Running into Poeple

My Dancing Partner

B1A4- Beautiful Target Zoom Zoom Ver.


Walking around Seoul before _________ goes to work. On a nice day which is snowing the best day ever for _________. She loves the snow and walking around by herself is the best because the guys have to work early. _________ had her earphones in and was not paying attention until she fell on the ground.

"Ouch that hurts"
"Oh mianhaeyo"
"Huh? Oh anyo it's my fault I was not paying attention", _________ looked up.
"Oh it's just you ㅋㅋ you remember me right?"
"Oh yeah I think I do your...Your Kris right?"
"ㅋㅋ Ne I'm Kris"
"Oh and that's Luhan, Tao, and Lay but who are the others?"
"Oh well the others we are all in a band called EXO"
"Oh cool I never heard of them"
"Well we are a new band"
"Ahh cool so Kris who are they?"
"Well you already know Luhan, Tao, and Lay the others are Xiumin, Chen, Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun,D.O, and Kai"
"Kai? Oh sorry umm Annyeonghasayo my name is Lee _________"
"Annyeong" all of them bowed at the same time.

"Annyeong _________-ah", Kai smiled.
"Huh? You know me?" _________ looked lost.
"Ne don't you remember me?" Kai lost his smile.
"Ah I don't think so mianhae", _________ felt bad.
'Does she really not remember me? How could this be?' Kai thought to himself.
"So _________ do you wanna walk with us?" Luhan asked.
"Oh anyo mianhaeyo I have to go to work"
"You work?" Baekhyun looked at her.
"Ne as a dance teacher wae?"
"You look younger than you are", D.O looked at her a little better.
"Bowh ㅋ anyo I'm only 16 years old"
"Oh chinja? Your as old as our 2 maknae" Suho smiled.
"Oh ne" Kai looked down.
"Wah she is? And she's a dance teacher? How cool" Sehun smiled.
"ㅋㅋ thanks Sehun-sshi well EXO I have to go before I'm late to work annyeong", _________ waved and walked away.


'Was that really Kai? He did look like Kai when we audtion? Aish what is going on after they got in to the company I never really cared Oh well forget it', _________ thought before she went inside.

"Kai why do you look so sad?" D.O asked like a mother.
"Aish D.O Hyung she really forgot who I was", Kai kicked the ground
"Hyung it's ok we can just go to her work and talk to her", Sehun looked at his phone.
"How do you know where she works Sehun-ah", Chen looked lost.
"Well Hyung I went to go look for dancing jobs on my phone and she teaches the top dancing classes here in Seoul", Sehun smiled.
"Oh chinja did they like her that much is her name on the website?" Kai looked at Sehun's phone.
"Ne it is, it says'If you want a lesson by our best dancer click here' and is shows her name and a little picture", Sehun read a loud.
"Oh Kai-ah the picture it cut", Baekhyun took a look.
"Oh that's a picture when we were younger I have one too and so does Taemin Hyung"
"Oh Chinja let's call Taemin Hyung too so you guys can meet again ne?" Chanyeol smiled.
"Umm sure we can"
"Araso Chanyeol-ah call Taemin Hyung", Luhan smiled.
"Tao and Xiumin Hyung, gwenchana? You guys are not talking?" Luhan asked in Chinese and Korean.
"Oh ne I am wae?" Xiumin snaped out of thought.
"Luhan Gee when did we meet her?"
"Xiumin-ah you look pale are you sure your ok?" Luhan touched Xiumin's face.
"Ne I am don't worry aish", Xiumin sloftly hits Luhan's hand.
"And Tao we met her a couple months ago remember and we didn't really speak Korean or you didn't really speak Korean"
"Oh that's her ㅋㅋ she looks cuter know"
"Yah don't try and hit on my best friend", Kai scolded Tao.
"Aish mianhae Kai clam down"

All of EXO asked their managers if they could go to the top dance studio and get a dance lesson from Lee _________. The managers asked why they needed one when they would get it for free, they all told him they wanted to help _________ and give her extra money. The managers thought it was a good idea and let them all go to the top dance studio.

When all of EXO came into the studio all the kids that were their all froze and didn't move. The kids got scared and they all ran into the dance studio they didn't know what to do because EXO were all tall guys walking around the studio.

"Oh students what's the matter?"
"Miss. Lee there are giants in the dance studio"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean they are really really tall and it's scary"
"Aish ok students let's walk out there together than ne?"
"Ne Miss.Lee"

When they all walked out there the kids all held _________'s hand and arm. They were all scared except for _________ she was use to tall people and she didn't care who they were she would kick them out.

"Ok students go to your parents hurry before they come back"
"Ne Miss.Lee", they all ran to their parents and left in a hurry.
"Oh you scared me Suho"
"Umm we are here for our dance lesson", Baekhyun smiled.
"Bowh you guys didn't ask for a dance lesson it's not in my schedule I have to teach a group of guys called 'We Are One' aish and their late"
"It's us you pabo", Kris ruffled _________'s hair.
"We are here until 10pm", Sehun smiled.
"Bowh why so long? Don't you guys have a schedule"
"Anyo we don't oh and we are just waiting on one more person he'll be late", Kai smiled.
"Oh ne well then lets get ready and I'll teach you guys something ne?"
"Oh sorry we won't without Taemin Hyung", Chanyeol looked at the time.
"Anyways our lessons doesn't start until 5pm so you have 30 minutes to yourself", D.O smiled.
"Oh araso gomawoyo"
"Ah it's nothing", Tao smiled.
"Ne well see you guys in a little"
"Ne annyeong", Xiumin smiled.

While EXO was waiting for Taemin they just sat there and waited for him. _________ was waiting and she had nothing to do so she started to dance to her own music. She put in her earphones and didn't hear anything she danced and danced she never really got tired. She continued to dance until she ran into someone and fell on the ground.

"Ouch my knee"
"Oh mianhaeyo"
"Anyo it's my fault, umm I'll be back", _________ looked up and saw Taemin.
"Oh annyeong _________-ah"
"Umm Annyeong", _________ got up and bowed with a bleeding knee.
"Oh your knee is bleeding let me help you", Taemin carried her to the office and helped her clean it off.
"Thank you", _________ sighed.
"Do you remember me?"
"Anyo I don't think so miahaeyo"
"Oh anyo it's ok, it's been a while scene we have seen each other"
"Oh ne well let's go and dance ne?"
"Ne let's go"

_________ had put on a random song and let all of EXO and Taemin free style to the song so she knows how they all dance. While the song was going she remembered some moves that her friend Kai and Taemin did while looking at the idols Kai and Taemin. She couldn't keep that off her mind that they looked just like her friends. Where they her friends? Are they the ones who audition and you decided to not talk to them anymore? Or are they just strangers? Who were they?

_________ had stop the music,"ok stop I got it you guys are good at free styling but what do you guys really do in your group?"
"Well I'm the main vocal", Baekhyun smiled.
"I'm also a main vocal", D.O smirked.
"Me too", Chen smiled.
"Yup me too", Luhan smiled.
"I'm the leader", Suho smiled.
"So am I, I'm also the rapper", Kris smirked.
"I'm the rapper", Chanyeol smiled.
"Me too and I'm the youngest in my group" Tao smirked.
"Im also the rapper but I'm also the dancer", Kai smiled.
"I'm the dancing youngest in my group", Sehun smiled.
"I'm the youngest dancer in my group too", Taemin smirked.
"Cool well I'm not in a group so it doesn't matter", _________ smiled and looked at the mirro.

"Ok so the first thing you guys are going to learn is foot movements", _________ showed them, "Just like that ok guys?"
"Ne", they all answered together.
"Ok 5,6,5,6,7,8...1,and 2,and 3,and 4, and 5...Ok you guys got it?"
"Umm ne", they all answered again.
"Ok show me", _________ smiled,"Ok 5,6,7,8...1,2,3,4, and 5 ㅋㅋ ok so Taemin and Kai got it but the rest keep running into each other"
"ㅋㅋ that's how they are", Taemin smiled.
"Ok well Taemin and Kai you guys can step out I want to teach the others how I learned"
"Ne", both Taemin and Kai stepped out.
"Ok so guys I learned this move really fast so I want you guys to face your toes together"
"Then when you move back your feet face oppisite but one is kind of in front of the other"
"Do you guys have it?"
"Ok ready 5,6,7,8...1, and 2, and 3, and 4, and 5 wah you guys got it ㅋㅋ cool ok next move is still foot movement araso?"
"Araso" they all answered at once.
_________ showed them,"Ok so we are going to do this move ready to learn"
"Ok so it's called heel-toe so the front foot is on it's heel while the back is on it's toe and when they come together they are flat"
"Ok ready"
"Ok 5,6,7,8...1,2,3,4,5", _________ smiled, "You guys ready to show me"
"Ok 5,6,7,8...1,2,3,4,5", _________ was happy.

"Ok you guys got thoes 2 down so the song we are going to dance to is called W'O'W by BtoB", the song.
"Oh ne", Taemin and Kai smiled.
"Ok so the foot works would go here", _________ showed them.
"W'O'W that was good", Taemin smiled.
"Oh thanks Taemin"
"Yeah no problem"
"Ok so you guys ready for this?"
"Ne we are", Suho smiled.
"Ok get ready it's coming", _________ smiled and when it came they all started to dance to that part.
"ㅋㅋ that was cool", Tao smiled.
"ㅋㅋ thanks but we need to do the whole song", _________ smiled.
"Oh wae?" Baekhyun looked lost.
"Well each class I teach autimaticly goes to perform for the family that can't pay to let their kids go watch real concerts so we do one for free"
"Oh w'o'w that's cool", Luhan smiled.
"Thanks well you guys are idols so people would be happy to see these months performance"
"When is it?" Taemin smiled.
"Umm at the end of December so New Years Eve"
"Oh cool", Baekhyun smiled.
"So all your classes learn the dance in one month?" Kai looked at the time.
"Ne they do wae?"
"Well because some kids learn slower than others", Kai smiled.
"Ne they do but they seem to be friends so they teach each other which makes it easy for me"
"Oh w'o'w that's a cool friendship there", Chanyeol smiled.

"Ne it is, I remember when my 2 friends always taught me new things and we learn a dance with in a month it was fun"
"So you do remember us?" Taemin smirked.
"I guess so"
"You do don't worry we already know", Kai smile grew.
"ㅋㅋ I guess I did remember you guys it was just so long ago"
"See Kai I told you she would remember", Kris smiled.
"Ne I guess I just didn't want to try", Kai smiled.
"Bowh that's not the Kai I know. The Kai I know said that he would never give up even if he is going to die"
"Aish that Kai is still here somewhere", Kai looked around.
"Oh Chinja? I guess I have the wrong Kai then"
"ㅋㅋ anyo I'm right here I'm one of a kind you won't be able to find anyone like me", Kai whinned.
"Ne I did"
"Taemin Oppa"
"ㅋㅋ well I think I'm still better than Kai"
"Aish like always", Kai pouted.
"Well after a couple of years things did change you guys became better dancer and you guys look better and taller"
"ㅋㅋ yeah we do and our little dancing machine is still our short little friend who looks prettier", Taemin smiled.
"Aish Taemin Oppa at least I don't scare kids like EXO I'm regular size compare to you guys"
"ㅋㅋ that's true the kids were scared of us", Baekhyun smiled.
"See I tell the truth"
"Ok back to dancing before we get in trouble by our managers", Suho ruffled _________'s hair.

"Ok so let's go so the begining is like a posing...", _________ explained her plan of the dance to the guys and they all caught on sooner or later. The dance was not done but close to dont they had a 5 hour dance class which ended _________'s day at work. She taught them all her moves and she had to teach them the ending of the song which was not to hard for her or them. Today was a day that Kai, Taemin, and _________ loved, it was a day of memory that they always had, they were all happy to see each other again after about 3 years from not seeing each other.

When _________ got home there was food on the table and she ate just a little and got ready to sleep. Before she went to sleep she went into Peniel's and Aron's room to tell them about the awesome day she had. They were all happy for her and wanted her to always be happy they wanted her to always smile like tonight. They didn't care who it was they just wanted a smiled to go across _________'s face and not see a sad face form her all the time. Today was a day that everyone loved.

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !