Chapter 17

Let's Start Anew


            “Hyoyeon-shi, look, after I substituted the length with L and the width with W, what am I suppose to do?”

            “You’ll need to plug in the given. It’s says right, that twice the width is the length. It means that 2W = L. Here, I’ll write it.”

            It has been one fun and awkward hour that I’ve been teaching Junho some Algebra. Like the last time we were at the studio, we’re laughing and joking around but we will suddenly become silent when we look at each other’s eyes. Weird huh, I thought so too. Thirty minutes more and I have to go home, but to be honest, I still don’t want to. I don’t know why, but I forget my problems when I’m with this guy, just like when I’m dancing, time and everything seems to stop.

            “Ahhhhhh. I get it. I like this kind of problem better than those ‘money problems’ where a person buys 50 watermelons. Who on the earth does that?” Junho complains like a child.

            “I know right! Problems like that are all exaggerating. As if they can eat all that.” I second the motion. He gave me a high five for agreeing with him. But, he didn’t let go of my hand. He’s still holding it. All I did is to look at him and feel my heart beats like crazy.

            “Hyo, don’t move, okay?” He said in a calm voice.


            “There’s a cockroach on the wall behind you.”

            “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” I screamed on top of my lungs. I hate cockroach, I really do. They’re simply gross.  I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.


            “Woah. What’s going on around here?” A new voice said. A man opened the main door.

            “Dude, there’s a cockroach. Why didn’t you kill it?” I heard a hard slap of a slipper on the wall. I guess that man killed the cockroach already. Phew.

            “Hyoyeon Unni?!” Then a girl spoke. Wait, is that Sooyoung?

            I opened my eyes, which is totally shut because of fear, and I realize that I was holding-slash-hugging onto Junho the entire time. I quickly let go of my arms around his neck and calm myself down. I can’t believe I just did that. I quickly turn around just to see Sooyoung and Chansung together.

            “Unni, what was that?” Sooyoung asked as Chansung walk pass by her and go straight to the kitchen.

            “Nothing, promise.  Junho just to told me there was a cockroach behind me, which I hate as you know, and then--” I was babbling real fast. “Wait a sec, why are you here? I thought you’re in a contest?” I quickly changed the topic.

            “Yah, Chansungie, why are you with Sooyoung?” Junho also shouted to Chansung who is gulping a big bottle of cold water from the fridge.

            “I saw her at the fast food near the dorm a while ago. And she said, she’s friend with Hyoyeon Noona and I said she’s here, so Sooyoung came along.” Chansung yelled back.

            “Ne. That’s right. We won and paid nothing for that 3lb burger. It’s worth it! Unni and Junho should also try it.” Sooyoung said in delight.

            I just looked at Junho and we both laughed. We just know we can’t beat the two. They’re extremely shikshin. But for us, we will probably just pay for the burger and go home.

            “No, thanks.” Junho said in between our laughs.

            “You two seem to get along well.” Chansung entered the living room.

            “Of course, Hyoyeon is a great teacher.”

            “Well, thank you.” I giggled. I looked at the wall clock and it’s already 5:30. We have to go home already. “Guys, it’s late. We need to go, I’m really sorry.”

            “Why?~ I barely even go around their dorm.” Sooyoung whined.

            “Choi Sooyoung, as far as I know, we are both in charge of tonight’s dinner. You don’t want 7 girls to beat us, don’t you?” I scolded her. Sooyoung just pouted and nodded in agreement.

            Junho picked my things and handed it me. “Junho, I’m really sorry but I have to go. Just call me if you have problems in answering the questions. And thank you for welcoming us in your dorm.”

            “It’s okay. I should be the one thanking you. You helped me a lot. The next time you visit us, we’ll surely clean the house. Right, Chansung?”

            “Ne.” Chansung said.

            “Okay, then. We’ll get going. Let’s go Sooyoung. Bye bye~” We bowed to them and went outside.

            “Wait, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung!” Junho called after a few steps.

            “I’ll send you home. I’ll just borrow Seulong’s car.” He said.

            “Awww. Sweet!” Sooyoung said. That’s how I reacted the last time too, Soo. No one ever did simple things like that to us, even walking us home.

            “No, need Junho. We can just call a cab.” I said. Driving us home is too much.

            “It’s okay. And besides, I didn’t get to send you home the last time because there is no car. So, please, let me?” He pleaded with puppy eyes. Sooyoung got convinced that she’s elbowing me again.

            “Okay, okay.” I finally approved.

            At the main entrance of the building, Junho spoke to Seulong, one of his guard friends, so he can borrow his car and without hesitation Seoulong lend it.

            “Tell me when you’re dating her already, araso?” Seoulong joked. And Junho just laugh it off. “I’ll return your car safe, promise. Thank you, hyung!”

            Before we get in the car, Sooyoung is looking somewhere else. I followed her gaze and saw Chansung waving at us from their window.

            “Awww.” Sooyoung waved back at him and I followed.

***Put your hands up, put your hands up. Put-put-p-put***

            Junho’s phone rang.

            “Okay. I will. Ne. Okay, bye.” He said quickly at the phone.

            “Girls, shall we go?” He asked after putting his phone back to his pocket.

            We get inside the car, me at the passenger seat and Sooyoung at the back and of course, Junho beside me at the driver’s seat.

            “Wow, I’m like your child. Omma~ Appa~” Sooyoung baby-voiced again.

            Junho laugh hard, he must be surprised. “I’m sorry about that.” I apologized for Sooyoung acting like that which I’m already used to.

            “It’s okay. Let’s go?!” He asked and started the engine.


            We’re having our own party in the car. Music is just the key to our joy ride. Even though Junho is also having fun with us, he’s carefully driving.

            When entered the district of Gangnam, Junho lowered the volume of the music so we can tell him the directions.

            “Turn right at that street.” I said and he followed.

            “There, that’s our dorm.” Sooyoung pointed at the tall building at the left part of the road. We made a stop and before I can thank him, Junho already spoke.

            “Uhm, Hyoyeon.” He said.


            “How should I say this?”

            “Oh my gosh, what will you say to Hyoyeonie?” Sooyoung exclaimed. I know, Sooyoung’s assuming differently again.

            “Uhmm. Its just that. Our dance troupe is joining this outside competition and two of our female lead got injured. Uhmm…Can we…recruit you to join our dance troupe? We can recruit people outside the school. So we’re thinking of you to be part of our team.” He said. I don’t know what to say. I feel overwhelmed that they want me in their group but I’m afraid, because I can put this great group down with my lack of experience and training.

            “But I--”

            “She can.” Sooyoung butted in again. “Hyo, wants to be in your group.”

            “Sooyoung…!” I protested. I’m not sure what she’s thinking to say that.

            “Hyo, I can see and feel that you want to dance. You’re born to be on stage and to perform. You can’t always hide that. You have to share your talent. And you need to be in their group to do that.” Sooyoung explained and I was speechless. She tells it all, even the things I don’t realize.

            “So I take that as a yes?” Junho asked.

            “Yes.” I answered. “I will work hard so that your group won’t be disappointed choosing me.”

            “No, we’ll never be disappointed. Thank you, Hyo. Thank you very much.” He said in excitement. “By the way, Chansung is asking if Yuri can also join?”

            “Yuri?” I looked at my back and saw Sooyoung down. “I’m not sure. She has yoga class every day after school. And she’s also been busy with her boyfriend.” I emphasized the last word. “Right, Sooyoung?”

            “Ah ne!” She’s up again.

            “Aww. That’s a shame for Chansung then.” Junho said.

            “But I’m free. I can join if you want!” Sooyoung suggested in hype.

            “Really, you can join? That’s great, you’re in! I’ll just text you the schedule of rehearsals. Thank you soooooo much, Hyo and Sooyoung. You completed our group.” He said with my favorite eye smile of him.

            “Thank you too! I’m super excited!” Sooyoung squealed.

            “We should go inside the dorm now. Thank you for the ride, Junho. We’ll meet again soon! Bye~ Take care driving, okay? Let’s go Sooyoung.” I said, and both of us went out of the car with a big smile on our face.

Hi guys! As promised, I updated chapter 17 before the end of the month. :)

I was rereading some other chapters and spotted typos. Haha. I'm really sorry about that.

Anyway, we already have more that 3000 views! Yehey! I'm so happy! \:D/ <:-P

Thank you, readers and subscribers! Keep up the good job.

And I have a favor to ask. Can you give me a name for the dance group of Hyo and Junho?! Please? Thanks!

Thank you to my new subscribers! Keep reading, posting comments and subscribing! <3

Love you all! >:D<

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Chapter 31: I'll be your co-author and proofread this. If ir when you update again, just message me. XD
nuneodevotion #2
Chapter 31: aigooo i love this story so much! it really had me captivated! Please update soon!
ditaprmtsr #3
Chapter 23: well, i like JunHyo couple :D
junho so sweet on their 1st date ~~ XP
but i love doojoon too here even he so cold to hyo >:)
is junho in betting to get hyo ??
i realllllly hope junho not hurt her..
n when it happen i wish doojoon will lean his shoulder 4 her.. :D
im very want to know what secret between jun n doo..
so, update ASAP :)) fighting !!!!!!
kyaa~ i like this story!!! really curious about that banana and strawberry ice cream couple! is it sooyoung and chansung??? what are they doing??
and doojoon!!! wrong time you come! hyoyeon is about to confess! anyway, i still think doojoon is cool with his coldness! *i am doojoon's fangirl* hahaha
anyway, junhyo, fighting!
sarence25 #6
sarence25 is me??
I want to see it!!
misschinatown #7
haha you watch nigahiga too !
love the story...
yellowloves #8
@nabilahLJ Fighting! ^^
Can't wait the next chapter...
JunHyo fighting!!
yellowloves #10
YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE! *3* My plot's working. Hahahaha. You're throwing tantrums at Doo Joon. =)))) Cuuute! >.<

@AeYun_7 Guess what, I've already updated! you can now read the part 2 of The First Date. :) Hope you'd like it. :*
@nnimm Hahaha. Because I said so, and that's his role for the story. >:)))) Kidding. :) You'll sure find out next time. ^^
@j_love2pm Maybe yes, maybe not. Hahaha. You'll know about that next time. :) Just wait and I'll explain everything on the right time. ^^
@hellopanda23 Kekeke. What do you think Doo Joon will do next? :)))
@JunHyo I knew, you would cringe! Hahaha. Even I didn't take that too much cheesiness, so I change their lovey dovey moments. Okay, fine, you're right! ^^ I'll just explain about ChanSoo on my next chapter so that also everyone would know. :)