Oppa I'll Help You

My Dancing Partner

Juniel ft.Younghwa-Pabo


Joon was going home from visiting his baby sister. Joon was upset to know that his friend hurt his girlfriend again he hated it. Joon hated seeing her upset and everything he didn't know what to do anymore.

_________ felt bad and wanted to help her brother out. So she took the subway to his dorm. _________ arrived there before Joon could so she rung the door bell and it suddenly opend. _________ bowed and she smiled knowing that it was her brothers so called friend. She asked to come in and he let her in.

"Oh annyeonghasayo I'm Joon's younger sister Lee _________", _________ bowed.
"Annyeong I'm Youn Jounghyun"
"Ah nice to meet you", _________ smiled.
"Umm I'll be leaving soon so tell Joon that I'm leaving"
"Oh araso"
"Mmm ne no problem"
 Jonghyun had left and it was quite for 10 minutes till the door bell rung. _________ got up and ran to the door. She opened it and saw it was a girl. _________ bowed and bid her hello.

"Oh why are you here in a boys dorm?"
"Ah I'm waiting here my brother Joon"
"Oh so your the little sister he keeps talking about"
"He talks about me? Is it good?"
"Ne it is don't worry I'm HyunA"
"Oh wah so your the girl"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh anni it's nothing"
"Well I came here to talk to Joon but I guess he's not here"
"Oh HyunA Sunbae he will be back", _________ looked at her handphone, "right now"

_________ was right. Suddenly the door open and Joon came into his dorm with 2 girls in them. He started to freak out but he knew that it was Hyuna and his little sister. He didn't care that much.

"Yah pabo how did you get in", Joon pointed to _________.
"Oppa Jonghyun Sunbae let me in"
"That little punk just letting in little kids to my dorm"
"Oppa I'm not that little I'm in high school already"
"What year"
"Oppa what do you mean what year"
"I'm serious"
"Year 3"
"Oh ok"
"Oppa Pabo"

"Aw how cute a sister and brother fight", Hyuna smiled.
"Hyuna Sunbae you don't have any sibillings?"
"Anniyo I don't sadly", Hyuna pouted.
"That's good you don't want one", Joon nuged his sisters head.
"Yah Oppa be nicer to your visitor and I wanna help"
"Help with what?" Hyuna question.
"Joon Oppa you never told her"
"Anniyo we'll talk later"
"Oppa you need to tell her know or it's to late"
"Aish araso I understand youngster"
"Oppa right now now no waiting"

Joon awkwardly stood there and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Umm Hyuna-ah I have something to tell you"
"I kind of", Joon paused for a while, "I kind of liked you for a long time"
"Oh chinja?" Hyuna smiled.
"I did to I just thought you never liked me", Hyuna smiled.
"Oppa now Oppa now", _________ said aloud and smiled.
"Hyuna will you be my girlfriend?"
"Ne I would love to be your girlfriend"
"WOOHOO Oppa finally did yeah yeah yeah", _________ was happy she was awkwardly dancing around the dorm.
"Aigoo", Joon lightly hit his sister's head.
"Oppa that's not nice", _________ pouted.
"Aigoo I love you thanks little one"
"Eh it's nothing Oppa it's a good day for you right?"
"Ne it is now go home before Jongup-goon gets mad"
"Aish araso annyeong Oppa annyeong Unnie", _________ smiled and left the dorm.

_________ had took the subway back to her house. She was so happy for Joon she didn't know what to do. All she could do is spaz out like a fangirl. It was like Joon was an idol and he fianlly asked out his high school crush. Well it is but Joon is just not an idol he's normal kind of. _________ was just so happy she didn't know what to do or how to express her feelings.

 Joon and Hyuna was also happy the problem was how do they tell Jonghyun. Joon was scared to tell Jonghyun but he knew that Jonghyun was out with another girl by now so he sent a text to Jonghyun.

Hey Hyung you might be pissed but I think you and Hyuna broke up right?
Well I just asked her out and she said yes so we're together now thanks Hyung^^
And sorry if this pisses you off don't get mad it's not my fault



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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !