Dinner with Mummy Liu

Is this Friendship or Love


 A few days later…..

Krystal’s P.O.V

“It’s Thursday.. Time went by so fast…Today’s the day, meeting Amber’s mum for the first time. Omg…is she going to be fierce,kind..”

I shook off all those crazy questions out of my mind and continued packing my things into my bag. Just when I was about to walk to Amber’s table,I saw her walking towards me.

“We still have about 2 more hours before dinner..Where do you wanna go?” She asked me as she looked down at her watch.

“Umm..You don’t want to play basketball?”

“Nope..I don’t wanna get all sweaty before dinner.Hehe..How about..We go eat some ice cream..” She said as she grinned stupidly at me.

“That sounds good..Lets go then.” I said as I picked up my bag.

When we walked out of class , I heard my phone beeping. I whipped out my phone from my pocket, and saw Luna’s name blinking on my screen. I whipped my hair to the side and put the speaker over my ear.


“Yah Krystal.. Any plans… I’m bored right now, Vic has dance class..So im kinda lonely.”

“Umm.. Actually im with Amber right now..We’re planning to go eat some ice cream..You wanna come?”

I said through the phone, I raised my eyebrows at Amber and pointed at my phone,signaling Amber that Luna’s coming with us.

She just nodded.

“Yah,okay meet you at the front gate.Bye.” I ended the call and slid my phone into my pocket.

“So she’s coming with us?” Amber asked as though she didn’t get my signal.

“Yup, Oh there she is..” I pointed at Luna and ran towards her.

                                                 - In the middle of eating ice cream-

“Umm..Luna.. Me and Amber are going to leave early a bit, you wanna stay here alone?” I asked as I the vanilla ice cream.

“Nope.. I need to go too…Onew suddenly texted me saying he’s free and wanted to meet up.”

Onew is Luna’s Boyfriend from another school. I’ve met him a couple of times with Luna,but I usually feel left out.

“Umm..Krystal..We gotta go now.  My Mum finished cooking earlier than expected…”

Amber said as she finished up her last bit of chocolate ice cream and picked up her bag.

“ See you tomorrow Luna.” I said as I the last bit of my ice cream and picked up my bag,catching up with Amber.

15 minutes later…

“I’m nervous Amber, what if your mum doesn’t like me..”

 I said as we were standing in front of her house right now. My heart was beating rapidly and I started to have cold sweat.

“Its going to be okay..I promise..I know my mum Krys..” She said as she wiped off my sweat and slowly opened the door.

Amber’s P.O.V

I took a few breaths and slowly opened the door.

“Mum, im home!” I exclaimed as I took off my shoes as Krystal held to my hand.

“Oh..Amber you’re back..You must be Amber’s friend, come let’s eat.”
Mum said as she laid the food out on the table.

Krystal let go of my hand and sat next to me on the dining table.

“Mmmm…Smells good mum..Oh! Is it creamy chicken pasta?”

I said in an excited tone. My nervousness was starting to cool down,after mum greeted Krystal in a friendly manner. By the looks I guess mum likes Krystal already.


Krystal P.O.V

I took a seat next to Amber and was surprised to see the amount of food on the table. My nervousness was at a very high level,I was sweating like mad and my hands were shaking terribly.

“So what’s your name dear?” Amber’s mum suddenly started the conversation as she placed some spaghetti on my plate.

“Thank you.I-I’m Krystal.” I stuttered as I picked up my fork.

I was staring at my plate when suddenly Amber clasped my hand and rub it. I looked at her and she mouthed “it’s gng to be okay”.

I twisted the spaghetti with my fork and put it in my mouth.

“Mmm… It’s really good. You’re a very good cook auntie.” I said with a shocked tone and smiled.My nervousness has lessen when I tasted the creamy chicken pasta. I didn’t know it’ll be this tasty.

“Auntie? Don’t call me  that..You can just call my mummy Liu.”

I got scared at first as I thought she was offended but I felt relieved when she wanted me to call her Mummy Liu.

Mummy Liu? That sounds cute..and it’s like im treating her like my own mum..This is kinda weird..but I like it…

“Okay..Mummy Liu..” I said and smiled at her.

I looked over at Amber and she was smiling widely as she ate the pasta,she looked over at me and her smile grew wider as she gave me a thumbs up.

“Umm..Krystal you got..something there..” Amber pointed at my lips as she wiped with a napkin.

“No..It’s here..there you go..” She leaned closer to me and wiped off the stain on my lips with her thumb.

I glanced a look at Amber’s mum, I expected her to glare at me, but surprisingly she was staring at us and smirked.

“Alright,I’ll leave you girls alone, I’ll go wash the dishes..Amber remember..she’s someone’s daughter..” She said as she stood up carrying our plates. I didn’t get the part about someone’s daughter though. Nevermind.

“Mummy Liu, let me help.” I ran over to the kitchen and stood next to Amber’s mum while I grab some of the plates.

“That’s nice of you dear..Btw, you’re quite close to my daughter..i can see that.. Do you have feelings for her?”

Amber’s mum suddenly asked about my feelings towards Amber..how should I answer..

“Umm..yeah..I do..”

My heart was beating rapidly as I was scared at how Amber’s mum would react to it.

She closed the tap and look at me with a serious look.

“Look…If you love her tell her… You’re pretty,kind and sweet..I know my daughter too well.. She’s not gonna hurt you in anyway.. but if she does..That just means..she needs to do some sacrifices..I’m not against you and my daughter..I trust you..To keep Amber happy, I’m always away for work..She might be a little lonely..So I hope that maybe if I cant be there to support Amber,I want you to be there.”

She said as she stared at Amber who is sitting at the couch reading some old magazines.

“Why do you trust me so much Mummy Liu?” I said as I started to tear a bit when I saw tears rolling down her cheek.

“Amber talked to me a lot about you, and everytime she talks about you,there’s this smile and expression that I longed to see for the past few years..Amber has went through a lot..Long story short..since her Dad passed away..and…You made me closer to her too..So thank you….She really loves you Krystal..Even though she doesn’t really show it..”

She said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I hugged her and teared more. How come Amber have never mentioned about her dad and luckily I didn’t asked anything about her dad.

“Oh..You should go now..It’s getting late..” She said as she wiped her tears with her wrist.

I nodded and was about to walked out of the kitchen,when suddenly I remembered something..

“Oh,Mummy Liu..Amber’s going for an art competiton..You know about that?” I asked as I turned my head to face her.

“Yup,I do.. You’ll be there right?” She asked as she washed her hands.

I nodded and she smiled. I walked over to Amber who was sleeping on the couch. Quietly,I picked up my bag that was on the coffee table and walked away. But then I saw Amber’s eyes opening..

“Krystal? Wait…I’ll send you home…” She said and quickly stood up from the couch.

“Mum, im sending Krystal home! Be back soon..” Amber yelled as she took my bag from me.

“Come over again If you’re free!” Mummy Liu managed to shout before Amber closed the door.

“My bag?” I said wanting to take my bag.

“It’s okay,I’ll carry it..You must be tired..” Amber said as she sashed the bag over her right shoulder.

“Alright..There you go.. Goodnight Princess..” She grinned stupidly as she passed my bag back to me.

Somehow I really wanted to ask about her dad, but I shook off the thought and decided not to.

I took a step forward and hugged her tightly as I buried my face close to her chest ,giving her a peck on the lips before pulling away.

“You okay?” Amber asked as she caressed my cheek.

“Yup..I am.. Goodnight Am..See you tomorrow..” I said as I rubbed  her hand that was on my cheek, bringing it down as I smiled at her.

Amber walked backwards and waved at me as she smiled. I gazed at Amber as she walked home,waiting for her figure  to disappear from my sight.


Another update for you guys!! I'm back from camp..hehe.. So Amber's mum accepts Krystal.

You like that? Btw, Thanks subscribers and viewers. :) Next update is more about the art competiton

and other exciting parts. So anticipate :) Do comment more. Love you guys <3

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and excuse me for the mistakes..


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ed_peniel #1
Chapter 29: chapter 29 poll??? not working????
Chapter 34: epic chap, love to see how open they talk about 'it'~~jiaaa
Chapter 36: This is a peaceful fic. I think its a really nice change.
goddess_like #4
Chapter 35: I love it... ~_^ 대박...
this story has a lesson that made it an amazing one...
thanks for sharing this to us author-ssi...keep on writing such inspirational stories...
taliaamanda #5
Chapter 34: woaa.... this chapter is awsome.. I Love ur story!!
taliaamanda #6
Chapter 22: Sweet chapter.. Make me (◦'⌣'◦).. Love it..
eccyLlamaLiu #7
Vote for f(x) for Best Female Group – 2013! #EYKAwards http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/kpop-awards/fx/ via @eatyourkimchi

2NE1 - 6957
F(X) - 4384
SNSD - 3405
Chapter 34: You definitely didn't screw up, the story was cute and I love how amber had to go through the struggle with her love and best friend, hehe. thank you for writing, can't wait for more ^^
Chapter 34: Wow amazing story but it's sad that it had to come to an end :(
justmeyay #10
Chapter 34: claps*i definitely have no regrets readings this fics of ur.i've learn few thinks while reading it.thanX i'll wait..