Graduation part 1

My First Love


It has now been close to a month now since I stopped talking to Kikwang and Jaein after the incident, it woud have been extremely awkward trying to clear it up so I kept clear of them. Also its been about the same amount of time that Kai and I broke up but we still occasionally see each other on weekends, he helps me release my emotions I have inside by making me laugh, letting me cry on his shoulder anything that would make me forget the paint was feeling. I was even surprised when Yoseob would let me stay a night with Kai at his place with other guys maybe if was because Yoseob knew them even though they were a couple years older. The other 11 guys he lived with even  though they were all different in personality they felt like older brothers to me just like Yoseob is I think it was the way thy treated me that I felt like that. 


The day before yesterday out hometown teacher announced that since we all finish  senior schooling at the end of this month there's going to be a graduation ceremony. All the students knew that school was finishing soon so they we're all excited for the ceremony. Me on the other wasnt that excited there was no reason for me to because the moment I finished school I was planning to work then move out and live by myself out of town and start anew somewhere else. Yoseob and Kai already knew what I was doing so when Yoseob noticed I wasn't as excited as everyone else he came and wrapped his arm around me. 


After that day I went home with Yoseob then the moment I walked upstairs into my room I got a phone call from Kai. 


"Eun Mi I was wondering if you and Yoseob wanted to help me with sonething?"

" Yeah sure we'll be happy to help, what's up?"

" We'll I really wanted to get this friend if mine a dress for her graduation and since you a girl maybe you could help and Yoseob can also help decide if it looks good from a guys point of view." 

" in sure Yoseob would help we just got home so come around and we'll go."


a few minutes after I hung up the phone there was a knock on the door, it was like practically only 3 minutes after we finished talking that Kai arrived at or house. Yoseob welcomed Kai in ad I yelled out from the top if the stairs

" oppa! I'm I having a shower first so can you do something to occupy him for about 5 to 10 minutes."

" Arraso, hurry up." 



I quickly took a shower and put on some casual clothes, short pants a blue singlet and a white over shirt. Once I was ready I walked downstairs and Yoseob and Kai were in the living room watching tv while talking to each other, whe they saw me walk down they stood up and we all met at the front door. 

Kai took us to some shop but try had some nice dresses there well I thought they were nice but Kai and Yoseob picked outa couple that they thought would look nice on the person that Kai was buying it for.


" Eun Mi can you try these dresses for us jebal." He had a soft smile asked me which was also hard since his smile was so sweet. 


Yoseob also handed me a couple dresses. All of the dresses they made me try on we're all cute but they seemed somewhat fancy or too good if you know what I mean. With each dress I tried on and showed them they would show some sort I express whether it looked good or not on me. They almost have up so I told them to stay while I quickly pick out a dress. A few minutes later I came back and snuck behind the curtains if te changing room and came out wearing a red dress with a bow. Once I walked out they both looked at me with wide eyes ad mouths open and they wouldn't look away but stared directly atme not looking away. 


" ahh umm what do you guys think? Does it look bad on me?"




" A Anniyo," They responded in unison sounding surprised.

" Eun Miah that dress  . . . it looks . . . amazing on you." Kai managed to  stuttered out while slightly going red

" Eun Miah you look beautiful in it, how does it feel?" Do you like it? Hearing both both of them compliments of me where it I blushed and started played with me fingers behind my back.

" Its really comfortable and its suprisingly the right size and I like it a lot the colour it beautiful. Wait isn't this dress for a friend of Kai's?

" Yeah it is, " Kai spoke up after he snapped out of fantasizing pulling a serious face, " It is meant for you for the graduation"

" W What it was for me?" I repeated what he said to make sure I didn't hear wrong.

" Yeah its for you why don't you want it?" Yoseob looks at me as if he could read my thoughts and already knew what I would say.

" No I want it but,  Kai why do this?"

" I wanted to make sure you had a gorgeous dress to match you. Besides I wanted to know what dresses you would look in and see it for myself."

" KAI! " He flinched a bit when I yelled at him.


 Then I ran towards him and Yoseob who were standing shoulder to shoulder beside eachother and jumped in the middle of the two and had a arm around each of them saying thankyou.

When we finished buying the dress we all walked home and Yoseob held the bag which the dress was in, the whole way home Kai and Yoseob looked at me while I walked in between them with a smile that was hard to remove from my face from pure happiness. that was until Yoseob started his usual teasing.


" Yah Eun Mi if you keep smiling like that everyone will think your stupid and your face will remain like that,"

" Oppa!" I playfully pushed him away as he laughed, " I can't help it I'm happy and this might be the last time I might be happy like this before I leave. WHAT do you mean people will think I look stupid doesn't that mean your stupid to, you always smiling?"

"That may be but I look cute when I smile you just look scary."

" OPPA !!!"

" Don't worry Eun Mi I think you look sweet and innocent when you smile,"

" Kai you wrecked it, "

" But I can't help it she looks cute when she smiles I rather see her with a smile and laughing then crying or frowning."

" Are you trying to say that she's cuter than me?" I could tell that he was only joking but Kai had no idea he had a puzzled look on his face not sure if he should lie or tell the truth.

" Well  . . .ahh umm  . .  that is . . "

" Hajima, your confusing him oppa, Gomawo Kai for saying that even though I know he was teasing me."

" How do you know that, I was serious when I said that." I wasn't sure now if he was joking around he looked serious.

" ahhhh."

" I'm playing with you, your just as cute as me if not cuter Eun Mi." I sighed, relieved that he was only playing but I also blushed when he also said I was cute.


By the time Yosoeb finished teasing us we were in front of our front door.


" Thanks for everything Kai. I didn't expect you to do that so I'm really thankful." I gave him a sincere soft smile.

" Its ok it was mainly me being selfish wanting to see you in a dress before you left, so think of it as a goodbye gift just incase I don't see you before you leave."

" Don't worry about that I'll make sure to see you before I leave."

" Kai it was still thoughtful of you doing this even though I had the gut feeling you would do this and wasn't surprised you told me that."

" What Yoseob oppa you knew he was doing this for me?"

" Yeah since you took forever to get ready he told me then and I agreed to it." I pouted a bit disappointed I didn't know.

" I better go I've gotta go back before my hyungs think of weird reasons why I'm being late."

" Arraso, Kai can you tell them I said hi to."

" Sure cya." He started to walk off then I remembered something.

" Kai." I called out to him and he turned around, " you forgot something."

" No I did . . n't" I gave him a surprised kiss

" Thats my thankyou gift." He smirked and blushed then he left.




When Kai left we walked inside  and as the door closed I looked at Yoseob with squinted eyes as we both walked upstairs to our rooms. He noticed I was looking at him from the corner of his eyes when he turned his head and asked why I was lookig at him like that.

" Oppa why didn't you say anything?"

" I thought it was a good idea to surprise you, how often do you get surprised with unexpected gifts and besides we were both kind of thinking it. It was just a matter of time before I would have done the same thing, he just bet me to it." Hearing Yoseob talk like this was clear he thought good of Kai and it sounded like he was jealous that Kai did it first not him.

" Ok but can you at least give me a hint when you do this next time, I thought it was wrong that I was trying on dresses that were for another girl, what if we were different sizes or something I would have felt bad."

" But  it was for yo us theres nothing to worry about, ok. Eun Mi lets get some rest its going to get busy now until the graduation." I nodded then we both walked in our rooms.



sorry guys that this update took too long I've been busy with 2 jobs and thinking of ideas. hope you like the double update ^^

I thought that even though Kai isn't in a relationship with her anymore that they should still be close even as friends since Eun Mi is having a hard time dealing with her emotions and only having Yoseob around.

Something interesting is going to happen at the Graduation to Eun Mi so keep reading, I'll try update as soon as  I can.

Thanks again to all the comments. love all you guys for reading this far and hopefully enjoying it <3

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joyce_0502 #2
Chapter 28: Great story, thanks to the author!!!
Chapter 28: This was such a good story, and I can't wait to read your future stories to come!
uniicorn #4
Chapter 25: Awww, poor Kikwang!
Chapter 25: please update i love it
kpopspotlight10 #7
kpopspotlight10 #8
Chapter 23: Ginseng why can't you see your hurting her!!!! WAHHHHHHH!!!!! :```(
Chapter 23: it was awesome i want to read about kikwang
Chapter 23: Awwww, Kai!!! And ugh, I had a bad feeling about her best friend.