Winter break 4/5

My Dancing Partner

JellyFish Entertainemt-Because it's Christmas


Sulli started to tear up,"BOWH?"
"Ne it's ture", Ken walked out.
"Why didn't she tell me about it? Why why dongsaeng mianhae chinja", Sulli sat down and cried in Youngmin's arms.
" was a secret she didn't want anyone to know", Ken bowed his head.
"Then Ken Sunbae why do you know?" Sulli looked up.
"I only know because after school I was looking for _________ and I didn't see her until I went to the back of the school and saw her sitting down looking really beat up and her hand had a bunch of blood coming out of it. I looked at her and she weakly smiled at me and said it was nothing then she fainted. I ran her to the hospital and this one is cloest to our school and Nurse Vicky here helped us"
"Ne I did when _________ woke up me and Ken-sshi was waiting here _________ looked at us and she saw her arm she looked and she weakly said 'Please I beg you guys not to tell anyone about this' ever since then it's been a secret"
"I'm such a bad friend not looking after my little dongsaeng I gave my heart to when we were in 8th grade I just let her go"

Sulli had walked into the room and saw Leo and Joon sitting on each side of _________. Tears welled up in Sulli's eyes and tears soon streamed down her face she didn't know what to do. Everyone stayed the night at the hospital to keep company.

The next morning _________ woke up and looked around, 'Where am I?'
"_________ you woke up?" L.Joe smiled.
"Oppa why is everyone here? Where am I?" _________ question.
"Ah well last night you were talking to Jongup-ah remember", L.Joe nodded.
"Ne I remember", _________ looked at all the faces.
"Well you fainted and you were rushed to the hospital and we spent the night here"
"Bowh where's Taemin and Kai are they here", _________ started to panic.
"Anniyo they're not"
"Aish that's good"
"Oppa their Idol why do they need to care about me", _________ shook her head.
"Araso araso", L.Joe smiled and shook Joon.

"Ah Baby Sister your up aigoo you scared me", Joon hugged _________.
"Joon Oppa", _________ bit her lips, "Mianhaeyo chinja"
"Ah your up already", Nurse Vicky walked in.
"Ah ne Vicky Unnie I am", _________ smiled.
"How's your arm?" Vicky asked.
_________ shook her head,"Anniyo nothings ah~ ah apa", _________ held her arm.
"Oh yah wae gwenchana? Yah what's wrong with your arm uh?" Joon held _________'s arm.
"AH~ Oppa chinja it's nothing don't worry"
"Yah let me look at it", Joon pulled _________'s sleeve up.

_________ looked away when he did that. She had tears in her eyes she really didn't know what to do. Her life seem to be a mess everything was going down slowly.

Joon sighed,"_________-ah why didn't you tell me? Ken-sshi had to tell me"
"Oppa", _________ had tears in her eyes,"Oppa molla chinja they...they must hate me"
Leo got up and hugged _________ really tight,"_________-ah I was here all along and you didn't tell me...wae"
_________ cried in Leo's arms,"Leo Oppa mianhaeyo I'm a pabo I didn't want to many people to worry about me"
"_________-ah people care look around you, you have us", Jongup stood up with tears in his eyes.
"Oppa growing up I was over protective by my family after everyone left I was left to take care of myself"
"Umma Appa is over seas as of right now and you know you have me", Joon looked in _________'s eyes.
"Joon Oppa molla...chinja molla who do I trust", _________ had tears flowing down her face.
Sulli walked over to _________,"_________-ah did you forget about me? Mianhae I just left you behind I never do that again"
"Unnie don't say I should say that I left you because I felt left out of this love thing. Unnie", _________ started to cry.

VIXX couldn't watch _________ cry anymore so they had left to room. They were all sitting outside the room waiting until someone else came out. Jongup was also sitting outside the room but he had his headphones in listening to Yiruam to calm himself down a little.

Jongup's POV:

Leo got up and hugged _________ really tight,"_________-ah I was here all along and you didn't tell me...wae"
_________ cried in Leo's arms,"Leo Oppa mianhaeyo I'm a pabo I didn't want to many people to worry about me"
"_________-ah people care look around you, you have us", Jongup stood up with tears in his eyes.
"Oppa growing up I was over protective by my family after everyone left I was left to take care of myself"

That scene just played over and over in my head. That should have been me hugging _________ not Leo why is he here? Why does he care about her? He needs to leave. I want to protect _________ I would lose my life just to keep her alive I would do anything to keep her safe.

That really should have been me. Why was he there? Why was I so late? I don't understand why is she not falling for me? What am I doing wrong? I'm falling head over heels for her but it seems Leo is too. I don't want this to happen I still want to have _________ by my side she needs to be there. What am I doing wrong? Why does my life have to be like this?

Narator's POV:
Jongup sat there with his hood on with tears in his eyes. He wanted to tell his feelings for _________ but that had to happen last night.
'Why didn't I check up on her like I use to do when we were younger?' Jongup sat up and saw Leo standing in front of him.

Jongup quickly stood up and wipped the tears away from his eyes.

"I can tell you like _________ as well", Leo looked down.
"Yeah and?" Jongup said in a calm voice.
"I'm I want to be there for her but I can't she told me she liked me but was that as a friend or not? I don't but please do tell her your feelings and please protect her", Leo looked at Jongup.
Jongup looked at Leo as well,"She told you that", Jongup sighed,"She told me that too but maybe as a friend I do love her and I care for her but Leo Sunbae you seem to care for her as much as I do"

"I do care for that poor thing and I would do anything to keep her safe but I didn't know that happen to her"
"Niether did I"
"Ken-ah knew all along and never told me Ken I liked her but Jongup-sshi I trust you"
"Leo Sunbae why?"
"She talks about you all the time when ever were with her she just keeps talking about you she smiled all the time when she hears your name. Your name is like a song to her it makes her smile and sometimes it just pushes her to tears your the song the repeats in her heart"

"When I see her smile it brightens me it makes me smile I'm just glad to know she's happy and maybe you can help make that smile last forever I'm in a gang and every girl hits on me I know it's not good", Leo looked away, "this is your change to love a pure girl like _________ so don't lose it araso"

"Araso Leo Sunbae", Jongup smiled.
"Now go in there and tell her", Leo nodded to the door.

Jongup looked at the door and walked over there. When he walked in he notice that you were holding L.Joe's hand. Jongup put his hand on L.Joe's shoulders to let him know to leave.

"_________-ah can we talk?" Jongup motion everyone to leave.
"Ne Jongup Oppa we can", _________ lightly smiled.
"Dongsaeng you might need this", Peniel handed him flowers.
"Gomawo Hyung", Jongup smiled.
"Jongup Oppa what is it?"
Jongup got on one knee,"I know it's late to tell you this, but the only reason why Kai Hyung talked to you was because I asked him"
"Oppa what do you mean?"
"_________ I really really like's not even a like I LOVE YOU LEE _________ I really do"
"So Lee _________ tell me will you be my girlfriend?"
This had brought tears to _________'s eyes she took the flowers,"Oppa how long did it take you to finally tell eh?"
Jongup looked up,"You accepted it...But you told Kai that you would never really go out with a guy"
"Jongup Oppa why did you tell Kai Oppa to ask me? All you had to do was be yourself Oppa I love you for that"
"Wah chinja I thought you liked someone like Kai", Jongup smiled.
"Aigoo Oppa Kai Oppa is different he taught me something I love him as a friend"
"But Leo told me"
"Oppa it was just to get Ken Oppa jealous ㅋㅋ anyways Leo Oppa knows that I like you much more than him"
Leo walked in,"I told Jongup"
"Yah Leo Oppa go away", _________ pouted.
"Jongup see it was you all along you were the magic that made her smile not just us but you stirred everything to make that smile apear on her face", Leo smiled.
_________ smiled, "Jongup Oppa how long have you been planing this?"
"Ever since we came here", B-Bomb smiled and walked in.
"Aigoo I'm Jongup Oppa"
"ㅋㅋ ne ever since we came here that's why we transfered"
"Aigoo Oppa", _________ playfully hit Jongup's arm.

After a talk with Jongup and the guys _________ had a big smile on her face. She also talked to VIXX and told them as well they were happy but Hongbin was sad he's not getting to hit on _________ anymore he loved doing that to her.

"Yah Jongup-sshi I'm still going to hit on your girl araso?" Hongbin smirked.
"Aish araso just don't", Jongup looked around then whispered, "grab her"
"ㅋㅋ I won't if I do I'll let you punch me right here", Hongbin pointed right at his cheek.
"Anniyo your in a gang I don't want to get hurt"
"ㅋㅋ ne ne I promise though"
Ken walked over to Jongup,"Jongup-sshi promise me one thing"
"To take good care of _________ and protect her I know Ken-sshi"
"Thank you"
"Anniyo you knew about her secret if you didn't know we would have never heard of it"

Ken bowed his head and left with VIXX. All of VIXX kissed _________ on the head and said good bye to her before they had left the hospital. Sulli had hugged _________ before she left so did Youngmin.

"Ah Youngmin Oppa mianhaeyo", _________ looked at Youngmin.
"For never saying hi to you when you were with Sulli in the morning or ever"
"Aish that's nothing you were still getting us to me know we got to get use to our little nija going out eh?"
"ㅋㅋ aigoo ne that's true the tough little girl that seems to hate everyone is now in love", _________ smiled.
"Aigoo _________-ah stop hitting on my boyfriend", Sulli teased.
"EW~ Unnie that's nasty i would never hit on a pretty boy like Youngmin Oppa ㅋㅋ", _________ smiled.

Sulli and Youngmin had left. Joon walked in and looked at _________ with tears in his eyes he smiled and kissed _________ on the forehead.

"Yah Dongsaeng next time tell me if something bad happens at school araso"
"Araso Oppa", _________ smiled.
"Also last long with Jongup-sshi ne? He's a good boy and I trust him a lot"
"Eesh Joon Oppa stop it just go study"
"Araso araso I'm going annyeong baby"
"Annyeong Oppa"

Joon soon left and so the the guys but Jongup stayed he called over Kai and Taemin while _________ was sleeping. They came to the hospital as fast as they could, when they saw _________ in the bed they had tears in their eyes.

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !