Sailing Incident

Who Will It Be?


As planned, the next day everyone got up early and got ready to go sailing. Jisu had called the girls last night to tell them that we would be meeting down at the boat dock at 6 in the morning so that we'd be able to catch the sunrise. Of course, nobody had been unwilling and all promised to set their alarms. The only problem was that one of us was a heavy sleeper. Dayday, actually.

Right when the alarm went off, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and make myself look presentable. I could hear Jisu getting out of bed too. Moments later, he entered the bathroom.

"How long do you think it'll take to get him up?" I glanced over at Jisu.

"Ten minutes." 

I scoffed. "Not a chance. Fifteen. Maybe even twenty." He just smiled. 

I finished and changed. Then I headed over to Dayday with Jisu and Dari, who had gotten up in time for this, right behind me.

I poked Dayday. "Wake up." No response. Jisu slapped his cheek a couple times. Not even a twitch. "DAYDAY. DAYDAY THE ROOM IS ON FIRE. WAKE UP!" I hollered. Dayday merely rolled over onto his side. I went into the kitchen and returned with a pitcher of water. 

"DAYDAY. EUN MI IS HURT. SHE'S GOING TO DIE!" Dari shouted. As soon as he finished, I dumped the water right on Dayday's face. He bolted up and fell out of bed, then standing and tripping over the blanket that was around his legs. He was already running for the door. 

Jisu, Dari and I started laughing. "Dude, calm down. She's fine." 

Dayday whipped around. "What?"

"She's fine. No worries." I gave him a cheeky grin. 

Dayday glared and started towards me. Next thing I knew, I was lying face down on the bed with the blanket over my head, my body bruised and almost numb.


Eun Mi

As soon as everyone was accounted for, we left the dock and headed out. I had on sweats and two layers overtop my long sleeved v-neck, since Dayday had warned me beforehand that it would be chilly in the morning. Even so, I was still shivering. Dayday noticed and came over with a blanket. I was sitting at the front of the boat, the bow, and when he came over, he settled comfortably behind me, wrapping his arms around me and the blanket around both of us. 

"Better?" he murmured into my ear. I nodded and leaned back into his chest, content. 

We sat like that for a while. When the sun started peeking out and letting its rays touch every corner of the sky, Dayday's arms tightened a bit more and he whispered, "Lee Eun Mi, I love you." I turned around and met his lips. 

"I love you even more, David Kim." 


It was now around 11. We'd eaten the delicious breakfast that Annie packed a little after the sunrise. Earlier, we'd also seen dolphins, swimming alongside us. Mimi had taken out her camera and had a blast taking pictures of them. Now we were heading back to have lunch and play a game of volleyball. Of course, there was no rush, so the boat wasn't going very fast. I looked over at my friends. Sun Hee was right by the ledge, Dari was talking to Youngwon and Mimi while Dayday was a couple feet away, and Annie was right next to me. 

All of a sudden, the boat jerked to an angle after going through a rough wave. Before I could even complete the thought, a scream pierced the air, followed by a splash. 

My head whipped to the sound and I rushed over to the ledge. I looked down. Sun Hee was thrashing around in the water, her head going under the water and coming back up again. Then there were two consecutive splashes. Dayday and Dari had just jumped in and were swimming towards Sun Hee. 

Know what the funny thing was? Dari had been swimming faster, but when he got there, Sun Hee actually kicked her legs so that she drifted away from him and towards Dayday. When Dayday reached her, she latched onto his neck and wouldn't let go. Even now, she was permanently glued onto his arm. 

I shrugged it off. The girl was in shock and was probably still terrified, and Dayday had been the one to rescue her after all. No big deal. But even though I kept telling myself this over and over, there was still something in my mind that kept replaying that scene. I could feel something tighten in my chest. A horrible, uncomfortable feeling. 

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I was kinda rooting for Dayday. Definitely a twist! That's good cause I didn't expect that! <br />
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Good job! :D
i was actually rooting for them to go back together because they looked great together. at the same time though, i wanted EunMi to get another guy because somehow DayDay's reason was .. i dunno, weird i guess? :s<br />
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anyway good job! ;]
This seems interesting
tinyboom #4
sigh so sweet and simple and i just love it im gushing so much it makes me happy^^
Nardack #5
Woot, I finally caught up! :') It was so good. <3 I pretty much cried when Day Day and Eun Mi did the good-bye thing.
mishazilla #6
it's so amazing..such a good story ^^
higuys808 #7
markminki - Thanks so much ^^ Look forward to my next story. It will definitely feature another Dalmatian member. <br />
EarenS - :)<br />
pinkittenluvsxkpop - Thank you ;)
OMG I can't believe it's over this was so amazing wow I really loved this story. Great job!!!!