getting ready for a date

Having you is enough for me!


 I went straight to my room. Father and ahjumma were already sleeping. I took a fast shower and went to bed. I woke up because off a irritating caller

 " Yah da chegouso" and I hang up.. I was already awake so I took a shower and got dressed and went to eat breakfast.

" Anyeo Abba, Ahjumma are you fine?"

" Anyeo sweetheart did you sleep well sit and eat" " yes I did"

" How is it going at work?"

" Fine, I already have members for a group. so today I'll get started, euh I'll send you the files off the boys that I have chosen"

"Arasso tell me If you need some help" I nodded and finished eating and left to work

 " abba ahjumma I'm leaving have a nice day Anyeo"

I took my purse and my jacket and got in my car. I took my phone to see who it was that called me and I was totally shocked when I figured out that it was Ji Yong

"omo what should I do? You know what I'll just see him at the office so embarrassing" I screamed while pulling out my hear." omo I should just bury myself how can I face him again okay get a hold off yourself"

I calmed myself down and drove to the entertainment. I quickly went to my office to avoid Ji Yong but he was already standing in my office " chegouso??"

"What are you talking about" I said like I didn’t knew what he was talking about seriously “ This morning at the phone when you said: Yah chegousso, and hang up without even letting me talk”

“ ooh mianhe I didn’t knew it was you but why did you call so early?”

“ It was 7 is that early” “off course that’s” “ah mianhe if I woke you up, want to grab a coffee”

“I have an appointment at 10 so I cant have that cup of coffee” I really felt bad that I needed to reject him again but work goes first right now…

“ Ah then have dinner with me I’ll pick you at 8 here” he didn’t let me answer he just left; I was really speechless.

I went into my office and was preparing the contracts for the boys when Joo Won oppa came in “ Good morning my little princess”” Good morning Oppa…” I went to him and hugged him “… did you sleep well” “ Yes my little princess and you” “ yes till someone ruined it” “ Who?” “ah just ahjumma who else” I lied .


 “ Yes come in…. Ah you guys you are really punctual. I like it … Anyeo”

“ Anyeosseho Noona Hyung manager”

“ oke guys take a seat and lets talk about what we’re all going to do”

Joo won oppa also took a seat and just looked at how I was managing the thing

“First I will give you guys the contracts that you need to sing. I will give you the time to read it at home. You need to bring it in by tomorrow”

“ Deh Noona”

“ Euh today we are going to look for a dorm and you all are going to get a make over because this is not really idol like” “ Shinsha, Noona are we getting new clothes?” they all asked in unison,“ Yes you are, boys go already and wait in the van I’ll be right there”

When they all left I needed to talk to Joo Won oppa  “Oppa I really like those guys, they have great potential but I don’t think that someone of them has leadership capacities”

“Ah really? What are you going to do about that? You have seen al the trainees before”

“ I will think off something maybe someone that is singing solo I’ll look for someone”

“ Arraso notify me when there’s some progress”

“ Deh oppa I need to go now the boys are waiting, bye “

“ Bye princess be careful” I nodded, smiled and left the office and went to the van.

“ Guys lets go look for some place to live in” I got some information form Joo Won Oppa so this will be easy. We went to look to three different places. So guys witch one did you like? ”

Himchan looked at me “ Noona I liked the 3rd one it’s great 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a big Kitchen”

“ OK One vote for the third and you DaeHyun which one”

“ Euh for me the first one I like how it’s structured and how it’s cozy”

“ For me it’s the 3rd one also” 

 “Yeah I agree with YOunghae hyung the 3rd  one is great”

“ And you zelo what do you think”

“ Yeah for me it’s was the second but it will not make a difference right?”

“Yeah mianhe but it’s the third one let’s go back in so that I can sign the contract and see what we need for furniture” I signed the papers and left to the mall.

“Let’s first buy some furniture and then the clothes”

“ Noona so the rooms are going to be divided like that Zelo with JOngup, Younghae with DAehyun and I’m alone right” I just nodded and smiled “Assa I’m alone” 

“ So you guys need to go together to choose the furniture for your rooms euh….

I’ll look for the furniture for the living room and the bathroom call me when you’re ready” A hour passed when we finished and paid the furniture.

“ Let’s go get some clothes now”  

I told them how they should choose their clothes, how it can and can’t be. After they all choose their clothes they went changing and came out to let me see. They were really good looking

 “ Wow guys you really look like stars right now, that’s how you guys need to dress from now on. Madame wrap it all we’re going to take it all”

 “Noona all isn’t it too much” said Daehyun worriedly “ No it’s okay, euh I also need something euh a dress for tonight”

 “ Why do you have a date? Noona” teased Younghae “ yes I have”

“ woooooooo who’s the lucky one?” joked Jongup

“ It’s a secret can you help me guys I’ll wear dresses and you guys tell me the one that I should wear arraso?”

 “ Deh Noona Fighting” they yelled. I wore 5 different dresses long, short, cute, y ones. They all agreed with the black, one-piece mini dress. I bought also some shoes that go with the dress

 “Okay guys now that we have the clothes we should do our hair”

We went to a hair salon in the mall. The guys all colored their hair in blond and I just brushed my hair. “Omo you all look so cute in blond”

 “Noona we’re cool not cute” said Zelo while acting cute instead of cool.

“ Arraso Arraso you guys are cool.. We’re ready aren’t we?”

“ We just need to buy ingredients to cook” said Younghae while rubbing his stomach.

“Omo I totally forget to hire a Ahjumma”

“Euh It’s alright you can cook for us right noona” Zelo said while pouting his lips.

“ Cook? I and cooking?” “ Noona can’t you cook?”

 “Euh were are the instant noodles” I joked “You really can’t cook?”

“ Mianhe I will make sure that I hire a Ahjumma tomorrow. I’ll make instant noodles for today forgive me” “ Arraso let’s go buy the instant noodles’

 My phone rang “Deh anyeoseho… Deh… Deh we ‘ll be there in 10 min deh” I hang up “ We should hurry up because the deliverers are already at the dorm with the furniture” We hurried back to the dorm after we bought the noodles. Everyone helped to get the stuff in the dorm and at the right place. It didn’t take long because everyone helped. “ Boys I’ll start cooking euh you guys should put all the clothes in the closet”

“ Arraso we will be here in a minute” said Younghae while pushing his new teammates to their room. I put the food on the table

“ Guys the food is ready come and eat”

“ Noona aren’t you eating” whined Zelo

“ No mianhe I’ll change and get going or I’ll be late”

“ Ah deh”

I went in the bathroom, put on my dress, my shoes, put on some make up and get out.. 

“ wow Noona nemo yepo” I blushed as I hear Zelo saying that and smilled

“ Thanks, I’ll get going euh see you tommerow don’t sleep too late”

“ Arraso Noona have fun” they all said together.


I left the dorm, grabbed a taxi and went to my office I was late like usual.

When I arrived I was going to get a heart attack what the hell is wearing?

An ahjussi hat, an ahjussi coat, sunglasses, a scarf in the middle of July? OMG he just looked like an ahjussi

“Mihane did you wait for long?” “ No it’s alright, wow you look beautiful” “ Thanks, what are you wearing?” “Ah it’s because we are going out so I don’t want someone to recognize me”

“ Yeah I think you did a great job. If I saw you on the streets I wouldn’t recognize you in a million years” I joked but didn’t joke you know.

“ Let’s go” He said while opening the door for the stairs hall “Yah, What are you doing let’s go with the elevator” “euh we need to leave the company with the back door or else rumors will start”

“ooooooooh Shireoooo” I said while whining “ Miahne, I”ll make up for it. Yakso”

 “Fine let’s just get out off here” we arrived at his car; he opened the door for me to get in. In the car he put my seatbelt on. He was getting really close. My heart was pounding really fast and I was getting soo red. He looked at me smiled and blushed. “ Where are we going?” I asked to get rid off the awkwardness “It’s a surprise.”

Ji Yong POV

I was trying to keep calm as I looked at her beautiful face. She looks even more beautiful now that she is dressed up. I just hope that she will like what I prepared for her. It’s my first date since a long time I just hope everything goes as planned.

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xiseyre #1
I LOVE THE FOREWORD! Reading from the start! Thanks for supporting my story! Now let me support yours!
gemmaflame #2
Chapter 25: The end. :)
gemmaflame #3
Chapter 22: OMG. MARRY HIM!!!!
gemmaflame #4
gemmaflame #5
Chapter 19: Yerrrrrrrrrr. ... JIRI SHIPPER!!
gemmaflame #6
Chapter 18: Yeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ..................... I WANT JIYONG AND YONGRI! !
gemmaflame #7
Chapter 17: Your babies are my babies and our babies are hungry....this babies agree with the daddy...still funny
gemmaflame #9
Chapter 16: Update please
Chapter 14: i love it!!!