I won't forget

My First Love


I woke up the next morning feeling warm I rolled to the side and I could feel someone lying beside me, I opened my eyes and saw Kikwang sleeping peacefully beside me. Seeing his sleeping face I began to recall what happened last night as I sat up I looked around trying to find where we threw our clothes last night and found them in the corner beside his wardrobe. I slowly crept out of bed and grabbed my clothes and put them back on, making my way outside. When I went downstairs I noticed that Yoseob was already gone and only appa was in the kitchen, I didn't find it weird how he was always in the  kitchen he just liked to cook and I was glad to sine he was amazing.

" Annyeong appa." I happy greeted him 

"Ah Eun Mi, are you feeling ok? Did something happen between you two last night?" 

" anniyo appa, we talked and well I got really tired after it." I couldn't tell him that we slept together.

" We'll that's good then you should go home and get the rest if your things packed before you leave."

" Arraso umm, can you hand this to Kikwang after I leave town jebal." He nodded his head then escorted me out of the house.


when I got back home as I walked to my room the first person I saw like always was Yoseob m, he stood there with a wide grin across his face.

" So you finally decided to come  home?"

"ah neh." I nervously answered back and walked to my room Yoseob following close behind.

"what happened I  didn't see the two if you again before I left?" I stopped before my door frozen.

"you's DID IT didn't you?" He leaned inwards having his head almost on my shoulder our cheeks a small gap between them.

" Ahh, " I could feel my face turn red as they started heating up."

" Eun Mi your so cute when your embarrassed, dont worry I won't say anything." He smirked  while laughed to himself.

" Yah oppa not so loud i dont want omma to know." I blushed furiously as I tuned around trying to hush him.

" So was it worth it? i noticed the marj on your neck."Yoseob teased  as my face went brighter.

"mmm, neh." I nodded my head and felt my face go  warmer as I shyly smiled.

" good for you, was he awake when you left?"

" Gomawo j guess and no he wasn't but in sure appa would make him see me off."

" yeah  his father would make him see you off but she you should have stayed a bit longer."

 " I couldn't bring myself to leave him if I stayed so thats why I left before he woke ara."

" Arrasso, you better finish off packing your flight leaves in a couple hours." 

" ah neh I better hurry!"


~ a few hours later at the airport~


"Eun Miah! We're gonna miss you come back and visit." 

"Neh! Appa you came," I was saying mg lay goodbye before I go when I saw appa walking towards me by himself," where's Kikwang?" J asked looking around.

" Ah he's here somewhere, mian that I couldn't bring him to you." 

" anniyo it's fine that you brang him here at least he might see me off before I go on the plane."



Kikwang's PoV



I woke up and noticed that j was alone by myself,  I could feel a slight pain in my chest when I noticed she wasn't beside me how long has it been since she left? I went downstairs to find out from appa mg father that she left earlier to get the rest of her things packed and for Nero see her before she leaves. Of course I'll see her before she leaves, well that's what i thought anyway.

I'm now standing a fair distance away from her and the others even though I came I can't seem to go near her. I could see her so clearly as se stood there talking with the other guys there I could tell she was trying not to cry it's in the way she nervously grabs her shirt, somehow I can see that, she's looking around the area and a couple times she's looked in mg direction. Every time she looks this way my heart races if only she could see me, Eun Mi leaves the group and walks off somewhere as an attempt to talk to her one last time I followed just to e embarrassed when she went into he women's restroom.I waited outside on a nearby seat for Eun Mi to walk out, just a moments latter she walked out it looke like she was crying, why?


"  Eun Miah is everything alright you've been crying haven't you?" I stood up and walked towards her as se wiped her face walking out slowly.

" Huh? Oh Kikwang annyeong." She was really down usually she would sound a lot more excited.

" Why were you crying in there did something happen?" I moved closer wrapping my arms around her small body.

" Kikwang," she let me hug her and she began crying again but was hitting me hard at dirt but it got softer.

" I thought you weren't going to come, I seriously wanted to see you before I left. Pabo . . . . Kikwang you pabo." Seeing her tears  i hugged her tighter I didn't want her to leave but I needed to.

" Mianhaeyo mianhaeyo Eun Mi I didn't mean to make you cry. I'll stay by your side the time you have left here, so please stop crying." She nodded her head on my chest and pulled back wiping her tears again.


I took her for a quick walk so she could calm down before we returned to the others. 

Half and hour later we went back to the others, they all looked at us as we held hands walking towards them, both Yoseob and Kai had wide grins.

" Yah Kikwang  what took you so long to get here?"

" I've been here the whole time Kai, how could not come."

" I'll say if you didn't the moment Eun Mi leaves, I will be the first to punch you." Yoseob joined the conversation I could tell he was serious Eun Mi means a lot to him.

" why wouldn't I come see her I'll regret it otherwise." I nervously looked at Eun Mi blushing.


' For the passengers on the 1.10pm flight to ____ please make your way to terminal 2'


"guys that's my flight I have to leave now" Eun Mi  Sadly spoke while getting her bags going to the destinated area.


everyone have her a long hug before she walked off but when she stood infront if me I froze i couldn't move, instead she came to me first and kissed me again my lips. The feeling of her soft plump lips against mine I wanted this kiss to never end , we only stopped when Yoseob placed a hand in both of our shoulders saying that it was time.

Eun Mi walked off with every couple steps she would turn around looking behind her as we all waved. I walked around to the window where we get to see her I waited there as I saw her stand at the entrance I the plane. Eun Mi waved at us with a happy yet sad expression over her face trying not to  cry. When she walked on te plane and it took off the moment we couldn't see the plane everyone but me and Yoseob left, I still couldn't get over the thought if her actually leaving. 


When I got home dad have me a letter I looked at it with a confused face.

" What's this?" 

" Eun Mi wanted me to give it to you after she left I don't know what's in it though." 


' Kikwang


if your reading this I would have already left town. I'm sorry that I have to say all this the way  about to.

I'm  so glad to have been able to meet you, we have been through some troubles this past year but in the end we somehow made it through.

im glad that I fell in love with you, your the  first guy I have ever liked and I  will never forget anything that we have done together the good and bad. I'm happy that your also my first, so I hope you never change until we get to see each other again.


I cant remember when it was that i realised i fell in love with you but im hlad i did just know that where ever i am I'll forever love you

Eun Mi <3


I was brought to tears after reading this letter and I felt my heart being torn now she was gone and reading this. I don't realise until now how much I needed her in my life. This time away from her for who knows how long is going to be the most difficult time. 




Hay guys sorry for the late update and for ending the story but there will be a sequel later on.

thanks for everyone reading, subscribing and commenting and hoped you enjoyed the story.


If you enjoyed this story please check my other story out.



gomawo, thanks ^^

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please update
joyce_0502 #2
Chapter 28: Great story, thanks to the author!!!
Chapter 28: This was such a good story, and I can't wait to read your future stories to come!
uniicorn #4
Chapter 25: Awww, poor Kikwang!
Chapter 25: please update i love it
kpopspotlight10 #7
kpopspotlight10 #8
Chapter 23: Ginseng why can't you see your hurting her!!!! WAHHHHHHH!!!!! :```(
Chapter 23: it was awesome i want to read about kikwang
Chapter 23: Awwww, Kai!!! And ugh, I had a bad feeling about her best friend.