Our First Date

Who Will It Be?

Eun Mi

What did one wear to a baseball game? Something comfy, of course, since I'd have to sit there for about 3 hours. Baseball games were unpredictable. Sometimes 3 hours, sometimes longer. I'd also have to look good. 

I finally settled for a pair of shorts, a sleeveless casual blouse, and some ballet flats. I chucked my sunglasses and a cap into my bag, in case it got sunnier than it already was. Slipping my phone into my pocket, I was out the door and headed towards the stadium. 

My goal would be to not let Dayday know that I was clueless about baseball. 



Seeing Eun Mi walk towards me did crazy things to my mind. I quickly brushed it away and lifted a hand in greeting. After we got through, I offered to go buy some snacks and drinks. When I got back, she was already settled in our seats. 

Already half an hour into the game, and I knew Eun Mi didn't know a thing about baseball. She was always reacting just a few beats late when a player got a home run, or when the other fans would go crazy if a player got out. Laughing to myself, I turned my attention back to the game.

Near the end, the wind started to pick up. Eun Mi was rubbing her arms, looking chilled. Now was the time to be a gentleman. 

"Do you want my sweater?" I offered it to her. 

She glanced at me. It looked like she was going to decline, but she must've been too cold. Nodding, Eun Mi took the sweater from me and put it on. Seeing her in my sweater made my heart do a flip. 

It seemed like she was paying more attention to me than the game, since she kept glancing at me every now and then. I didn't mind, and focused on the game.


Eun Mi

I soon began to lose interest in the game. Instead, my attention was on Dayday. 

Glancing at him so much, I began to notice how good looking he was. He had a bright smile and a nice jaw line. He was so into the game, it didn't look like he noticed me staring, so I kept at it. Seeing him so animated about the game was cute. He'd go crazy if a player got out, and cheer like mad if someone got a home run. 

I decided then and there that I wanted to get to know this guy.


I'm sorry I don't know much about baseball =/ Anyhow, please leave comments on how you're liking the story and feedback. It would be greatly appreciated. ^____^ 3 gold stars to those who do. 

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I was kinda rooting for Dayday. Definitely a twist! That's good cause I didn't expect that! <br />
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Good job! :D
i was actually rooting for them to go back together because they looked great together. at the same time though, i wanted EunMi to get another guy because somehow DayDay's reason was .. i dunno, weird i guess? :s<br />
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anyway good job! ;]
This seems interesting
tinyboom #4
sigh so sweet and simple and i just love it im gushing so much it makes me happy^^
Nardack #5
Woot, I finally caught up! :') It was so good. <3 I pretty much cried when Day Day and Eun Mi did the good-bye thing.
mishazilla #6
it's so amazing..such a good story ^^
higuys808 #7
markminki - Thanks so much ^^ Look forward to my next story. It will definitely feature another Dalmatian member. <br />
EarenS - :)<br />
pinkittenluvsxkpop - Thank you ;)
OMG I can't believe it's over this was so amazing wow I really loved this story. Great job!!!!