Our Audition

My Dancing Partner

SM Town-Dear my Family

A/N this song is so good I love it. I listen to it and not knowing the lyrics I cried after looking up the lyrics I still cried hehe nice slow song. I hope you guys enjoy this short chapter^^.

It's been a year scene _________ have met Kai and Taemin and a year scene they have been dancing together. So _________ decided that they were ready too....

That they were ready to finally audition for a company. You guys have been practicing together to see each others moves and were not afrid to adition against each other. When the company came to their school they got ready and they all signed in to do the audtion.

After a couple of days Kai and Taemin got a letter back fom the company, but ________ didn't. When they came to school Kai and Taemin was really happy except for _________ she came in not smiling like always but she didn't have a letter in her hand to show them.

Kai and Taemin walked up to her and showed her their letter. She was close to crying because she hated herself for not being as good as Taemin and Kai. Sulli walked over and tried to comfort her but nothing worked. When the teacher came in she said congrates to Kai and Taemin which made her really mad so she got up and walked out of the class room.

Sulli stood up and walked up to the teacher and said sorry for what ________ did and explained everything. The teacher understood and she knew how __________ felt so she told the other teachers to keep it down about the audition because __________ was mad about it. Sulli went to go look for ___________ and couldn't find her she seem to have been missing all of a sudden.

They only place Sulli looked was in the garden where ________ usually sits, but she was not there. The only other place where _________ would go and relax herslef was the music room. When Sulli looked through the window she saw _________ and didn't bother going in she just wanted __________ to relax first then they could talk. When Sulli when in to talk to __________ she didn't talk at all she just got up and left.

1 year later:
_________ is a High School student now with Sulli. After the audition ___________ never talked to Taemin and Kai ever again. They sent her a letter saying good bye and that she should try again and never to give up on her dream of dancing. She didn't even look the letter she just hung it up in her room and let it sit there for 1 year.

School started and the people _______ wanted to see was Sulli, Taemin, and Kai. But she remember that Taemin and Kai made it to the company and have been training. She didn't want to bring them up anymore so she continue on the day not talking to Sulli too and the day went but very very slow.

2 year later:
It's been 2 years and know _________ is a Junior. She forgot about Taemin and Kai and she become a quite soul like Jr. High. She would talk to Sulli ever now and then but Sulli started to date people and ________ was left alone to deal with her own problems her parents. She made everything very easy for her school was a whole lot easier but not seeing her Oppa was not a whole lot easier you always needed his help when her parents were out and she was left alone.

It was always to late for her to call her Oppa and ask him to come over. School has been easy and only got harder a little bit. ________ was always the top student that didn't talk to anyone but Sulli. Everyone hated her but she didn't care all she cared about was dancing and becoming an idol which never happened to her so she gave up on auditioning for companies. Everyone told her that she should audition again but she never listen she just did what she wanted to do.

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !