A Trip to the Beach - Fun Times

Who Will It Be?

Eun Mi

"I have something to tell you guys," Dari announced. We were all at the lounge, enjoying cocktails and drinks before we headed out for a swim. "Sun Hee and I are dating. It's been about 2 weeks now." The girls gasped and clapped, congratulating Sun Hee while Dayday, Youngwon and Jisu patted Dari's back. I was still too shocked to say anything. 

Hadn't Sun Hee just been hitting on Dayday last week? How could she have just changed 360 degrees so fast? It seemed almost impossible. But... Dari had just said 2 weeks. They'd be together 2 weeks, and Sun Hee was flirting with Dayday last week. So then... she was cheating on Dari? 

"Slow down," the voice in my head said. "Don't jump to conclusions."

I was interrupted by Annie, patting my shoulder. "Wakey wakey. We're heading to the beach now, Eun Mi." She tugged on my hand, pulling me with her.

As soon as my toes hit the sand, I was immediately snapped out of thoughts about Sun Hee and cheating. The sound of crashing waves filled my ears and the sun was beating hot overhead. It was impossible not to enjoy this moment, especially being surrounded by the guy I love and my friends. 

Mimi and Youngwon left the shade of the giant umbrellas that we had all set up to get a game of volleyball going. There was something going on between those two, I could tell. They'd been shooting each other looks the whole time we've been here. Dayday, Jisu, and Dari had already went into the water, each hefting his own surfboard under his arm. 

I stayed under the shade, Sun Hee next to me. It was awkward. I didn't know how to approach the topic. But right then, I decided to leave it alone. It was a weekend trip meant for us to just relax, not to be loaded with a ton of drama. I'd talk to to Sun Hee when we got back to the city. 

Looking over, I saw that she had her sun glasses on and seemed to be napping. With nothing left to do, I grabbed the mystery novel that I had chucked into my bag before leaving. I settled my floppy sun hat on my head and leaned back, fully in relax mode. It was great and I was able to take it easy for about a half hour, until a shadow came over my book and I felt water dripping onto my arm. 

I glanced up. There stood my handsome boyfriend with a bright smile and a twinkle in his eye. I knew what was coming. Too bad I didn't react fast enough. 

Next thing I knew, he had lifted me and basically swung me over his shoulder. I started pounding on his back. "Dayday! Don't you dare!" 

All he did was laugh. "Babe, you need to cool off." Then he threw me into the water. 

I resurfaced coughing and bleary eyed to the sound of laughter coming from our friends. "David Kim, you're going to regret it." I charged at Dayday, half tackling him and making him fall backwards. He grabbed onto my arms and pulled me with him, which was something that I was unprepared for. 

You know those underwater kisses that always happen in movies and dramas? Well, that's exactly what happened. And it turned out to be as great as I had pictured it would be. Actually, it was even better. 


After playing around for a bit more, we decided to head inside and change for dinner. When I saw the girls rushing into the shower, curling and straightening their hair, and reapplying makeup, I rolled my eyes. There were definitely going to be some hook ups during this trip, it was undeniable. 

We met the guys at the seafood restaurant beside the resort. From the appreciative gaze that Dayday gave me, I knew that my choice of a light blue sundress and low heel wedges was the right one. Looking over at Youngwon, Jisu, and Dari, I could tell that they also appreciated the efforts the girls had put into their outfits tonight. 

The waiter then led us to our table and we all settled down comfortably. The conversation started going, topics transitioning easily from one to the next. The atmosphere was nice and relaxed. Dayday caught my eye and flashed me a brilliant smile before going back to his discussion with Mimi. 

After taking a bite of her dessert, Annie asked, "So what's the plan for tomorrow?"

"We're gonna go sailing, and then come back for lunch on the beach," Youngwon piped up. Even with his bright blue hair, the guy was still pretty adorable. When I'd first seen it, I thought it a little strange. Turns out that it had been the result of a lost bet with Daniel.

Jisu nodded. "And then we should have a volleyball game!" He smiled. 

Everyone finished up and headed to the lounge. As I was getting out of my chair, Dayday slipped an arm around my waist. "Let's take a walk on the beach," he whispered into my ear. I nodded.

We bid goodbye to our friends. When Mimi asked where we were going, Dayday only winked. Immediately, the group erupted into loud hoots, wolf whistles, and cheers. 

As soon as we got to the sand, I kicked off my wedges, opting to carry them instead. Dayday latched onto my hand and we began walking down the beach at a leisurely pace. The stars were already out and the moon hung in the sky reflecting off the water. The silence was comfortable, and I felt so relaxed. 

Afterwards, Dayday walked me back to the room the girls shared. Stopping a few feet away from the door, I locked him into a hug. 

"Thanks for suggesting that. Alone time with you is always nice." I smiled up at him. 

"Anything for you," Dayday replied. He bent his head and met my lips. 

Neither one of us wanted to leave the other's hold, but tomorrow was going to be busy. I broke away first and kissed him one last time before entering the room. I sailed through my nightly routine and collapsed onto bed with a smile on my face, my mind replaying our romantic beach stroll. 


A long chapter, as promised. :)

How long has the relationship been so far, do you think? Please comment and give me a reasonable duration of time, since it's going to be important later on in the story. I don't know how long it should be =S Help? 

paulapocket.tumblr.com Hehe, come visit me! I'd love to see your tumblr as well ;)

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I was kinda rooting for Dayday. Definitely a twist! That's good cause I didn't expect that! <br />
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Good job! :D
i was actually rooting for them to go back together because they looked great together. at the same time though, i wanted EunMi to get another guy because somehow DayDay's reason was .. i dunno, weird i guess? :s<br />
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anyway good job! ;]
This seems interesting
tinyboom #4
sigh so sweet and simple and i just love it im gushing so much it makes me happy^^
Nardack #5
Woot, I finally caught up! :') It was so good. <3 I pretty much cried when Day Day and Eun Mi did the good-bye thing.
mishazilla #6
it's so amazing..such a good story ^^
higuys808 #7
markminki - Thanks so much ^^ Look forward to my next story. It will definitely feature another Dalmatian member. <br />
EarenS - :)<br />
pinkittenluvsxkpop - Thank you ;)
OMG I can't believe it's over this was so amazing wow I really loved this story. Great job!!!!