When we First met

My Dancing Partner

( http://www.listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=KKhceJ8QMW0 )
Bang and Zelo-Never Give Up


"Aigoo Umma do I have to go to school?", _________ whinned.
"Ne you do you have to become a doctor",_________ mom was brushing her hair down.
"But Umma", she whinned even more.
"Anyo Anyo hurry or else you'll be late", mom gave her food and pushed her out of the bathroom.
"Aigoo it's only the first day of 3rd year in Jr. High", walking towards the kitchen.
"But still in 1 year you are going to be in High School", gave her some dukbukki.
"Aish araso araso I'm leaving", walked out the door.

"Aigoo Umma and Appa always wants me to go to school to become a doctor and not what I want. Aish I hate this I just want to dance I dont want to do this anymore." __________ thought aloud and stuck a lollipop in .
"Aish you always think aloud you need to be more quite no one wants to hear your thought", _________ heard a voice and looked up.
"Aigoo I'm sorry for noticing you walking to school", Sulli pouted.
"Yah where is your new friend you kept yapping about over the break",_________ looked every where to see who this new person was.
"Well he is-", Sulli got cut off by ________.
"Aigoo I thought I told you that my new friend was a boy aish he is going to kill me now"
"SULLI-AH be carful"
Sulli looked up,"Huh??Ouch"
"Pwahaha that's what you get for not telling me your friend was a boy", __________ laughed and lost her lollipop.
"Aish well that guy right there", Sulli pointed in front of us, "He is my new friend his name is Lee Taemin"
"Look what you did you made me laugh and now my lollipop is on the ground aish", _________ pulled out another lollipop.
"But you have another one", Taemin looked confused.
"Yeah I know but I hate this flavor",________ opened it and stuck it in .
"Yeah dont't be so rude to someone you just met", Sulli scolded ________.
"Aish your just like my Umma", _________ rolled her eyes.
"At least introduce yourself"
"Araso araso Umma", ________ rolled her eyes, "Annyeonghasayo my name is Lee ________"
"Well nice to meet you Lee _________ my name is Lee Taemin"
"Hey maybe you guys are related"
"Sulli think if we were related then I would have already knew him", __________ knocked on Sulli's head, "Is there even a brain in here"
"Ouch that hurt gosh and yes I have a brain in here"
"Whatever", _________ pulled our her MP3 and listen to music on the way to school.

When they all got to school they all went to the same homeroom and meet other students. ________ didn't talk much because she was always too shy to talk to them even though everybody was afraid of her. She was sitting down at her desk when a boy came and she saw a shadow.

She looked up,"YAY! what do you think your doing covering my light?"
"Oh sorry, but some people said if I had a question to come ask you", the boy looked down at the ground.
"What kind of question?"
"Well I really like to dance and I want to sign up for a dance club"
"Well there is never a dance club and who told you to come and ask me?"
"This girl named Sulli I think she was with this guy"
"Ahh ok I know who it is", __________ tried to smile but just couldn't, "YAY! PABO come here"
Sulli came walking over to her,"Ne?"
"Why did you do that you know I hate talking to people"
"Well I only did that because he had the same intrest as you"
"But you know that I'm the only one at this school that can dance"
"But nothing make friends become his friend he seems kind"
"Ugh fine I guess I'll make one new friend today"

_______ walked up to the boy that had a question about dance. Everybody was loud and talking until they saw that ________ was about to talk to someone other than Sulli.

"Umm Annyeong my name is", _________ paused, "What are you guys looking at", _________ just snapped.
Everything began to be loud again,"Umm Annyeong my name is Lee ________ sorry about earlier"
"Anyo it's ok well my name is Kim Jongin but just call me Kai"
"Ahh ok Annyeong Kai", a smile spread across _________ face.

'Wah she is smiling...Is everything going well over there? OMO where is Taemin? Oh no I need help? Gosh why is everything going bad today?', Sulli thought to herself.

"Annyeong my name is Lee Taemin", he stuck out his hand.
Kai shook his hand,"Annyeong my name is Kim Jongin but just all me Kai"
"ㅋㅋ are you going to do that the whole day today?"
"Yeah maybe, maybe not"
"Oh gosh I hate when I have to do that thank god I don't"
"Well let's talk about something we all have in common", Taemin smiled.
"Well what do we all have in common?", _________ asked.
"Aigoo you don't know huh? Didn't you talk to Taemin already?"
"No not really wae?"
"Well we all like to dance so maybe we should hang out more yeah?" Taemin smiled.
"Umm sure but just to let you know I don't dance at school", ________ looked down.
Kai looked at ________,"wae?"
"Because I was dancing and I ran into one of the queenkas last year"
"OMO that must "
"Yeah it did they all got made and yeah you know the story"
"Umm I guess we do"

'Wah she is actually making friends. WAH!! I'm so happy for her 2 new friends in 1 day. I'm such a proud friend I really am.', Sullie thought to herself.
"Yah Sulli are you coming or not the school day is over",_______ yelled.
"HUH?!? What I thought we had a whole school day today aish pabo pabo",Sulli hit herself.
"ㅋㅋ are you ok? They said that today was only to get to know the people in your class"
"Oh they did aigoo im so dumb I didn't read the whole thing"
"Hey _________ how come when you came to talk to me today everyone got quite and they were staring at us?" Kai asked scraching his head.
"Oh umm that's because when I first came to this school the only friend I ever made was Sulli because she came and talked to me first", ________ scrached her neck.
"Yup that's true and ever scene then she never talked to anyone ever she was one of the quitest people you could ever met she didn't even try to talk", Sulli smiled.
"Yeah not even when the teachers called on me I just motion them off"
"But what did you get in your classes",Taemin looked up in the sky.
"ㅋㅋ well she got a pretty good grade better than me"
"W'O'W better than Sulli impressive and if you didn't participate in class", Taemin was suprise.
"Yeah it's only because I listen and I have an Oppa who also teaches me more"
"Oh talking about your Oppa where is he?"
"Aigoo I don't know anymore when he went to college he rented a dorm"
"Oh and you haven't seen him scene them"
"Anyo he usally comes over but on the first day of-",_______ got cut off when her phone rang.

'Aigoo it's Joon. What do I do he is going to get mad at me for leaving without letting him know'
"Aigoo Oppa I'm only down the block next time you better come early or you would have to be stuck looking for me or Umma would be mad"
"YAH! Wait there araso"
"Aish araso araso Oppa", _________ hung up the phone.

"Ok guys I found my Oppa we have to stay here"
"ㅋㅋ ok let's stay here"
"Ok", _______ didn't talk anymore she put in her headphones in and started to dance.
"YAH! YAH! Taemin look she's dancing", Sulli hit Taemin's head.
Taemin turned around,"WWAAHH she's really good Kai KAI! Look at _______"
Kai turned around,"HUH? WOW dude she's amazing"

When ________ finished dancing to the song she stopped and saw that people were staring at her. She took off her headphones and bowed 100 times and thanked them for watching. Then Joon appeared from the crowd of people.


"YAH!_______ what do you think your doing dancing in the streets?"
"Oh Oppa mainhaeyo",________ seemed weak when her brother came.
"YAH why didn't you guys stop her?" Joon looked at Sulli, Taemin, and Kai.
"Aish for someone as smart as my sister and she jut dances out on the street you shouldn't do that ok?" Joon looked at ________ and hugged her.
"YAH OPPA ARE YOU ON YOUR MAN PERIOD OR SOMETHING? Aish first your yelling at me and now your all loving"
"ㅋㅋ aigoo no I was just messing with you"
"YAH!", ________ whinned.
"Aish anyways Kai Taemin that's _______ Oppa",Sulli sighed and looked at Kai and Taemin.
"So did my dongsaeng make new friends today?"
"Ne I did 2 new friends in 1 day it's so amazing", _________ smiled at her brother.
"That's good to know you made 2 new friends in 1 day", Joon hugged his dongsaeng tighter.
"ㅋㅋ ne it is", _________ smiled.

After meeting Kai and Taemin everyday after school they would walk to the park to practice some dance rotine and messed around for a little. They would practice until Kai's and Taemin's Umma called for them to go home. They would practice everyday and at the same spot everyone got use to it and soon people started to watch them and they got some money off of it. _________ smiled and she made a plan that they would do that everyday and see if they get money.


And if they do they would always slpit it up before going home. They all agreed to it and everyday they would earn more and more money just for dancing for people to watch. It's been a year scene _________ have met Kai and Taemin and a year scene they have been dancing together. So _________ decided that they were ready too....

ㅋㅋ what where they all ready to do? Well keep on ready ok?  

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !