, I'll be glad to read it ^~^ author HWAITING ! <3 I enjoyed the story to a maximum extent ^~^ I hope this isn't the last of you :c
Chuckles #4
Chapter 34: Nope, my thoughts haven't changed. I hate them still!! Grrrr!! SEOHYUN AND KYUHYUN SHOULD GO DIE IN A HOLE! (characters not them in real life o.o) Poor Yuri baby getting beat, her beautiful face has to stay beautiful! And YOONGIE!!! Oh my glob, I hope her wonds heal! I can't stand her baring all of that pain ;c I will be waiting patiently for your updates but I gotta say, I'm really liking the drama, it's building up the suspense o.o
Chapter 33: What happen to Yuri?
So Seohyun still inlove with Yoona aish SeoKyu so bad.
Update soon author :)
Chuckles #6
Chapter 33: GAH?!? WTF?!? I hate you both... Darn you Seohyun and Kyuhyun!! Are they planning to hurt Yuli?!? OH MY FREAKING GLOBBBB!!! Watch, Yoona is going to hate Seohyun even more and she's going to kick both of their butts! >.< update soon please! I'm already dying to know what's the plan! In the end... True love awaits!!! <3 HWAITING !!!
Chapter 32: update soon~~ haha
Chuckles #8
Chapter 32: Wait.. Are they officially together? ^~^ they're so cute together, I absolutely love them being so protective of each other!!! KYAAA!! <3 my heart skips a beat sometimes with these cute yoonyul moments ! "No you can't get her phone number. She's my girlfriend. Now bye" hehe Yoong! So who's the dominant one here? Just wondering, it looks like it can go back and forth o.o ^~^ well yeah, I really enjoyed this chapter update, so... UPDATE SOON!! Before I die of YoonYul deprivation! XD <3 bye~
VanessaH2012 #9
Chapter 30: I love this chapter so much <3 yoonyul is awesome
yanshi #10
Chapter 30: yoonyul so cute...