School here I come

My Dancing Partner



_________ woke up to the noice of her alarm she turned it off and got ready for school. After _________ was done getting ready she went to go wake up the guys to get ready for school as well. They were all so tired none of them at breakfast. After Peniel was ready they all just left the house and slowly walked to school. Jongup was carring _________ to school because she was tired and he felt bad for her.

When they all arrived at school everyone was just staring at them. A group of girls came up to the guys and asked to take picture with them they pushed _________ out of the wat and she fell on to the ground.

"Ah~ apa", _________ held her arm.
Jongup tried to go to _________ but he couldn't. Leo saw that and he ran to _________ to help her up.
"Ne Leo Oppa gwenchanayo", _________ smiled.
"Araso", Leo smiled and walked away.

"Oh JJ Projcet B1A4 annyeong", _________ waved.
"Wah your ok right?" Baro asked.
"Umm ne", _________ smiled.
"Your arm is ok too?" Gongchan pointed to her arm.
"Ne it is don't worry Channie Oppa"
Jr. pouted,"Sorry you didn't see us when you woke up at the hospital"
"Anniyo it's ok at least I get to see you guys at school", _________ smiled.
"Yah so we heard you have a boyfriend now", Jinyoung smiled.
"Bowh?" JB was shock.
"ㅋㅋ ne I do", _________ smiled.
"Who is it?" CNU smiled.
"Umm Jongup Oppa"
Sundeul smiled,"That's good I hope he takes good care of you"
"Oppa he will", _________ smiled.

JJ Project, B1A4, and VIXX all walked with _________ to class. They all knew that the guys were pushed away from her and they felt bad so they were her company to class. _________ walked into the class and she hugged Leo, JB, Baro, and Ken. All the girls looked at _________ and started to gossip about it. They were al jelous of _________, when she sat down Sulli was right next to her with Youngmin the 3 had homeroom together. _________ felt left out that she felt like a third wheel. _________ pouted and looked out the window she was quite like usual she didn't talk to anyone not even Sulli or Youngmin like her usual self. Sulli smiled she was glad to have her Dongsaeng back she really missed _________. Soon the bell sung and it was Lunchtime. __________ walked out by herself not knowing what to do.

Soon _________ hear screaming she didn't care about it and just kept walking to the cafiteria. When _________ got into the cafiteria people looked at her and smiled soon someone's arms was wrapped around _________ and she got scared.

"Yah let go of me", _________ yelled.
"Anniyo never", he smiled.
"Yah who are you?"
"Well why don't you ask my fans"
"Yah fans who is this person?"
They all smiled and said,"Kai Sunbae"
_________ smiled and turned around,"Kai Oppa why are you here?"
"Well because we were asked to perform for this school and I begged my Manager to let me come and see you"
"Annyeong", Luhan smiled.
"Luhan Oppa", _________ smiled, "I thought you guys where in China?"
"Anniyo we flew back", Kris smiled.
"Kris Oppa Annyeong", _________ had a wide smile.
"Yah you forgot about me", Tao pouted.
"Aigoo how could I forget the panda loving maknae of EXO-M", _________ smiled.
"ㅋㅋ annyeong Noona", Tao smiled.
"Oppa that's wrong you don't call me Noona you call me Dongsaeng"
"Ah ne Dongsaeng", Tao did a little ageyo.

"Oh annyeong Lay Oppa", _________ smiled,"Oppa when are you guys performing?"
"In a little", Kris smiled.
"Yes only one class left then", _________ giggled.
"Ne that's true", Luhan smiled.
"Lay Oppa why won't you talk?"
"Huh oh annyeong Dongsaeng", Lay smiled.
"YAY Lay Oppa talked to me", _________ was happy.
"ㅋㅋ", Lay laughed and hugged _________.

_________ spent her lunch with EXO in the teacher lounge. It was nice they servied really yummy food. _________ was happy about the food that they got, _________ looked at EXO and saw their smile when they ate their food. Soon the bell rung for them to go back to class, _________ pouted and bowed and said good bye to EXO. All of EXO said good bye to her and she soon left and walked to class by herself.

'First day of school and it's awesome', _________ thought to herself and smiled.
_________ walked to her class room and she sat in that class for about an hour then it was time for EXO to perform. _________ was so happy she got to sit in the front and everything. _________ was happy to see that EXO was having a great time, then the music stop it strange because they were all on stage and they were also dancing. The lights turned off then a little show popped out. It was ________ teaching her students some dance moves, it showed how they improved threw out the monthes, this brought tears to _________'s eyes. _________ was crying when the show was done at the end there was even a slid show with pictures of the students with her. All the students in her class was at awe when they saw her in the hospital they were sad as well. When the show was done the lights came back on and her students were standing there with flowers in there hands. All of EXO went to get _________ and brought her to the stage, all her students gave her the flowers and they bowed.

Suddenly Kai started to talk, "Today we were asked to come here because the principal heard about what happen to Lee _________ and what she has been doing as she had a part time job. These are all her loving and fun students she has taught all us EXO was really impressed by her because after she came out of the hospital she had enough time to teach her students dances for their New Years Concert and she will soon have another concert"

Luhan smiled,"We came here just to say thank you to _________ for putting in the effort to also teach us a dance even when we messed around the most she put up with all of us. _________ has improved the most out of the students she has made herself known to all the idols they know about her and they really enjoy watching her concerts that she puts on"

Tao took the mic,"I also want to say that she is the best because she taught me a lot about my Korean grammer", everyone laughed, "She also helped me learn to respect alot of people older or younger than me"

"This is a big thing that _________ said she would do and she never gave up and she didn't break her promise and were happy so to end this concert we wanted to do the dance she has taught us", Kris smiled.

The music started and all of EXO and the kids stood there and started to dance to the song that _________ taught only EXO. _________ was happy to know that her students learned this dance fast, one of her students pulled on her sleeve and made her dance along. _________ was dancing with them then the song soon came to an end, when they finished all her students hugged her and everyone was in awe. They seemed to love seeing her with the kids and seeing that they had a great time. The principal had tears in her eyes, she was happy to know that _________ had enough time to teach and host a dance concert, she was most impressed at what _________ could do.

A/N I'm very very very sorry for not bring up EXO in the story it's only been about _________(You) the main character. I hope you liked it though. Was this one good? I hope it was because it took a long time well good bye for now...

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !